Continuing on with episode four, the rugby date was basically all about Sam N and let’s face it.
I mean, I said this, it had nothing to do with spoilers. If you didn’t know the spoilers this season, you just know that somebody who goes on this show, who’s never had a girlfriend, who last episode admitted, he didn’t even know how to hold a girl’s hand and he’s never been in a relationship. I don’t care if you know the spoilers or not, you knew Sam Ann wasn’t winning this show ever.
It was never going to happen. Because the lead would never want to be with somebody who’s never been in a relationship before. Because hell half the time these leads go on the show, they talk about, I’ve been in these past relationships. These haven’t worked. Do you really think they want to be with somebody who’s never even been in one?
And then for Sam, clearly a production puppet, he did what production told him to do on his rugby Jersey. You know, the fact that he writes that what he did on his Jersey, I mean, come Jen’s husband. And then when he gets alone time with her at the group date after party, he gives her a shirt that says Sam’s wife.
I mean, it was just so cringeworthy and embarrassing. Thomas tries to pull him outside and say, look, and Sam doesn’t let him talk. Just talks over him the whole time. Go spend time with Jen. Don’t waste your time with me. And then, of course, when Thomas is getting his alone time with Jen, Sam comes in and says, Can I?
And he’s just like, give me five minutes, man. And Sam’s like, no. Now in other seasons, you would say, why wouldn’t the lead just say, you know what, Sam, give us time here. I’ve only been speaking with Thomas here for a couple of minutes. Can you give us time? But the reason that Jen allowed him to interrupt Thomas was because she knew she was sending him home.
So it made sense in this particular instance, all the other times you’re always sitting there going like, why is the lead letting this person interrupt? You know, it’s only adding to what producers want, but this time I know that she let Sam sit down because she knew she was letting him go. I don’t think she knew that he was going to say, can I kiss you?
Because the look on her face was classic. Like, Oh my gosh, what did you really think that we have something there where you can ask to kiss me when you’re so far behind everybody else? And it’s just not there. So she sends Sam and home. And during this group date is when we got the Sam McKinney. Did I just say she sent Sam and home or Santa and I’m home either way.
You know who I’m talking about? She sent Sam and home, but during this group date, we get the only two guys who had one on ones this week, sitting in the hotel room, not talking to each other until Sam McKinney just says to Devin. So man, what’s your problem with me? And. You know, he says, you don’t bother me.
Your name doesn’t come out of my mouth. And it’s just like, Sam, what are you talking about? Devin clearly bothers you. All you talk about is him when he’s there. You talk about him. You’ll want to confront him when you’re in your ITM. You’re talking about, I wish Devin wasn’t on the date. So clearly he does bother you.
So again, it just makes no sense. Sam’s making himself look worse. And again, I’ll bring it up. We all know. What happens at the end of the show, and we all know that Devin outlast Sam. So it’s just kind of just laughable to watch Sam act the way he’s acting knowing that he loses out to Devin. And, you know, he says all this stuff to Jen and he’s saying all the things that she wants to hear.
And the second she eliminates him in Seattle in two weeks, we all know what he did. He came home and he talked shit about Jen. He’s got his brother in law threatening to release stuff about Jen about last season, which the only way he would know about that would be something he heard through his brother in law, Sam.
It’s just, it’s so, it’s so classless. For his family to say what they’re saying, threatening to release stuff that they claim to know, which I’m not saying they don’t know, but I’m saying they know it from Sam, who would be clearly violating his NDA by telling them anything. So the stuff with Devin in the room was just, again, you knew producers wanted that.
You knew they told him like, Hey, we’re going to leave you in the room with Devin and you guys hash things out. And they were never going to hash things out. They clearly don’t like each other. Devin doesn’t like him. Sam doesn’t like Devin, but Devin’s going to end up winning in the end over Sam and winning Jen over that.
