Reality Steve

Reader Emails

Reader Emails, Rachel Reilly Villegas on Angela from Big Brother, & Your Daily Roundup 7/24 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

We’re getting closer and closer…to football season. I feel like a different person from Sept thru January. Football is just different. It’s why it’s the biggest US sport by far and the most watched TV show every year. Americans can’t get enough of the NFL. I think a lot has to do with only 17 game season, which means every week is important. When you think of baseball being 162 games and 82 in NBA and NHL, we know how little those regular seasons mean. But in the NFL, with only 17 games, every game is important. Why am I saying this? I don’t know, because I’m giddy I guess. But with it slowly approaching and almost all teams now officially in training camp, I have a pep in my step ha ha. No reason in particular since I don’t even have a favorite team. I just love football. Anyway, I just thought I’d share that with all of you. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Tomorrow on Podcast #401 is Rachel Reilly Villegas, winner of Big Brother season 13 and reality TV show veteran. We break down one of the most chaotic first weeks in BB history, if not THE most chaotic week. That interview will be up tomorrow morning on YouTube and Apple Podcasts around 9:15am EST. Here are a couple clips I posted yesterday from that interview of Rachel giving her thoughts on this seasons most polarizing contestant in the first week, Angela:

Lets get right into your Reader Emails…

Hi Steve,

I’ve been loving all your content on your podcasts, especially as of lately with Jenn’s season and Joan’s upcoming season along with other shows you’ve mentioned watching! I know you’ve referenced some favorites (Vanderpump Rules, Big Brother, Survivor, F-boy & F-Girl Island, etc). However I was curious if you were a fan of any other shows that you don’t reference as often? I’m always looking for new show recommendations to watch. In terms of reality shows, Big Brother is the only one on now that I’m watching. Well, that and Claim to Fame. But since I spoiled myself on everyone who’s left and who their celebrity relative is outside of 1 or 2, I’m not dedicated to that show anymore.

Any non-reality shows you watch that you don’t really talk about in your podcasts? (Example, House of the Dragon)? Thanks again!

Comment: Well, WWE RAW and Smackdown, but I doubt you’ll watch that. And the only other non-reality show I’m watching now are both sports related: Hard Knocks New York Giants on Max & Receiver on Netflix. And with football season coming up, I don’t think I’ll be watching too many other shows.

Hey Steve,

I didn’t get to finish Cobra Kai until yesterday (it’s harder to carve out time with a 4 week old – we used to finish it the day it’s released), but I was really surprised – you’ve not mentioned it since you watched it at all? Or, I missed it. But I also can’t find “Cobra” in the transcripts since Thursday?

Let us know your thoughts! Or correct me, the ending 10 seconds was not a surprise for us given was preceded it lol.

Comment: Yeah, I finally did in yesterday’s Daily Roundup. I wanted to give people a few days to watch the season before I talked about it. And yes, Tori joining back with Cobra Kai was not a surprise at all. The second we saw Kreese confront her in the parking garage, you knew she’d eventually go back to them. It was just a matter of how/why, and we got our answer when her mom died and Miyagi Do wouldn’t let her compete for the captaincy. Other than that, a solid first five episodes to start season 6.

I’ve read enough interviews with the writers to know that, even though they haven’t spoiled anything, you can pretty much be assured that Hilary Swank will be appearing at some point in the last 10 episodes. I probably need to watch that movie at some point before the next batch of episodes drops on Nov. 15th because I’ve never seen it.

Did you notice the bug/cricket noises in the rose ceremony tonight? Did they pipe those in for dramatic effect? It was so loud/annoying/ongoing that at one point I had to pause the TV to see if it was from the TV or from my own place. (1) Why would they do that (if anything, it took away from the dramatic music they usually do and (2) it was so sloppily done because when they cut to the men leaving (still outdoors) it was gone.

Comment: I honestly didn’t notice, but, it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t pipe the noise in considering they were outside. But that’s just a guess on my part.

Hi Steve,

Thank you for keeping us entertained. I have been reading your columns for years and now listen to your podcast.

Have you noticed that Jenn has a weird nasal inflection in her voice? It is one of those things that I cannot unhear and makes the show tough to watch (all the producer driven drama with the men runs a close second). Man, I must not be paying close attention this season because yet another thing I haven’t noticed. Is it that bad? Never even dawned on me.

As for Angela on Big Brother, I saw a TikTok yesterday that she has been on The Price is Right and Dr. Phil, which might mean she’s on BB to try to gain followers or who knows. I feel bad for the other houseguests-she never stops talking and it must drive them crazy.

Comment: Yes, it’s something Rachel Reilly Villegas and I talk about in tomorrow’s weekly podcast. I had seen the reports just hours before, so it was good that we covered it. The other one that came up yesterday was Brooklyn was on an episode of Dr. Phil, but that seemed to be for a more serious matter as she was on there to talk about how she was stalked at one point.

