Reality Steve


Podcast #404 – Interview with Molly Mesnick (Including Transcripts)

Big brother last night. We saw the power of veto competition play out. We saw unfortunately Tucker win again, which you knew if you listened to the last few podcasts that I’ve done, this obviously happens on Saturdays.

The power of veto ceremony happens on Mondays and while he faked the TV audience out and made, or even faked some of them house members. Out by saying, I think I’m going to use it again and not use it on myself or whatever. He was always going to use it on himself. He’s just playing it up for the cameras.

Look, if you didn’t watch or you didn’t see my reader emails column yesterday, I did include a YouTube video. I think it was in the second question that was asked to me about Tucker. Tucker. I don’t know when the video was from. It looks like within the last, I don’t know, three, four or five years, maybe it’s when he got into the modeling business and he sat down and he did a normal interview and talked like a normal human being, like it’s just.

Look, when we watch reality TV, I think sometimes when we say we like somebody on TV, whether it’s on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette or Big Brother or something like that, it’s usually someone that comes across as genuine and authentic and it’s just, we’re getting to see the real them. He’s playing a cartoon character on this show.

Like, I just can’t get behind him. I can’t root for him because he’s not authentic. I’m sorry. He’s just not. Cause he doesn’t talk like that in real life. He doesn’t act like that in real life. And I get it. He wants to be memorable. He wants people to be talking about him. I totally understand that. And he’s the most talked about contestant this season, not only for the way he acts and the way he talks and how bizarre he just is.

He’s a dominant comp beast right now. He’s won four in a row. He’s won the last two power vetoes and he won to be two in a row, BBA arenas, which he obviously isn’t going to do this week. Cause he took himself off the block. He was replaced by Rubina. So now it’s Rubina, McKenzie and Cedric that are up on the block.

Now that part I have not paid attention to in terms of if so and so wins, who is the house going against if so and so wins. You know, if Cedric wins, who are the, who was the house going against between McKenzie and Rubina? If Rubina wins, who is the house going against between McKenzie and Cedric? And if McKenzie wins, who’s the house going against Rubina or Cedric?

I haven’t read any of that stuff. I’m sure there are plans in place. For whoever wins and whoever to end up being up on the block. I’m sure there is a plan in place to get rid of them. I just haven’t been paying attention to it. So I would rather be a little more surprised going into tonight. I don’t think I’m going to try and read anything that’s happened in the last.

48 hours of what the plan is in the house it seems like the collective is running and the bit is the biggest in the mage is the major alliance in the house right now and Cedric’s in that so I don’t see how if he’s on the If he’s on the block, I don’t see any way he’s going home, but I could have missed something that happened in the last 24 to 48 hours.

I know Tucker wants him gone and I’m sure Angela wants him gone. Joseph seems to be floating between the collective and possibly teaming up with Tucker, but is that enough? I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like there would be enough votes to get Cedric out, even though there are some people clearly that do want him out.

Tucker being the main guy that wants him out. So I don’t know. We’ll see what happens. I, if you have been following the live feeds or recaps of the live feeds, I’m sure, you know, but I’m going to stay away from it. I want to be surprised tonight for, because for the last two weeks, going into Sunday’s episode and going into Wednesday’s episode, I’ve known exactly everything that’s going on and not that.

To say it’s taken away from my enjoyment, but it’s like, I’ll go two weeks in a row following everything that’s being said and reading recaps of every live feed, and then I’ll go a week and just kind of be like, you know what, this week, I’m just going to be unspoiled. So I’m going to be unspoiled going into tomorrow.

I don’t want to know anything. So please don’t reach out to me or tell me what the plan is going into tonight. I’d rather be surprised. And then next week I’ll probably just hop aboard once again, who wins HOH, who won power of veto, who they put up and all that stuff. But. My. Not theory, but my strategy, if I’m the collective or I’m somebody that wins HOH and wants Tucker out, you cannot put him up as a nomination as one of the three nominations.

It’s just not smart. It doesn’t guarantee that you’re going to get someone winning power of veto that takes themselves down or take somebody else down and you have to replace them. And that’s where you can backdoor Tucker where he only has one chance to save himself. And that’s in BBA arena. If you want him gone, you cannot put him up.

Power of veto and. Also play BBA arena. He’s going to win one of those two. He’s proven he’s excellent at comps. So let’s stop it with that. Now, the other thing happening tonight is AI instigator. We don’t even know what that is. It could be a twist where nobody’s going home tonight. It could be a twist where they are officially ending BBA arena.

We have no idea what it is. We’re going to find out tonight. And obviously it’s going to be a twist. That’s probably going to change strategies and stuff like that. And we’ll see how long it lasts. Maybe it’s another four week deal because the upgrades, this was the last week to use them through the first four weeks, I’m sure whatever this twist is, BB AI instigator, I’m sure it’s going to end after four weeks again.

It’s probably going to be another four week deal. It’s four week twist. So looking forward to it tonight. I’m curious to see what it is, but again, as much as I dislike Tucker. And I don’t even like his strategy. I just don’t even like the way he’s playing the game, let alone how he acts and how he talks.

But I’m not going to take away from the fact he is a comp beast. And if you want him out of the game, one, you have to pray that they get rid of BBA arena sometime soon. And two, you just have to hope he doesn’t win HOH and or when the power of veto the week, he doesn’t win HOH. If he gets put up, I did have one question though, about.