It’s just kind of laughable watching these two go at it, knowing what happens between them. Devin’s one on one date was very clear that I think very clear to see that Jen is super into Devin and he is a front runner. And if not, maybe this date solidified it for her in her, in her head. And maybe. She just didn’t need Devin to screw up the rest of the way, but I think this date was very telling Very into Devin different vibe and different feel than her date With Sam, where she was the one doing most of the talking.
Devin seems to be interested in Jen and ask her the questions that he wants to know answers to. I never, whoops, a little tripod fell. I don’t think that Sam ever gets to that place with Jen during his one on one day. And then the other big thing that happened and I tweeted it out with 25 minutes left in the show, I was like, Oh boy.
We still have Devin’s nighttime portion of the date. And we still know that Jen’s ex shows up this episode on the morning of the rose ceremony. We had 25 minutes left. So I was like, I know this is going to be a, to be continued, which it was, but you know, this whole thing about the X flying in on his own dime.
He flew to New Zealand. Okay. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. It’s irrelevant. Whether he did or didn’t, it’s obviously something that was put together by the show. It wasn’t, they allowed this to happen. They wanted him to show up. He might’ve contacted them first, but if they said no. Then he wouldn’t have flown there by himself and forced himself onto the show.
So let’s not think that this guy took things into his own hands and made this happen for himself. Maybe he did contact a producer and say, I want to talk to Jen and tell her how I feel, but they had to approve it. So I just think it’s, it was just something to add to the show because we know he doesn’t get past this rose ceremony.
She ultimately tells him. Can’t let you on and compete. I am too invested in these guys. It would really piss off these guys and we’re done. We’ll see that at the beginning of next episode. And then next episode we get Grant and Jonathan with one on one dates and a group date, and then the final seven go to Seattle, which is her final four.
Sam McKinney, Grant, and then we just, I still don’t know between Spen, and still haven’t shown a preview for the rest of the season if it’s Spencer or Dylan. They’re the seventh guy. What else did I want to talk about? Oh! There is a, a new relationship in Bachelor Nation. I don’t know if you saw it, they hard launched yesterday.
And that would be Victoria Fuller is with Will Levis. The quarterback went to Kentucky, actually started out at Penn State, then went to Kentucky, and then is now the starting quarterback for the Tennessee Titans. Anybody that’s followed either of their Instagram stories for the last month knows they’ve been hanging out.
It wasn’t a secret. But they quote unquote, when official, when they hard launched a Instagram story with each other yesterday, it was all over the tabloids and entertainment sites, and it’s pretty amazing because you go back to Peter Weber season. This is now the third woman from Peter Weber season who has been, who is with an NFL player, two of them married an NFL player, Sidney Hightower married Fred Warner linebacker for the San Francisco 49ers, Hannah and slus married Jake Funk.
Running back for God knows what team he’s on now. He’s been on three teams, I think, since she’s been with him. I don’t know what team he’s on now, but he’s still in the NFL. I think he’s on somebody’s practice squad. And now you’ve got Victoria Fuller dating will Levis starting quarterback for the Tennessee Titans and hell Kelsey Weir is dating a professional basketball player overseas.
And then Maddie Pruitt married the son of a billionaire, man. It’s Peter Weber women really killing it with the guys. You know, I, I’ve always thought that Victoria Fuller would be with somebody who was either a celebrity an athlete or a musician. I just, I mean, shit, the ones that we do know she’s been with have all fit into that category.
So this isn’t much of a surprise in terms of who she’s dated. She’s dated, you know, Chris Soules from the franchise. She dated Greg Rippo from the franchise. We know her past with Chase Rice. Now she’s dating Will Levis. I’d say that there’s a type, all of that. So congratulations to those two. Anyway.
Thank you for listening. I really appreciate it. Please follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. If you miss a day, please go back and hit play. Because it’ll count as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now, we’ve got my recap on my website, along with this transcript from the daily roundup going to be up on my website around 9am Eastern time.
So check that out as well. Again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you soon. To you tomorrow.
See ya.