Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Bachelorette Jenn Recap – Episode 5 Thoughts, Contracts, A Bachelor Nation Police Report is Out, Jenn Comments on Sam & His Family’s Social Media Activity, & Your Daily Roundup 8/6 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. We’re going to go over episode five of Jen’s season of the bachelorette. Last night, we got rose ceremonies, number four and number five, both rose ceremonies in New Zealand.

We got our answer to who made it to Seattle between Dylan and Spencer. The only thing I didn’t know for sure this season, I hinted that, or I guessed it was probably Spencer, just based on the fact that he had had a one on one date and we knew Dylan didn’t. So it would be kind of weird if he got eliminated into New Zealand and Dylan went on to Seattle next week.

But we saw Dylan was eliminated last night in Rose ceremony. Number five, the only guy eliminated in Rose ceremony. Number five. We’ve also got an update on the James McCoy Taylor story. Once again, hanging out with a teenager and. Trigger warning, by the way. As there is the police report showing sexual assault being charged, or he’s being charged with sexual assault.

This happened back in April, but we’ve got the police report. I’m going to read some of that to you. Golden Bachelorette is done filming. You probably saw Joan very active on social media yesterday, talking about her season, watching the show. Jen’s episode last night with friends at home. I don’t know who won yet, but my guess is we’re going to be getting Jones men either today or tomorrow, sometime this week, because Gary season started filming last year, once it ended filming, that’s when we got his women.

I’ve got an interesting thought on Chris Harrison’s podcast. We haven’t talked about that in a while and a big update in the Laura Owens case. And we’ll get to all that momentarily. So let’s begin last night, episode five. It started with. Rose ceremony, number four from New Zealand. And the episode started with where it left off last week, which was the guys didn’t even know that Jen’s ex boyfriend Matt Rossi had showed up.

So they walk into the rose ceremony, excuse me, the cocktail party. Jen walks in and tells them her ex has shown up and he wants to become part of the show. She’s going to go outside and talk to him. She goes outside and talks to him. He says, he’s nervous, all this stuff. Then he walks in and tells the guys, Jen says.

She feels that her husband is in this room. I’m not it. So just wanted to let you know no hard feelings guys and That was it So I thought that was interesting in the fact that every other time we’ve had Somebody show up on the show midseason or whatever the lead tells the cast and then she talks to them about it or he talks to them about it and Normally everybody that’s there on the show is just like this is unfair We’ve been on this journey with you for however many weeks, two, three weeks, it would have been about three weeks at this point in real time.

So usually that is the, that is the way the lead reacts because they know their cast would be mad at them. If they let somebody from the outside who hasn’t been there since the beginning, just show up because they have a past with them. But what was interesting was Jen never talked to the guys individually about what would you think if I let Matt on?

She just took Matt outside. They spoke and she made a decision and Matt came in and told the guys, yeah, she didn’t want me here. Essentially. Those weren’t his words, but it’s basically what he told them. So I thought that was really good of Jen. I thought that she handled that perfectly where she put her foot down.

Like, look, I don’t need to talk to the guys and ask what they think. She probably, because she pretty much already knew what they were going to say. They weren’t going to be happy. They all had. Droopy face when she told them all at the cocktail party, my ex is here, he wants to join the show. None of them were like, yeah, cool.

Bring them aboard, pick them up. That was for dumb and dumber. She didn’t care what her guys said because she knew that they would have thought of her a little bit less if she let Matt on the show. So she lets Matt go and then at that rose ceremony she sends home. Thomas and, and John M. So we had Sam and eliminated last week earlier in that particular episode, which would have been episode four.

So now she went from 12 down to nine and episode five airs. And we know she goes from nine down to seven. Something interesting that I noticed about Jen, which is. You know, she’s talked a lot. It seems like every episode she brings up her past relationships. And my gosh, she doesn’t have one good thing to say about any past relationship she’s ever been in.

Even last night we got her saying that nobody’s ever told her, I love you, which is what Matt told her. And she tells that to him when she’s outside talking to him, she’s like, I appreciate the grand gesture. Nobody’s ever told me that they love me. And then when she was with, I can’t remember if it was grant or if it was Jonathan, I think it was with Jonathan.

She she told him you allow me to fully be myself. I’ve never had that in a previous relationship. I mean, my gosh, a part of me feels sorry for Jen. And a part of me is like, does she just have the worst picker? Like the bar is so low when it comes to Jen and relationships, considering nobody’s ever told her that they love her.

She also mentioned that no man has ever met her family. So she’s never had a guy made her family. No guys ever told her he loves her. So she’s. I’m assuming she’s never been in love. And she said to Jonathan, no man has ever allowed me to be myself in a relationship. Like, I mean, I’m sorry that that’s happened to her, but good God, she has just had horrible relationships then.

And like I said, the bar is very low. So I guess all these guys got to do is be nice to her. And I mean, you got to just look at it factually, look at what she’s given us. Look at what she has told us. These things that she’s constantly talking about. How many times did she say the word she was gaslit in previous relationships?

