Let’s talk about big brother last night. That was interesting because if you listen to the Rachel, I was going to call her Rachel Rekia. If you listened to the Rachel Riley interview from yesterday,
I. I leaned on Rachel to tell me about what’s been going on in the live feeds. I’ve seen stuff here and there clips on my for you page, stuff like that. I’ve read Twitter accounts that have done some summaries on what’s been going on. And everything that I read coupled with what Rachel told me made it seem like if Matt did not win in the BB AI arena, remember yesterday I was saying, is it the BB arena or the AI arena?
Well, it’s both. It’s the BB AI arena. She was saying. Based on everything that she had been reporting from the live feeds. If Matt doesn’t win this thing, he’s pretty much got the votes because Kenny’s giving up. And if you watch it last night, they showed the conversation between Angela and Kenny in the kitchen where Kenny’s like, he’s my guy.
You know, I think I might have to throw it for him if it’s the two of us and he’s winning or something like that. But it was one of these things where the other two, the three contestants had to compete in a game and give an answer and under two minutes and all three gave a different answer and chemo ended up winning.
So they had from the time that ended till the time voting started was maybe a commercial break and then an extra minute, maybe five minutes. And you could tell by the way the episode was going and the way they edited it, which was Matt feeling very secure that he had all the votes and he could get six votes, which is what he needed with 11 people voting.
You could tell the way they were editing it that if Matt lost, he was probably going home and he went home by a vote of eight to three, which at least made it somewhat interesting because the first six votes were Matt, Kenny, Matt, Kenny, Matt, Kenny. After six votes, we were tied at three. And then it went five in a row for Matt.
Now they might’ve done that on purpose production because production pretty much knows, I think who’s voting for who to make it a little, a little interesting because they had four votes. They went Matt, Kenny, Matt, Kenny. Then they went to commercial break and we just don’t see that in the early going.
You know, we’ve talked about this numerous times. The first episode or the first eviction is always basically people just house voting and no one wants to rock the boat. So they agree on somebody and they go with it. Well, we had an 8 3 vote. At least that was somewhat dramatic for the first six votes.
But you could tell by the first 30 minutes of the episode, the way they were editing Matt thinking that he was secure and the way other people were saying like, guys like Quinn were like, you got a chance to take a guy like Matt out, you got to take him out. And then even Matt’s, you know, workout bros.
Which is Tucker who I’m going to say all season is incredibly annoying and cam they voted against him Then you knew he was screwed. So Matt goes home Probably a surprise to a lot of people clearly MJ Mackenzie and Leah are not happy You saw them at the very end of the show when they eavesdropped in on the house guests Mackenzie and Leah were, are just 1000 percent going after Angela.
And as I said in the podcast, I just don’t see any way Angela lasts more than two or three episodes. You know, if she’s going to get put up on the block, probably next episode, but we all know that there’s two other people that go up on the block now. And she has the possibility to win a challenge and take herself off.
But if she’s in the final two, if she goes up next week and then doesn’t win BBA arena and she’s in the final two, she has the ability because she knows about Quinn’s upgrade, she does have the ability to blackmail Quinn and just say, look, either you use it. Or I’m telling people about what you have. So Quinn, not knowing at the time, cause Angela hadn’t melted down at that time when he told her about his upgrade, I think it’s going to come back.
And that’s her really only way of saving herself. Cause I just don’t think a lot of people in the house want her there. Not that they hate her, not that she’s a horrible person, but she’s clearly not someone that they can rely on. She’s too erratic. She’s too chaotic. And that energy. They don’t want that.
I wouldn’t want that in the house. I would be like, can we get her out of here? Totally uncalled for of how she flipped out on Matt. Totally uncalled for to call him crazy eyes 1, 000 times. Totally uncalled for to bring his mother into it. I’m sorry. She totally overreacted to that conversation. I know that Matt said, hey, I’ll go back and watch it and maybe I just Need to learn from it and, you know, him saying, and Matt said all the right things.
I feel bad for the guy. He got railroaded by her and she’s gone. She’s just not lasting. This isn’t a Taylor Hale situation where it’s just, it’s not that situation. Angela, I think is very, very disliked in the house. Very, very disliked. And I just don’t think people want to play with her. So I would say, look for that in the next couple of episodes.
