That could definitely be at it. I don’t know. I just look at Sam and I’m like, that’s, that’s the kind of guy who probably needs to marinate a little bit longer.
And maybe when he’s in his upper thirties or something, he’ll be a great partner. But right now, like, why shouldn’t he be a fuck boy? I mean, that’s what I would assume. He would be right now. He’s like 27. He looks like that. He’s very attractive. Cool. Like, I mean, I was surprised when I heard out when he, I heard he’d been engaged previously.
Cause I was like, Oh, I just assumed you’d want to like fuck around forever. But
yeah, I mean, it just. At this point with Sam, it’s, it’s kind of one of these things where when you look at it and you look at his edit and you look at, they’re clearly pitting him against Devin. I mean, it’s been that way for, I think ever since episode one, he, he just has an issue with Devin.
And I think there’s a part of him that probably looks at Devin and realizes he’s, I think it’s clear that he’s upset that Jen likes Devin. I’ll
be like, this guy, this is like, this is my
competition. Yeah. And he’s, and he knows he’s more attractive than Devin conventionally,
and he’s, and he’s not comprehending.
Cause he’s probably had it pretty easy with women his whole life about being able to get women. And he just doesn’t understand it, but he’s taking it out on Devin. And, you know, I can sit here and go over the first four episodes and I’m not even talking about. You know, I’m very well versed in how this show works, obviously, and seeing any time that there’s a voiceover and any time I don’t see somebody’s face on screen and their lips moving and talking, I just assume it’s frank and bitten and taken from somewhere else.
So I don’t deal in voiceovers. But even this past episode, just dealing with what Sam said in the one minute into the episode, he says, he, he started trashing Devin in his ITM where we can see him talking.
that’s the kind of stuff people are talking about. And his family is just getting so upset over how they’re showing him.
And it just. They’re not doing him any favors because they’re, you know, their big thing that you saw is just like, show the real footage. They’re not showing the context. It’s like, first off, they’re not going to listen to you family and be like, Oh yeah, by the way, since Sam’s family is requesting, we show everything in context, here it is for you.
It’s like, it’s, you’re never going to win battling the edit. And they just don’t understand that at this point. And it’s making it worse for Sam, I think, than better.
Well, it’s definitely making it worse. I definitely agree on that. I just looked at the screenshots you sent me, so I’m not following along.
But it doesn’t take, I mean, a rock of science to figure out that that’s not going to go well. It’s just that I think they’re falling for a couple of things. One is, like, I’ll use myself as an example. I was very unpopular on Reddit. Okay, but that does not mean that I was an unpopular contestant people who are watching the show are not the same people They’re going to trash you on Instagram like overall Sam is probably still a fairly popular contestant.
I mean, maybe certain people don’t like certain things, but that doesn’t mean they think he’s like the absolute asshole that they’re probably being told he is on social media because people are very vocal, especially people with negative opinions. So they are probably more up in arms and freaked out than they need to be.
And I completely understand that. And I’ve all I’ve said on here, like four times, no one knows how to be famous when they go on the show and that goes for their family members too. And so in their minds, they’re just defending their family members without realizing that when you join the pile on, there’s more weight on the pile.
Sam’s the one at the bottom. So like, stay away, you know, like let it simmer.
And I, I think this is something that you and I have talked about numerous times in the past is. Yeah. When you go on this show, unfortunately, fair or not, your family becomes fair game because you know, the Reddit people, people online will just go searching for anything that you have said in the past, anything your family has said in the past, anything they’ve posted about.
And I think the other thing is, as we know, most people that go on this show, when they first get cast.
few followers. You know, they’re the only people that follow them on Instagram are probably friends and family and people they went to school with back in the day. So you never have anybody. I mean, before you went on the show, did you ever have anybody in your life?
Comment on anything you posted on Instagram that was remotely critical, probably not. No, no. And now you’ve got strangers saying. Anything and everything without any sort of repercussions. So, like you said, it’s very hard to handle that when you’ve never had to deal with it. So he’s gotten nothing but praise his whole life on social media and probably from women in his life.
And then here he is now getting criticized for acting the way he did. And, you know, laughing about Sam and which I’m sure was taken out of context, but that’s kind of the stuff that they’re referring to. It’s just like, You can’t win. What do you think the show is going to do? Actually show context. If, if you don’t get it by now, when we’re 49 seasons in, it’s almost like, Hey, it’s on you now.
