Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 8/12 – Bachelorette Jenn’s Episode #6 Tonight, Big Brothers Deep Fake HOH Being Kind Of A Dud, & My Thoughts On “It Ends With Us”

All right. I want to talk about big brother because I spoke about it last night on the live stream. And then I went and watched last night’s episode. Now I already knew what was happening. I already knew that Angela had one HOH and I knew that Quinn used his upgrade and put Cedric and McKenzie and Tucker on the block, but I’m going to repeat what I said on the live stream for those that didn’t see it.

Here on the podcast today, one thing I didn’t say on the live stream that I’m going to say on the podcast now is if you remember back to my interview with Rachel Riley on the Thursday podcast. Remember, I read her the definition or I read her what AI Ainsley told Quinn when he won his upgrade. I was like, how is this really going to work?

And how is it not going to be 1000 percent obvious that the person who wins HOH that week isn’t putting up those nominations. They’ll just say, wait, these aren’t my nominations. It’s exactly what we saw last night. Nobody was, I think what I’m trying to say is this upgrade, while it is very, very powerful, clearly.

I think they hyped it and it basically over promised and underperformed because the way they hyped it made it seem, and Rachel and I spoke about this, it made it seem like the person was going to be able to switch the HOH’s nominations out under their nose and nobody will know, wait a second, who did this?

And they would all be guessing. The HOH would clearly say, look, guys, I did not do this. These were not my nominations. But since Quinn and everybody in the house was talking about it, it kind of fell flat, because we all knew Quinn did it. And Angela didn’t even get to nominate anybody. It’s just like, okay, well, he activated his HOH.

So this whole thing about Angela being AI on the screen, and saying, oh, these are my nominations. It’s like, okay, that fell flat. We know they weren’t her nominations. Everybody in the house knew they weren’t her nominations, so it wasn’t as big of a deal as it was made out to be when Quinn won the upgrade, because as Rachel and I talked about, we were like, oh, okay, so someone’s gonna be able to nominate and nobody’s gonna know who changed the nominations.

Now that wasn’t it at all. It was like Quinn activated the power. Angela didn’t get to nominate anybody, and it was Quinn’s, HOH for the week, which is what I said on Thursday or Friday. I’m like. This is Quinn’s HOH. Why would he not, unless he doesn’t use it, but obviously this was his last week to use it, he don’t use it up to week four.

So clearly he was going to use it. I just think this totally fell flat. Like a lot of things that are promoted in this game and twists and drama end up being not that big of a deal. Wow. Overall, it’s a big deal, but you’re, cause you’re giving Quinn basically free reign of the house. You’re basically having two HOHs this week, but one of them only power is that they’re immune and that’s Angela.

She’s immune to anything. She can’t get eliminated, but that’s it. It’s the only power she has and she gets to sleep in the HOH room, but everything else, it was just like, okay, this is basically Quinn’s HOH week, as long as he uses it. So I think it fell flat and. Here’s the main thing that I brought up on the live stream.

I want to bring up to you here. They want Tucker out. The Pentagon wants Tucker out. A lot of people in the house want Tucker out because obviously he’s clearly shown he’s the best comp player in the game. But my thing is, if he’s the best comp player in the game, And as of right now, which I think is going to change later, which we’ll get to in a second.

But as of right now, you have two chances. If you get put up as a nomination to be evicted, you have two chances to get yourself off the block when the power of veto or when BBA arena, if we know how good Tucker is at comps, which he has shown, why are they putting them up in power of veto? You’re now giving him two chances.

Why are you putting up as a nomination? Because you’re now giving him two chances every week to save himself. Chances are he’s not going 0 for 2, considering how well he’s been playing. So why would an HOH who wants Tucker out put him up for nomination? What you need to do if you’re HOH and you want Tucker out, so let’s say next week someone in the Pentagon wins HOH, you put Tucker up.

Or you, you, you leave Tucker off your nominations and you just hope that that particular week, whoever wins power of veto takes themselves off the block or take someone off the block. And then you put Tucker up there. Now, yes, he can still win BBA arena, but he’s got to win it. He’s only got one chance.

Putting him up there as a nomination and having him play twice. I understand he is over for an HOH. He hasn’t won an HOH this year, but he’s now won four in a row between power of veto and BBA arena. So it’s like, why do they keep even trying give him the least amount of chances, which is don’t nominate him.

And then. Yes, I understand you can’t control who’s gonna win Power of Veto, but just hope that someone who wins it Uses it on somebody and then you backdoor Tucker Now that brings us to tomorrow night’s episode where Jag Taylor Hale and Cody Califiori are gonna show up They’re gonna talk about the first three weeks of Big Brother and Ainsley is gonna add another twist to the game I said it at the beginning of the season With Rachel on this podcast.

