You are listening to the reality Steve podcast with your host reality Steve. He’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on Jen season of The Bachelorette and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars. Now here’s reality Steve. What’s
up everybody, welcome to podcast number 401 I’m your host reality Steve, Thank you all for Tuesday and tuning in on this weekly Thursday podcast, talking big brother this week with Rachel Riley Vegas, winner of season 13 of big brother, along with being a reality TV show veteran, she was on trader season one, she was on celebrity fear factor.
She was on snake in the grass. She was on amazing race a couple of times. Rachel knows her way around reality TV and I love having her on. We’re going to talk about one of the most chaotic first weeks in big brother history coming up momentarily. So Rachel’s a podcast is now up on my YouTube channel as well.
Just go to YouTube reality. Steve or reality. Steve 24, pull that up. You can see it. If you go to it, you can even get it within a, and they can chat along with people, leave comments, go in the chat. Really good conversation with Rachel. We recorded it Tuesday, so we didn’t talk about specifics that happened in last night’s episode, so if you don’t want to know and you haven’t watched last night’s episode, you’re gonna have to fast forward or not even listen to this whole podcast today, but I am going to mention a few things here we do because it was In real time filmed on Monday, we know who won power of veto when we recorded and we know what happened after power of veto.
So we do discuss that. And then we give our thoughts on tonight, who we think is going home strategy that’s happening in the house alliances, Angela’s absolute complete meltdown on Matt so much to go over. So Rachel is one of the perfect people to talk to this about. I have fixed the YouTube ads. If you didn’t hear me say it the other day, I’ll repeat it again.
I can manually put in the ads. So I put in an ad break every 15 minutes. So right around the 1530 and 45 minute mark, what you’ll be getting ads. It’s not going to be like the Clayton video, which has been fixed as well. Ads were popping up every five minutes on the Clayton video. That was way too much because I didn’t know how to manually do it.
Now I do. If I, if you don’t manually go in and do it. Basically, YouTube does it itself and I don’t know why they chose to put so many in the Clayton interview because my other ones didn’t have more than five or six in them. I just decided, hey, every 15 minutes you’re going to get an ad break. That’s it.
And sometimes it’s going to happen right in the middle of a sentence because I haven’t gotten to the point where, okay, I want to do it here because it’s the, you know, the ending of one of her answers. And before I start a new question, that’s going to take a little bit of practice on my part to write time stamps down and do that while I’m also recording the interview live.
So I just have to get used to that. So just bear with me for the first few these two, it’s basically going to happen right at 1530 and 45. So it’s probably going to be in the middle of an answer, unless I just lucked out and happened to put it not in the middle of an answer. But more than likely it’s going to be in the middle of an answer or a middle and one of my questions One thing that I did want to address and this is more an aesthetics thing and a first world problem for me I talked about it on the daily roundup, but if you didn’t listen to the daily roundup, you just listen to this I want to address it with you when I record with Clayton and then Rachel this week.
I do it through a streaming service and Rachel signs in and I can see her on my screen on my monitor computer monitor, but my camera is on top of my computer monitor. So if I’m looking into the camera, what you guys are seeing in the video is it looks like I’m looking at Rachel when she’s talking to me, but I’m not looking at her.
I’m looking at a camera, kind of like when you see news reporters, whether it’s sports reporters or people on the news, when they’re out in the field, they’re always looking at the camera. They’re not looking at the feed where they can see themselves. So, if I want to look at Rachel, I can look at her on my computer screen, but the video that you’re seeing of me is me looking down and not looking at the camera.
And that kind of bothers me because I don’t want it to look like I’m not paying attention to my guest. And. I’ve never been in TV before and I’ve never been a video guy. So this is all new to me. I got to get used to when I’m interviewing somebody because all the other ones before I went to YouTube, it was just me on the phone, so it was just having a phone conversation with somebody.
I could be doing whatever the hell I want on the other end while they’re giving an answer. But now I have to look directly into a camera the whole time. They’re giving me an answer or else it looks like I’m not paying attention to them. And that’s weird. So. I’ve got somebody on my monitor in front of me that’s talking words are coming out of their mouth But I’m not looking at them and that’s just kind of weird to me So I’ve decided that I’m gonna tinker with it starting next week.
Whoever my guest is I don’t know who knows on next week’s episode number 402 But I think maybe if I know somebody’s giving a long answer I might just take myself off the screen and make them the focal point and that’s all you’ll see is just them And then when I want to come back on and when they’re done with their answer, I bring myself back up because that’s easier for me rather than just sitting there because if I do that, then I can be writing notes down and they don’t know that I’m writing notes down there.
They’re not going like, why isn’t he looking at me? You know, I’m off screen. It’s just them talking. So what I do it for every answer. No, but it’s not like zoom to where. The person who’s talking is the one that gets featured. It is, you saw the interview last week with Clayton. It’s just the two of us there and you’ll see it with Rachel.
