Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Discussing Grant as our New Bachelor, Sam’s Flameout Last Night, Update on the Fan Appreciation Party Next Year, & Today’s Daily Roundup 8/13 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

I think the biggest thing we need to start out with is going back two months to when the LA Times did a major piece on the franchise calling them out for lack of diversity. In case you don’t remember some of the major quotes from executive producers on the show in that article, here they were as you scroll through the photos:

The one that stuck out to me the most was on the last photo. When the episode started last night and I didn’t know who was going to be named the next Bachelor, I was messaging back and forth with Suzana Somers on text (@BachelorData), since we were both speculating on who it could be. I brought up this specific quote to her since I felt it was relevant. I just said that after being called out for lack of diversity two months ago, and specifically saying “If you don’t want to see a Black love story, an Asian American love story, an interracial love story, then maybe Bachelor Nation isn’t for you,” it would be really odd for them to two months later just roll out another white lead. It would be very hypocritical of them. I didn’t know who it was gonna be mind you, but it’s not surprising they chose a BIPOC contestant. It was long overdue since they’ve only had one male black lead in show’s history – Matt James – who they basically admitted to ruining his season and failing him.

Now, this doesn’t mean that Grant was some token pick. It doesn’t mean that Grant isn’t worthy for the role and is just filling a quota. And it doesn’t mean that Grant won’t be a good Bachelor. All I’m saying is you kinda knew they were headed in that direction this season with BIPOC contestant, and reading all those quotes, after being called out for a major lack of diversity in the franchise. As they should’ve been. This has nothing to do with wokeness, so save your responses about that. And then I would just refer you to that quote by Bennett Graebner, executive producer. If you honestly do have a problem with BIPOC contestants getting major roles on this show, then just stop watching and go share your hate somewhere else. Personally for me, I’ve liked Grant all season. He was a good choice to make. But again, and I know I say this every season, to me it doesn’t matter who they choose. As long as there’s a season, that’s all I care about. I’m not gonna simp for someone else, or complain or praise the choice that was made. It was whatever to me. Grant seems like a good guy and I hope his season goes well.

Now, I do believe they didn’t do Grant much service in the way this announcement was handled. Nobody on the internet reported yesterday that the Bachelor announcement was coming after the show ended on the East Coast except me. Hell, even AFTER I tweeted out to expect the announcement coming when the episode ended, at no point did any of the ABC/Bachelor/Bachelorette social media pages make any reference to “stay tuned, our next Bachelor announcement is coming tonight.” There was obviously no live show last night. No taped segment with Grant. He wasn’t being introduced on Kimmel, etc. It was just within minutes of the show ending on the east coast, all the major entertainment sites had their story loaded and ready to go – People, EW, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, TVLine, etc. Which means, they probably all found out about 30 minutes before the reveal who it is, since that’s how it works in media. The story was given to media outlets to report at a certain time. I didn’t know who it was, clearly. I just knew it was coming after the show ended and that’s why I reported what I did.

Why did they do it this way? Well, why does this show do anything the way they do? Because they can. It really doesn’t matter ultimately. People are still going to watch. If Mills’ tweet says it’s because they still want women to apply now knowing who their Bachelor is, then so be it. But one thing I wanted to point out is, I think people need to give up this fantasy every season of thinking we’re gonna get a Tyler Cameron, or a Peter Krause, or a Blake Moynes, or a Greg Grippo, just because they’re popular single men from the past in this franchise. Well, Tyler isn’t anymore, but he’s talked about every season. People get this idea in their head that the show is gonna do something radical every season (maybe even pick someone outside the franchise), yet basically every season, we get someone that was on the previous season like clockwork. This is the show’s formula. They’ve done it for years. Outside of Arie being named Bachelor when he hadn’t been on any season in 5 years, they’ve really never gone out of the box with their Bachelor pick.

Grant is only the fourth Bachelor named, outside of Clayton, Juan Pablo, and Jake Pavelka, who didn’t finish in the top 4 of the season he was on in the new era. To me, the new era every season from Brad Womack 1.0. So as much as people want to see someone outside the franchise as a new “fresh face,” do you realize they haven’t done that since season that season of Brad first time around (season 15), which aired in 2011? Grant Ellis is gonna be season 29. That’s 14 years since they picked someone that wasn’t on a season of the “Bachelorette” prior. I think we can just throw that hope out the window. It’s not happening. Now, I know someone will say Matt James wasn’t, but remember, he was set to be a cast member on Clare’s season before the pandemic hit. And then they pivoted and named him the Bachelor before Clare’s season even started filming. So while, no, he hadn’t been on a previous season before being the named the lead, he was going to be. And he was Tyler Cameron’s best friend, so it’s not like he was a complete unknown either.

Was Grant the most talked about contestant from Jenn’s season? No. Did Grant get a ton of airtime and a majority of the audience clamoring for him as the Bachelor? No. Was Grant involved in major storylines this season? No. By the way, what place do we consider Grant finished in, 5th or 6th? Obviously Sam finished 7th because he went home before the rose ceremony, but is there any way we can officially say who finished 5th or 6th between Grant and Spencer? I guess maybe you can make an argument Grant finished 6th since Jenn walked him out first before she walked Spencer. Whatever, it’s irrelevant but just something that popped into my head. Either way, the important note is that he didn’t finish top 4, which is where they usually choose from. What I’m saying is the selection of Grant now proves for seasons going forward, it doesn’t always have to be the hottest “name” from the most recent season. Or the one with a ton of followers. Grant has 14k followers. So all the “this show only cares about IG influencers” complainers can pipe down now after this announcement. Basically, they’re gonna choose whoever they want to choose and there frankly is now rhyme or reason to why they do it. But here we are, when filming begins next month and then premieres in January 2025, we will be on the 50th season of this franchise. 50th! There have been 21 Bachelorettes and Grant will be the 29th Bachelor. My math says that will be season #50. Incredible. I hope there’s 50 more (for employment sake).

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