We’ve got a guest on the Thursday podcast coming tomorrow who hasn’t been on in at least 3-4 years. Maybe longer. It’s been a while but they are certainly relevant to this season and kinda making the media rounds now? Or maybe just a couple of pods, but I’m looking forward to talking to them today and you’ll see and hear that on the podcast tomorrow. So much to talk about. And if you think I’m done discussing “It Ends With Us,” you’d be wrong ha ha. I can’t get enough of this, I tell ya’. Because I’m really struggling with everyone shitting on everything that has to do with the movie, the acting, the wardrobe, the promotion, etc. It’s completely out of hand. And I don’t know what people are so upset about. No, I’m not talking about the DV aspect of things. It’s a very sensitive subject. We all know that. Nobody that I’ve seen, whether it’s Blake, Justin, Brandon, Colleen, Jenny Slate, whoever, nobody involved with the movie is making light or romanticizing DV in ANY interview I’ve seen. And I’ve seen a ton since it premiered last week. Maybe it’s just people complaining just to complain. I don’t know. But it’s exhausting I tell ya’ because I haven’t heard a good argument yet for their disdain.
Here’s a recent interview where Justin addresses the criticisms of the movie. Yes, it’s a very sensitive subject. And the movie handled it about as well as I’ve seen any movie handle DV. So why the bent-out-shape people are flipping out, I’m still unsure. And a lot of the people who are criticizing the movie probably haven’t read the book. I haven’t read the book and obviously liked the movie. I seem to be in the minority. But the off screen drama continues as a story came out yesterday or the day before that Justin hired Johnny Depp’s crisis PR team. Yeah, you’re not hiring a crisis management PR team if everything is going great. Man, this movie has taken on a life of its own which seems to be taking away from the movie itself. I get that movies, just like music and many other things, is completely subjective. But I thought it was excellent and everybody in the movie was great. Unfortunate that there seems to be bad blood coming from somewhere.
Joan’s men were released yesterday and all of them were over 60, except Kelsey Anderson’s dad Mark, who is 57. For those who have been asking, I don’t have any new details from what I’ve already shared. Your final four are: Pascal, Guy, Chock, and Jordan. Mark I believe was eliminated on the episode before hometowns, but still not 100% sure on that. Those 4 guys got hometowns and I don’t know the breakdown from there, nor where they even went for overnights and final rose ceremony. I’m sure I’ll find out at some point, and once I do, I’ll let you know.
Lets get to your “Reader Emails…”
Hey Steve,
Big fan of all of your podcasts as well as most of the shows you cover. We’re about the same age (I’m 50), but I thought I heard you say “us Millennials” when talking about the MTV Instagram account. Aren’t you Gen X?
Comment: Yes, I screwed that up. Outside of Boomers (my parents) and me (Gen X), I couldn’t tell you which generations fit which age group after that. I ALWAYS mix them up – like I did on that podcast.
Ha- I also felt damn old when Clay introduced his son too!!
Cedric did tell Tucker to use the veto on himself on the feeds.
if Cedric’s alliance members trust him not put them up next week, they will evict Tucker tonite. we shall see. and I couldn’t agree more with your feelings on Tucker. I can’t stand him. that act gets annoying real fast. his stupid accents. he’s just another wannabe failed actor lol. For those who wanna see Tucker before he entered the Big Brother house acting so extra and playing a character, here’s how he really is when he acts like a normal human.
also- you can watch 90210 for free on Pluto 24/7.
Comment: Yes, but on Pluto, the original music is also deleted from episodes. There is only one place that I know of that has the original music from every episode still in there, and that’s the @BH90210restored IG account. It’s because somebody still had every episode recorded from their VCR and transferred it to digital. Streaming, the DVD’s, etc, none of those places have the original music in a lot of episodes because music rights weren’t properly contracted back then since they didn’t know where the future of television was created. I own all 10 seasons of DVD. Every episode is there. Just not the original music. It’s frustrating.
