Reality Steve

Reader Emails

Reader Emails, Rachel Reilly Villegas on Angela from Big Brother, & Your Daily Roundup 7/24 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

Reader email column coming up in a couple hours on reality, steve. com. You can check that out along with the transcript for this podcast. We’ve got about 10 or 12 reader emails this week to get to, but I’m going to read three other ones in this podcast just because I figured these were some things that I could address here that I wanted you to hear.

So the first one that said this, Hey, Steve, I’m a huge fan of yours. And the bachelor and bachelorette franchise. I’m also a diehard fan of 90210 and wanted to hear your thoughts on Shannon Doherty passing away. She’s beyond, she’s missed beyond measure, but I noticed Ian Ziering was the only former castmate of hers from 90210 that didn’t hail a tribute to her.

I found that kind of odd anyway. So, so glad to be writing you. Thanks for all the detective work. Yeah. The day after she died. I talked about it briefly and I did say, yeah, very tough to know that Dylan and Brenda and Luke Perry and Shannon Doherty left this earth way too early. I have not addressed the fact that I, well, what I did do was read all the shout outs that Jason Priestly gave, that Tori Spelling gave, that Brian Austin Green gave, that Jenny Garth gave on Instagram.

And I do follow Ian Ziering on Instagram and I didn’t know. Maybe I missed something maybe he did post a story and it never showed up in my feed Maybe he did post something but as of this recording Tuesday night, I don’t think he’s posted anything now I don’t want to shit on the guy because there’s no way I and Ziering isn’t posting something because He doesn’t like Shannon or doesn’t care.

There’s I’m sorry. There’s no way even if he was at total odds with her and Didn’t like her. He’s going to acknowledge it. So my thinking is this You I’m going to hold out until he does post something because I think he will. I can’t answer why he hasn’t posted when four of the other classmates did. Co stars did.

I can’t answer that. Maybe, you know, people grieve differently. I remember when Luke passed away, I was surprised that none of them posted right away. I remember texting somebody and saying, is it weird that certain people haven’t posted yet about Luke’s death? And they gave me the same answer. It’s like, yeah, it is, but you just never know what someone else is going through.

Maybe they’re taking it harder. Maybe I is taking it really hard. He just hasn’t come up with the words and he doesn’t know what to say. And he does want to make it perfect. I don’t know. I’m not gonna come down on him, but have I noticed that he hasn’t put anything out yet? Yes. I have. So I just don’t think it’s because, ugh, he doesn’t care about Shannon or he never liked her or something like that.

I don’t think it’s anything like that. He has his reasons. We don’t know what it’s, this next email has three questions in it. Number one, have you ever seen Peyton’s place with Peyton Manning on ESPN Plus? This show seems like something you would enjoy. Peyton is really good and my husband and I have learned a lot of interesting things about football.

I’ve seen an episode here and there. It’s not something that I regularly tune into, and I’m a guy that thinks Peyton Manning is hilarious. I watch the Manning cast on Monday nights sometimes when I just want to flip over and either listen to a guest or listen to them talk football. I don’t know. I just, I just haven’t gotten into Peyton’s place where I’m like, this is appointment TV every week for me.

But it doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I’ve liked what I’ve seen. I just have never been a, I gotta watch it. Second question in this email says, do you get paid from Spotify, Apple for your podcast? There’s all the income from your ads. Just curious how it all works. No, it’s all from ads. Yes. Apple and Spotify do not pay me whatsoever.

The ads that run during the podcast, the advertisers that run during the podcast, they don’t pay me either. It’s the network that puts the ads in my podcast is who pays me. And it’s all based on downloads. I’m talking about the programmatic ads, the ones where, when you’re listening to this podcast and it cuts away for a commercial break and it’s somebody else’s voice and that’s different.

Those are called programmatic ads. Basically the same thing as a commercial. When you’re watching TV, it goes to commercial break. You see the commercial on the screen has nothing to do with the people on the show. Just like on this podcast, you hear a commercial break and the voice is not me, has nothing to do with me or my show and it’s not me.

So, and that’s all just based on downloads and a mathematical formula that pays you based on downloads and how that works. And how much those particular ads that run during it pay. It varies month to month. Quarter one is always the slowest. January through March is always the slowest. Then it usually picks up during the summer.