And I’ll say it now, I don’t think BBA arena is going to last the full season. And I also don’t think three nominations are lasting the full season. So if that changes and if BBA arena goes away after this week, then you can put Tucker up as a nomination and just hope he doesn’t win power of veto. If BBA arena is still there, then no, you don’t put them up regardless of it’s one or two.

Nominations every week. So that’s my biggest thing is they want Tucker out, but they’re not playing it smart. He’s gonna go one for two. He has much better opportunity to save himself if he gets to play twice than if he gets to play once that’s simple math. So I hope somebody in that game realizes it.

And finally. The big thing I talked about in last night’s live stream was I went and saw it ends with us on Saturday by myself because I felt it was almost like a homework assignment in that I know this is a very pop culture movie and I wanted to be able to talk about it because I knew a lot of people, a lot of you listeners will have watched it or have read the book or both.

So I wanted to be able to discuss it and not sound like a moron. And I will say going into it, I knew nothing. I had not read the book. I don’t plan on reading the book. I’m not a book reader, but the only thing I knew about this movie other than Blake Lively was in it was I knew it was about domestic violence.

I knew that Blake Lively was in a relationship in the movie with Justin Baldoni and he physically abused her. That’s all I knew. I didn’t know anything about the backstory. I didn’t know Atlas. I didn’t know. I thought it was just about a woman in an abusive relationship and we, in the movie we find out if she decides to stay in it or why she doesn’t decide to leave or she does leave.

I didn’t know about a pregnancy and I didn’t know about Atlas, probably the two biggest things about it. So, I talked about it last night on the live stream cause I thought, cause I was bothered not by the movie. I was bothered that when I got home and I started reading the reviews, how many negative reviews there were of this movie?

Because I can say going into it and only knowing the basics of domestic violence was part of the movie. I thought it was excellent. I thought it was really, really well. Everybody in that movie, just one of the best performances. I thought Blake Lively was excellent. And that’s not a bias because I think she’s gorgeous and she’s in my top five.

But her as an actress, I just thought she nailed it. I thought she was so good in that movie and so believable. I thought Justin Baldoni played the character about as well as he could. He came across as a guy. He just kind of looked the part, you know, obviously he’s married, he’s got kids, I’m sure he doesn’t physically abuse his wife, but what I’m saying is when I watched him in the movie, I was like, yeah, believable.

He kind of has the look of somebody that would, you know, and that’s just a It’s just a statement that I’m making. It’s nothing personal about Justin Baldoni. And then obviously once I got back from the movie, I started reading articles about that I saw before I went to the movie that said, here are the differences between the book and the movie, or here are things that were changed for the movie that were in the book.

And I didn’t read those articles until I got back from the movie because I wanted to know because I’m not going to go back and read the book, but I wanted to know, Hey, what was different. And if you heard me talking about it last night, the things that were changed, the things The one, the things that were changed seemed to be very minor.

It didn’t take away from the main story. They had to change some things just for complete time constraints. And that’s totally understandable. A book, you have so much time to tell and go into detail about things. A movie is two hours. You don’t have the time to do that. So the things that were changed, the less focus on Ellen, the less focus on Lily’s journal, all that stuff was kind of sped up.

Which I’m fine with. The ages. Lily in the book is 23. In the movie, Blake Lively plays a 36 year old, Justin is 40. So I’m fine with that. Justin Baldoni in an interview said, As the director of this movie, I didn’t want it to be about a 23 year old domestic violence victim. Survivor. I wanted it to be about someone who was a little more adult.

Totally fine with that. So I, there was nothing that I read that was in the book after watching the movie that I was like, oh man, they totally missed the boat on that. And maybe some of you who read the book and maybe who read it numerous times, and were really looking forward to this movie, were let down a little bit by certain things.

But to me, I don’t think a lot of it was like movie altering. The fact that atlases restaurants. Name was different in the book. It was bibs and the movie was rude. It’s like, okay, I get it. It’s still played a role. The title of the the, the name of the restaurant still played a role in his past with Lily.

So I guess I was just bummed at the negative reviews. And as I said, like, I’ve never understood movie critics. I would never let a movie critic determine whether or not I watched a movie or not. It’s like, why do I care what you think? And I know movie critics are saying, don’t go watch this. They’re just giving their opinion, but.

It’s like, frankly, I don’t care what your opinion is. I will determine if I like a movie by going to see it myself and saying, yeah, I liked that. I was entertained or no, I wasn’t. Now, if you are somebody who has been in a relationship that was physically abusive, this movie is triggering. We talked about this on the live stream last night.