It doesn’t mean it doesn’t make it fair. I’m not saying like, look, we know toxic bachelor nation is awful to people just flat out awful. What Sam is getting, I don’t think is awful. It’s just criticism for the things that he is saying on camera. Yes. Some of the things that people are talking about are. I think voiceovers that we’re not seeing him actually say, and probably are taking out of context, but what I’m saying is, I think there is still plenty of footage like the one on one conversation with Devin, where he gets just so worked up over this guy.
I think that’s the other thing that is giving people ammunition. It’s just like, Hey man, calm down. It’s okay.
Calm down. Kumbaya. Yeah.
probably annoying. Sam’s not handling it. Well, yeah, we don’t know what actually happened. We don’t need to care. And that’s the beautiful thing
And the problem is I mean the other thing is when it comes to this show They have to have conflict there has to be drama every season and it’s almost impossible to avoid because you can’t put 25 30 women in a house And everybody get along.
You’re just going to have personalities that clash same with the men on the show, but they’re also going to do whatever they can. Like you said, pull you aside in an ITM and say, Hey, what’d you think about what Crystal did at the bowling day today? Like, of course, they’re going to encourage it. So it’s very, I don’t know if you want to call it hypocritical.
I kind of call it hypocritical of the show to say, Hey, you know, everyone, every season we’ll get something where it’s like, Hey, stop bullying our contestants, they’re real, you don’t need to take it out yet. They’re encouraging it behind the scenes because they’re asking you in an ITM to basically talk shit about another contestant.
Yeah, I just wish I could go into the rooms where they’re fighting and just like a kind of a ghostly figure just be like You’ll all be friends by paradise No, it happens every time every time we paint each other out to be the worst person humanly possible, you know And then they’re like BFFs on paradise.
So just Don’t worry about it.
Yeah, and I think, come Men Tell All, obviously Sam is going to be a focal point of Men Tell All. Devin won’t be at the Men Tell All, but Sam will. And, I’d be curious, like, as I’ve always said of people who’ve tried to fight their edit, when you get to, when the show is airing, when you get to the Tell All, just, even if you don’t believe it, just say, You know, watching myself back, I realized I could have handled myself a little bit better in situations.
That’s what he needs to go. Even if he hates Devin’s guts and never wants to talk to him again, just say that. But if you sit there and try and fight it and say, well, you know what? Devin really did this and he really pushed my, you’re not going to win. You’re just not, you know? And I think, as you say, people are having a hard time, you know, with criticism, it’s just like, you got to also understand nobody in this world.
Not even just this show in this world is universally liked. There are people that are just not going to like Sam for whatever reason whatsoever. They might just not like his hairstyle. He’s trying to be liked by everybody. And it’s just, and I, and family chiming in on social media is the same thing. They want their son to be liked by everybody.
They’re just not going to convince them. But it’s not possible. That’s the thing you have to accept.
It’s not possible. And we’re, I think we’re having a moment where really, really good looking white guys with slightly dead eyes, you know, they maybe don’t make us feel so comfortable. It’s like we look at them and we’re like, you’re probably a fuck boy or a narcissist.
Maybe it doesn’t mean he is, doesn’t mean he is, but
you picked, you pinpointed him as that. That’s what you thought he was. Right.
Or he said
he should be. Yeah. No, not narcissists. Fuck boy.
Probably. I mean, I would be if I were him. I was when I was him. You know, I mean, I just don’t, but whatever, like I’m not in his head.
I don’t, and by the way, I really don’t, he’s not a nurse. I’m not saying
just saying like guys who look like him, I think that they strike the fear of narcissism in our hearts. Cause girls have been fucked over by guys that look like him a lot and act like him. He’s very, very smooth, you know? And I think she’s maybe right to eventually in the season, start being a little bit careful.
Of that and start trying to look for some more depth. and he
definitely comes across, I mean, I don’t know the exact definition of narcissism, but he comes across to me as just very self absorbed. He’s very into himself and I think he thinks he’s God’s gift to women. And he’s just baffled by the fact that, as we talked about earlier.
