One of the other things that I spent probably the first 50 minutes of the YouTube live stream on yesterday was, I had Megan Fox on, who has a YouTube show, has a column as well on the internet. And we talked about the fact that David Gingras, Laura Owen’s lawyer after three week hiatus just decided to pop back on and start trolling people again and answering some of the tweets sent his way.
And we go over about four of his tweets. His, the most important one being, he admitted in a tweet. Over the weekend that he plans to do a podcast with Laura Owens. I don’t know. I don’t think this is going to be some sort of weekly podcast and let’s make no mistake, whatever podcast they do, whenever it hits the air, we’re going to cover it and you can bet your ass that anything they say is not going to be anything new.
I mean, it’s going to be a regurgitation of the five blog posts that Laura has posted since the judge ruled against her and ruled in favor of Clayton. It’s going to be nothing but Gingras hasn’t said on Twitter. Or in any of his blog posts since Judge Mata ruled against him, he’s going, he’s lost every single thing basically that has happened in this case.
He’s going to lose filing this motion to get the judge removed. There’s no chance in hell that’s going to happen. Then he’s probably going to file an appeal. Everybody that I’ve talked to, everybody in the legal community, not one person thinks he has a chance at winning this appeal. The only person that thinks he has a chance of winning this appeal is David Jingers himself.
So we talk about that and Megan. Certainly brings her opinions to this. She has a very strong opinion about David Gingras as a lawyer and as a person. You don’t want to miss that. So check that out. That’s probably the first 30 minutes or excuse me, the first hour of the podcast and then right around the 59 minute mark the one hour mark is when I start talking about what happened with Sam McKinney and Rayleigh.
So moving on, big brother starts this week. Holy crap. Holy crap. It’s been a while since we’ve seen Big Brother, obviously, not since last, what, October when the finale aired? But this is right on the time, summertime, Big Brother, and we are getting it a little bit different. Julie Chen has announced that we’re only going to find out who eight of the house guests are on Wednesday, and then we’re going to find out who the other eight are on Thursday.
The other thing that I’m hearing is the first night is going to be pre taped, so usually we get a live. at people moving into the house, right? And especially we, it was always on that Wednesday night. We get all 16. They usually do it in four groups of four. They’ll show their four intro videos, then have them all four on stage and then have them walk through the door.
Well, I’m hearing the, and the reason that they, it looks like they’re going to go to a pre taped opening night. Is because, especially if you remember last year, I don’t remember a lot of things about past seasons of this show. As you know, I’ve only started watching since season 21, but when you have that live opening and you have to do four intro videos and then talk to him on stage and let him go in the house and look around and then another four and another four and another four.
Then you have that first competition to see who wins. You know, you’re up against the clock. You have to be out at a certain time. And I think Wednesday night is a 90 minute. Premiere, maybe it’s a two hour premiere. It’s either 90 minutes or two hours and you just don’t know how long. What if the challenge takes longer than you expected?
And then you just have to kind of rush things in. So they want to have it pre taped so they could definitely get that first night in and not go over any time constraints, but we’re only going to get eight people the first night and eight the second night on Thursday. So I don’t know when that, that first challenge obviously isn’t going to take place till Thursday.
So I don’t, so does that mean the people actually move in Tuesday? Are they moving in earlier on Wednesday afternoon? Like, I don’t know the filming schedule behind this other than, you know, I’m very well aware we get episodes Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, and you know, head of household is filmed a certain day.
The nominations are held a certain day. The evictions are held a certain day while the evictions are live on what? Thursday nights. Once the season gets going, but yeah, that’s what to expect on big brother this week, two night premiere, but it’s going to be pre taped and we’re only going to get eight on Wednesday.
And then the other eight we’re going to be introduced to on Thursday. You know, if I’ve talked about it once, I’ve talked about it a thousand times. I’ve done it in interviews and I’ve also talked about it on this podcast. I’ve told you, I’ve had an issue with dreams and I have four recurring dreams that happen.
