You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday. We’ve got a good show for you. We’ve got episode four tonight of The Bachelorette. We’re going to go over what we talked about for probably the first 40 minutes of yesterday’s live stream last night.
And that was the fact That Sam McKinney’s family is just absolutely losing their mind on social media, and it’s only making things worse for him, not better. We will discuss that. We’re also going to talk about big brother last night. As your head of household was named along with your three nominations.
And I have a thought, a casting thought when it comes to dancing with the stars that I don’t have an answer to. I’m going to kind of throw it out there and ask you what you think. We’ll get to all that momentarily tonight, episode four of the bachelorette. Gosh, we’re almost halfway there. After next week, we’ll be halfway there to the end of the season.
How about that? Episode four tonight, they move over to Auckland, New Zealand from Australia. There’s two one on ones and a group date. The two one on ones, the first one goes to Sam McKinney, our favorite. He gets the Skyfall date. We get a 10 person, five on five rugby group date, which I believe Marcus gets the group date Rose.
And then we get a one on one with Devin. And yesterday. The Bachelorette ABC Instagram page. Decided to tease the Sam McKinney date, the one on one Skyfall date. And in the teas, they make it seem like Sam wasn’t listening to what Jen said. And Sam was saying things like, I want to make her be comfortable, feeling uncomfortable.
And Jen was stressing out about going on the Skyfall date and the tease really made it seem like Sam was basically not listening to her feelings. And to me, that was all I’m sure just a misdirection because clearly they’re kissing by the end of the night and he gets a one on one. He gets a, the one on one rose.
So again, misdirection, but you do anything that puts Sam McKinney in a negative light and every single relative that he has known, including probably third cousins once removed are running to the internet telling everybody who will listen, He’s the greatest guy in the world. He never does anything wrong.
I hate this show. I hate this edit. You don’t know about context. I mean, it’s completely getting out of hand. We’ve seen contestants take to social media and say, Hey, you’re not seeing the full story. I wish I could share stuff, but I can’t. We’ve even seen a relative here or there come and defend their.
Sibling and or child on this show, what we’re seeing from Sam McKinney’s family is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before his brother, his two sisters, his brother in law, his mother, and his father have all come to the internet and shouting down anybody who will listen about, you’re Hashtag I stand with Sam.
They’re making it seem like he’s suffering from a life ending disease and we all need to support him. Like, come on people, it’s a silly reality show. Yes, there are things that he is saying that’s shown out of context. I’m sure that’s the show. It’s been on for 49 seasons. If you don’t know that by now, unfortunately, that’s on you.
That’s not on us, the viewers. Yes, I want every single one of those relatives. I want his two sisters. I want his brother. I want his brother in law. I want his mother and I want his father to whip out Sam’s contract. Do that for me for a second. I’ll, I’ll wait while you go get it because I’m sure you’re listening to this right now.
You listen to everything everybody says about your son and God forbid somebody has constructive criticism about how your son is acting on a television show and I understand your blood to him and you’re going to defend him. But there’s some things that are just not defensible. I’m not even talking about the clip that Bachelorette ABC Instagram page ran yesterday.
I don’t care about that. That’s irrelevant because like I said, we know he gets a rose tomorrow night. We know that Jen is into him. So I don’t care what they tease. What I am saying is this, go read his contract. It literally says in the contract, they can make you look however you want. If you want to bitch about it after the fact and whine about it after the fact, that’s great, but it’s going to get you absolutely nowhere.
That’s just the way it works on this show. If you don’t know that by now. Then don’t sign on the dotted line, especially don’t sign on the dotted line when you know you had to be home by May 10th for his sister and his sister, Olivia and Ed’s marriage that he was officiating. When the final rose ceremony was taped on May 16th, he wasn’t going to win anyway.
You know he wasn’t going to win anyway. Production knew he wasn’t going to win anyway, but they put him on the show anyway. He went on the show to boost his fan following and now that it’s backfiring and people don’t like him. Now you’re all butthurt about the edit. I’m sorry, you can’t have it both ways.
He went on the show knowing he was never going to win. He showered Jen with a bunch of compliments, knowing he was never going to win. And he had to leave the show early cause he had to officiate Olivia’s wedding. I don’t want to hear it. It’s just, it’s falling on deaf ears and I’m sorry, McKinney family.
You are making it worse for Sam, not better. And then yesterday, Sam clearly affected by all this decides to do a Q and a. On his Instagram stories like, Hey, everyone, I’m gonna do a Q and a, once you asked me something about myself, I’ll tell you a little about myself. It’s like he knows exactly why he did that yesterday.
It was because he’s getting so much heat online and he wants people to like him because he cares what people behind a screen name. Think about him yet. Another major mistake that he’s making. He’s letting it get to him way too much. And he’s asking people questions to send in questions about things that they want to know about Sam, which is just a way to repair his image.
That’s the only reason he did a Q and a yesterday. And he only took one question that was related to the show. Like, how are you dealing with all this hate? And he basically laid out a bunch of BS about, Hey, you know, this is people, other people projecting, and this is just, you know, I just let it slide off my back.
Yeah. That’s why you’re running to the internet and having all your relatives run to the internet for you to fight your battles because you’re under an NDA. Now your, your relatives are all running to fight your battles online. And saying that they know all this stuff and everything’s taken out of context.
Well, how would their, his relatives even know what happened to him on the show? How would they know this? Were they there? No, they know this because Sam told them, which is a violation of his contract. So they’re basically stuck between a rock and a hard place because they’re not giving any specific examples.
