Reality Steve

The Bachelor 23 – Colton

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” Ratings, Final Thoughts on This Season, & The Amount of Things We DIDN’T See

    Photo Credit: ABC

    A lot of stuff to get to today before we dive into the last “Reader Emails” of the season before the “Bachelorette” starts back up. Speaking of that, did you hear the announcement that Hannah’s season begins airing on May 13th? That’s about two weeks earlier than the “Bachelorette” normally starts. Filming still lasts the same amount of time, they’re just starting airing it earlier. Could mean they’re gonna give more episodes to Paradise on the back end, since that show starts immediately after “Bachelorette” ends airing. They’re also doing a 2 hr special the week before on May 6th to celebrate 15 seasons of the “Bachelorette.” Even though no specific details have been given out about what’s gonna be on the show, you can … Continue reading

  • Bachelorette Hannah Spoilers

    The “Bachelor” Colton Finale – Part 1 Recap & (EXCLUSIVE) 15 Guys on Hannah’s B.’s “Bachelorette” Season (UPDATED): 13 Guys

    Photo Credit: ABC

    When I first posted the spoilers back in November, I expressed this thought of basically “How the hell are they going to have enough footage of this if they keep the same amount of episodes considering how much normal stuff we didn’t get this season.” Well that question was surely answered night, and will be again tonight. LIVE SHOWS BOTH NIGHTS! Lets talk to former contestants who pretend not to know what the outcome is and get their slanted/biased takes on the show. Always riveting TV I tell ya’. So they kept the same amount of episodes, but technically they do have less footage that’s airing, since a normal episode on a Monday night is where 80 of the 120 minutes allotted is dedicated to … Continue reading

  • Reader Emails

    “Reader Emails,” & Quick WTA Recap

    Photo Credit: ABC

    On a normal week of “Reader Emails,” I usually post anywhere between 30-35 emails. That’s usually where it ends up being. Some weeks a little more, some a little less. If I were to have posted every email I’ve got in the last 24 hours, this week’s “Reader Emails” would’ve easily been over 250 emails. There was no way I was gonna do that many emails. There was a lot of the same stuff repeated in them, so I tried to make each email separate. There’s a few repeaters, but trust me, if I would’ve posted everything, it would’ve been the same 3 topics over and over: Cassie’s dad, Colton and Cassie’s breakup, and Bachelorette Hannah B. I can’t remember the last time I received … Continue reading

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