Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Discussing Grant as our New Bachelor, Sam’s Flameout Last Night, Update on the Fan Appreciation Party Next Year, & Today’s Daily Roundup 8/13 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

talking about last night’s episode. And obviously I don’t want to harp on this, but if you talk about last night’s episode today with any of your friends and say, Hey, did you watch the bachelorette last night?

What are you all going to be talking about? Maybe some of you will talk about marcus’s date. Maybe some of you will talk about jeremy’s date and say, hey, there’s a guy named jeremy on the show And next week he’s getting a hometown because let’s face it jeremy has been Persona non grata on the show.

This season has never been involved in any drama. Didn’t get his first one on one till last night and just has been there, but we haven’t really seen much of a connection. No, what you’re talking about after watching last night’s episode, maybe other than how cringy the wicked day was. Cause it was, it was just so cheesy and so corny hell when we had live pictures and videos coming in from that day.

Back when Marcus and Jen were on that date, it just didn’t look very good. The aesthetics looked terrible, to be honest with you. Let’s be honest. The main thing you’re talking about is everything that came out of Sam’s mouth last night. I mean, there really isn’t much I can add. You all saw the episode.

You saw what he said. The guy can’t speak. He can’t formulate how he feels about things yet. He made it seem like. Why isn’t Jen understanding me? I’m being perfectly clear here. I’m guessing everybody that watched the episode last night outside of, I don’t know, Sam’s sisters, brother, brother in law, mother, and father.

Anybody that watched last night thinks Sam is a bumbling idiot. Really do. And I, as I mentioned in the open, did you see what Sam did last night? Four seconds after the episode ended, he had a live video that he recorded earlier in the day, talking about, thank you for all supporting me. Thank you for doing this.

It was a rough journey, but I learned a lot about myself, blah, blah, blah. And it’s just like, I’m sorry, man, you come across so insincere because we all know you and your family have trashed Jen online in the first six weeks of the season, you’ve trashed her online. Your family has trashed her online yet.

You didn’t address any of that. And you’re saying. Thanks to all those who have supported me, even in your apology or whatever that was last night, your goodbye message to the audience last night. Never really even addressed Jen or thanked her for the time on her season. You know, it’s clear he’s pissed off and he’s clear that not a lot of people like him and it’s clear that he’s so bothered by the fact that Devin lasted longer than him.

And it’s just like, man, get over it. It’s a television show. It didn’t work out between you and yet Jen great, but you didn’t need to trash her online like you did. You didn’t need to have your family get involved like they did. And now in two days, you’re going to be sitting there in an LA studio with Jen.

That’s going to be the most intriguing part of the men tell all. I want to see the Jen Sam conversation because that conversation that happened in Seattle and everything that happened this season, that was three and a half months ago, this guy’s had three and a half months to get his act together and decide, you know what?

Maybe I handled things a little bit wrong. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that some of the things that I did. Do I think he’s going to say that? Do I think that’s going to be his approach on the men tell all? No, I think he’s going to defend himself. I’m really curious to see if his family speaks out after last night’s episode.

They’ll find a way if they do. I’m sure they’re going to find a way to spin. Oh, it’s the editing. Oh, it’s the production team. Oh, it’s the key grip guy. Oh, it’s the lighting guy. Oh, it’s the camera guy. Oh, it’s the guy who drove Sam away in the car. Oh, it must’ve been, you know, the hotel concierge. They’ll blame everybody but Sam.

I’m sorry, you can’t spin that edit from last night. He was a bumbling idiot. He had diarrhea of the mouth. He just speaks words and none of it makes sense. How many times did Jen have to tell him answer the question? What do you mean by this? And then he tries to explain himself and he can’t. And again, I’m not going to share the text messages.

But Rayleigh, the girl who came forward at the beginning of the season, she shared text messages with me. I have them on my phone of what Sam said to her after he got back from filming. I’m sorry. It’s a lot of the same stuff. This is who he is. He rambles. And he has, he puts a lot of words together, but they don’t really have much of a meaning.

And that’s exactly what he did with Jen last night. And I really, really hope the McKinney family again, just stands down. Don’t say anything. And if you’re Sam, go to the men tell all in two days at the taping and just take your lumps. Don’t try and defend yourself. Don’t blame the editing, you know, hell, even if he apologizes to Jen, which he should do, he’s Well, I think it’s sincere.

No, because I know this guy’s real character because I know what he said when he got back from filming. And I know what his family said because they put it all out there for us to see. So we already know how they feel. They haven’t done a one 80 on Jen. You had his brother putting out there. Hey, just wait till I expose what Jen did on Joey season.

And then he deleted that comment. It’s like, okay, we know how this family feels about everything. But they’re going to pretend like, Oh, I, I never said that or whatever. It’s like, do they not realize once you put something on the internet, it’s there forever. I don’t care if you deleted it. It’s just, it’s, we all saw it.

I showed it on my life. Like you can’t get it. You can’t hide from it. So I hope the family stands down. I hope they don’t say anything. If Sam knew what was good for him, he would just take his lumps at the Mantel Hall and say, I’ve done a lot of thinking, watching the show back, seeing the negative feedback.

And I realized X, Y, Z about myself. And I realized I can improve in some areas. I’m not saying he’s the worst guy in the world. I’m not. But the way he came across on the show, he didn’t come across nearly as good as he thinks he came across and his family thinks he came across. That’s why he should just be like, man, I saw that back and I saw some things about myself that I did not like.