It’s just the two of us there the whole time, but I can control when I go off the screen and when she goes off the screen, I’ll never take her or my guest off the screen when I’m asking a question, I’ll never do that. My thing is when they give a long answer and I know a long answer is coming. I don’t need to sit there and just look at a camera the whole time.
I will sometimes, but I’m saying I’m going to, I’m going to tinker with it. So just bear with me. I know this might not mean a lot to you, but it means a lot to me just for the aesthetic purposes of it. And it’s just weird looking directly at a camera when you’re talking to somebody, can you, and you can only hear them in your ears and you’re not looking at them talk to you.
Cause I feel like I can almost comprehend more what somebody is saying to me when I’m looking at them on my screen. But. It’s going to look like I’m looking down to you, the viewer. I hope that makes sense to you. It does to me, but like I said, I’ve just, I’ve never been trained in TV. It seems so easy now when I look at news reporters on TV, that do it.
Cause they’re looking at the camera the whole time. They’re not looking up and looking around. And when they have a thought in their head, they’re like, they have to, you know, look sideways or look up and no, they just look straight ahead and deliver everything they’re saying. And I’m not used to that. In fact, I’m not good at it.
You can see in the Clayton interview, I, you know, I, I thought I, my questions were fine, but when I have a thought in my head, I, it’s very hard to look straight ahead and not move and not look away from one target while you’re asking a question. It’s damn near impossible for me cause I haven’t had any practice in it.
Maybe I’ll get better as time goes on, but just wanted to I just wanted to throw that out there. This podcast brought to you by Tropical Smoothie Cafe. Tropical Smoothie Cafe believes you deserve a little vacay every day, not just once a year. Get on Tropic Time with bright and refreshing smoothies, Tropic Bowls, wraps, flatbreads with Tropical Smoothie Cafe.
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You’ve seen her as the winner of big brother 13. You’ve also seen her on celebrity fear factor, amazing race, snake in the grass, trader season one. It is Rachel Riley Vegas. Rachel, how are you doing?
It’s so fun to come and gossip with you. Steve, it’s like my favorite time of the year.
I mean, big brother is underway and we were talking off air.
And we have to just kind of jump right into this. Cause you know, I’m a new watcher to the show. I started in season 21, so I’ve all, this is only my sixth season watching the show, but in my six seasons and watching the show, I have never seen a more chaotic first week than this. And just kind of talking to other people who are big brother fans who have been longtime fans.
They’ve all said the same thing. Like. They’ve never seen anything like this in terms of meltdowns, the craziness, three nominations, all this stuff. You are obviously a lifelong fan. You’re a former winner of this show. Have you seen anything like a first week we’ve seen here in the big brother house?
This week is chaotic.
I will tell you that I think that this week is especially crazy because for no reason, Angela is getting in fights with Matt and calling house meetings. And then, fighting with Joseph and MJ and just kind of like creating this crazy chaos for no, like, no apparent reason. And then like getting Lisa to be upset.
And Lisa is like working overtime to secure herself the votes this week. And then she obviously goes and wins the veto. So it’s just like, I think that this week they’ve had so much with the AI and the four competitions and then the HOH, it’s just like, I think it’s a lot for them, but then also it’s been a lot for us because they’ve just been extra crazy.
People are saying it’s like old school big brother again. But I do, I do have some notes on Angela. Okay. So
this is the T. So Angela. I thought watching her package and her interviews were just, she’s a mom from Utah. She’s a super fan. She’s going to play the game like Cody Calafiore. Like, we think she’s just going to come in and be a mom.
Right. And like, you know, probably do well, have some strategy. Well, no. So Angela has been on let’s make a deal. She was on the prices, right? And she was on Dr. Phil.
So I saw that clip where like her daughter wasn’t listening to her or something like that. She had a problem with her daughter.
So her daughter.
Allegedly, her daughter stopped talking to her dad at 14, age 14, and she’s like 20 something. Then, so they went on Dr. Phil, Dr. Phil put cameras in their house, so they were recorded 24 7 for a week, and apparently Angela was in she was kind of like, pushing this conversation with her daughter or she was kind of like, she was okay with it, that her daughter wasn’t talking to her dad.
I can’t remember enabling it. She was enabling the conversation and or enabling her daughter, I guess, which is very interesting to me because it makes me think that Angela is just there to watch and win TV. And like, I have a clip of Angela telling Lisa that I posted on Tik TOK. Like, I want you to be my best friend, bawling, crying, all this stuff.
And I was like, I don’t know, is this honest? Or is she trying to win an award? And then I have another clip of Angela talking to the cameras saying that her conversation with Matt should win her an award. So I’m just like, she is. Playing to the camera. She is trying to get her tv time in That’s the most dangerous kind of player steve because you know why this person is going to be so unpredictable It’s like I would not want to play a big brother season with anyone like this like that would be my first out because if they’re playing for the camera and they’re playing to Make like the iconic and make big moves.
