Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 8/5 – Bachelorette Jenn Episode 5 Tonight, Golden Bachelorette Ends Filming, A Bachelor Nation Arrest, & Latest Happenings In Big Brother House

A couple other things to hit on before we get to Big Brother. The Golden Bachelorette has ended filming. I do not know who Joan chose. We have the final four that I spoiled online for you on my Instagram stories and on my Twitter account.

Pascal Porel, Chalk Chapel, Jordan Heller, and Guy Gansert. I don’t know who she chose. Hopefully I’ll find out sooner rather than later. I don’t even know where they went for Overnight’s and Final Rose ceremony. So hopefully I’ll find that out as well, but considering filming is over and right when Gary’s filming ended last year is when they released the women.

My guess is this week we’re going to get Jones men released on social media on, you know, people. com or ew. com is my guess. We’re going to get them this week since filming is over and just look for those four guys because those are the four guys that we definitely know are the final four. The only other guy I know that’s on this season is Mark Anderson.

Which is Kelsey’s dad. And actually I got emailed about another guy. I don’t know how far he lasts. And I don’t have his name memorized, but so that’s six guys of her group that I know, and I don’t know how many guys she got, 20, 22, 25. We’ll find out. But my guess is we’re going to get that this week since filming is now over.

And as soon as I hear who Joan picked, I will let you know. Quick story to go over. I don’t know if you saw this, but it was posted on a Facebook post from, let’s see. A reporter. And James McCoy, James Taylor, James McCoy, Taylor guitar playing dude from Jojo season that has been quite controversial on social media, who I’m not a big fan of.

He was arrested was arrested on warrants overnight by college station police at a North gate bar. I believe this was Saturday night. Those warrants are for charges of assault causing bodily injury and unlawful restraint. It’s unclear where the warrants are from, but he was arrested in Brazos County and then released on bonds that totaled 8, 000.

I know nothing about this case other than what was sent to me. All I can say is this couldn’t have happened to a bigger piece of crap in this franchise. Dude is just not a good guy. Period. End of story. Go back and listen to when he was on my podcast and the ass kissing he did at that time. And then right after that podcast, just threw me under the bus.

I gave the guy a platform to apologize and admit what he did. He did. And then basically took it all back talking to other people. Just an absolute ass clown. So good riddance. Somebody brought this up in the comments last night in a YouTube channel. And this doesn’t necessarily has to do with this audience.

You guys that listen to the reality, the daily roundup every day. And somebody mentioned. Because they’re watching the Olympics and they see sometimes odds pop up on screen and we’re approaching football season. And I’m guessing a lot of girlfriends and wives know their husband likes to dabble in gambling or anything like that.

And they asked, like, I’ve got, somebody said they’ve got like a lot of questions when it comes to gambling. I was like, well, obviously. I could answer a ton. We could do a gambling one on one for women that don’t understand it or might want to be interested in maybe placing a bet or two. I’m guessing that’s not a lot of you.

It’s probably most of my sports daily listeners, but somebody did comment on that under my live stream last night. And I’m thinking maybe at some point this week, or maybe as we get closer to football season, maybe I will do a, just a live stream and I would ask. Answer questions live and I’m talking the most basic stuff like no question.

I totally understand how Gambling, especially when it comes to sports can be very very confusing. I have absolutely no problem answering and helping you guys out and maybe helping you understand what your husband or boyfriend or significant other is doing because It is very prevalent in this country.

38 of the 50 States have now legalized sports gambling. So if people need help with it, my, obviously as someone who’s been doing it for a while, myself, absolutely would help you out. And I just explain it to you. And like I say, no question is. Too basic or don’t be embarrassed. Like, well, what does this even mean?

I understand. Like you have to start at the very, very basics and I have no problem doing that. So at some point, probably in the month of August, I don’t know, maybe I’ll do it this week. I will do a video and literally go over it step by step. Gambling one on one for those that are interested and want to know a little bit more and try and try to understand it.

All right, let’s end with this big brother last night. Now. I am gonna talk about basically what’s coming on Wednesday’s episode and The plan moving forward based on everything that I’ve read So if you don’t want to know either what happened on last night’s episode or what’s coming on Wednesday’s episode Fast forward or just get out of the podcast now last night.

We saw Head of household was Cedric and our three nominees were Angela and Kenny because Angela is not liked in the house. Kenny keeps saying he wants to quit and then Cedric was trying to find a third person and nobody really wanted to volunteer as a pawn. And here comes Tucker once again saying, Hey man, I’ll go up and I’ll win the power of veto again.

I don’t care. And if you don’t want to know, fast forward. Of who won power of veto three, two, one. So Tucker puts himself up as a pawn and then again, wins power of veto this week. His plan is obviously he’s going to take himself off and now Cedric is going to put McKenzie up so he can flush out her advantage.

