Reality Steve


Podcast #404 – Interview with Molly Mesnick (Including Transcripts)


? You are listening to the Reality Steve podcast with your host, Reality Steve. He’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on Jen’s season of The Bachelorette and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars. Now here’s Reality Steve. What’s

up everybody. Welcome to podcast number 404. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in a good. Thursday podcast for you. It is with Molly Mesnick. You just saw her Monday night on the group date for Jen season. We talk about that. We talk about a lot of things in regarding her status with the franchise, how many appearances she’s made, why she took a break for a while.

And then, yes, we do talk about it ends with us. Just give me a little more time on this. Okay. I’ll be done talking about it probably by next year. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So before we get to Molly on the podcast today, by the way, it is up right now on my YouTube channel as well. Go to reality.

Steve on YouTube reality, Steve 24. I think either one pops it up, but just go to my channel and you’ll see episode number 404, the interview with Molly. You can watch it play out. And if you go there during the time it airs, which is 9 15 AM Eastern time, you can go in and actually participate in the live chat that’s happening as it’s playing.

Once it’s over. Which will probably be, I think it’s about an hour long. Little, maybe a little less than an hour, 55 minutes. Then you can just go leave a comment. So I’d appreciate it. If you did go like it also subscribe on my YouTube channel. But before we get to Molly, the daily roundup was posted a couple hours ago.

If you’re interested in that, talked about a lot of things on the daily roundup today. Obviously there was a lot going on. We had Jones men that were released a couple of days ago. I didn’t even bring it up. I brought it up in the opening yesterday of the daily roundup. Then I forgot to talk about it. But there is an article on ew.

com. Go check it out. It’s by frequent podcast guest on this podcast and that would be Kristen Baldwin. Sorry totally blanked on her name there for a second. Sorry Kristen and She has a very good breakdown of the season. It’s like an overall view of the season not many Totally not many spoilers, but got some interviews with production, got some interviews with some of the men to talk to Joan.

She participated, well, not participated. She attended one of the dates early on in filming. And what do you know? There is a male stripping date this season for Joan that Kristen was at. It’s like this show is obsessed with male stripping. How many, we literally just had a male stripping date on Jen’s season.

And it sounds like based on Kristen Baldwin’s description, we got the same exact date. It was a, these guys were coached by a Chippendales coach on Jen season. They were coached by the guys from thunder down under. They came out, they stripped and they each had a nickname. Like, can we not do the exact same thing that we saw months earlier?

Apparently not because the show is obsessed with male nudity or male. Mostly nudity unreal, but the article is really good and it breaks down a lot of stuff about this season So look forward to that and it’s on EW comm we find out a little bit more about Joan By the way, Joan tells us she was sent dick pics after the Golden Bachelor Yes men in their 60s and 70s or maybe even younger men All she said was she was definitely sent dick pics after becoming the After she appeared on Gary season of The Bachelor and you like really?

Really guys, this is what we’re doing. By the way, the article is titled the gold and the beautiful Joan Vasos has her pick of men on the golden batch. Right. It’s a pretty long article. Very detailed. Good job by Kristen there. But yeah, we find out that the date that Kristen attended was, what do you know, a male stripping date shocker.

What else did we talk about on the daily roundup today? Big brother last night. If you listen to the podcast last two day, you already knew what happened. Tucker wins power of veto again. And what it again, not only won it, but again, wins it pretty handily. Just he’s a comp beast. He’s going to be tough to be eliminated this year, but the first chance they get somebody should try and they, they got to do it or else they’re going to get beat because I don’t care how annoying I find him.

There are plenty of people that absolutely love this guy. I don’t understand it. I don’t get it whatsoever, but I can objectively say, I understand. I not only understand, I know that there are people out there that love him. And. Me personally can’t stand him, but if he somehow gets to the end and has got 8 to 10 comp wins throughout the season, he will beat anybody at the end of this game.

So first chance they get. They need to try and vote him out. We know Quinn’s after him is the rest of the collective after him. And that’s why the collective needs somebody in their group and their Alliance to when had a household in the next few weeks, also the challenge premiered last night, season 40.

I love the fact that they did an era season, a complete ripoff of Taylor Swift, but whatever, give Taylor her credit. The era season. Some great, great players. I mean, it’s the all timers. I mean, this is the best cast they’ve ever had. It’s also the biggest cast they’ve ever had, but obviously after the first challenge, we’re going to be already down to 32, which is roughly where most season starts at.

