So we weren’t more than a minute into the episode, and we immediately see Sam M. speaking into the camera where we can see his face and his mouth moving trash talking Devin again. Yet remember, he’s completely unphased by him and his name is never in his mouth. Sure it’s not. This is the stuff we’re talking about when questioning the family’s whining online. It’s not making sense. I’m not talking about the stuff where he’s being frankenbitten. Because everything after that scene was a bunch of voiceovers from Sam that were absolutely strung together from previous weeks. So I dismiss those. I’m only looking now at stuff he says to the camera where he can see him in frame the whole time. It’s why you have to pay attention the whole time when they’re on camera, or else you get editing tricks like how “UnReal” showed us:
We also found out during this episode that Jesse Palmer is the reason we never see people eating their meals on this show during 1-on-1 dates. Best part was them showing clips of his season from waaaaaaaaay back in the day and how outdated the show looked. Of course, in 2007 Jesse was rocking the thick sideburns like every guy had. It was quite the look I tell ya’. I wonder if you would’ve asked Jesse back then if he ever thought he’d be hosting the show 17 years later, he would’ve thought you were nuts. So would the rest of us. I mean, for the love of God, his season ended with him giving his final choice a one way plane ticket at the final rose ceremony. Yes, that was a real thing. I can’t believe they let a season end that way. Could you imagine if they did that now? The fan base might riot.
Here were all the texts from family members that appeared online last week. What’s ironic is after watching last nights episode, a lot of these were posted under the teaser video of Sam and Jenn’s Skyfall date this week which, while the teaser made it seem like a disaster, was just a misdirection, since we all knew he made it to the night portion, got a kiss, and got a rose. So the family was getting all bent out of shape because of a teaser that the show was previewing, even though they knew exactly how the date ended up. Again, they just need to stand down, be quiet, and just go away. They’re making it worse for Sam, not better.
I mean, #StandWithSam? WTF? Are we rallying around him because he’s dying? Has he been wrongly convicted of a crime and has been innocently put in jail? Don’t you think this is a little extreme? You know the craziest part about all of this? Before the season started and we were seeing teasers for the season that insinuated Sam was going to be the villain, his ex-fiance specifically told me his family was going to do this EXACT thing they’re doing. Like, almost word for word. Raeley told me the same thing too after episode 1 when we got in touch. Which is also the reason why his ex says she hasn’t spoken out. She knows how they are, she knows how they will get people to attack her and she wants no part of it. She says she keeps getting asked every day by outlets for interviews and she continues to turn them down. Doesn’t want to do deal with the family. I think that says a lot coming from someone who was engaged to him that she absolutely saw this coming from them. Good for her. Let Sam bury himself. No need for her to join in. He’s only got 2 episodes left anyway and it’ll all be over.