Now McKenzie has three options based on everything that I’ve read of what she can do when she gets put up as a replacement. Nom, she can use her America’s veto, her upgrade power, and. See who America chooses to put up as the third nomination. She can not use her power and try and win BBA arena and take herself off.

Oh, wait, no, this is after BBA. No, she’s, she would still get to compete in BBA arena. So if she wins BBA arena, she comes off and it’s just between Angela and Kenny or. She can play in BBA, not use her upgrade, play in BBA arena. If she doesn’t win, she’s up against Angela or Kenny, and she’s probably not going home anyway, or I think those are the options.

So I guess what I’m saying is there was something else that was brought up. Cedric is considering basically an in house agreement, which would mean Mackenzie would use her upgrade and they would use America’s votes basically to see who America doesn’t like. Basically, who does America hate so far? And that person would become the third nominee by America’s vote, but the in house agreement would be, we’re not voting that person out just because America hates them or likes them the least.

We’re not voting them out. So that could be an option. Personally, if I’m McKenzie and he puts me up, I would use the America’s veto. You might as well because you only have one week left to use it and you have a chance to be ahead of household next week. Anyway, I would use it. If I were her, I wouldn’t take a chance on one winning BBAI or two, if I don’t win BBAI going up against Angela or Kenny, because we know the saying pawns go home.

And as much as people want to see Angelo go home, they could maybe stick around and be like, Oh, we can keep her another week, you know? That’s just how this show works. Mackenzie is a good player. She’s got an upgrade. She’s told people about it. She might as well use it. Because she’s getting put on the block.

Tucker’s gonna take himself off and she’s going on the block. Speaking of Tucker, I’ve told you this season, I just, I’m so annoyed by him. He’s just incredibly annoying. He’s just one of these guys that thinks he’s hot shit. Let’s be honest. He just thinks he’s hot shit in this game and the thing for the second episode in a row now He brags about something that he completely ends up being a failure at when he was sitting there talking to Leah Was it Leah outside?

No, no, no. With Lisa. Sorry. When he was talking to Lisa before she was eliminated, we see him having that conversation and he says, I can read people. I went to school for 10 years. I know you have the upgrade. And we all know she didn’t. And she’s like, you’re not. That’s not right. Tucker. I don’t have it. Yes, you do.

I just know I can read people. Okay, you’re flat out wrong, dude. So stop bragging about how you can read people. You clearly can’t read Lisa. And then last night, what did we hear before the HOH competition? My friends know that I’m the balance guy. I’m great on the balance beam. I’m going to kill this challenge.

And what does he do? He falls off the balance beam. It’s like enough talking about yourself already, man. It’s just so annoying, not to mention the Jim Carrey talking in the confessionals in the diary room and how he either looks, I know he’s not stoned. You’re not allowed to smoke up in the big brother house, but this stoner image that he portrays the bucket hat, I mean everything about him gives me the ick and I’m sure there’s other people out there that absolutely love the guy and think he’s hilarious.

Not me. I think he’s a total ass clown. Another one. I can’t wait for him to go home. It’s just, and I think the biggest thing with me is just people that talk about themself as much as he does and people that talk about how great they are at something and then has been proven the last two episodes, he’s literally over to, yeah, I, I, I don’t know how I’m done with you.

And then as for showmances, it was explained last night that while there’s people that like each other in the house, there’s no showmances going on because Chelsea says she’s interested in cam, but cam is interested in Leah, who is also liked by Quinn. But the problem is Leah likes Tucker. So nobody is reciprocating the person that likes them.

Because what did Chelsea say? Tucker seems to like the fish. Just staring at a fishbowl. So yeah, Chelsea likes Cam, Cam likes Leah, Quinn likes Leah, but Leah likes Tucker. I’d be fine with no showmances this season. And oh yeah, anybody that thinks that Matt Hardiman, the guy who was first eliminated, is going to wait around and MJ’s gonna come out of the house and they’re gonna be a couple, that might last about 17 minutes.

Go ask Riley and Matt from last season how that works out where somebody is going to wait for somebody to get out of the house and then get in a relationship, not. Happening. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t count on that in a million years. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts.

Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. Please go back and hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download the transcript with this for this podcast for this daily roundup. We’ll be up around. I don’t know. 9 15 Eastern time on reality. Steve. com. Go check that out. Watch episode five tonight.

We’ll be back tomorrow with a daily roundup and a recap sports daily comes out in an hour from now. So thank you all for listening again. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

To! My good friend Sandy Santa Like real money is supposed to get right up The rest of all your fantasies are rainbow It’s just a dream She says what I’m

supposed to do We do the same thing

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