They’re just saying, you’re not understanding context. So much more happened. ABC is not showing it. Hashtag I stand with Sam. It’s just like people. Look, I’ve been doing this 20 years. They’ve been involved in this franchise about four months. I think I know what I’m talking about when I’m saying McKinney family, you’re making it worse for your son, not better.
Honestly, I would just shut up, just shut up, let the show play out and let people think what they think. Like you are criticizing these people for not knowing the full story. So if they don’t know the full story, why do you care what they think? It’s because you think your son walks on water and he’s probably never been criticized in his life by anybody.
Well, this is what he gets for going on the show. Anybody has the ability to be criticized for going on this show. Thomas ends being criticized for going on the show and the things that he said. Listening to his dad make a Facebook, listen to his dad’s Facebook post. Did you see this? I went over this last night, on my live, but this is what his dad said, on Facebook.
I choose my words wisely. I have sat idly by this week watching my son a complete wreck on how he was portrayed. Sam has mostly been the favorite with the first impression rose, etc. The spoiler was revealed and, in my opinion, the network had to paint Sam as this horrendous guy in order for Jen not to look like a complete idiot.
Now I know why the network offers free counseling for one year after the show. I feel this episode was all fabricated with cut and paste sentences. Can’t change what he said and how he said it. Might’ve been the smartest thing he said in this post, but they can change the scene script and context and totally change the delivery.
That’s the way I feel. Feel free to share this hashtag stand with Sam hashtag stand with Sam. This is a guy who’s getting a villain edit like everybody does at least one person every season in this franchise and he’s acting like we all need to rally around a guy who’s got terminal cancer. Like, come on.
I understand you guys are new to this, but you’re proving to be very naive and you’re proving that you didn’t read a word of the contract that your son signed to go on the show. Go read it. It literally says they can do whatever they want. They can make up whatever they want. This isn’t new just for GenSeason.
This is the standard contract that every contestant in the history of this show has signed. Unfortunately, Sam didn’t read it or didn’t care to read it because, just like other people, and probably just like most of the guys on this season, he went on the show to build a following and to build a brand and maybe have to quit his construction job or whatever it is he does, project managing.
Look, I don’t fault him for that. A lot of people go on the show for other reasons, but don’t give me this BS that he was there and I don’t even know why his dad is saying that he was the favorite with the first impression rose. And basically the dad is insinuating because she picked Devin in the end, they have to make Sam look bad.
No, they don’t. Sam is giving them material to make himself look bad. They didn’t just pull it out of thin air. He clearly has an issue with Devin. And as I’ve been saying for the last couple of weeks, it’s going to look worse because we all know what happens here. We all know that she ends up choosing Devin over Sam.
Over Sam, well earlier than the final rose ceremony, we know Sam doesn’t even make it to hometowns and we know she ends up with Devin. So it’s hurting that family even more that the guy that wins is the guy that Sam is fighting with who ultimately he’s going to lose out to in three more episodes. I would just lay low, don’t say anything.
And once this is over, leave the franchise forever. Don’t talk about it. Don’t go on any podcasts because the more he tries to defend his edit, the worse he’s going to look. And I said it last night on the live stream, and I will say it again. I guarantee you they’re going to try and get Sam to come on paradise next summer with the promise of a redemption at it.
And I guarantee he’s going to buy into it. And I hope he does. And I hope he ends up on paradise next summer and he gets another bad at it because it’s going to show you all he was out for was trying to be liked and trying to look good on television. So if you sit here right now, I’m just telling everybody right now, remember everything that his family is saying right now, because if we ever see him on another show within the bachelor franchise, we can run to the family, we can run to Hannah, we can run to Olivia, we can run to Seth, we can run to mom and dad, and we can run to Ed, his brother in law, and say, hey, but all that stuff you were saying online, I thought you said you hated the show, and the show manipulates everybody.
Why would Sam get back in bed with these people? So just keep it in mind. We’ll see. I know right now they are saying all the things that’s killing the show and saying that there’s no way he’ll ever work with them again, and no way he’s going to be the bachelor and no way he’ll be on paradise. Just give it time.
This’ll die down once Sam is eliminated from the show because two weeks after he’s off the show. Well, let’s say two weeks after the men tell all airs. No one will care about Sam McKinney. Nobody. Because we’re gonna have another group of women on the next Bachelor season. We’re gonna have, we’re gonna be talking Golden Bachelorette.
Then we’re gonna have another group of men on the next Bachelorette season come next March. And then, when Bachelor in Paradise starts filming next June, They’re going to put a call out to Sam. They are going to want him on the show. And even then Sam might be like, why would I want to go work with you guys?
And I guarantee the only way production can get him to show up on paradise next year is to promise him a redemption edit. And let’s just see if Sam falls for it because if they promise you a redemption at it and they’ll throw out examples, they’ll say, Oh, look, Nick Vial got a redemption at it and you know, whoever else got it, they definitely had other people that got redemption at it.
Some just. Blanking right now, they’re going to throw out examples of people who got redemption edits on paradise and I guarantee Sam will be swayed Because he wants to create a better image than the one that’s being portrayed now He wants to be liked by so many people even though these people don’t know him And this is what he literally gave on his message yesterday on his instagram story.
He’s telling us he doesn’t care He’s telling us it’s other people projecting on him And he just lets it slide off his back and god has a plan for him Okay, let’s see if he sticks to his word. Let’s see if he doesn’t join this franchise. Because, based on what him and his family are saying right now, at the end of his mentel all appearance, and maybe two weeks after that, I hope we never hear from him again.
Never hear him talking about his edit. Never hear him bitching about what he saw on TV. None of that just disappear. If you hate the show that much, and you felt like you were screwed over that much, just disappear after the men tell all, I guarantee you, he won’t be able to do that. This podcast brought to you by Mint Mobile.
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