So while it is the biggest cast, the fact they got rid of eight after the first challenge is like, okay, we’re back on track with basically probably how many episodes we need to finish this thing. I can honestly say, having watched the challenge as much as long as I have, there was definitely a period in there where I probably didn’t watch it for 10 years, but I think I’ve seen it for probably season 25 on.

And I watched the early seasons. There are some people on the show that I don’t even know where they came from. I’m like, what season were they on? What? Challenge season were they on and what did they come from real world? Did they come from road rules? I don’t even remember their real world season. Yeah, there are definitely a few that I’m just kind of scratching my head at, but for the most part they did well, obviously you can’t have cam on if you’re having Leroy on, you got to have one of the two.

I don’t think that what’s her name? Sarah rice. I don’t think she’s ever coming back. One of the greatest competitors, but she’s never coming back. Evelyn never coming back. Who’s the blonde? Gosh, not Veronica. So I can picture her right now. The blonde. I know she’s won in the past. Think she was on real world, Florida.

Oh, totally blanking on her name. You probably are screaming at me. You know what you want? I’m talking about, but she’s not there. And. There are some other contestants that were great in challenges and have been previous winners that didn’t get asked back for this for whatever reason, but very, very good cast.

Can’t wait to see this season play out. And I also want to, I also talk about on the daily roundup, a banking issue that I had to deal with yesterday. It’s just, it’s one of the worst, especially when you wake up to it first thing in the morning. So, I share that as well. This podcast is brought to you by we, and when I talk about whey, that means I’m gonna talk about my hair, my fine, thin, luscious, glowing, shiny hair.

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That’s the, T-H-E-O-U-A Promo code reality, Steve, for 15% off any product. Alright, let’s get going. Podcast number four Oh four. All right, let’s bring her in. You saw her first on Jason Mesnick season of the bachelor. Then this past Monday, when Jen’s season of the Bachelorette visited Seattle.

It is Molly Mesnick. Molly, how are you doing?

I’m great. How are you? It’s been a long time since we’ve talked.

I was going to say it was pre COVID, right? Or did I have, did I have you guys on during COVID?

I don’t remember.

It’s, it’s at least four or five years

either way.

Great to have you on. When I, when I saw they were coming to Seattle this year, I’m like, I gotta believe they’re going to include Jason and Molly somehow.

And then the wicked date. Was the first date of Jen’s whole season because, you know, they were in New Zealand and Australia, nothing got spoiled online because I guess the Australians and New Zealanders didn’t think to contact me, but,

But see anytime they’re in a U S city, it’s almost impossible for them to keep it under wraps.

And that one, they asked, you know, the crowd to come out for the wicked date. So new was going to get out, but. It was interesting before we get into that, before we get into the radio date, I heard you talk about this and I wanted to bring it up the, the full circle moment that you had on this show on Monday, because when you were on Jason season, you guys had the same exact radio date for the most part, right?

Same exact date when they called and told Jason, they like brought it up. They’re like, we’re thinking of doing this like radio date where the guys come in and they’re on a show. We’ve done it in seasons past. And Jason’s like, yeah, you did it on Mars.

And then not only that. I mean, you didn’t even have, you weren’t even thinking, I don’t think about a radio career at that point.

No, not at all.

Yeah. And then after that happens, you dive into radio, you end up doing a radio show with Bender. And then here you are back there on a radio show with Bender. I mean, it’s gotta be kind of surreal for you. I know it is

so crazy. Yeah. So like when we did our dates, you know, back decades ago Bender was hosting the date.

I didn’t know who he was. That’s the first time, obviously I’d ever met him. Cause I’d never been to Seattle before. So then when Jason and I got together and I moved out to Seattle, he would have me fill in on the morning show from time to time, just as like a notable face, I guess, And so then when he needed a new co-host, he called me and he’s like, do you wanna join the show with me?

And I like, I never in a mil, like I have no radio experience whatsoever, but I ended up being at that station for seven years.

How many of those seven years did you have, was Riley around? Was it

all of it?

Oh, so she had already been born when you were unrated

One? When I started doing the radio. Yeah. Okay.

