Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Bachelorette Jenn Recap – Episode 5 Thoughts, Contracts, A Bachelor Nation Police Report is Out, Jenn Comments on Sam & His Family’s Social Media Activity, & Your Daily Roundup 8/6 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

Quite a few things to get to today before getting into my thoughts on last night’s episode #5 of Jenn’s season. If for no other reason to watch Sunday nights livestream, just go check out at least the first 5 minutes to listen to me give you a masterclass on “Back to the Future” history. Then I’ll go into the contract situation below with help from Kristen Baldiwn’s annual tweet she seemingly posts every season. This was also dissected on the Sunday Night livestream. And hey, lookie here, James McCoy Taylor went out and got himself arrested again this past weekend. In all seriousness, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart – it couldn’t have happened to a bigger jerk off in this franchise. Good riddance. And also, we have footage of Jenn on Emma and Claire’s “Love to See It” podcast where she gives her opinion on Sam and his family’s comments on social media. Definitely don’t wanna miss that. So lets get started shall we?

If you want to check out my live from this past Sunday night, and also watch me spend 5 minutes breaking down the Enchantment Under the Sea dance from “Back to the Future” along with other trivia and tidbits about the filming of the movie, watch and subscribe here:

Reader Emails again tomorrow. Any questions, queries, comments, or hot takes you may have send them to or hit me up on IG and get your questions in for tomorrow’s column. Only have like 4 or 5 right now, so get some more in to be featured in tomorrow’s column.

Kristen Baldwin from seems to repost this tweet twice a year – once during Bachelor and once during Bachelorette – and it seems appropriate this season considering certain peoples opinions on how their edit is going. Every contestant who’s ever thinking on going this show should probably read this 1000 times and make sure it’s engrained in their head.

In Bachelor Nation arrest news, well, James McCoy Taylor from JoJo’s season was arrested – again – this past weekend. And whaddya’ know, it involves a teenager. This isn’t the first time young women have accused him of inappropriate behavior. And a double whaddya’ know, of course he did nothing wrong and is blaming it on his political views as to why people don’t like him. What an absolute ass hat. I hope he gets the book thrown at him.

You know my opinion about Sam and his family’s actions on social media this season. Ultimately though, my opinion on it doesn’t matter. But what about Jenn? How does she feel about it? Does she even know? She went on Emma and Claire’s “Love to See It” podcast and here’s what she had to say:

The good thing is, the family has seemed to shut up since that has been brought up over the last couple weeks. I may have missed a comment here or there, but I think enough people gave them grief to where they basically stopped posting about it. Maybe they finally realized they’re fighting a losing battle. Or maybe they were told by the show Sam can get sued if he keeps calling the show out like this. Either way, their complaints have subsided from what I’ve seen over the last two weeks. Sam still has the Men Tell All to tape next Thursday, which looks like it’ll air on the 26th, so lets see how bold he is at that taping to call out Jenn and/or production for how he was portrayed this season. And THEN he’ll officially be off the show after the 26th and we’ll see if his family backs up their big game talking and “releases” all these receipts they claim to have, and also, go ahead and trash Jenn like his brother-in-law insinuated. My guess? They won’t say anything remotely damaging because they should know better by now.

My thoughts on last night’s episode begins on Page 2…

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