I, I, I don’t write them down, so I can’t tell you how many times a year that they happen, but they’re the foremost recurring dreams that I have. One is. I’m in senior year of college and I get to the end of semester and I realized there’s one class that I never attended. There is anything involving my high school basketball career, either I’m back in high school.
I’m playing on the team at my current age. I’m playing on the team back in my high school age, just something to do with my basketball career. Old teammates popping up in my dreams like that. The other one I have frequently is being on the radio back to my sports talk radio career and I crack open the mic and I have nothing to say and I’m just stumbling all over my words.
Kind of like how I do sometimes on this podcast. The dream I’m like on a talk show, I’m the lead guy on the sports talk show and I am just Blanking on what to say, and then a similar one, and this one’s happened more in recent years, it has to do with standup comedy where I’m either at a club watching a standup comedy show, and then I’m called to be on stage and told I have to do a five minute set, or I am actually Backstage already, like the dream has already started and I’m in backstage of a comedy show and I’m watching comedians go before me and then there’s like, all right, you’re up in three more comedians and two more and the whole time I’m just this nervous wreck because I’m like, wait, I don’t have a set.
I don’t have five minutes of material. Well, that was the dream I had Friday night. I wake up Saturday morning or into Saturday morning and the dream was, and this was a little more specific, is I was opening Nikki Glaser and David Spade do a show two or three times a year at the Venetian. Obviously, you know, that’s my favorite hotel in Las Vegas.
And I was, I think I was in the state, I think I was in the audience, but yet I knew I had to be on the stage, not opening for Nikki, but I was just there. And again, I was in a predicament of they were promoting me. My name was on the marquee as reality. Steve wasn’t even up there as Steve Carbone. It was on the marquee as reality.
Steve. And again, I was just plopped in the middle of my dream having to do a set on stage and I’m running through material in my head of, wait, do I use this bit? Do I use this bit? But then I couldn’t even think of the bits themselves. I started to think of it as like, yeah, I’ve got five minutes material.
And then when I thought about it, I was like, no, I don’t, I don’t have any material again. So bizarre. I don’t know why these are my four recurring dreams. I know some of you might be dream analyzers out there. And are you going to say like, well, two of the dreams seem to be very similar. Steve, like you are, you know, for, you know, forgetting something or, you know, the thing where he crack open the mic and I don’t know what to say, or I’m supposed to do a comedy set and I don’t have any material.
And that could mean like, I’m forgetful or which could be a case, but that I’m anxious about something. It’s like, I’m stressed about something. It’s like, look, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t really have any stress in my life. At least right now. And for a while I don’t. My days are pretty monotonous. I do the same thing pretty much every day.
There’s not a lot of variety that happens to me on a daily basis. So I mean, I’m thankful for that. I just have two podcasts to record every night and then during the week I have to record, you know, a weekly podcast. That’s really my whole week. So yeah, I dream analyzers. I think you might be off on this one.
I just think it might not mean anything. To be honest with you. And finally, no, a good segue into this. I’m sure you saw the news over the weekend, obviously the political news, the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. And I’ll just say this real quick. I said it on the live last night and I’ll just say it here.
I’m not a fan of Donald Trump. I did not vote for him in 2016. I did not vote for him in 2020. I do not plan on voting for him in 2024. I don’t like the guy. I think he’s a blowhard. I think he’s a fraud. I find him to be very. Disingenuous. I think he’s very hypocritical, but with that said, two things can be true.
I can not like Donald Trump, but I could also not want him assassinated. So what we saw this weekend was awful for this country. It was terrible. And then I hated even more so the reaction from both sides. I didn’t like the way some Democrats were phrasing this and, and, and, and how they were covering it.
And I didn’t like some people on the right. Especially politicians on the right, blaming the Democrats. It just became this blame game when something like this happens, something that was one of the more serious things that’s ever happened in this country. Obviously an assassination attempt on a potential presidential candidate is a very big fucking deal.