He doesn’t understand why she could like someone like Devin and like someone like him. Cause clearly their connection has been strictly physical for four episodes. We’ve seen this, they maul each other every chance they can get. And it’s just, as we know, I mean, it’s like that can only go so far in a relationship.
I mean that once that wears off, you kind of have to be with a partner that you actually enjoy spending time with. And I don’t know if Jen enjoys spending time with Sam without their tongue in each other’s mouths, you know? Yeah. I don’t know either,
but if I were a bachelorette, I would probably pick out a couple of guys to just have that with to, you know, be like, I’m not even going to worry about any more to this connection.
I had a dating coach on my podcast and he was like. If you have 10 chemistry with somebody, never call them again. You do not want 10 out of 10 chemistry. You want like seven or eight out, you know, out of 10 chemistry. That’s the good zone. It’s like, you definitely got chemistry, but it’s not overwhelming you.
It’s not blinding you. And it’s not based on bullshit, you know, like, do they like me today? Like, Oh my God, I, I did something terribly wrong. Now they’re going to reject me. Now they’re going to leave me. And so now I have to get them back. And a lot of that is chemistry. Right. So I feel like she and Devin have a great amount of chemistry where, you know, she’s clearly attracted to him, but she’s more attracted to talking to him and that’s, what’s going to sustain her.
You talked about you mentioned your podcast, which is a little help for our friends that you I think you took about a month break. Maybe it was like six weeks, right? June. And then you came back in July. Okay. You take breaks all the time. So recently you had on a you had a topic of BPD and. I want to, I want you to give your, cause I’ve heard so many definitions of, of BPD and I really am curious to hear your answer as to what BPD is and.
Is there a way to like, what are some of the characteristics of somebody that has BPD will exude?
Yeah. So BPD is a personality disorder. It’s by personality disorder. We mean that the symptoms that they. Exhibit are persistent and pervasive. So, these symptoms don’t tend to go away over time. They’ve lasted for years and years and years.
They show up, not just in 1 domain. So, like, somebody could be could show up. These symptoms just in their dating or romantic life, but if they don’t exhibit them also, maybe, like, at work or with their family or in other social groups, then you don’t have a personality disorder. You just have something going on with dating.
So we kind of need those 2 criterias and it has to be impairing. Mean, symptoms include real fears of abandonment and kind of attempts to prevent abandonment that can feel pretty desperate, big emotional a bit ability. So your mood can be shifting. Big time, like even just in the course of a few hours or minutes. You might exhibit like suicidality, a lot of suicidal ideation, maybe attempts and self harm, you might have a really kind of confused sense of identity. So maybe your career interest shifts, your, your hobbies shift, your style might shift, the kind of, I, In here, like don’t really know who you are or what your goals might be. There can be big displays of anger, really kind of quick to anger and that anger is really big. There’s impulsivity and there can be a pervasive sense of emptiness. I don’t, I wasn’t counting. I don’t know if I got all nine symptoms, but what’s really important to understand about BPD is that you need five out of nine symptoms to qualify for this diagnosis.
That means that there are 256 different combinations for what BPD could mean. And it can mean that somebody with, or if we’ve got these symptoms, somebody with, my God, this is so hard to do when the camera split. Okay. With these
could have BPD, but then, oh my God, wait, I can’t do this. I have no spatial
knowledge, intelligence at all.
The point is you could be overlapping with only one symptom and you could both have BPD. So when you ask me to define BPD, I just want to be really careful that like, it doesn’t look any one particular way. These are just sort of trends. And there’s a, there’s typically an origin story of being very, very invalidated in childhood.
You know, for a very long time and for typically these kind of, these people will be sort of temperamentally sensitive. So these might be babies that cried a lot that were quicker to freak out to get upset just more sensitive emotionally.
It’s kind of scary listening to you define that because gosh, I don’t know how much you follow the Clayton case, but you really, you really described a lot of Personality traits, symptoms, whatever you want to call it, of.
The woman that was involved with Clayton and accused him, you know, fake the pregnancy on him and all this stuff. I just
Clayton that actually,
yeah. Oh, do you not know this? You don’t know any about, Oh gosh. Yeah. We can’t go there. Take four hour and take forever. Oh yeah, no, it’s a whole thing. Yeah. I mean, I mean, the short version is a woman accused him of impregnating her and it went to family court.