How many times did she say last night, emotionally abusive relationships? I mean, She has not had one good relationship in her life based on what she has told us in this show. Maybe she’s leaving one good relationship out. It seems like the Matt relationship was the most normal one she’s ever had. It just didn’t last very long, you know, three or four months.

But every time she talks about a relationship, it is the words gaslighting coming out or emotionally abusive, horrible for her. But you’re just listening to it. I’m like, my gosh, does she even know what a good relationship is? It doesn’t sound like it. Cause she’s never been in one.

When the group date happened, you know, it’s funny at the beginning of the season, we were breaking down the season preview and the looking at all of the season when they gave the, what the three and a half minute video at the end of the first episode. And it immediately gave away that Jonathan got a hometown date.

That was the fourth hometown date I was looking for. And then. One of the scenes, it showed Devin running towards Jen in a field of sheep. That was never shown last night. Hell, the fact that Devin got alone time with Jen, you figured they would hone in on that. They literally show the family from New Zealand, the married couple for 45 years, I forget their names.

They pick Devin after the group date and Devin and Jen just immediately go walking away. And the next thing we see, they’re sitting there and kissing. And that’s it. We never saw them talk. We never saw them have any sort of conversation. We just more or less focused the show more or less focused on the guys walking away.

It’s like, great. Devin got more time with her and that was it. And then later that night, Austin self eliminates, which was in the spoilers. And because of that, Jen started getting really down on herself and decided, Hey, not, not Maybe I’m doing something wrong here and didn’t give out a group date Rose And then she had a one on one with Grant which I thought was that I thought went went really well I like Grant that’s one of the guys this year that I can get behind do I think he’s gonna be the bachelor No, do I think Jonathan has a shot at being the bachelor?

Yeah, considering where he finishes finishing third seems likable if they are gonna choose somebody from this season I could I could see it being Jonathan I don’t know if they’re going to, but if you’re asking me who from this season, can you even see being the bachelor? I’d say Jonathan, I don’t see Marcus being the bachelor.

I really don’t. And, but if you’re asking me, could there be somebody from the season? Yeah, I’d see Jonathan. Jeremy just hasn’t. He’s a late bloomer. We know that next week he gets his first one on one date and then he does get a hometown, but then he is eliminated at final four. But a guy that literally has gotten no airtime It’s amazing that he even gets a hometown day considering He doesn’t get his first one on one until the episode before hometowns And it’s not like he’s been getting a ton of screen time either on any of the other dates So yeah, he’s kind of a head scratcher as to why he got a hometown for sure We didn’t have much Sam Devon beef in this episode during the group date Yeah, Sam had a couple comments here and there but it wasn’t anything dramatic or anything drastic He did say that lions don’t concern themselves with the opinions of sheep, which is basically him saying, I don’t care what Devin thinks of me, even though he absolutely does.

And his whole season has been based on the fact that he doesn’t like that Jen likes Devin. And it’s been a total hit to his ego. And it’s a bigger hit to his ego next week when she keeps Devin over Sam. So just get ready for that next week. The good thing is, and I talked about this in today’s column, that’s going to be up in a couple hours on reality, steve.

com. His family seems to have shut up. I haven’t seen anything that they’ve posted. Granted, maybe I haven’t looked hard enough. I frankly haven’t looked at all, but if they were writing stuff, it would get back to me, somebody would screenshot it or somebody would say, Hey, they wrote this or Hey, they wrote that.

It seems like they were told by Sam, Hey, you got to stop this. You got to knock it off because, or they have listened to what people are saying and they realize they’re making it worse. By saying that stuff about Sam, when, as I went over in yesterday’s podcast, and as I went over on Sunday’s live stream, it’s literally written right there in the contract so they can do whatever they want.

The, the family has acted like they were breaking news to everybody that the show was doing contestants dirty and sometimes they lie. Yeah. Cause it says that they can lie right there in the contract. So good thing that they’ve stopped after tomorrow or after next Monday when Sam’s eliminated. Let’s see how they react because they were talking such a big game for the first four weeks.

Let’s see if they even stand down a little bit once Sam is off the show because he’s still got Mental all to film next Thursday, which is gonna air the not the following Monday But the Monday after that which would be so next Thursday is the 15th The following Monday is the 19th mental all isn’t airing till the 26th So maybe they’ll wait until after the 26th and then come with all their quote unquote receipts that they have and trash Jen and say all the things that they want to share.

My guess is they’re going to stand down and they’re not going to say anything because they’re only making themselves and their brother, brother in law and son look worse. But next week, those seven go to Seattle and we know that Grant and Sam M and Spencer are the ones that are eliminated in Seattle.

So look for that. I don’t think Sam is eliminated at the Rose Ceremony. Pretty sure he’s eliminated before that. We’ve seen the footage of him telling her he’s in love with her and she says, but how? And then we’ve seen footage of him just sitting there on the couch with his hands in his head. Pretty sure that Sam’s not eliminated at a Rose Ceremony and only Spencer and Grant are.

But we’ll have to wait till next week. Episode six. We’re at the episode before hometowns already. How about that? This podcast is brought to you by Prolon life. These days, people are learning about all the benefits of fasting, like weight loss, mental and physical performance, gut health, but worry about the not eating part.

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