Did you see the news from the streaming services? We already have one that’s merged and I’ve already forgot what it is. But yesterday Disney plus Hulu and max decided they’re going to start their own streaming bundle. And. It’s allowing for eligible new and existing subscribers to bundle those three services, 1699 a month with ads, 2999 a month without ads, all the streaming services I have, I don’t get ads.
So I’m paying whatever the top dollar is for those. However, you know, these are all automatically deducted every month. I don’t know them off the top of my head. Honestly, I have Disney plus. No ads. I have Hulu, no ads, and I have max, no ads, and I have no idea how much they cost a month, but I definitely think it’s under 30 for the three of them combined.
So I guess now I got to go in and check that I got to go in and be like, call Disney plus and be like, can we, can we do this? Can I go to 29 99 a month? But my Disney plus is bundled with Hulu and ESPN plus. So now what would happen to my ESPN plus? Is that going to become a separate one? Like, so I need to figure that out.
I need to call them. But if you have all three like me, now you can bundle them together starting yesterday. If you didn’t know that 29. 99 a month without ads, 16. 99 a month with ads. That’s total for all three. So you’re basically paying what five, 5. 50 a month without ads. That’s not bad at all. And I just, I mean, I just, I get sick of ads.
So that’s why I have no ads. But. I want to say, gosh, what do I pay? I pay like 13. 99 for Hulu and for Disney plus monthly, but my Disney plus is bundled with other stuff, so I can’t really sit and isolate it. And then I don’t know what the hell I pay for max 7. 99 or something. So it’s definitely, I know that 29.
99 a month for those three is definitely cheaper than what I’m paying for them solo. I just don’t know how much cheaper. And did you see the story from Southwest Airlines yesterday? This is a big deal. If you big Southwest fly, I’m not a Southwest guy at all. I think I’ve flown Southwest less than five times in my life.
I’m in Dallas. It’s the hub of American airlines. I fly American everywhere. It’s where all my miles are. But if I need to take a puddle jumper, not a puddle jumper, but if I have to go to Vegas to California, like I did last March and probably this this upcoming March in 2025 after a March madness, go straight from there to California for my fantasy baseball draft.
Yes, I take a Southwest flight 45 minutes, but I have never been on a Southwest flight. That was over an hour. Every time I’ve taken a short flight, but I don’t take many short flights. I’m either going to California, I’m going to New York, I’m going to Vegas. So I’m always on American, but Southwest starting in 2025, we don’t know the exact start date, but they are getting rid of their open seating, which is what they’ve been known for.
But here’s the thing that’s really weird to me. They talked about it in a statement as to why they are going to assign seating. She, they said. Their customers have been clamoring for these changes. They said the number one reason the unhappy passenger site is open seating.
So the research is clear and indicates that 80 percent of Southwest customers and 86 percent of potential customers prefer an assigned seat by moving to an assigned seating model, Southwest expects to broaden its appeal and attract more flying from its current and future customers. This doesn’t make any sense to me.
I thought one of the main reasons people flew Southwest was because of the open seating, but they’re telling us the studies have told them 80 percent of their customers don’t like the open seating and want an assigned seat and 86 percent of people who are thinking of coming to Southwest prefer an assigned seat.
I don’t know. But doesn’t this basically make Southwest just like any other airline now? How does this differentiate them? The whole point of Southwest was open seating, flight attendants that told jokes, no bag fees, which some other airlines do, I think. I don’t fly any other ones, so I don’t know, but I think there’s some out there that don’t charge for bag fees, right?
And then they don’t charge to change your flight. And they haven’t said if they are going to keep that the same. But they are re they are readjusting their planes because they are going to allow you to purchase seats with more leg room So that’s it’s not coming till 2025 But it just seems like a weird strategy for a airline that got famous for their open seating to say Yeah, but 80 percent of our customers don’t like it.
Well, then why have they been flying Southwest for so long? Why was Southwest so popular? I don’t think it was because of the no change fee and free baggage I mean, I’m sure that was a bonus But I thought a lot of people that flew Southwest did it because you could pick your own seat. Then again, I’m not an airline expert.
I’m no aviation CEO, but this is so bizarre to me. I don’t get it anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, go to my YouTube channel, check out the two interviews I’ve done, podcast 400 and 401 with Clayton Eckerd and Rachel Riley Vegas, respectively, have a great day.
Weekend everybody. I will talk to you Monday and again, thank you so much for listening, supporting this podcast. I really appreciate it. Again, talk to you on Monday.
See you.