Hey Steve,

You indicated before how Aaron was going to get a “heroe’s edit”, yet he really did not.. he actually came off pretty petty and immature.. I don’t believe his edit or exit made him look particularly good.. any insight on what you might have heard afterwards? What are your impressions? He seemed so strange with Jenn when he was talking to her at the cocktail party, seemed a tad confrontational in a previous episode, then he was a little bit condescending with the emotional intelligence/self help book, and then the way he acted on the group date when Austin won the race- all of it seemed ‘off.’ You’re correct on all of that. I didn’t think he came across great at all on his 3 episodes. Sometimes its tough when I get spoilers since I don’t know how certain things will get shown, I just get told what happens. So hearing he left the show for the reason he did was correct, but how it was shown ended up being different. His issue on social media yesterday was for doubters who accused him of it not being real, so he posted a bunch of pics from flight school. I never doubted the spoiler I was given that that was the reason he had to leave, nor did he make a dumb decision by leaving. Really? Your lifelong dream vs staying on a show for a woman you’ve known a week. Of course he was leaving. But he seems to still be combative with the audience when he posted that yesterday. I have no problem him posting pics from flight school, but the caption referencing “for those who think the show is scripted” or whatever is feeding into trolls that don’t matter. He won’t be the first to let what irrelevant people think of him matter, and he won’t be the last.

Whatever happened between Kaitlyn and Zach? They were kinda hanging out after her breakup with Jason, then nothing.. She has said a few times now that she will not post publicly about her next relationship. As far as we know, they’re still seeing each other. Unless they’ve broken up since she was on Kristin Cavallari’s podcast a couple weeks ago, she’s still with him.

What are your thoughts on how Rachel is handling the divorce with Bryan? It is getting kinda stormy..I think they both could be dealing with a lot better than they are.. idk.. It’s ug-ly. No other way around it. I think Rachel is handling it better than Bryan, especially after the whole 3 part Divorce Coach IG stories he’s releasing. Totally uncalled for and only making things worse. I get that if you’re a public couple, it’s almost damn near impossible to NOT talk about your breakup when one of you has a podcast, but because Bryan doesn’t anymore, it’s obvious he’s doing it that way since he doesn’t have a platform. It’s just all wrong. Get a Divorce Coach, fine. But you don’t need to release videos about it. It’s just beyond tacky.

Do you think Daisy will do Bachelor In Paradise when they get around to producing it?

Comment: Well, she’s been in a relationship for a few months now, so not if she’s still got a boyfriend next summer she won’t. If not, anything’s possible.

Hi Steve!

This might be the most disappointing cast of guys on the show ever? What do you think? I’m having a tough time finding anyone to like.. I like Marcus, but that’s it.

Do you know if Marcus made it to the final rose ceremony or is he dumped prior?

Thanks for all you’re doing!

Comment: I don’t know any details about the ending other than having that picture of Marcus the day before the final rose ceremony on the balcony at the Fairmont Orchid Hotel. And then I was told he was on a date later that night with Jenn on the beach, but don’t have any photographic or video evidence of that.

1. Are Jenn and Devin in the phase of secretly seeing each other at Bachelorrette airbnbs and etc? Do we have any proof of this? Also, side note, I was stalking Jenn’s TikTok and she was at the CMA festival this summer in Nashville and she was staying in a nice hotel/airbnb I’m assuming in her TikTok’s and Devin is from Texas so maybe they hung out there? I haven’t heard they aren’t together, so yes, they would’ve seen each other at least a few times since filming ended two months ago. And unless one of them screws up and posts from a Happy Couple weekend, we have no idea when and where they’re having their meet ups.

2. How long are cocktail parties? I know it’s obviously edited down to only a few minutes but in it’s entirety, how much significant time is Jenn actually get to talk to and know everyone? Hours.

3. Any inklings for who they might choose from Jenn’s cast for the next Bachelor? I feel like Spencer got a Bachelor edit last night. Spencer doesn’t jump out at me at all as someone who could be the next Bachelor. Him not making the final 4 doesn’t help his chances either. But it’s still early.

4. Does Jenn get a hometown episode too? Do they get to meet Jenn’s family as well? The final 2 men meet Jenn’s family when her family arrives in Hawaii. The lead never has their own hometown dates, unless they happen to film an episode in the city where they’re from like they did for Nick and Ben’s seasons.

5. Does the Bachelorette, so Jenn, stay at the same hotel as her contestants or do they have them stay at separate hotels? Same with flights. Do they all fly together on the same flight or does she get there earlier than them or vice versa?

Comment: Not same flights usually, but it has happened. Same with hotels. But overall, it’s usually separate.

Hi, Steve. I just listened to today’s podcast and thoroughly enjoyed you calling Sam M a bully as it reminded me of a moment last night. Since you didn’t mention it, I just want to make sure that you saw what producers did to Sam after he called Devin a bully in his ITM….they put “Sam M needs to look up the definition of bully in the dictionary” under his name. I almost fell out of my chair. It was hilarious. Not a fan of either guy, but that was one time I sided with producers.