And within five Tenths of a second after those shots rang out in Pennsylvania, you had both sides blaming each other and it just is blame game and infighting and all this. And it’s just, it’s just disgusting. The aftermath of this, I don’t even know if we know the ramifications of it yet, but it doesn’t seem to be positive, you know?
Assassinating a potential presidential candidate is never the answer. No matter how much I dislike the guy, I don’t want him assassinated. Okay. I don’t think any of you should want that either. I think we just, obviously generic, we need more peace. We do. But I’m it’s just, it was awful of what happened this weekend.
So just wanted to get that out there. The other thing that happened this weekend is we had some three celebrity deaths. One of them hit me a lot harder than the other two. Richard Simmons died. Dr. Ruth died. And unfortunately, at the age of 53, Shannon Doherty, who played Brenda Walsh on Beverly Elzano 2 and 0.
Succumbed to brain cancer. We know that she suffered from breast cancer starting, I think in 2015 or 2016 and that it had reached her brain, I believe last year in 2023, we find out the cancer had spread to her brain. So while it was inevitable and we knew this was coming and we knew it was coming pretty soon, it still doesn’t make it any less easy to deal with something like this.
Obviously I wanted to see what our co stars from 90210. Took to social media and said, Brian Austin Green said, Shan, my sister, you love me through everything. You were a big part of my understanding of love. I’ll miss you more than I know how to process right now. Thank you for the gift of you. Jason Priestley put on his Instagram feed, a picture of him and Shannon during 90210.
Looks like the day of their graduation of high school, he said, shocked and saddened to hear about the passing of my friend, Shannon. She was a force of nature and I will miss her sending love and light to her family in this dark time. And Jenny Garth wrote, I’m still processing my tremendous grief over the loss of my longtime friend, Shannon, the woman I have often described as one of the strongest people I’ve ever known.
Our connection was real and honest. We were so often pitted against each other, but none of that reflected the truth of our real relationship, which was one built on mutual respect and admiration. She was courageous, passionate, determined, and very loving and generous. I will miss her and I will always honor her deeply in my heart.
In my memories, my heart breaks for her family and Bowie. Bowie was her dog nothing from Ian’s hearing at the time I’m recording this. And Tori Spelling did put out an Instagram story, a picture with Shannon, but basically said I’m, I don’t have the words just yet. So obviously we, like I said, it was inevitable.
We knew this was coming. You get brain cancer and you just don’t obviously survive that. And it goes pretty quick. She’s. You know, literally was recording podcasts up until recently. And she was set to do a nineties con, I believe in September, September or October, they were all going to get together.
Then I don’t, you know, crew we’re going to get together. And unfortunately, obviously she is not going to be a part of that. Now, personally, for me you all know my take on nine Oh two and Oh, I’m more of a college guy, but I have seen the the high school seasons. I understand how. Important. Brenda Walsh was to a lot of young girls during that time.
A lot of women at the time and young girls at that age admired her. And rightfully so. I mean, her character went through a lot on a television show that was very coming of age for its time, basically in the early nineties. And, you know, obviously condolences out to her family and her friends, the 90210 family as well.
Just, it’s awful to hear any time, you know, obviously. Luke Perry probably hit me a little bit harder than Shannon does, but it doesn’t mean I, you know, don’t care about Shannon’s death. It just, it’s awful to see any, at any time, someone I grew up watching and someone whose career I did follow. I remember the first time I ever saw Shannon Doherty and that wasn’t girls just want to have fun.
That was the first movie I ever saw her. It’s her first thing I ever saw her in. And then she became Brenda Walsh later on, on 90210, but just awful, awful to hear anytime. Someone in the 90210 family passes. It’s just, you know, how much that show meant to me and how much It, it, it played a role in you know, my high school, more so in my college life because I started watching in the college years and then I went back and watched the high school years.
But man, just tough to hear about Shannon and you know, all condolences out to her and her family. So thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts, also a rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Episode two of the bachelorette coming tonight.
So watch that on Monday night. We’ll be talking about it in tomorrow’s recap. Also sports daily will be up in an hour from now as well. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.