I’m guessing that most people that went and saw this movie either read the book or very well aware of what they were getting into and what they were about to watch. To see in this movie. I don’t think anyone in anyone went in blind. And I, and if you did, I feel sorry for you because you need to prepare yourself for it.

And I’m not saying like the whole movie is about domestic violence. And no, there are, but there are three particular scenes. We’re physical abuse has shown, and you have to be ready for that. I’m sure it is absolutely 100 percent triggering, but the negative reviews that I read were saying that they were romanticizing or glorifying domestic violence.

See, I didn’t see that at all. If anything, I thought it was the opposite. I thought it was almost a women empowerment movie to show anybody who’s been in a situation like this. Look at the way Lily handled it. Yes, she did not leave right away. But we also know most people in an abusive relationship don’t leave after the first time because the other person promises won’t happen again.

Like we know this happens. Me personally, obviously, I’ve never been in a domestic violence relationship. I’ve read enough stories on people. com and on the internet to know that it happens a lot. And we know that a lot of people stay. Before it, it’s, you don’t just leave after the first time. So I get it.

And you watch this movie and you aren’t, you start to understand. This is why I kind of get it of why someone would stay. But this, this movie also gets to a point where you’re like, okay, you understand now why it took them. And it’s not because of Justin Baldoni and how hot he is. And the fact that he’s got 1 percent body fat, it was because of the way he charmed Lily throughout the whole movie.

And I’m sure there’s a part of her when the abuse happened, you know, again, this is fiction, but when the abuse happened, she just looks back to the good times of their lives. Like, man, this guy’s got it all together. It’s a neurosurgeon. He’s gorgeous. He makes me so happy. And you can excuse that one time.

And then it happens a second time. You’re like, Oh, well, maybe. And then again, it happens. So totally understand. And I felt like it was, I just, I’m bothered by the critics saying that it, I glorified or romanticized domestic violence because I didn’t see that at all. If anything, I thought it was the opposite.

Like I said, I thought it was more women empowering to see Lily working through this. And I guarantee any woman who is currently in or was in a physically abusive relationship that sees this movie while it will be triggering to watch certain scenes, I think that they will almost find some relief in it and be like, okay, you know what, maybe when people in my life told me I was crazy for staying with this person for what they did to me now, maybe they understand a little bit more because I felt like I understood a little bit more by watching that movie of why someone would stay because I was someone in the past that always thought boyfriend, your husband hits you and you stay with them.

Why? Of course they’re going to say they would never do it again. You watch something like this and you’re like, I kind of get it. But it didn’t mean they romanticized it. They certainly didn’t in this movie. But it just put it, it puts you in the perspective of Lily of why she’s going through what she’s going through.

And in the end, she ultimately has the balls to step up and say, not only am I leaving you and I want to divorce you. She does it right after their baby is born. So that’s what I mean. I, I didn’t understand the critique of it. I really didn’t. And then some people saying that Blake Lively’s character was not the worst one in the movie, but the least developed.

I’m like, what were you watching the same movie as I was? She was so fucking good in this movie. Hell, so was Justin Baldoni. I, I really, really liked the movie. Like I thought it was excellent. And for such a touchy subject as domestic violence, they handled it about as well as they could. You heard me talking about it with my guest on the podcast last night, Kimmery.

And I just asked her as a woman, would you think of that scene? And she said, yeah, it was uncomfortable, but. They didn’t cross a line. It’s like they brought you right up to that line, but it didn’t get to a point where you’re like, Oh my gosh, I’m walking out of the theater. But they had to portray it a certain way and they had to get you to that line.

And look, depicting domestic violence in any movie is just going to be risky. Anytime you do it, I thought they handled it about as well as they could. It’s just my opinion on the movie. I would, I would, I would recommend it to anybody, whether you’ve been in a, an abusive relationship or not. It’s a very well done movie.

It’s very well acted and I couldn’t, I couldn’t recommend it enough. It was, and it’s very powerful. It’s very intense. It’s not a chick flick. It is not a rom com. It is not a girl’s night out movie. It’s not romanticized in any way. This is a movie centered around the main theme of domestic violence. So just know that going in, and I’m sure most of you do just know that there’s nothing rom com or chick flick about this.

Just know that. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcast. Also rate and review. If you want to go listen to my review and listen to my guests that I had on who read the book and saw the movie, you can check that out on the live stream on my YouTube channel at reality.

Steve. Sports daily is up in an hour from now. If you want to check that out again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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