Have a great day!

Comment: That’s now 3 things I missed from Monday’s episode. I do find myself on my phone or writing a lot during the episode now, so yeah, I can’t say I’m surprised I’m missing stuff like that. Also, when it pops up on the screen, my eyes usually aren’t programmed to look at it since for the longest time, they didn’t make jokes on the chryon.

Not a question really, just a thought — cannot wait to see how Sam and Thomas defend themselves at the “Tell All.” That’s gonna be a shit show, right?

Comment: They’ll do the opposite of what they should, I guarantee it. Very few people who are getting edits like them ever listen to what I say every year. Their best bet is to admit seeing themselves back on TV they realized now how they came across/how they acted, and apologize. But they won’t. Especially Sam. He’s too stuck on himself and we’ve seen guys like him numerous times on this show before. Too proud to apologize and doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. So don’t expect it from him. Especially since Devin won’t be there. Even more reason for him not to apologize.

Hi Steve! Been following you from the beginning and emailed you a few times! Please continue your recap columns! They are so entertaining and I love your take on the show.


I must have missed your introduction of Megan Fox but can you give us her background and how you connected with her? I loved hearing her input on the Clayton case. I didn’t know about her until Dave initially went on her show to talk about the Clayton case, and then her continuing coverage of the case made me interested in what she had to say.

Loved your interview with Clayton. You asked so many great questions (unlike a lot of other podcasts who have zero interviewing skills and asks such cringey questions). You mentioned on there that you reached out to Clayton’s mom to ask her to confirm that it was him, do you normally reach out to family members like that? That is was definitely interesting. I did because before that, she had originally reached out to me during Michelle’s filming. We had maybe one or two email exchanges and then nothing for a while. Then when I got that pic of Clayton filming an intro video, I reached out to her again but she didn’t respond.

Not a question but more of a comment. Last night Sam M said in one of his ITMs that he was going to the end and be the one engaged to Jenn. Knowing the spoiler of him having to leave before reaching that point, it definitely makes him so fake and that it’s a game to him!

Thanks for all you do!

Comment: Pretty much. Like I said once I reported the Rayley story, it’s impossible to listen to anything he’s saying to Jenn this season and take it seriously. He knew he was leaving before the final rose ceremony filmed, and so did producers. Guess he just really wanted to be on TV for as long as he could. Maybe it’s the reason why he’s stirring the pot every episode. Maybe he figured “What the hell. Might as well go out with a blaze of glory.” Sooooo…

Hi Steve,

I’m reading your column online and was inspired to ask a few questions. Here’s hoping this helps get you to your requested 15.

What is your take on Bryan Abasolo going so public with his divorce from Rachel? Did you listen to him on the divorce coach podcast? I listened to about 2 minutes of it. That’s all I needed to hear. Just an absolutely wrong move on his part. I get WHY he did it, since he doesn’t have a platform/podcast like Rachel does so he has to leak his side to news outlets or do that, but, doesn’t mean I agree with it.

Have you ever tried to get Matt James and/or Rachel on your podcast? Yes. Have I asked them directly? No. But it’s been known I’m looking for them and I haven’t gotten any sort of yes.

Being from Dallas, did you watch America’s Sweethearts about DCC on Netflix?

Hope your family issues are better,

Comment: I’ve never been into the DCC franchise. Haven’t watched any season on any network.

Steve, for the last two weeks I have had a problem listening to your podcasts on Apple. They just buffe forever and never load. The only way I can listen to them on the app is to listen to another podcast and then ask Siri to play your podcast. Have you heard this from anyone else? Could it be the service you upload to that has the problem? Have not heard of that happening to anyone else.

Also, I read an article that was posted to jokersupdates that mentioned Angela’s reality TV history, Let’s Make a Deal, The Price is Right and a Dr. Phil episode that dealt with her screwed up family. Have you seen it?

Comment: Yes, and it’s discussed on tomorrow’s podcast with Rachel Reilly Villegas.

Hey! It’s me again responding to your response about the Aaron/Noah book thing haha.

Even though the book was a different EQ book, the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that it had to be preplanned in some way. They are twins and I assume fairly close so Aaron would have known about it happening to Noah. If it would’ve been the exact same book, it would’ve been too noticeable. Either Aaron was trying to get screen time and thought it had worked for Bennett so why not try…or he was sticking up for his family name a bit showing that they were emotionally intelligent people OR doing it as a complete joke just to see if he could and make the show look contrived.

I feel sure it was pre planned but I don’t know these people so I suppose I could be wrong. Just seems too sus.

Have a good one!

Comment: It’s been found out that book that Noah gave Devin isn’t even a real book. And the authors name on the book is the name of someone who works on the show and appears in the credits. So the whole thing was clearly planned ahead of time.

Daily Roundup 5/24 transcript begins on Page 2…

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