Reality Steve

Dr. Reality Steve

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #43 – Interview with Desiree Siegfried (Part 2), “Dr. Reality Steve,” & (EXCLUSIVE) Who is Ben Higgins Currently Seeing?


    Part 2 of my interview with Desiree Siegfried is now up for your enjoyment. Last week we spent most of the time covering her appearance on Sean’s season and then her season right up until all hell broke loose with Brooks leaving, and that’s exactly where we pick up. She definitely has a lot to say in regards to how her season compares to Rachel’s, her brother’s post-show comments, if she feels shunned by the franchise, what she thought of the wrong spoiler I had all season, and then the $1 million question of why she and Chris are the only married couple from the “Bachelor” or “Bachelorette” franchise who didn’t get a paid televised wedding. That and much more coming on today’s podcast that … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #42 – Interview with Desiree Siegfried (Part 1), “Reader Emails,” & “Dr. Reality Steve”


    Heading out to Vegas for the weekend so made sure to get you everything today. Podcast #42 (Part 1) with Desiree Siegfried is up first, followed by “Reader Emails” and then “Dr. Reality Steve.” No BIP recap from last night since it was only an hour and really nothing happened. If something happens to break with a “Bachelor” announcement in the next 5 days, I’ll probably chime in on Twitter briefly, but I really am trying to get away from things this weekend and just enjoy the second week of college football and the first week of NFL season. It’s an annual trip I look forward to every year and I frankly just want to keep “Bachelor” stuff out of sight/out of mind for a … Continue reading

  • Dr. Reality Steve

    Podcast #41 – Interview with Josiah Graham (Part 2), & “Dr. Reality Steve”


    One thing about recording podcasts early is that news can break in the “Bachelor” world and it doesn’t get discussed. Or what we discussed isn’t as relevant. Part 2 of the Josiah podcast today unfortunately has that happen. Yesterday on Twitter I announced that my sources are telling me Peter is the next “Bachelor” and that the announcement is expected to be coming soon from ABC. Well, since I recorded this podcast with Josiah a couple weeks ago, we talk about possible “Bachelor” scenarios with Peter, Dean, and Eric. So you can hear his thoughts on that, but just know it was recorded long before yesterday’s news. I like knowing that I have podcasts recorded and in the can ready to go, but yeah, at … Continue reading

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