Let’s talk about Big Brother from last night. I want to say this. In week one, from the time we had the first part one move in on Wednesday, and then the second move in on Tuesday or on Thursday, and then the first. H O H on Sunday, I had read everything.
You know, I had known that Angela one, I knew who her three noms were. I knew that Lisa ended up winning POV, taking herself off Angela, put Matt up. We knew all that, or I did cause I had found it online, but from this past Thursday, when they went off the air, after Matt got eliminated and evicted, Till last night, I hadn’t seen one thing.
I had been on my phone just as much as I had during week one, but I didn’t see as much stuff come up on my Instagram and or for you page on Tik TOK. So I guess that was good, right? I didn’t see anything. I really didn’t. And I had no idea. I had no idea who won HOH. I had no idea who the nominations were.
So I kind of liked watching it that way. Will I be able to avoid it up until Wednesday? I don’t know. Now, isn’t power of veto today, or has that already happened? Or is the power of veto already happened? And then the nominations or what they’re going to plan to do with, if the person is going to use the power of veto, has that happened today?
I always forget the days that shit happens on. I know HOH happens right after basically they go off the air on Thursday night. And sometimes they do the HOH live during the eviction. Episode, but if they don’t, I know what happens that night. And if you looked at what they were wearing during the HOH, it was everything that everybody had on during the live eviction.
So it happened probably minutes or maybe an hour afterwards. I don’t know. So I got to believe that the power veto has already happened then it probably happens on Friday and then I don’t know when the. Ceremony happens where the power of veto winner determines what they’re going to do. So you don’t need to fill me in.
I’ll find out eventually, but I’m sure it’s already happened. But yeah, I think you know, I don’t know, obviously I don’t know who’s playing at it. We know that they only choose two now because there’s three noms and the head of household will be playing in the power of veto competition. And then they only pull, pull two names.
So. It’s very hard to predict now who’s going home on Thursday nights because somebody can win just like chemo did last week. Somebody can win on Thursday, five minutes before voting takes place. So we have to go over all the options, not just who do we think is going home? Cause that person might end up saving themselves.
Obviously, I hope Angela goes home. I just think she’s bad energy. She clearly put a target on her back for the way she spoke to Matt last week. And it doesn’t look like anybody really cares for her in the house. So not surprising she went up. Kenny, not surprising he went up. And then Lisa, obviously up for the second week in a row.
I guess we can’t be too surprised that she’s up again. You know, you basically had two of the three people who were nominated last week and then you replace, you know, Angela with Matt. So is that surprising? No, just hope Angela doesn’t win at least for me. Cause I just, she’s not a good player. There’s no way she’s lasting for a long time.
I don’t even think people want to keep her around just as a shield or whatever. I just don’t think she’s a very long for this game, but I did notice that what’s it, what’s her face. MJ told Chelsea who ended up winning HOH. M. J. told Chelsea about her upgrade, America’s Veto, which again is very interesting.
Now it ended up working in her favor because Chelsea realized, well, gee, she just told me that if I put her up, I’ve lost all allegiance with her. And she’ll put me up the second she has a chance to. So that was smart of Chelsea not to put MJ up and still could MJ and or Quinn use their upgrade. They only have.
This week’s eviction, next week’s eviction and the week after and that’s it. They only have four weeks to use either one. So we’ll see if they end up using it and I guess we’ll just have to see how power of veto plays out before we can start dissecting. Okay, if this person wins and saves themselves and takes themselves off the block, who do we think, you know, of the two remaining people who’s getting sent home?
If this one goes and saves themself about the other two. So we have to wait until that happens. And we don’t know that until Thursday night, but we have to figure out power of veto, who wins and if they use it. And if Quinn and MJ step in and use their upgrade power, I don’t know if they will or not. And finally, I wanted to talk about dance with the stars.
We’re still a month and a half away from the season starting. Something crossed my mind this weekend. I just want to know what you think. And. We’re probably going to find out the cast first week of September is my guess. I’m usually find what we usually find out what two weeks beforehand and it starts on Tuesday, September 17th.
So my guess is the week of September 2nd, September 2nd, that Monday is labor day. So I’m guessing after that we’ll find out, right? So we’ll find out. My guess is the first week of September. Here’s my question. We’ve seen who’s been making the podcast rounds and that’s hock to a girl. Right? Okay. Haley Welch has been on Nick’s podcast.
She’s been on, didn’t she want to call her daddy? I think she’s been on chicks in the office. Like. She is the internet darling right now. Yes. There are people that hate her, but everybody hates somebody on the internet and wants to make it known because yeah, let’s face it. She got famous for saying something in a tech talk that went viral.
She hasn’t shown that she has any talent whatsoever of anything, but that doesn’t matter when it comes to dancing with the stars, dancing with the stars. We’ll always cast somebody who’s very much in the news and she is this summer’s big news. But my question is this. Can they really cast someone who’s known for just saying the phrase hock to a, which is basically referencing spitting during a blowjob can dancing with the stars.
Get away with that. Like if she blew up for something that wasn’t sexual in nature, she would 1000 percent be cast on dance with the stars. Absolutely. I, there’s no doubt in my mind she would be, and they would just position her as social media star and just put it at that. But. If she makes it to the best year of my life episode, look, she’s 21 years old, clearly the best year of her life is 2024 because of what just happened and how her fame took off, but she would have to reference exactly what she did and what she got famous for.
And I don’t know, being a, you know, Disney ABC show, if that would be suitable enough or am I overthinking this and they’ll absolutely put her on because of her popularity. I don’t know. Part of me thinks that she would get on and part of me thinks, well, maybe not because it’s sexual in nature and this is Disney.
So yeah, maybe she won’t. But like I said, if she got famous for something that going viral, that wasn’t sexual in nature and she’s just as popular as she is now going on doing all the podcast tours and showing up at concerts and she absolutely would be cast on dance with the stars. Thank you for all for listening.
I really appreciate it. Please follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. But you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Daily roundup will be up in an hour from now or excuse me, the sports daily will be up in an hour from now if you’re interested in checking that out. And then obviously tonight, episode four of the bachelorette, we’re back tomorrow with a recap and your daily roundup and I’ll have the live stream embedded in my column tomorrow if you want to check that out.
If you missed it Sunday night, I know it was going up against the Olympics. That’s fine. You don’t have to watch the live as it happens because it doesn’t go anywhere once I’m done recording. It’s sitting there on my YouTube channel. Go to Reality Steve or Reality Steve 24 on YouTube and you’ll find it, so go check that out.
Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.
See ya!