I saw some things that I said that I did the way I responded to things. That’s not me. I got caught up in the moment. I shouldn’t have Jen. I apologize to you. That’s his route. He should go. Will he? Probably not. And honestly, I know I just spent five minutes talking about Sam, but he was the focal point of the episode last night from the group date at the radio portion.

And then Jen going to his room the morning of the rose ceremony and him trying to explain himself. That’s all anyone’s talking about today. Other than obviously grant being named the bachelor. But we talked about that in the first 10 minutes. So those are the two biggest things I wanted to talk about in regards to Jen season.

And then obviously the next season of the bachelor big brother spoiler coming up. If you don’t want to know tune out in three, two, and one, the power of veto was used. Tucker, as I told you on Sunday night’s live stream and talked about in yesterday’s podcast, Tucker won the power of veto. So he’s now won four comps in a row.

He used the power of veto on himself and Quinn who has the deep fake HOH put Rubina up in his place. So Rubina MJ and Cedric are competing in the BBA arena. Now, tonight we do have a special episode where Jag Taylor Hale and Cody Calafiore will be talking about the first three weeks of the season. And we are going to get some sort of instruction from Ainsley, the BBAI woman, and she’s going to tell us, I guess, the next twist to the game.

So, maybe that’s going to be no longer Three Nominations. Maybe that’s going to be no longer BBAI Arena. But as of right now, when we see Wednesday’s episode, we’re going to see, I’m assuming MJ Robina and Cedric competing in the BBA arena. And the winner is going to save themselves and the loser. The two people who lost are going to go up on the block and that’s who people are going to vote for.

It seems like Quinn’s target is Robina because he wants, since he can’t get Tucker out, he wants to take out Tucker’s number one, which is Robina. So it seems like that’s where it’s going, but I haven’t read about what the house thinks about everything. I just know that’s the one that Quinn is targeting.

And I’m guessing if Quinn’s targeting her, then at least the Pentagon, there’s five votes against her. So they only need what one or two more. So it looks like if Rubina does not win BBAI arena, she might be going home on Thursday. And finally talked about it on the live stream on Sunday night for well over 40 minutes, talked about it in yesterday’s podcast.

Now we have a new report coming out. We talked about the rumors from the off screen drama happening for it ends with us. We know that Blake Lively, the author, Colleen Hoover, Brandon Sleaner, who plays Atlas in the movie, all unfollowed Justin Baldoni, who was the director and played Ryle in the movie. And it just seemed weird.

Justin Baldoni, the director did not introduce the movie at the New York screening. He hasn’t taken pictures on the red carpet with any of his castmates. So obviously something is going on and we’ve heard reports that difficult to deal with, you know, creative differences and people are just upset. Well, the latest story came out last night and it says the title of it says it ends with us.

Justin Baldoni’s clash goes past Blake Lively. Quote, the cast will have nothing to do with him. So it’s not just a butting heads between executive producer, Blake Lively and director, Justin Baldoni. According to this latest report, quote, now this is just a source and onset source says all is not what it seems.

There is much more to this story. The principal cast and author, Colleen Hoover will have nothing to do with him. Reps for Lively and Baldoni obviously did not respond to this report. They’re never going to address this publicly. I don’t think Blake Lively or Colleen Hoover is ever going to come out and say he was this on set.

He said this. He did this. But. You know, the newest reports are his behavior surfaced, alleged behavior surfaced August 9th when the daily mail, which is very skeptical to begin with, but they were published a report saying he was chauvinistic and borderline abusive on the set of it ends with us the same day, page six reported.

He created a quote, an extremely difficult atmosphere behind the scenes for the entire cast. It didn’t give examples. Just use the words chauvinistic. Borderline abusive, extremely difficult. Does that mean he yelled at the cast? Does that mean he was misogynistic towards the cast? We don’t know, but nobody’s talking about this.

Everything that we’re hearing is reports are saying sources are saying onset insider is saying, but. It’s the number one movie in the world right now. I believe it outdrew Deadpool. If it’s not, if it didn’t this past weekend, then Deadpool’s one, and it ends with us is number two. But obviously for somebody who saw the movie this weekend is now in the weeds with all this stuff, this stuff interests me because again, the topic of the movie is a very triggering topic.

You know, domestic violence is a huge issue. I thought the movie was excellent. I thought they dealt with it perfectly as well as they could for such a heavy topic. But to see all this happening, it’s just like, yeah, we all want to know like what happened. You wish somebody would come forward instead of, you know, onset insider sources say you want something.

You want some example like to find out he screamed at somebody and said this, called somebody this. Was dressing down someone during an argument saying this, like, we’re just getting generic stuff. And it’s not like I’m saying it’s not true. I definitely think it’s true because we’re seeing the social media stuff.

The fact that Colleen Hoover and Blake Lively don’t follow him on Instagram is kind of a big deal. The fact they’re not taking pictures with him on the red carpet is kind of a big deal. The fact that he’s the director of the movie and did not present it at a New York screening is kind of a big deal.

So this latest report says. Yeah, everything you’re hearing, it goes way deeper than anything that’s being reported now. And this is the first time we’ve heard the cast wants nothing to do with him. So it’s like, okay, why please someone speak out on this. We want to know more. I’ll keep you updated. I’m sure there’s going to be a story, a new story every day.

I’m totally in the weeds for this and I want to know. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. The sports daily will be up in an hour from now in two hours. Here’s my column recapping. Last night’s episode, talk about grant. I’m going to embed that LA times quotes that I just read you in the first 10 minutes of this podcast that will be embedded into the column.

You can go check that out as well. And also the transcript for this podcast will be in my column today as well. It’s going to be up in a couple hours on reality, steve. com. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it, and I will talk to you

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