With this being the 3rd consecutive “bubble” season of the show (Clare/Tayshia, Matt, Katie), you’ve seen that spoilers have just been tougher to get. Been able to get a lot of spoilers, but details surrounding those spoilers have been harder to come by. Like back on May 13th, I wrote this regarding Michael A. leaving the show: “I don’t know any of the exact details regarding his departure, I just know either Katie sends him home to be with his son or he wants to leave because of it. I believe he makes it to the episode before hometowns.” So half of that is right. Michael does self-eliminate, but not until next week. So at the end of the episode tonight, your final 4 are: Michael A., Blake, Justin, and Greg. Andrew gets sent home at the rose ceremony. However, the next day Andrew comes back to say goodbye, which is what we’ve seen in the promos all season.
Basically, I had Andrew and Michael A. flip flopped. Andrew finished 5th with Michael finishing 4th. When I reported that back in May on Michael A., the one thing I knew was that his family never met Katie. So I made the assumption he didn’t finish top 4 since, well, top 4 get hometowns. I made the wrong assumption there on his placement. He finishes 4th, BUT, his family doesn’t meet Katie. At the beginning of next weeks episode, we’ll see Michael self eliminate because of his son, and Katie never meets his family. Then the episode will transition into the “Men Tell All,” which was filmed this past Thursday and Michael was there. And there was an audience in attendance as well. Kaitlyn and Tayshia hosted.
And yes, I can’t WAIT to get the onslaught of “You said Andrew was Final 4!” emails, tweets, and DM’s that are coming tonight even though this info will be posted on all my social platforms today. Neither Michael or Andrew had a hometown date. I had their order screwed up. I can live with that.
Also this past weekend, I was able to confirm where Michelle’s filming will begin:
(“BACHELORETTE” MICHELLE FILMING UPDATE): When filming begins next week, filming will be at the Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa in Indian Wells, CA. From there filming will move to Minnesota as originally reported. pic.twitter.com/7BiHbhMQK5
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) July 18, 2021
If you try and book a room on their site, the first day you can is August 15th. And currently, you cannot enter that property. The entry way into the hotel is currently blocked off. The Marquette Hotel in Minneapolis is where they’re headed after the Renaissance Esmeralda, and they’re booked from Aug. 5th-29th. So you see there’s a 10 day overlay where they’re booked in both places. Doesn’t mean filming starts on the 5th in MN and ends on the 29th. Just means that production will probably start setting up on the 5th. Michelle’s filming doesn’t start til late next week. Guys arrive in CA beginning of next week, will quarantine a few days, and filming will start I assume around the 29th or 30th. Which means we’ll get the list of potential guys on Michelle’s season prob Wednesday or Thursday next week. However many I have by next week, I’ll post before ABC does. I only have 4 right now, so not many. Hopefully I’ll get more this week.
So knowing that Michelle’s season doesn’t start filming til the 29th or 30th, and they’re booked at the Marquette on the 5th, pretty much confirms they’ll be in CA for prob 10-14 days before heading to MN. So I expect either 3 or 4 episodes in LA, then on to MN. Filming doesn’t end until the second week of September, so it looks like they’re going somewhere else for overnights and/or final rose ceremony after Minnesota, but I haven’t heard where yet. Will let you know when I do.
There’s your update for tonight and some things going forward. Talk to you tomorrow.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.