Took 13 months because she was legit crazy and a judge ruled against it and said it basically ruled in Clayton’s favor, but there’s so many more details. Like again, this would take months, but yeah that’s what happened. And but she got an order of protection against him. He got an order of protection against her because he was able to show 500 phone calls and emails and texts that she sent him over the course of a.
You know, three month period and it’s in those emails where we kind of saw, I think the first thing you said was, you know, issues of abandonment and this is somebody that clearly, you know, she would they hooked up one night and he told her the next, but they didn’t have sex. It was just oral sex.
Clayton said this under oath. He said it to me when I talked to him three days after the story broke, he said, Steve, I never even had sex with her. So her claiming that she was pregnant with my children is just a flat out lie. It was oral sex. It was twice. And. So I know that she was never pregnant, but she, he told her the next day, cause this was a real estate deal.
And she went to him for some investment property stuff. They hooked up one night, he told her the next day they were sitting in a car. He told her, look, I crossed the line last night and shouldn’t have happened. And he said, from that moment forward, she basically just lost it. Basically a guy, I was like, man, you didn’t even ghost her.
You told her to her face. Like, Hey. shouldn’t have happened last night, but I don’t think this is anything more going forward. And from that point forward, a woman who texts you emails you and calls you over 500 times in a three month span and sends you emails saying, just give me a chance, give it two weeks.
And if you don’t think if you don’t think it can work between us after two weeks, like literally wrote out a dating contract for him. If this can’t happen in two weeks, then I’ll take the abortion pill. And he’s just like, what are you talking about? Like, stop contacting me. I told you, I don’t want to be with you.
Please just give me a chance. I know I can, I know we can be a good couple to get. And it was just, and then it just got worse and worse for her because it was bad. It’s it’s, it’s, it’s the, put it this way. I mean, it went on for 13 months. They hooked up May 20th, 2023. The judge ruled on June 18th of this year.
She ruled six weeks ago.
the craziest story that ever happened to anybody in Vacheron Nation history. And it’s not even close of what Clayton went through with this woman for 13 months. So, but yeah, and some of the things that you described to me, I was just like, that’s her, I think. And people have said like, she’s just not all there.
And I think. It’s some sort of borderline personality disorder with her because of the things that she said and this idea that she Again, I don’t want to get too deep into the weeds here because everybody that’s listening already knows this story, but come to find out she had done this to two other men in Arizona where she claimed pregnancy and then took them to court.
Like, so that’s what I mean. I think it’s just men that don’t want her and she lashes out by claiming pregnancy to keep them in her. Circle in her web, I don’t know when you say you’ve been pregnant by three different men and have had, you know, and have lost the babies three different times in a span of six years of three men in Arizona that all said they don’t want to have anything to do with you.
I’m sorry you lose credibility, you know,
of course. I mean, I, you know, I can’t like diagnose somebody without talking to them. So, yeah, I mean, spidey senses when, when somebody exhibits really extreme. Behavior over a long period of time. My thoughts go to possible personality disorder. I don’t know. I mean, it could be a contender, but
yeah, no, it was, it was, it’s like I said, craziest story.
And anybody that’s ever dealt with anything happened to them in bachelor nation, nobody has dealt with what Clayton dealt with for the last 13 months. Yeah, no, it was bad. But you know, when you. When you had on, who was the one last time that we talked about that wasn’t border. What that was multiple personality disorder, dissociative
identity disorder.
that was, that’s completely different from BPD. Okay. And that one, explain that story again, quickly to people that don’t remember when we had you on last time and you had just had a guest on that was suffering from what used to be called multiple personality disorder, but it now has a new name.
What am I explaining D I D or how, or that guest,
that guest
what they were diagnosed with
while she was diagnosed with D I D. Yeah, she’s a patient of a friend of mine, but she was also a patient at Duke. So my friend went through the same, you know, we were both at Duke and. She then stayed on with Caitlin and agreed to come on the podcast and talk about her experience and her treatment with Caitlin.
So what made this kind of cool is that the, the typical treatment for DID is integration. So, you know, basically somebody with DID has these multiple personalities, we’ll call them alters or parts, and these personalities have. Fully different personalities. And basically the point of them is that, you know, this is a trauma disorder.
