Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 8/2 – Mudslinging In The Rachel/Bryan Divorce Continues, One Of Jenn’s Men Apparently Doesn’t Like Me, Big Brother Eviction Was Dumb, Claim To Fame, & Pitching Taylor For The Super Bowl Halftime Show

Big Brother last night. Eviction happened and with an 11 to one vote, somehow, some way Lisa was eliminated.

Now, I’m sure this is all because of stuff that has been talked about the last two days, because if 11 out of the 12 people that were voting, we’re all voting for Lisa. That means it was a done deal before. Tucker won the BBAI arena and saved himself. I don’t really understand it. As I told you, hadn’t watched any live feeds and I hadn’t read anything about the live feeds, so I didn’t really know what was going on.

I think I even questioned it yesterday in the podcast, or maybe in my column. I don’t really understand. Maybe I sent it in a text to somebody. I can’t remember, but I know I said recently, I don’t understand what the hatred is towards. Lisa, why don’t people like her? She seems. Like normal to me. I mean, obviously everyone’s going to get under your skin.

You stay in a house all summer with somebody that you don’t know. Of course, some people are going to rub people the wrong way, but for her to be loaded out 11 to one. And if the reasoning is, well, she’s a bigger threat than Angela. Everybody in that house, if they were in the final two and the vote had to be between Angela and somebody else, everybody else in that house is a bigger threat than Angela because nobody likes Angela does this mean we’re just going to keep her until the end?

Like. I still think Angela is gone in the first four episodes. Maybe it was just a chance to get Lisa out, or maybe Lisa did something in the last three days that just got under the whole house’s skin, but I don’t think that’s the case, but you had people voting last night that even said, I don’t know why, but I choose to evict Lisa.

I vote to evict Lisa. I think Quinn said it. I don’t know why I’m doing this. So. Clearly he just didn’t want to ruffle feathers. He knew the house was voting against Lisa. Somebody didn’t tell Kenny the plan since he was the only one that did vote out Angela. I mean, Last week right after eviction with Matt happened We literally saw on camera on the live feeds when they said let’s go check back in with the house guests you had MJ and Leah essentially crying to each other in the bathroom pointing at the camera saying we’re coming to get you Angela You had her on the block and you didn’t vote her out.

So Something major switched in the house, and I don’t know what it was But I’m sorry. Angela is one of the more unlikable people the show has ever had. She is just a bully. She’s just so mean that she’s losing it mentally. You can tell that the show is getting to her and not in a good way. I know she stands up there and screams.

I love this game. I love all of you. I want to be with you all summer. I think that she’s absolutely losing her mind. And if you thought that was acceptable, calling, Calling Lisa a twit just cause she doesn’t like her and then repeating it to her face. I just don’t understand how anybody wants this woman around and wants to hang out all summer with this woman.

I don’t really get it. Like I said, maybe it’s just, Hey, we had a chance to get out a very good player in Lisa, but I think everyone else sitting next to Angela is a better player than Angela. Does this mean she’s going to be put up every week and every week, everyone’s going to say like, Hey, Angela’s going home.

Angela’s going home. When they can really get a bigger threat out. It just, it really makes no sense to me. Maybe it was because Quinn convinced the rest. No, but Quinn was the one that said, I don’t know why I’m doing this. Cause remember what I talked about after Angela won HOH. I’m like, Quinn told Angela about his upgrade.

That’s going to work against him because now she’s the only one that knows that, at least that we have seen, I don’t know if Quinn’s told anybody else on the live feeds, but Angela knows that Quinn’s got a major upgrade that he only has two weeks left that he can use it. So maybe he’s just like, yeah, I almost have to keep her.

Because if I don’t, she’s going to out me to the rest of the house. Didn’t sound like that during his vote. Cause he’s like, why do I have to, why am I doing this? Tucker continues to annoy me and. While I don’t like the fact that he talks in character during his diary room and his confessionals and stuff like that, that’s annoying.

But I think his whole conversation with Lisa was another reason why I don’t like this guy. He just comes across as a know it all like, Oh, I did research for the FBI. I’ve studied people for 10 years. I know you have an upgrade and we all know she doesn’t. So clearly he’s flat out wrong. He’s absolutely 1000 percent wrong.

He’s factually incorrect. And when he says Lisa has an upgrade, but yet he’s telling her, yes, you do. Yes, you do. I can read people better than anybody. It’s like people like that. It’s got such a high opinion of himself. He walks around like he’s Eminem. I just, this guy, get rid of him too. I’m, I’m tired of him.

I think he’s going to be around a while because gameplay wise, he’s really good, but he’s going to have to get backdoored. He’s going to have to get blindsided because I just think. And I think, I think ultimately his cockiness will get him booted because he will never think that the house is against him because I think he has such a high opinion of himself that maybe it will be kind of easy to blindside him, but they know damn well.

He’s one of the top competitors in the house and can win challenges. So yeah, I think we’re going to be stuck with Tucker for a little bit, but I would much rather, I mean, not that I enjoy the guy on my television, but I would much rather see Angela go before Tucker. I just, I just can’t believe anybody approves of the things that, and I, like I said, I haven’t even watched the live feeds outside of the first week.

So here we are and. What three weeks into the season two weeks in the season and I haven’t seen a lot of the live feeds at all Just what they’re showing us on CBS Makes Angela look bad and just a mom that seems to be very much a Karen I just oh I can only imagine how many times she has asked to see the manager at a Restaurant or a retail store in her life.