Now, was that difficult for when she was one to be on the morning show? So I’m guessing you were up at four or five in the morning every

day. That’s actually a big reason why we never had any more kids. Honestly, like we, Riley was an angel baby. I would have had like a thousand more kids if they were like her, but we, when it was kind of, she was getting to be two and three, where you think about having another kid, I was like, this is really complicated.

Like I get up so early. Jason works full time. How is he going to handle getting three kids? I don’t know. It just made it complicated. So I was like, let’s wait, let’s wait, let’s wait. And then it got to the point where Riley’s like grabbing her own snacks and she’s not in diapers anymore. And I’m like, I am not starting over.

Like, this is a good way of life now.

Yeah. Well, the other thing is, even though he wasn’t in the episode, excuse me was On Jason season, we got to obviously meet his son Ty and we just followed him throughout the years on social media. When did Ty become seven feet tall? How tall is he? Legit

six, five.

Oh geez. I thought he was like six, eight, but still five is tall.

He’s six, five. He dwarfs us. Yeah, his mom’s side of the family is really tall. So it obviously doesn’t come from Jason. Yeah, he is a giant and he

goes to Boise state, right?

He goes to Boise. He’s leaving Boise.

Oh, he is.

He didn’t love his first year there.

So he’s going to transfer into UW, University of Washington.

Oh, so does he start soon? Wait,

they’re quarters. So they start late September.

Oh, geez. Late September. Okay.

It’s funny. The college thing is funny. Like you’re so sad when they leave. And then he came back for the summer and I was like, Oh boy, we got used to you not being here.

Yeah. It’s messy. It’s loud. There’s teenage boys over all the time. Yeah. It’s great. What

was, what was the deal with Boise? Was it just a homesickness thing? Or he really just didn’t

get, he just didn’t like, they don’t have a big. As far as like fraternities and sororities. And so he didn’t join one and he’s seeing all of his friends at every other college being in fraternities and just busy all the time with plans and parties and all that kind of stuff all the time.

So I think he was feeling a little jealous, you know, like in board. I think he just wanted more of a social scene. So that’s what he’s doing.

Did he, when he goes to Washington. Is he living in the dorms or do they have an off campus apartment with

in the fraternity? He’s already joined a fraternity. They recruit really early.


I didn’t realize they did it this early. I thought they He’s

moving in beginning of September Wow,

okay, so the other thing that happened off screen And this was kind of funny because you mentioned it on your Instagram. And I think you mentioned it when you went on Ben and Ashley this week was the fact that Riley’s never watched the show until last season.

She watched, she watched Joey season. So that was her first

full season. She like would come in and out or two or some clips, but that’s literally the first time she’s seen any sort of episode of the show.

So then when charity and Kelsey and Daisy are invited to be on this date, They’re hanging out in her room and then you got, you know, they came over to your house for a dinner and drinks and stuff like that and.

If Riley

was awestruck, was she just like in heaven?

She doesn’t think of us as like these people from TV. Right. So to have people, and, and the funny thing is that she knew charity too, because she doesn’t watch dancing with the stars, but they did one episode that was like Taylor Swift themed. And so she watched that.

So she had also just seen charity on TV. And so it like blew her mind that these girls she just saw on TV are in her house.

Has she seen. Your season yet or no,

she has zero desire.

She doesn’t even want to watch it.

No. Like, do you, do you really want to see your dad kissing a bunch of other girls?

No, I guess

she doesn’t even want to see me kiss Jason.

I don’t know. I mean, he’s older, she will, but she’s not there yet.

Yeah. Cause I remember when you did like, you were kind of doing lives on Instagram with her or not lives, but posting videos and you would ask her about it. Yeah. The episode and Joey kissing and I think that was her, her Eric was

that’s it to her right now.


that’s it. Everything’s like, okay, so let’s, let’s talk about Monday’s episode because it’s obviously getting a lot of traction and obviously. You guys were part of the radio date. So you got to meet five of the men and the whole thing with, with Sam, which is obviously taken off on the internet.

And I know you can’t get into details about what happened because apparently you had said on another podcast, there was something that happened that was even worse than anything you saw, but I don’t want to get into it. You don’t have to get into it, but was it just, just give us the gist of, it was just something he said that was just as cringe as that

should never see the light of day.