This person is going to be the first person that’s going to stab you in the back for no reason. Tell your secrets. They’re going to go and like talk about you behind your back. You just can’t trust someone like that. So I think Angela, as much as we love her for giving us good feeds and good TV, she’s just, I don’t know if she’s going to make it the second week, but she is really, she is just like overdoing everything.
Well, my impression of her, and this may be too simple, is that the second she isn’t Head of household, which is next week. She can’t win head of household two weeks in a row is she’s gone. I don’t think anybody wants to play with her because of the unpredictability and the fact that she just seems to be, I know that, you know, her meltdown with Matt that was shown last night on the episode.
It’s, you can watch it on, I don’t, you know, it’s almost even way worse if you watched the feeds and so many people put clips of it out there. It’s just the negative energy about her. The unpredictability. I just think, you know, I think she’s gone. I think once we find out who wins HOH this week, obviously it’s not going to be her.
I just can’t imagine a lot of people want to keep her around because she seems way too chaotic.
Way too chaotic. It’s like, you can’t play a big brother game week one like this. Yeah. We’ve seen for the first. Like the past four seasons. So Frenchie first HOH went right home afterwards. Then we saw Daniel Durston first HOH went home right after meltdowns, like going crazy.
Same thing with Riley last season. First HOH went home like right after. So what we’re seeing is this trend where winning first HOH, these people are letting the power go to their heads. They are, they are being a little bit chaotic and they are, they are creating these narratives in the house and these like, I don’t know, like they’re just creating this, this, For no reason over gaming and creating these stories and making people they’re putting people in these moods where they don’t want to play with them.
So I, I always say, when the first HOH, it’s the best idea. It has, it gives you so many. Advantages in this, in this game, because everyone’s coming to you. Everyone wants to talk to you. Everyone wants to work with you, but you have to just listen to what they say and not cause problems. All you have to do is first day to age is sit back.
It’s just like. The, the game, they have designed it to where there’s like all these twists. There’s all these competitions the first week. You don’t need to cause extra drama. Are you there to win or are you there to just make TV time? So I think that Angela, she’s, she’s gotta be gone going home next week.
I would think so. And if it’s not next week, it’s the week after assuming she doesn’t win HOH a third time. She’s just. There’s no way someone like her lasts. Like you can, you can talk about Taylor Hale all you want. She wasn’t chaotic in the house. I know everyone kept putting her up, but it wasn’t, she wasn’t acting like this.
She was just the one being attacked and people wanted her gone, but not for the reasons that we’re seeing. I think people are going to want Angela gone. Totally different. I think the second Angela’s up, she’s gone. Yeah, but I want to go back to this fight. Because I’m still racking my brain trying to understand this Matt fight.
I don’t, I don’t get, she used the word, are you threatening me? And I guess in a sense, if you define the word threatened, I guess part of it is a threat, but it’s not like a threat like I’m going to physically harm you or anything like that. He’s basically just saying, Oh yeah. You know what, if you do put me up, I’m just going to play the game and I’ll come right after you.
But she took that so personally and like, Oh my gosh, this front to her. And, and then the meltdown again, it could just be, look, I’ve never played in that house before. I don’t understand it. Obviously we know there’s a lot of lack of sleep. Maybe that is getting to her, but do you understand her reaction to Matt?
Cause it seems to me like it’s a complete overreaction.
I know, like I said, I think she’s literally trying to play the camera. She wants to get, she wants people to talk about her. She wants to get called for another season. She’s playing to make television, which is very bad of a, so we love a raw, real player.
We love people that, I mean, I’m a crier. Like people love me because I cry for no reason, but like, I, I feel like I, when I cry, it’s real. It’s not like I’m crying to like. Try to get a TV moment. I’m not, I’m not hiding in the bushes because I want like, you know, to be on TV. I was hiding in the bushes because I didn’t want to be on camera crying.
So, you know, these things are like, I think when you’re pandering to the camera like that, that That’s what she’s doing. I think her overreaction was, yes, he did threaten her, but he was right. Like you, she came after him saying that he’s going to be in a showmance. And then she was like planting seeds in the house almost to like, try to go after Matt.
Then in the HOA room, he’s like, if you put me up, I’m just going to win. I’ll come down. That’s what you have to say. If you already know, someone’s going to come, you know, come for you. You have to be like, fine, do what you got to do, but I’m going to pull myself off that block and I’m going to win a veto or I’m going to win the HOH and I’m going to come after you.
