Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Discussing Grant as our New Bachelor, Sam’s Flameout Last Night, Update on the Fan Appreciation Party Next Year, & Today’s Daily Roundup 8/13 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

The other biggest story from the episode last night was Sam’s complete fall from grace. What’s kind of amazing is the fact that we know how his family reacted a few weeks ago when Sam started getting the wrath on the internet and they started vehemently defending him. That’s great and all, but KNOWING last night’s episode was coming and how bad he looked, they still went and said the things they did? I mean, that’s just deaf, dumb, and blind if you ask me. Who are they gonna blame now after last night’s episode? The key grip guy? The boom mic operator? The hotel concierge service? It will be interesting to see after all the shit Sam is taking online after last night, which I think is the worst it’s been all season, if his family has the ability to bite their lip even harder now and not say anything.

By the way, here was Sam’s message to everyone 4 seconds after the episode ended:

Again, no apology to Jenn, made it about himself, didn’t take accountability for any of the things he said or how he reacted in situations, etc. To me the guy just doesn’t get it. He’s always had it easy with women, he’s never been criticized for anything in his life, his family insulates him and he’s only received praise from them, and this is new territory. I get it. It’s not easy going on this show. You immediately open yourself up to criticism for every little thing you do. 1) If you can’t deal with criticism don’t go on the show. But more importantly, 2) immediately going on the defensive for everything is the wrong plan of action.

Just like in the episode last night, my problem with Sam is he comes across as so insincere in what he says. He’s not believable. Jenn didn’t believe him and made it known, and she wasn’t the only one. Just look at the reaction online last night. Nobody believes what he says. And rightfully so. It was just hard to buy what he was selling. I mean, immediately going to the “I love you” card when his back was the against the wall was such a reach, and so out of left field, of course Jenn and the audience was like, “Wait, what? Where is this coming from?” Jenn had every right to react that way and question him on it. It’s her journey. She’s trying to find the guy for her. She said it numerous times last night that she basically WANTED it to be Sam. But when you’re looking for that guy, you need to know how into you they are. And Sam could only spout off lines from memes, the Bible, and God knows where else he got some of these quotes from. And now he and his family are basically saying, “Well, it’s not easy being vulnerable in that environment, etc” and honestly, that’s not really it. He couldn’t even answer a woman a basic question about why he liked her or what he liked ABOUT her. I don’t think that’s struggling with being vulnerable, and I honestly think it really has to do with how easy the guy has had it with women before so he’s never HAD to answer that before. He was stumped. It was a master class in Dating 101 last night and Sam took a big F on that final.

The other reason why I find Sam insincere is because we already know how he truly feels about Jenn and this season. He and his family can put up all the videos and photos they want of Sam playing with his dog or his siblings kids to smooth over his image (which are completely being done on purpose), but the bottom line is when he and his family ran their mouths a few weeks ago about Jenn, that’s his true feelings. Last night’s video? Whatever. He’s trying to save what little face he has left. I don’t believe a word of the guy, honestly. His brother in law had his comment about “wait til we talk about what Jenn did on Joey’s season” before deleting it. Sam has told people since he got back what he thought of Jenn. So anything he’s saying publicly is BS. He’s just trying to repair an image. He doesn’t like Jenn, his ego is bruised because she chose his biggest enemy over him, and he doesn’t know how to handle it. Notice all the comments on that vide of his from last night are supporters cheering him on? I’m guessing he’s monitoring comments on that as well so nothing negative gets in when, you look around social media, very few people thought he was in the right for how he acted during the episode. Of course he can say now, “Jenn is this, Jenn is that, glad I’m not with her now,” but how bad does that make him look when just a few months ago he’s proclaiming his love to her? Very easy to say after you were dumped. Makes it look even worse.

So now the question becomes how will he handle himself at the Men Tell All taping on Thursday. Personally, I’m not expecting anything different for what I just said in the paragraph above. We already know how he truly feels about Jenn and anything said from this point on is just a way to try and repair his broken public image. I’m sure he will defend himself more, but his approach at the MTA should be when he has a 1-on-1 with Jenn, to say, “Watching the show back, I realized I saw things about myself that I didn’t like. I didn’t like how I reacted in certain moments, I realized I have a lot to work on myself, and I truly am sorry for any heartache I caused you during this journey. I was caught up in the show, my emotions got the best of me at times, and I realize that’s not what I am or what I believe in. I really hope you can forgive me and I wish you nothing but happiness going forward.” If he said some version of that at the MTA, I think people would get past it and move on. Will he? Not a chance in fucking hell. Nor would I believe him anyway, but for the sake of TV, that’s what he should say. Been here longer, and been doing this over 20 years. I think I know what I’m talking about when it comes to this sort of thing. And then IF he says something along those lines, NEVER talk about the edit again on social media and never do Q&A’s and throw shade at the show or Jenn (as well as any family member), because then anyone who DID believe your words would realize they’re all for naught. Thank you for coming to Ted Talk.

Daily Roundup 8/13 transcript starts on Page 3…

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