You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. Steve podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday. We got some unfortunate stories to talk about right off the bat. Charity Lawson went on Cheryl Burke’s podcast and described the racism that she received.
While she was a contestant on dance with the stars last year, we have a tragic death of a former bachelor contestant. Jax Taylor is seeking inpatient inpatient treatment for mental health issues. And also talk a little dance with the stars upcoming cast. Now that we’re getting closer and closer, plus we might hit on some other things as well.
We’ll get to all that momentarily. So Charity went on Sheryl Burke’s podcast, Sex, Lies, and Spray Tans, two days ago on Monday and was really very open and talked about her time on Dance With the Stars openly for the first time. Since she was on the show last summer. And by the way, want to say this, Cheryl Burke’s coming on the podcast, this podcast, probably sometime this month, I reached out to her manager again.
We had her on end of August last summer about, or maybe it was beginning of September because we did it right before she launched her podcast and. I swear I, Cheryl’s podcast gets so many headlines for the guests that she has on and what they say. So good for her. We’re going to talk about how many times someone went on her podcast and said something that ended up being a headline and people or us weekly, really good stuff.
But obviously bachelorette related, she had on charity and charity, like I said, very open for the first time about it. And. She said, before I started all this, I was very hesitant because I didn’t know if I was gonna be able to handle it. Dotton was obviously my biggest supporter and he was like, yeah, do it.
I’m going to be there for you every step of the way. But little did I know it hit me like a ton of bricks week three or four, I was like, I don’t know. And we remember watching it. The criticism that she received from the judges was always, she needs to show a more emotion when she dances. And. She said she got so in her head trying to do these little things for herself and she felt like she wasn’t doing enough and then they kind of dove into the bullying aspect that she was receiving, which she never talked about in any of her intro packages.
And I don’t believe she’s ever talked about until this past Monday and she got messages from people calling her conceded. She got messages from people calling her entitled and she got messages from people calling her the biggest bitch on the cast. She said it was so damaging night in and night out. It was awful.
I talked about it with Artem, but nobody else knew the pros didn’t know. Nobody knew what was going on until I was like, go look at my comments. Whenever I post something about me and Artem is shared with dancing with the dancing with the stars page. She said it got so bad. She had to block and filter her personal social media page, but the official dance with stars account didn’t have the comments filtered and negativity.
Was continuing. She told Artem he was confused by the response of online, but obviously gave her as much support as he could. And she said, honestly, I just got to the point where I was trying to survive. I’m just trying to make it out of this season. And she even said this, you know, she’s talking about this to Cheryl.
And Cheryl even said to her, like, it was shocking to hear this. And even charity came back with, is it shocking? I don’t know if it’s shocking. I think to a certain degree it was expected. And she said, I came into dance with the stars fan base. Like this is going to be a piece of cake only to be almost to the point where it was so much worse than bachelor and bachelorette, I was getting death threats for existing for not performing enough.
And like I said, conceded entitled being the biggest bitch on the cast. It’s crazy. She goes so damaging night in and night out. And she’s told Artem, this is unfortunately what we’re dealing with and what we’re up against. If you look in comparison to every other contestant on this season, they don’t have this underneath their comments.
I’m literally just existing and being called a bitch. And I think hearing this for the first time from Charity, I’m in her camp when I say, you know what though? I’m with her. I’m not surprised. Because, you know, I think Cheryl is going to defend the show and defend their fan base. But For charity to say like, really?
I mean, it’s kind of the way it is. And the fact that they were coming after charity for no reason whatsoever, and the other people on the cast, Sochi and Val, she wasn’t getting that type of hate and just getting things said about her. I think dance with the stars probably needs to do a better job on their social media pages.
You got to filter out certain words. You can’t sit there and monitor every single comment because those type of Instagram pages get a ton of comments because people are commenting all the time about 12, 14 different dancers that appeared that night and they’re just going to comment. So it’s going to be hard to have somebody, one person sit there and monitor comments, but you got to do some sort of filter.
If she’s getting called those names on just the basic dance with the stars page and to hear her tell it, if you actually listened to the podcast with Cheryl charity broke down, you know, brought to tears because of this. And this is a year later, this happened last summer and here she is talking about it for the first time of how bad it was.
And, you know, you hate hearing that, but again, it’s why I’ve always said social media is like the greatest invention ever. And it’s also the worst invention ever because people can say whatever they damn well, please with zero repercussions on the internet, outside of making an actual, I don’t know, bomb threat or something like that, where it can be traced to you.
