You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Friday episode. Good one for you. You’re going to talk a little bit more about Jen’s season and something I thought about last night in regards to the spoilers.
We have start dates for both of the golden bachelorette and dancing with the stars coming up in September And then if you saw my social media yesterday, I started teasing Podcast number 400 next Thursday with Clayton Eckerd put four clips up there We’re gonna listen to those in case you didn’t hear them on social media We’re gonna play those for you on today’s podcast and we’ll get to all that momentarily.
So starting off Again, if you did not see the YouTube video that I did on Wednesday night, breaking down the trailer to Jen season, by all means, check out my YouTube page. Reality. Steve go there. It’s entitled bachelor Jen season trailer breakdown. You can’t miss it. I’ve got my flux capacitor shirt on in the thumbnail and.
It just breaks down everything that you saw in the four minute trailer. In addition to the one minute that started the episode on Monday night with Jen at the altar at final Rose ceremony. And then it goes to a conversation she had with Jesse, which was the day of the final Rose ceremony, but happened obviously before her being at the altar.
And then it shows her in a hallway, walking down a hallway in a hotel and open knocking on a door and opening it. That was from Seattle. So it had nothing to do with anything that went down in Hawaii. And then the four minutes at the end broke down all the scenes that you saw there. But one thing, you know, that I’ve said, and the one thing that I am stumped on is we have that part in the trailer where it shows six guys sitting at a group date after party, which is in New Zealand.
And two of those six are Spencer and Dylan. The other four that were there were Jeremy, Marcus, Devin, and Sam M. So all four of those we know made it to Seattle because three of them were in the final four and Sam M we have clear footage of him in Seattle because he’s kissing her during the group date with the radio call in show.
So it comes down to Spencer and Dylan as the seventh guy in Seattle. And you know, I said on that particular YouTube show, Hey, I think it’s, I think it’s Spencer because. He had had a one on one up to that point. Like if she dumped Spencer and episode five in New Zealand and took Dylan to Seattle, but then doesn’t, and didn’t even give him a one on one date, you’re just like, what was the point of that?
You know? At least you can justify taking Spencer to Seattle. He’s had a one on one date. You’re going to take Dylan there and not give him a final one. And of the seven guys you take to Seattle, six of them have had a one on one and then you give Marcus a second one on one before even giving Dylan any one on one, it just doesn’t make any sense to me.
But then I thought back to barbershop guy. And this is something that I reported back in April while they were in Seattle. I said, I got an email from somebody who said he saw the guys in Seattle getting their haircut the day they arrived, but he said he only recognized four of them. He goes, there were probably seven or eight there.
Well, there was only four. I mean, excuse me, there were seven, but he only recognized four. And I said, can you go to my Instagram and tell me which four you recognize? And he said, Marcus, Jeremy, Jonathan Hess, and John Mitchell. It was okay at the time, you know, we’re still in filming and I didn’t know who had been eliminated at that point really at all.
I S I said, look, it’s not Jonathan Hess. He didn’t even make the cut. He’s not on the cast this year. Could it be Sam McKinney? He’s like, Oh yeah, the guy I saw had tattoos. I said, okay. So he screwed up Sam McKinney and thought he was Jonathan Hess, but. Now you have to look at this. He said he saw John Mitchell there.
John Mitchell, very tall black man. Dylan Bucker, very tall black man. He clearly mixed up Dylan and John Mitchell because John Mitchell didn’t make it to Seattle.
I guess what I’m saying is you understand the seventh guy is either Spencer or Dylan Bucker. They don’t look anything alike. Last time I checked, you know what I’m saying? So, and. If we’re going by, if we’re going by people of color, if we’re going by that in Seattle. So in Seattle, we’ve got Spencer, Sam McKinney, Devin, Jeremy, Marcus.
Well, I said Spencer. I don’t know about Spencer. So the six that we know are there are Devin, Jeremy, Marcus, Jonathan, Grant, and Sam McKinney. Well, the only men of color that are part of that are Jonathan and Grant. And then Marcus, he said, he saw Dylan Bucker and it’s either Dylan or Spencer. Something’s wrong either.
He just didn’t know what he was looking at or something. But that’s why I’m like, well, wait a second. If we’re to take this guy and he just mixed up two black men. Then Dylan made it to Seattle and it’s not Spencer and Spencer gets eliminated in New Zealand. But that’s my point. Even though he might have misidentified, he did say John Mitchell.