The podcast Suckers? With Dean – Jared and catlyn? It went radio silence. They never addressed anything! The bells were going on vacation and Jared had a baby but the last podcasts they did was July 4th conversation.
I need closure
Comment: That’s the name of their podcast? I thought it was something like “How to date women” or something like that? Whatever the case, I’ve never listened so I wouldn’t know. But would it surprise me another Bachelor franchise podcast just decided to up and stop with no reason given? No. We’ve seen it time and time again in this franchise. Then you’ve got myself, Dave Neal, and others who actually work at their craft and produce double digit podcasts a week and have for years. I just kinda chuckle at those who get into it then quit within months.
Hi Steve,
Ooof. I could say so much about the conversation Sam & Jenn had during the radio station & then again before the rose ceremony in the hotel. How terribly awkward! He just gives a lot of word salad & doesn’t answer any of her questions, instead deflecting with making out with her & telling her he loves her. He says a lot without actually saying a lot.
I’m so utterly bummed I wasn’t able to see the dates in person here in Seattle, but I had just had surgery, so I was recuperating.
Jeremy doing the worm on the ground in front of Pike Place Market made my skin crawl. It’s so dirty down there! And no one touches the gum wall! Hysterical! Also, I’m pretty sure the restaurant they were having lunch in with the views of the water was the same restaurant that Tom Hanks & Rob Reiner sat in during Sleepless in Seattle, The Athenian. They sat downstairs at the bar, and Jeremy & Jenn appeared to be upstairs with the views.
My question is, when the contestants are in the hotel rooms, are they allowed to go to local restaurants to eat, or do they really never get to experience the city, unless they are on a date with the lead? By themselves, no. Anything they do outside the hotel they have a handler with them. But for the most part, no. They don’t get to go sight seeing while in another city. Maybe the handler will take them to lunch locally, but it won’t be too far from wherever they’re staying. We see that in some of the pics the guys post on IG after the episode airs. You can see guys in places we never saw them in during the episode, but, it’s not like they get a whole day to go an explore. It’s usually just to eat and it’s chaperoned.
Second question is regards to Big Brother. Why do you think all the houseguests so friendly to Angela (even when she’s not HoH)? They are constantly hugging her, and being so chummy-chummy with her? Like when Brooklyn confronted her upstairs after Angela was targeting Brooklyn during the HoH comp, Brooklyn still gave her a couple hugs. There’s no way I’d be able to be fake & smile at that woman. She’s the worst! Just wanted to hear your thoughts on this.
Thanks for what you do! Looking forward to coming to your party next year since surgery sidelined me this year!
Comment: I think with Angela maybe it has to do with being HOH, especially in Brooklyn’s case. If you watched that waste of an episode last night, one thing Cody said is you ALWAYS hug the HOH. That’s apparently etiquette 101.
Hi Steve,
Big fan, listen to all your podcasts and YouTube vids. For the last few weeks every day with your 7:30 podcast release, another podcast is “recommended” (as seen below). Not really a fan of this type of advertisement. Is this something you are doing or is my app (PocketCasts) doing this?
I follow about 30 podcasts and your is the only one that this happens to. Would like to know your thoughts. Thanks.
Comment: My answer would be the other podcasts you’re listening to are missing out on free money by not doing Podcast sharing. You don’t need to follow or click on any of them, although some I think are good ones. But it’s different for everyone’s feed, so I don’t even know which ones you’re seeing. It’s definitely catered to whatever type of podcast you listen to since it’s knows what you’ve hit play on.
But I’d be a moron to not do it.
My first thought when they announced Grant last night was, “Uh Oh! Joan’s season must be awful!” Is it possible they introduced Grant as the next bachelor early because they know Joan’s season is bad & this might help keep enthusiasm up? I know you said maybe it might be so women applying would know in advance who the Bachelor was. But honestly, I don’t think Mills or the producers care about that.
Comment: I don’t think it has anything to do with Joan’s season. They did it, they claim, so it’ll allow for women to apply now since they aren’t done casting.