Big brother. And maybe someone can answer this for me. I’m sure you can. If you’re a longtime fan and you have them watching six years, but I don’t know why it hit me last night when they have the people up there for power of veto, the head of household, which was Angela this week, and then the three nominations, Tucker, Cedric, and McKenzie.

Angela was the one that picked the other two. She reached in and pick two. She ended up picking Tucker and Cedric. Is that new? I didn’t even know the names of the people who were up on the up for power veto already had their name in the bar. I thought it was either house guests choice, or it’s just everybody’s sitting on the couch.

I did not know that they included the names of the people already up there. And I understand like, okay, you pull Cedric’s name. He gets to choose who comes up. Has that always been a thing? Why did I see that last night and be like this seems new to me? But I could very much be wrong and I just have a horrible memory which we know Certainly happens at times, but I didn’t know that I thought everybody that was up for power of veto this season It’s obviously for the house guest the head of household and the three nominees in the past It’s been the head of household and the two nominees that were put up and then they pull three names Has the people who have been up there That aren’t head of household.

The nominees names are in that box. I didn’t, I guess I never knew that. Anyway, the challenge started last night, season 40. It’s going to be the best one yet. It was an hour and 20 minutes long. And I thought by at least by the end of the episode, we would know what the matchups are for the arena. I, I could tell as we were getting closer and we were an hour in and they were still sitting at the tables.

I was like, okay, we’re not even going to get the start of the arena watching, but I thought at least by the end of the episode, we would know who was in it. And yes, I guess I could have sat there and watched the season preview and paused it kind of like I do for Bachelor and Bachelorette just to see obviously who’s still in the game.

I did notice a couple things and the fact that I know that Theo and Olivia are in a relationship post show, I can’t imagine they’re in a relationship because Theo went home on the very first challenge and he was only there for two days. So my guess is whoever Theo goes up against, which I’m assuming is going to be Pauly, I’m assuming Theo wins.

I don’t think I’m far, I don’t think I’m off on that and I haven’t read any spoilers, nor do I want to read any spoilers, but Polly wants him. He wants Polly and my guess is Theo beats Polly because if I’m going off memory in the season preview, I don’t think I saw Polly anywhere. Now, granted, there’s still a lot of people that wouldn’t make the season preview because they’re only going to show certain things, but pretty sure Polly gets eliminated by Theo.

The other ones I’m not even going to try and figure out. But I think the fact that Theo we know is in a relationship with Olivia post show I would find that hard to believe that they cultivated a relationship even in the first episode people are asking them to kiss each other Because he was there two days, you know, so Good episode though.

It’s gonna be the best season ever. There are some people there that I’m like, okay I understand you have eras and you only had certain amount of people to choose from for each 10 year run but I There are some people there that I’m like, why are they there? And I couldn’t even tell you what season they were on.

And finally, just wanted to talk about this. I swear this happens to me. I don’t want to say once every six months, but definitely once a year. And it now has happened for the second time in five months. And that is getting a fraud alert on my phone because my debit card was used somewhere else. I got notified by my bank.

The problem was when I woke up this morning. It had happened overnight and four times my debit card was run for a hundred dollars and I had four 100. Withdrawals out of my checking account, but they were put back on because right when I woke up, it said, did you authorize this transaction? I wrote, no, they said, okay, now your card is restricted.

And once I did that, I saw the 400 reversals happen on my debit card. So I didn’t lose any money, but the thing that’s the most annoying about that is you, I’m sure you all know, this is my main debit card. The one that pretty much all of my streaming services go to my. DoorDash, Uber Eats, Uber, all those all go to this card.

So that card, by the way, I just got a new one in April. So it happened to me back in April as well. And now here we are in August. So five months I had that card. So when I get my new card today, because they’re overnighting it. Yeah, I got to go in to probably at least 10, if not 15 accounts and add my new debit card.

It’s just more annoying than anything. Look, I’m not sitting here and saying it’s the worst thing in the world to do, but is it an inconvenience? Yeah, of course. Because now I had to go look on my, I had to, you know, I don’t know off the top of my head, every single thing that is a monthly deduction off of my debit card, but I got to go in and change them now.

So that part sucks. And yeah, it was just like, and the 400 withdrawals were like from four different States, like Florida, New York, West Virginia, and some other place. I was like, yeah, but that’s the first time. I mean, every time there is a fraud alert on my phone, I get a text, but that was the first time it’s ever happened to me while I was sleeping.

Because if I was up, I would have responded to the very first one I got. And they probably wouldn’t have been able to get 400 off me before it was reimbursed once I woke up, but. That’s what I’m saying first time it’s ever happened while I was asleep. So that was really interesting to wake up to anyway Thank you all for listening.

I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcast also rate and review, but you got to hit play It’s the only way it counts as a download Please hit play if you miss a day go back and hit play because that certainly helps the podcast Deal sports daily coming up in an hour from now a conversation with a good buddy of mine Jason Stewart Who is a producer and radio produced the Jim Rome show for 14 years.

Now as a producer of Doug Gottlieb’s radio show on Fox sports radio. And then in two hours from now, 9 15 AM Eastern time to be exact. Podcast number 404 with Molly Mesnick. Check it out on Apple podcasts and Spotify. Also go to my YouTube channel. And watch it there. Thank you for all for listening. I really appreciate it.

And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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