So a child has been severely traumatized repeatedly, and they are too small and fragile to cope with something with the enormity of the trap, you know, of the trauma that they’re experiencing. And so part of them dissociates and. They can dissociate so much that there’s like a part of them that cleaves off so that that part only handles some aspect of the trauma.
Maybe they cleave off and so some other part handles only an aspect of coping. So for instance, this, this person who came on had a personality who held all of the anger and he, this was a, the the part was a, he, he would go in and anytime Molly needed to be assertive, essentially. Her part that held the anger called Slayer Slayer Slayer.
Yeah. So he would come in and be angry. And this makes sense. If you think about like a little kid. Who’s being severely traumatized by her caretakers can’t safely express anger because it is asking for more trauma, right? But at the same time, a person, a human being can’t just never be angry. So she could dissociate into this other identity that held the anger.
Then only that personality would have to handle the backlash or would have to handle those feelings of anger and could maybe come to be when it was safe to be angry, but Molly herself wasn’t in a position where anger was safe. So, yeah, so she had, you know, all these different personalities and they, it’s a fascinating disorder.
They kind of live in her mind in a set of rooms, but there’s like a living space and they can all commune there and they all have rules and they can all kind of talk about who gets to inhabit her at a given time. Yeah. And you know, most, so most treatment aims for integration. So that basically all these personalities reintegrate into just one person, but Molly was not interested in that she, and neither were her alters.
That’s a common problem is they’re like I’m not really sure that I want to go away. So she and Caitlin instead kind of worked to have a system where they could all exist, but they had to figure out how to coexist successfully. So they developed rules, they all kind of individually had trauma treatment with Caitlin.
And it just became much more of a systematic process than just, I like, I’m online now and I’m going to wreak havoc.
Ever since you had her on Molly, have you. Gotten any updates or been in touch is, are things improving with her? Are they getting worse? Are they getting better? It’s saying the same. Have you gotten any updates or no?
I haven’t gotten updates. I haven’t asked. I mean, she was willing to talk on the podcast. He identified. But I can’t, but, but that she and Caitlin were both here. And so she led the conversation, which he was willing to divulge the patient confidentiality still exists. So I wouldn’t then go ask Caitlin, like, How’s Molly doing?
What’s up? Like, do you know what I mean? Like, yeah, the agreement kind of ended when the podcast ended, but they’ve been in therapy for a very long time and it’s been a solid upward trajectory for many years. So I imagine it’s still upward.
So you mentioned last thing here before we, we head out the fact that, you know, this started at Duke and you’ve been in your PhD program at Duke, but now somebody is moving up in the world and you are having to leave Duke.
Next month correct? You have to, you’re moving back to New York for, I think a year or something like that you have to do it for one year and explain everybody what that’s going to consist of. When the move is actually happening, how you’re coping with it, you’re looking forward to it. Are you, obviously you have, you have a boyfriend that lives in North Carolina and obviously you’re gonna have to do the long distance thing with him for a year, but explain to everybody what’s coming up for you in the next year.
Okay. So, a PhD is six years. I’ve done five. The last year is called internship. It takes place at usually a different institution. So you have to, you have to apply. It’s like applying for grad school again, but it’s a match process. So, after your interview, you rank your choices, they rank you, and then you’re just told you’re going somewhere.
So I was told I’m going to the Bronx VA, obviously in New York City. I feel good about the program. I mean, it’s a competitive program. And I’m going to really, really strengthen my trauma training, which is a huge goal of mine. It’s going to be a very different population and it’ll be an awesome learning experience.
Am I excited about New York? I mean, yes and no, like
you’ve lived there before, so you’re not like going somewhere you’ve never been.
Yeah, I mean, I love New York. I love it. I’m also 33 now, and I’ve been living a very different life for the past five years. I mean, we are right now sitting in my art studio.
I have an entire room where I have like painting supplies, quilling supplies, stained art supplies, a guitar, weights. I’m not gonna have that shit in New York, you know? Like, this is what I do for fun now. Like, I, I can’t drink alcohol the way I used to. I don’t even wanna see friends the way I used to.
Like, most of the time I just wanna be by myself and with my hobbies. And I’m right now and I’m on paid summer vacation based on this. I mean, I have to work on my dissertation, but am I working on my dissertation?
