On this page all discuss all the things now that I’m sure people will bring up now that the spoiler has changed. Lets first discuss my indirect relationship to Daisy this season which I talked about on my podcast, in that my niece Olivia is best friends with Daisy’s sister Adeline. They’re roommates in college. And just as I explained back then, I’ve never known a thing this season that came from the Kent’s. Whether it was Daisy, or Adeline, or whoever else in that family, they’ve never said a word all season that got back to my niece. I even recorded my conversation with my niece this past weekend where I tell her I had the wrong spoiler and it wasn’t Daisy. I’ll be posting that to my IG story today. She’s just as shocked as me since Adeline never said a word to her all season. I know people are gonna believe what they wanna believe, but it is what it is. I’m telling the truth. Hook me up to a lie detector test right now. I don’t care. The Kent family didn’t tell me the wrong spoiler, they didn’t purposely screw me over. People saying that only want to feed their conspiracy theory. They were never my sources, I told you that weeks ago, and it stays the case now. But obviously I’m not going to give up any sources, so, either people will believe I’m being honest when I have no reason to lie or they won’t. I would’ve told my niece to put her socials on private all season if I wanted to protect the indirect connection I had to Daisy this year. I didn’t. I knew people would find it. It wasn’t hard because I wasn’t hiding it. So we move on.
Another conspiracy theory floating around is, “Did Joey (but mostly Kelsey), purposefully record that TikTok in a Happy Couple backyard in hopes she WOULD get caught so people would stop talking about Joey & Daisy?” My guess is no. Only because, it’s not like Kelsey took some wide view of a house we never thought was in Louisiana. She’d never think that anyone would be able to identify a fence behind her in a TikTok. And nobody would unless you KNEW the address of where they stayed and could look it up and match it. Which, thankfully, I’ll be able to do now going forward. But this definitely seems like an answer we’ll never truly know. I doubt Kelsey or Joey will address this post show. Maybe they’ll joke that they got caught, but, I doubt she’ll admit she ever did it on purpose. Was it probably hard to hear for 3 months Joey was with Daisy knowing the spoiler was wrong? I’m sure. Probably even more difficult having fans latch on to it and talk about it in all their IG comments too. I get it. But I’m sorry, I can’t control what fans say. I put out the spoiler I believed was correct, and it definitely wasn’t done maliciously whatsoever. Glad it’s been corrected now and it’ll be another month before the finale airs so people can get it engrained in their head that Joey is with Kelsey.
Along these same lines, I said it last week that I think people give my spoiler WAY too much credit for Daisy having 10x more followers than Kelsey this season. I really think it has to do more with likability and content. Daisy has been consistent all season in posting content, a lot of which wasn’t even show related. Plenty of informative videos to educate people on her cochlear implant. Now maybe Kelsey was scared to post too much for fear of giving something away, but, I do think Daisy’s IG reach extends far beyond people just thinking she won as far back as November. I didn’t say Maria won and she has a ton of followers. That’s because people have taken to her this season, she’s gotten the most screen time by far, AND she puts out content consistently. I’m sure Kelsey’s numbers will jump after today and she’ll gain more and more over the next month before the finale. On premiere night, Daisy had 20,000 followers. The spoiler had been out for 2 months by that point. I think that shows that she’s gained more because the audience likes her and likes her content. I’m not saying my spoiler didn’t have an impact, I’m sure it did. I’m just saying it a very small % had to do with the spoiler.
So that should be most of it. If there’s more questions you have, send them in for “Reader Emails” tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll be talking about this in some form the rest of the season. Wish I could’ve had it earlier, as I’m sure Joey and Kelsey do too, but it’s out there now and everyone’s got a month to wrap their head around the new spoiler. Should be a hell of a day. I’m going back to bed.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.