Do we have any conten re Jen’s reaction or comentary on Sam knowing he was leaving show and what would have happened if she kept him for hometowms – would he then say sorry i have to leave. Are they going to address him knowing he had to leave on Men Tell All ?
Comment: No chance in hell they address the fact he was officiating his sisters wedding on May 10th and it was a non-negotiable for him to miss that. When he got eliminated in Seattle, it was only April 24th I believe, so he could’ve lasted maybe a week or 10 days longer, but nothing more than that.
Hi Steve,
Just an observation/comment on something Sam said during the radio show that jumped out at me. When he said that he was hoping that it was Maria or Daisy when he got out of the limo and then saw it was Jenn, well he would give it shot (or something along that line), he would have been gone in that moment. I give Jenn props for keeping him longer. SMH!
Comment: Yeah, not sure what made him want to say that. And it’s very possible it was edited and shown to us in a way that wasn’t how it came across on screen. But there were plenty of other worse things he said on the episode to me. He’s just not believable at all in what he says and it came across like his ego was bruised and he was doing everything he could to just try and win and there wouldn’t have been a chance in hell he would’ve lasted with Jenn post show if she picked him.
Hey Steve,
Apparently you’ve been living rent free in my brain lately because a few things have come up that made me think of you or I wanted to task you about. No real connection but figured I’d just email you some of these random thoughts/emails:
1. I’m the one [in case the screen name didn’t give it away] who commented about the gambling cluelessness on your livestream a couple weeks ago, and I appreciate the response! While I could care less about the typical things people bet on like football or March Madness, it’s become a real thing in my running world to talk about the odds of this person vs. that person and how or why they are changing and who’s losing or gaining money due to various upsets. It was a theme in the discussions I was a part of during the Olympics, and while I don’t know that I’ll ever actually gamble myself, I’m here for your very dumbed down tutorial on what the lingo means so I can at least follow the discussion! The other thing I need to do with that is actually, like last weeks live, bring people on the show who have the questions. Because me just talking about it, I have no idea if the people who have the questions are understanding my explanation. That’s why it needs to be more of a conversation then people just emailing in their gambling questions and me answer. Because at any point, if they’re on live with me, they can say, “Wait, that went over my head,” and we can back up from there. Just answering through emails I don’t think will be good enough because I won’t know the reaction.
2. Also wanted to comment on the ongiong discussion you’ve taken part in about This Ends with Us. I haven’t read the book or seen the movie so no opinions there, but this came up with your guest and I’ve heard it discussed elsewhere so I wanted to point out that I was one who heard talk about this film and the drama surrounding it for weeks, but until this past weekend I had NO idea it was about domestic abuse. Had I gone to see it under my initial impressions I could have totally been one of those people they are talking about who was completely caught off guard by the content. Which is fine, but I think you would’ve definitely been in the minority. Glad you know now what it’s about and you can make the determination now knowing what it is going in. I recommend it, even to survivor of DV. Although I’m guessing certain scenes will trigger them, so be forewarned.
3. Finally, I’m curious about the way they announced Grant as the next bachelor last night: not so much why they chose him as to how. It seemed like they were just waiting to announce the second he got eliminated, couldn’t even hold off for a GMA announcement. Do you think he was cast specifcially to be the bachelor? Or is it possible that when they did that interview admitting to how they botched Matt James’ season, they wanted a “redo” and looked to their current batch of men and choose him then? To be clear, I have NO problem with Grant as the next bachelor, I just think the timing and they way they announced it was weird. Also, how DID they announce it? Obviously it hit social media and articles Monday night, but where did the official announcement stem from?
OK, I’ve ramble enough. Will leave it there for now… see ya! 😉
Comment: Yes, it was certainly odd. And had never been done that way before. The media was given a heads up it was coming. My guess in the second hour of the show, which is why they all released it at the same time. The show didn’t officially acknowledge it until it was done airing on the West Coast, which wasn’t til 1am EST. That’s when the Bachelor IG accounts did. Yes, a very bizarre way to promote your upcoming season, not to mention the very next day release Joan’s men. So yeah, not a lot of fanfare, we still haven’t seen an interview with Grant outside of a :30 Tik Tok clip. But he will be at the MTA taping tomorrow and I’m sure that’ll be his first sit down interview to talk about it.