Just to call somebody names because of how they danced on Dancing with the Stars and you didn’t like them, or you wanted somebody else to do better, or Charity got a higher score than somebody you thought should have had a better score than Charity, so you’re gonna go online and write a comment like that?
I don’t see what, I mean, I know it happens, we talk about this all the time, but where does it end? How do we manage this? There’s gotta be some policing going on online. And there doesn’t seem to be basically any policing going on online when it comes to hate like this. I don’t know if the death threats were happening in the DMS or if they were happening in the comments, probably in her DMS, which again, utterly ridiculous telling someone to kill themselves because they’re on a dancing show and doing well.
Like she had no dance experience and that year she is dancing on the most popular dance show in the United States. And she has to hear that. I feel bad for charity. The fact that she had to go through this, I feel bad that she basically kept it in for a year, you know, but I think it’s only good to bring to the forefront because maybe this will force dance with the stars to do something about their social media channels, because I guarantee it’s probably gonna happen to somebody this season, you know, this is, it’s just, it’s why I say the social media is so it’s such a positive and it’s also the worst invention ever, because for this particular reason, what can you do to police it?
Most people that are leaving comments like that are probably like, I didn’t, she didn’t post any of the death threats that she received in DMS, but I’m guessing they’re not from people who signed in under their regular account and under their real name. I’m sure it’s a troll account, something along those lines.
How can you police that? Everybody that sends something gets sent to like internet jail for Instagram and they got to do a background search of, okay, who started up this account? What email did they use? And they got to go find their email. I think I’m able to trace it to the right person. It’s, it’s frustrating.
I hate that charity had to deal with it. I hate that anybody had to deal with that on any reality show. Again, nobody should be receiving death threats. I don’t care how big of a villain you are on a show. Even anything going on with Sam McKinney right now, what I’m trying to do to Sam McKinney is give constructive criticism and try and coach his family and just tell them like, look, you’re going about it all wrong.
This isn’t the way to combat his edit. It’s just not, but I’m not sitting here. And calling him names. I don’t like the guy. I don’t particularly care for him. I am paying attention to the things that he is saying and I don’t, I don’t care for him, but it’s not like I’m, you know, I talk about this a lot. I think I’m just different from the Instagram accounts.
Because you can tell, Instagram accounts want the contestants to like them. They want to tag them and stuff. They want to tell them how great they are. They want to ask, kiss. I just, you’re not going to get that from me. If I become friends with people from this franchise, it’s because it happened organically.
And it’s not because I’ve ever tagged them in anything and I want them to see it. I don’t tag anybody in any of the things that I post. I just don’t want to. If it, if something develops about it, great. But, I know that most of these people, in fact, probably 95 percent of them, anybody that does befriend me is using me to a certain extent.
I get it. But there are some that I have become friends with, but they’re all, you know, you know this people that are been on the show years ago that have nothing to gain by becoming friends with me now, you know, and staying friends with me now because they’re not part of the franchise. They’re not trying to get back on the show.
They’re not trying to get me to write something positive about them or something like that. They’re so far removed from the show. That’s how I know a friendship is a little more legit. Perfect example, tomorrow’s weekly podcast with Jacqueline Trumbull. How many times has she been on the podcast? She’s so far removed from RE season in the couple of days she was on paradise, you know, but we’ve stayed in touch.
We’ve remained friends. And this is a woman who was best friends with Jenna Cooper, who was telling me at the time, Steve, I think your info about Jenna’s wrong. And we were able to move past that because she appreciated what I did for Jenna after the fact. So someone like Jacqueline, I value her friendship because I know she’s not using me for good publicity, you know?
So, and not everybody, but I’m just saying, I know how it works in this show. And you can see who asked kisses, who likes showing that they’re hanging out with people from bachelor franchise. It’s just, you’re never going to see that for me because I don’t. That’s not what I want to be in the business for because the second you start doing that is the second you be you Start becoming less objective and that’s just that’s not how I want to cover it If someone likes me and reaches out to me and we can stay in touch great But that’s kind of where you know, we leave it at at now So I really I hate again.
I hate seeing this the social media aspect of it You know, I call it toxic. Bachelor nation seems like it was toxic dancing with the stars nation that did this to charity. It’s just awfully here. And I, but I am glad she shared her story because I don’t know. Maybe if one person says, wow. Maybe I shouldn’t be saying stuff like this online.
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