That is a 6’4 black man. Did he really see a 6’4 black man, yet think that was Spencer? Or it ends up being Spencer? Like, I’m, I’m so confused. But that’s the reason I never brought it up at the time I heard this. When I said, Hey, I had someone tell me they notify, they recognize four guys there. But I have no idea.
I have no idea what this guy knows. He obviously wasn’t a fan of the show and he reached out to me and said, these are the guys that I recognize. Well, he already screwed up who Sam McKinney was. He mixed him up with Jonathan Hess. So I didn’t want to throw out there that he said Jonathan Mitchell at the time, which ended up being wrong.
So it was right that I hung onto that and didn’t say anything. Just kind of bizarre all the way around to be honest with you. So long story short, I don’t know who made it to Seattle between Spencer and Dylan because I have no idea how much stock to put into this guy’s eyes. You know, how can I, I have no idea what he saw yesterday when I was talking about the golden bachelorette, I forgot to bring up the fact that we have an official start date when the may TCA has happened or the upfront, sorry, The upfronts happened in May.
We had found out Joan is our golden bachelorette and they said it was going to air in September. It’s like, okay, but they never gave us a date. Well, now we know the TCA is that we’re in Beverly Hills the other day. Gave us an official start date. It’s going to be Wednesday, September 18th. Now, the one thing they did mention back in May was that golden bachelorette was going to be airing on Wednesdays.
So that’s not news that it’s airing on Wednesdays because they just wanted to not compete with Monday night football. Same with dance with the stars. We got their start date yesterday and that’s going to start the day before. It’s going to start on Tuesday, the 17th and dance with the stars is going to be on Tuesdays now.
So they’re not competing with Monday night football. Neither is golden bachelorette, but golden bachelorette is moving to a night that we’re not used to. Then again, Gary’s was on Thursday, wasn’t he? And that drew great ratings. So it looks like it could work for them. It’ll all be dependent on the stories that they tell the cast of men.
And you know, is there a connection? I think it’ll do well. I don’t know if it’ll do as well as Gary season, but I expect golden bachelorette to do well. But the fact that it is on Wednesday nights, now the fact that they’re starting it on the 18th, remember when I said. If you take all 10 episodes of GenSeason, starting on July 8th, this past Monday when the episode started, and go out 10 Mondays, that puts the finale on September 9th.
Unless they double up on any week, then it would be September 2nd. But September 2nd is Labor Day. There’s no way they’re running the Bachelorette finale on Labor Day. I can tell you that right now. If anything, they’re not. You know, the, the tell all is usually the episode that airs before hometown dates.
They would absolutely blow the tell all on Labor Day on a holiday. Because they don’t, people don’t tune into the tell all anyway, the tell all usually sucks. So I can see that being the penultimate episode and then the finale airing September 9th, but we don’t know yet. They haven’t given a date of Jen’s finale, but there’s 10 episodes.
So the other thing that I guess comes into play. Is the Olympics, but I, I don’t think they’re going to take two weeks off so they can run the Olympics, you know, and the Olympics are on NBC and peacock. So it’s not like they need the channel. I’m just saying, just go up against that programming, but I don’t think they’re going to care.
They’re going to, it looks like they’re going to run 10 straight weeks of bachelorette and we’re getting our finale on September 9th, but I haven’t heard either way. So when I did the 10 Mondays out to September 9th, I was like, well, golden bachelorette, we know it’s going to be on Wednesdays. It’s probably going to start September 11th, Wednesday, the 11th.
You would think it would start the same week as Jen season ending, but we got the word it’s the 18th. It’s the following Wednesday. So maybe somehow, some way Jen season ends on September 16th. We don’t know yet, but we will keep you updated. Obviously when we hear that, I will let you know when we get a finale date for Jen season.
But. We know how many episodes there are there, you know, six episodes. Seattle is episode six. Overnight says episode seven. Oh, excuse me. Hometowns is episode seven. Overnight’s episode eight. The tell all would be episode nine in the finale is episode 10. So I don’t see how they can extend. You can’t add a week.
Every episode is, you know, a new rose ceremony, you know, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. It’s pretty simple every season. So. I’m not sure how they’re going to do it, but if you map out 10 episodes from July 8th, when it started, you’re looking at a finale on September 9th, Golden Bachelorette starting Wednesday, September 18th.
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