Now host read ads, the one that I read earlier, For way and mint mobile, those are different. Those are based off of performance. And if you use the code that I give you, that certainly helps. Like there’s basically two ways to help this podcast download and listen every day. So just increasing the downloads and or every time you hear me doing a host read for a particular product, use the code, purchase it if it suits you.

And I only do products that I think suit my audience. You’ll never hear me pimping for something, you know, some sports related thing on the reality Steve podcast because it’s not my audience. My audience for reality Steve podcast is literally 98 percent women. So I’m going to get products and I’ve, trust me, I’ve turned down a lot of products.

They have to run it by me and say, do you approve this one for your show? I’m talking about the host red ads. Do you approve it for your show? And I have to say yes or no. So just know that those are the two best ways you can support this podcast. And the third thing they said was I finally watched traders and I love it.

I think I would be way more interesting if they did, did it like to show the mole and not let the audience know who the traders are, what do you think? This has come up every season of the traders, the two seasons that it’s come up and people have brought it up like, well, what if the audience didn’t know who the traders were?

It’s, it’s something that has been brought up. It’s something that’s been talked about. I haven’t given it enough thought to where, how it would work for us, the audience, not knowing off the top of my head, I want to say, no, I like it the way it is, but I’ve got to give it more thought on, well, what if they never showed us who the traders were in the whole time we’re watching?

We don’t know. I don’t, again, to off the top of my head, I don’t know if that would work for me. I want to know because I want to know the people that are traders, how they’re acting in the house. Would it be a surprise at the round table if these people guess, because when they’re guessing, we know who they’re guessing and we know if they’re right or wrong, if we don’t know, I guess that’s more suspense at the round table.

Yeah. I don’t know. There’s probably pros and cons to both. So I’m sure it’s staying the same way it is for season three, but I guess we’ll never know until it airs and Rachel and I talk about that briefly at the end of tomorrow’s podcast, because as we know, she was on season one of the traders and we talk about it briefly because she knows some things about season three.

We don’t give away any spoilers. She briefly hypes up season three. And the final email said, Hey Steve, thanks for the content. Listen to the daily roundup daily and weekly. Most podcasts, most weeks and have for a while. And I’ve been able to attend all the YouTube live streams thus far. I’ve never sent you an email before.

I just heard an ad for a new podcast and knew I needed to drop you a line. The ad was for the new Melrose place rewatch podcast that Daphne Zuniga, Laura Layton, and Courtney Thorne Smith just launched. And I had a feeling you would want to know about it if you don’t already, because you mentioned on a daily roundup.

I assume it’s not under radar just as it wasn’t on mine until a few minutes ago. It’s called still the place. I haven’t listened to either episode yet, but I just subscribe and plan to check it out. Hopefully it’s better than the 902 rewatch podcast, which I’ve never bothered to listening to based on what you’ve said about how bad it is.

I have been made aware. I did know that Daphne, Laura, and Courtney Thorne Smith have started a podcast, basically doing what a lot of the old shows are doing. Getting some of their former actors from the show to watch an episode and recap it and give their thoughts about what happened. I loved Melrose place.

Don’t get me wrong. It was appointment television right after Beverly hills, 90210. When I was in college, in fact, it surpassed Beverly hills, 90210 for me in terms of how much I liked it. Then I developed a stronger liking for Beverly hills, 90210. After I got out of college. With that said, I’ve only seen every episode of Melrose place once.

It’s not a show that I’ve ever gone back and rewatched. I remember certain moments in the show history because I’m not familiar with all the episodes. And most of the things that they’re talking about, I won’t even remember. It’s not something that’s completely on my radar. Maybe I’ll check out an episode here or there, or when they get to, you know, the episode where the building blows up or the episode where Kimberly pulls off her wig and she’s got the giant scar on her head.

Maybe I’ll listen to that one. Because I remember that, but the episode by episode stuff, I won’t remember most of it, honestly. So I’ll probably just check out an episode here or there. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Thanks for sending those in. I appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review.

But please hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download. Miss an episode. Just go back and hit play. And like I said, the best way to support this podcast is to listen to it or any on my host reads the ads. The ads are always in the episode description. If you need a direct link that brings you right to the landing page, just go to the episode description in Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcast.

That’s the best way. Best way you can support this podcast. So again, thank you all for tuning in. I really appreciate it. The sports daily will be up in an hour from now. So again, appreciate you tuning in. Thanks for being a loyal reality. Steve podcast listener. And I will talk to you


Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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