Hey Steve –
Are there any circumstances where you can see inviting Laura Owens to your next party / live show? If it rained cats and dogs. Or if hell froze over. Then maybe?
Assuming Bryan has animosity towards Rachel, he should look at her check memo comments, enjoy that she is butt hurt that he got the best of her in the divorce and laugh all the way to the bank. It seems like they’ve both lost the PR battle in this divorce.
Sam kept clearing his throat while Jen was speaking to him at the night portion of the group date. So awkward to watch. Give the guy some water! I have not seen his family’s social media so it is hard for me to imagine how they could blame Jen. His word salad answers reminded me of a certain politician I hate. You’d think. But they certainly did. They mostly blamed editing, but there have definitely been some shots taken at Jenn as well.
Prediction – tonight’s special BB episode will not be special. Nailed that one. What a waste. I knew they’d save the Ainsley next twist in the game til the end of the episode so it’d keep people around, but then to only give us the title of it and nothing else? I guess I should’ve expected another overpromise and underperform by Big Brother. They excel in that.
And it’s not like I don’t like Jag, Taylor, or Cody. It’s just that an episode like that should’ve been saved for when we had a few weeks left in the house. They really need to break down the first 3 weeks of the show and talk about contestants that will have zero affect on the outcome of the show? These aren’t jury members. These aren’t people that will be talked about in two months from now. It was just so unnecessary. It’s not those 3’s fault. It’s the shows. Obviously as former winners, they’re asked to come back and film something, they’re gonna do it. It was just pointless. And to spend the first 25 minutes on JUST the Angela/Matt stuff? We really needed that much attention put on it again? Made Angela look even more crazy. You know what’s even crazier than that? Jag and Cody thinking Angela is gonna win. WHAT? And thinking it’s gonna be a Tucker/Angela final two. I just don’t see how that happens.
Quinn really screwed himself and the audience by not keeping his mouth shut about his power. Had he kept it a secret, it would have been much more dramatic and interesting. In his favor, he probably didn’t get voted out due to all his fake alliances (no idea why one is called the Andersens) and being up against Kenny. I loved the thumbs up/thumbs down thing they did with Kenny. Kenny was like a simple version of Q from Survivor. Vote me out. Let’s win this thing. Finally, the showmance with Tucker really surprised me. You say he is trying to be like Jim Carrey. I’m picking up more of a bad impression wavering between DeNiro, Nicholson, and Vince Vaughn.
Comment: Yeah, do we know why that one alliance is the Andersons? I missed that if it’s been explained. And considering the timing of when Quinn told Angela about his superpower – week 1 when she was HOH – I mean, I get WHY he did, but yes, it totally killed any suspense about it when he finally used it.
Hi Steve,
So how does the timing of Sam’s disaster episode line up with the date of his sister’s wedding? How much longer could he have even stayed on the show, with the expectation that he was officiating that wedding? I’m wondering if this may have been his way of getting cut, so he could go do the wedding. It’s a stupid plan, if that’s what it was, because it made him look so bad! And what guts that would’ve taken, to act that way on the radio show in front of Molly and Jason and the hosts, saying he thought she wasn’t his type right out of the limo?!! So I figure you’d have the dates on this episode and would be able to compare them to the info you got on him doing his sister’s wedding — do they line up?
Comment: Mentioned this in an earlier answer, but his sisters wedding was May 10th. When he got eliminated in Seattle, it was April 24th. So, he could’ve stuck around maybe another week or 10 days. But he was never missing his sisters wedding on the 10th, and final rose ceremony day was May 16th. And this show doesn’t accommodate contestants for that type of thing. He knew going in when he had to be out by and so did production. So he was never going to win. But I think he was always going to be someone they knew went far – but only to a certain point. He isn’t the first they’ve cast like that, nor will he be the last.