So in a way he was threatening her. I don’t think she’s used to having someone even say something like that to her at all. And I think her overreaction was she called the house meeting because she wanted people to know, like, Matt can’t do this to me. I’m HOH, like, let the power go to her head. But then, she started, and if she stopped at that, it would have been fine, but then she started fighting with Joseph, and MJ, and bringing in all these other problems, and going to Lisa, and having this like, topsy turvy relationship there, and she’s, she’s just doing too much.
It’s just like, I think she’s just trying to get like as much TV time as she can, which I don’t think you go on Dr. Phil, if you don’t want to be on camera. So
you, you brought something up is, is McKenzie going by MJ. Is that who MJ is?
Yes. McKenzie is MJ. That’s the, that’s the word on the feeds.
I got it.
Okay. Now here’s something, and here’s, I’m trying to think of which order I should go in with this. Let’s, let’s do this. Let’s talk about McKenzie a little bit and Quinn, because they were the ones in the first episode and the first, well, the first two episodes, the premier episodes that one upgrades and.
Mackenzie’s upgrade is pretty easy to understand America’s veto. We get it. However, Quinn’s upgrade. I’m so confused on this. I’m so confused on how people won’t easily figure out it’s not it. So what I did was I, I went back and I looked at the footage and I wrote down everything that BBAI told Quinn when he put his hand on the machine and got his upgrade.
So this,
this is what the machine tells him. You’ve won Deepfake HOH. With this upgrade, you will strip the head of household of all their power because you will secretly control their nominations. But here’s the fun part. I will create a Deepfake avatar of the reigning head of household that will communicate through my protobox.
This Deepfake will look and sound like the real HOH, but it will be you that controls what it says. Okay, I guess maybe there’s stuff coming that is going to be explained later, but just by that, saying that they’re going to create a Deepfake that will look and sound like the real H O H, everyone’s going to know who won H O H, I’m so confused by this upgrade, and like I said, maybe there is more instructions coming later, but to your best knowledge, can you explain this?
Okay, so this is what it sounds like to me. First of all, Protobox, coolest thing in Big Brother that they’ve done. I’m obsessed with it. I’m guessing the HOH wins HOH. Makes their nominations, does the thing. Quinn says I’m gonna have to change that. So Quinn goes to the diary room, uses the power. However that works.
I don’t know if they ask Quinn if that works. He’s going to use the power. I don’t really know, understand that part, but then I’m guessing the HOH. So in the HOH room, there’s like a door. So I’m guessing they open that room and they probably have, so the protobox, it’s a 360 hologram, right? So like, it’s going to project a holographic image.
And so I’m guessing the HOH is going to have to go into that room. They’re going to film the HOH. I have made a decision, house guests, or whatever. Like, I’m gonna re actually, my nominations have changed. I am now nominating so and so and so and so. Or it could even happen before nominations. Because maybe they, maybe he has to use, Quinn has to use the, you know, Deep fake before nominations are even called.
So then at that point, the nominations would go into the proto box, but that you’re a hundred percent right. House is going to know that these are like, why are you not just standing in front of us pulling? Exactly. That’s my
thing. The standing in front of them, they’re
going to know someone, they’re going to know someone is controlling the HOH, but maybe they won’t know all the details.
You know what I mean?
Whoever is the HOH that week, which, you know, they’ll win some sort of comp. Everyone will know who it is, assuming they have to stand in front of the group and nominate their three people. And then. Those noms are going to change all of a sudden because the AI, the BBAI tells them they do and people are going to be like, go to the real HOH and be like, why did you change?
What was the point of this? And they’re going to say like, I have no idea. I didn’t do this. So it’s like, I guess they’re all going to know it’s a twist, but they guess they won’t know who did it other than if Angela is still in the game. We know that Quinn has already told her he has, he has the the the upgrade.
so yeah, then they’ll know it’s Quinn because yeah, if
Angela runs her mouth, that you they’ll know
she’s, she, you can’t, she’s trying to get this. She’s trying to make these like big game moves and whatever, do this like craziness. Unless,
unless she’s gone by the time he uses it,
right. Unless she’s gone or unless.
This next HOH, whoever wins, puts Angela up and Angela goes to Quinn and says, I’m going to tell, unless you use this deep fake on me, then Quinn can be like, okay, I will use it on, I don’t know. It could, He shouldn’t have
told her, he shouldn’t have
told her. But I think what, I think that he at that time didn’t know how like chaotic and erratic she was.
I think she, he just thought she was like you
She’s HOH and she’s a mom and she’s this, you know, sweet lady who is going to be a great person to work with and good for my game. And I can build trust. And now, but Quinn is also, other people know about Quinn’s. Upgrade. They don’t know what it is, but they know that Quinn has the upgrade because he has been talking about it.
So at this point, I think if the deep fake HOH happens, people will know it’s from Quinn, right? So,
I think, but I hope it does happen. Cause I do want to see how it plays out.
I got to believe it’s going to be used. He’s only got four episodes to use it in the first four eliminations to use it.