Reality Steve

Dr. Reality Steve

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #131 – Interview with Dr. Jonathan Treece aka “Ticklemonster” & “Survivor’s” Stephen Fishbach, & Return of “Dr. Reality Steve”

    Photo Credit: ABC

    Doubling up again this week with your podcast guests as Dr. Jonathan Treece aka the “Ticklemonster” as seen on Rachel’s season and BIP season 4. Then we bring on our resident “Survivor” expert Stephen Fishbach to discuss the controversial ending to “Edge of Extinction.” Haven’t talked “Survivor” all season long, so wanted to get the thoughts of someone who’s about as dialed in as anyone in this franchise. I have some thoughts on how I would’ve voted, and Stephen is always great when it comes to breaking down a season. No one does it better. Jonathan of course was known for his tickling, and we discuss that. Do patients still refer to him as that? And how did he feel on Rachel’s season? Was their … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #93 – Interview with Kat Hurd, Next “Bachelor,” & Dr. Reality Steve


    Another blast from the past this week as we dip back into Juan Pablo’s season for a great conversation with Kat Hurd. Kat’s someone I always knew I wanted to get on the podcast at some point and figured now would be a good time to do it. A lot of good stories she tells from her season including being courted by the show to come on (with a phone call and flowers from Fleiss himself), to her spats with Nikki, to her bizarre 1-on-1 with Juan Pablo. A lot of good stuff in there. And as I mentioned on Tuesday, I really appreciate Kat opening up about the struggles she had with bulimia over the years. A really important topic that I’m sure wasn’t … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #91 – Interview with Christon Staples, “Dr. Reality Steve”


    Another fun podcast this week as I have the first guy from Becca’s season joining me in Christon Staples. Or Chris Staples as the dunking world knows him as. The change of his name just in the course of Becca’s season is discussed right off the top. Christon only lasted 4 episodes on Becca’s season, was only on group dates, was not involved in any major drama, yet, I was able to spend 90 minutes with him talking about so much more than just the show. I do geek out a bit getting to finally spend some time talking sports with Christon considering his basketball background and playing for the Harlem Globetrotters. Some things I didn’t know of how he even got to audition for … Continue reading

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