So I, I, you know, I don’t know. I’m, I’m, I would be more excited, obviously, if I were not in a relationship because long distance is not something I’m looking forward to, but it is what it is. I mean, I’m sure I’m very adaptable. I like change. I’ll deal with it. I would feel better if I had an apartment, but I don’t know where I’m going to live yet.
And I would also feel better if I weren’t going to make so, so few dollars while I’m there, you know, do they, do they
pay for your housing?
my program. Pays me 40 K, which is one of the highest internship salaries you can have. It’s usually less than grad school. So, I don’t know how I’m going to do it.
I mean, last time I did it because I let men pay for my food. Like what am I going to do now? And I’ve inherited a shopping addiction since, or developed a shopping addiction. And
online shopping addiction.
Yeah, and anywhere shopping addiction. I mean, I just got rid of nine trash bags filled with clothes.
Okay, and I still have two Closets that are filled to the brim with clothes plus drawers
and you haven’t found a place yet in New York
No, because here’s the thing A apartments don’t really become available until the month of, so that’s a problem. B I have such a low income that no renters want me. And then I have a cat, so no subletters.
I don’t know where I’m going to be, but working man, it’s going to be fine. We’re going to make it work. And then I’ll be back home and I’m going to have one year of making like an okay salary. Then I’m going to get married and have a baby.
Well, good luck for all that. I know it’s a big change for you.
Obviously you’ve been in North Carolina the last five years. But now you’re ready. You know, you’re ready to spread your wings for a year in new york and go back and yeah. See, as you fly away. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, it’s obviously, I am happy that you are going someplace that you’ve lived before. So that’s at least a good thing, but not not in your.
You’re not living in, like you said, when you were in your twenties in New York, obviously you’re living was a lot different. And this is for, you know, adult life schooling, you’re going to be in school. This isn’t going to be like living in New York when you were in your twenties, but at least it’s someplace you’re familiar with as opposed to getting sent somewhere where you know, absolutely nobody.
Yeah. I had tons of friends in New York. I basically go to New York to have a social life when I’m here. I don’t, I don’t social. So no, I mean, it’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. Yes. I’m having a nice, I’m having a nice moment in my life right now and I don’t really want it to end.
Yeah. No, that sucks. I mean, you only got, like you said, what a month left and then you got to leave and then school starts what beginning of September.
And is this
something like every, like, this is, you know, You have to, when you, when you applied, can you tell us like the other places you apply to? And then you said they pick for you and you get told where to go. Where else did you apply to that you were looking at?
I applied to places around here, like Duke, UNC Durham VA.
Then there was an inpatient hospital. I applied to the DC VA, the Philly VA. And then a bunch of places in New York, basically,
you know, I mean, it’s about fit. It’s a, it’s a, it’s a crapshoot, you know, like with Duke, for instance I didn’t match, which is like, it’s one of those things where it’s like, when they’re thinking about taking somebody of their own.
Maybe that’s a good idea, but maybe they’re like, well, what else do we really have to teach her? Like, what would, you know, the point with other places? It’s maybe a personality fit. I mean, but then there’s also rules about, you know, the places around here, like they’ll only accept a certain, like they’ll usually only accept one Duke student.
So there’s just like weird rules, but mostly I applied in New York and
And look, you got it. I know it’s going to be a change, but I know that you can, you’ll be able to handle it and everything will be fine. And like you said, it’s not like you’re going away and you have a three year program or a five year program.
It’s one year. Sure. It’ll be tough in the beginning, but you’ll get used to it and you’ll be fine on the back end of it. And the plan is to move back to North Carolina. I assume at that point.
Yeah. Jason and I stay together, which is the plan.
Yeah, there you go. Well, good luck with good luck with all that.
Again, you can listen to Jacqueline’s podcast, a little help for our friends, which is on Apple and Spotify, wherever you listen to your podcast, Jacqueline. Thank you so much again for coming on. Sorry that the camera was flipped and you didn’t know how to use your fingers to do the overlapping thing, but Hey, it all, it worked.
So I realized I could have
just like looked at the, looked at my hands in front of me instead of like trying to figure it out.
Oh, that’s right. You were looking at the camera when you did that instead of looking at your hand.
Thanks again for coming on. Really appreciate it. And obviously we’ll be in touch.
Yeah. Thanks for continually, continuously inviting me on.
You got it. Bye.
Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.