I’d 50 claim to fame on Wednesday night Well, the first guess of the season ended up being, the first right guess of the season happened on Wednesday night as Naomi was eliminated by the guy with the beard. I’m already forgetting his name and he guessed Molly Ringwald. And he only guessed that because Hud told him that Naomi was related to Molly Ringwald.

He didn’t even know who Molly Ringwald was. Boy, I’m getting old. This guy did not know who Molly Ringwald was. He had to write it down on his wrist. But she ends up going home, Naomi, and she is the cousin of Molly Ringwald. I think the clue was so obvious and he gave it away. You know, I don’t even think we talked about last week.

Maybe we did with Miguel going home. I remember when I said, like, I had found from that TikTok account who everybody’s celebrity relative is. And I was like, if people are going to guess Miguel based on who he looks like, they’re never going to get it. And I didn’t see anything in the clues that was so strong.

That was going to point them to Jimmy Lee Curtis. But my gosh. Nobody was ever going to guess Miguel was related to Jamie Lee Curtis. Hell, if this guy didn’t even know who Molly Ringwald was, my guess is they don’t even know who Jamie Lee Curtis is. Most of them. So I guess I can’t say I’m surprised, but Miguel, the only way he was going home was if he had to be the guesser and he gets wrong and that’s exactly what happened.

So anyway, Naomi is gone. They made her out to be one of the stronger players in the first three or four weeks of the season. And now she’s gone. I think there’s only one woman left, right? Isn’t it McKenzie? I think she’s the only woman left on the show. I could be wrong, but just picturing the cast in my head, I don’t know their names very well.

It’s like Danny, Shane, HUD, the guy that’s related to Michael Jackson. And then the guy that guest for Naomi, that’s five guys. And the McKenzie is would be six. I think there were 12. So yeah, maybe that’s six or six left and five. Five men and one woman. I’ve read all the answers, but I forget who’s who’s who’s celebrity relative, so I won’t say anything and Finally with this did you all know that the reason Taylor Swift gave Travis Kelsey, a shot was because of Aaron Andrews and Karissa Thompson.

Aaron Andrews works as a sideline reporter for Fox Griffiths. Krista Thompson works for Fox and they kind of, I guess, put it in her ear to give him a chance after he shot his shot when she went to Kansas city and had a bracelet and Taylor never agreed to meet him. And then after that, somehow they got to her and they’re kind of the reason why Travis and Taylor are together.

Well, on their podcast this week, they said they had a meeting. Well, they, they were in NFL meetings with the media partners and stuff like that. And they got in Roger Goodell’s ear and they basically said, you need to get Taylor as the halftime show for the Superbowl in 2025 for this upcoming season, the 24, 25 season.

And they were like, you got to strike while the iron is hot. She’s the most popular woman in the world right now. She’s dating. One of your most popular players. They are the peep. They are the couple that everybody talks about. And Aaron and Carissa even said like, look, it’s not like Taylor needs to do the Superbowl.

NFL needs her to do the Superbowl way more than she needs to do the Superbowl halftime show. But they also brought up good points. Michael Jackson in the nineties, one of the biggest pop stars at the time, if not the biggest. Did the Superbowl halftime show. Did Whitney Houston need to sing the national anthem?

No, she’s bigger than singing a national anthem at a Superbowl, even though it was recorded, but did she need to know, but she did it. It would make sense. I mean, it would be the biggest halftime show they’ve ever had. 1000%. It wouldn’t even be close. It’s kind of like when I say SNL needs to make Travis Kelsey the host and Taylor the musical guest sometime in 2025.

Can’t happen in 2024 because he’s basically playing every weekend, but 2025 let’s revisit it again. Assuming they are still together. Let’s revisit it again and let’s get Taylor and Travis and she won’t be touring in 2025. Let’s get Taylor and Travis hosting. Let’s get Travis hosting SNL with Taylor as the musical guests or co hosts or whatever, however you want to do it.

But it’s, it’s an opportunity. Just like I’m saying, SNL is idiotic for not getting Taylor and Travis as one on one of their shows last this past March and April, they still have a chance to do it next year, assuming Travis and Taylor are still together. Why wouldn’t the NFL want Taylor Swift? She would deliver the biggest halftime show we’ve seen probably since the Michael Jackson halftime show.

That would be my guess. So, hey, Aaron Andrews and Karissa Thompson got these two together. They put it in Roger Goodell’s ear, Commissioner of the NFL. Like, hey, they said, I don’t know if he’s going to listen, but we put it in his ear. That, let’s make this happen. There’s rumors that Miley Cyrus is going to be the halftime show this year.

I don’t know how. Strong. Those rumors are, but that’s the only thing that’s been put out there so far about the NFL halftime show this year. So who knows, man, you get Taylor at the halftime show for the NFL. I’m telling you, it’s going to be the biggest one in recent memory, if not biggest of all time.

Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. If you miss. An episode, go back and hit play. It’s one of the biggest ways you can support this podcast. Sports Daily will be up in an hour from now.

If you want to go check that out, hope everybody has a great weekend. Don’t forget Sunday night. Livestream on my YouTube channel. Reality, Steve, 8 p. m. Eastern time, seven mountain or seven central six mountain five Pacific. Be taking your questions. Probably going to have a guest. Don’t know who yet, but we’re going to be doing that this weekend, this Sunday, 8 p.

m. Eastern time on my YouTube channel. And don’t forget the transcript for this podcast up on reality today in a couple hours. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it, and I will talk to you on Monday.

See you.

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