And when he, so when he said that you guys were watching the whole conversation, obviously it lasted longer than the few minutes that we saw when you’re watching it, were you able to step in and say something or you just let them go and you guys just watched.

Okay. So when we, when we, when they had alone time, Jen and Sam, it was actually just Jason and I in the room.

Jubal and Bender were not in the room. He would, Ramble so much. Like we had an earpiece in and the producers are like, you got to cut them off and like move on to the next question. And that happened multiple times. Cause he just keeps going and going and going, which is why my take on it is that he’s just a nervous talker, you know, I don’t know what, I’m curious what you think about all this.

Well, the problem with Sam is I don’t know if you were aware of what happened. Probably after episodes one or two is he immediately and. Also his family and not just one family member, two sisters, a brother, a brother in law and both his mother and father took to social media and blamed the editing on the show and saying, you’re not seeing the full story.

Basically, our son is not how the way he’s being portrayed. You’re not seeing the context of all these conversations because in the early episodes, it’s, you know, Sam was being basically painted as the villain for things that he was saying and constantly going after Devin and constantly talking about how he doesn’t like Devin and Devin gets under his skin.

But it got to be a bit too much with his family taking to social media and basically insulting the show and saying, these people are evil. This isn’t what the way my son is. And then there’s that happy medium because Jen went on a podcast. I think it was either chicks in the office or something and said, like, they asked her, like, I’m sure you’re aware of Sam’s family defending him on social media.

She’s like, yeah, and I think. What he needs to do is take responsibility for what he says and his actions So clearly they’re not on the same page and


with with mental all taping today I’m, really curious to see how that conversation goes because they haven’t seen each other i’m assuming or spoken since seattle

you know this you’ve been following this show for so long.

It’s It’s so tricky. The environment’s hard, you know, it’s, and not everyone handles it. Well, for his family, I just feel for his family. That’s really hard to sit back and watch someone you love get just destroyed by the internet. So I think they’re probably just being protective of them. Maybe it’s backfiring a little bit because they look like they’re being defensive,


I feel for them.

That’s really hard. That’s really hard.

Yeah, it is. It’s, it is a happy medium. And. There’s just, I mean, you saw it on Monday and it’s not like the people who have the take of, man, this guy just seems to be talking in memes or Bible scripture or quotes he’s seen in a movie, everybody thinks it. And then when he, you know, he pulled out the, I love you card when he’s talking to her later on, it was like, Just, we all have the same reaction as Jen.

Like what, where’s this coming from?

I know, I know. I mean, it was interesting. They set us up before the date, really saying like, Sam is it. She is obsessed with him. And I don’t feel like that is how they’ve made the show look up until this point. So it was watching it has been really surprising. I’m like, where’s this, you know, crazy love for Sam.

I’m not seeing it. So I don’t know.


Yeah, it’s

been Sam, but it’s every, every conversation about between them has been pretty surface level. They haven’t really dug deep into much. So I can see why producers said that like, yeah, she’s definitely into him. And it’s almost like she wanted him to be in that final four.

She wanted him to possibly be the final guy. And he just couldn’t get there because he spoke. It’s like he said a lot without. a lot.

I mean, that’s exactly what it is. He’s talked nonstop, but like there was no like substance to what he was saying. And I’m really proud of Jen for speaking up and being like, but why, but why, but why, you know, like he needed to do that, which was really good.

And we usually don’t get that from the leads. Usually they just take it as like, Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. And it almost fall for it. But yeah, he really was talking in circles and saying it was, you know, like everybody said, it’s kind of word salad. It’s really what it was. Just a bunch of words.

And obviously is when he’s like, you know, I didn’t think it was going to be you.

I thought it was going to be, I was like, Oh my God,

Where did that come from? Why did he, did she ask him, did we only see that answer? Like, what was the question that led to that? Or was that just in the middle of one of his rambles? That

was literally how it went. Like there was nothing extra that you didn’t see that was cut off.

Like that is how he answered the question.

Well, I can’t remember what the question was.

He was asking like, why do you see yourself with me or something like that? And he started off with like, I didn’t think it was going to be you. You know, I think what he was trying to say is like, I didn’t think it was going to be you.

And I’m pleasantly surprised with how I’m feeling about you.

It just didn’t come out that way.

No, not at all.

Well, it’s, it really is. Obviously we know that it’s a very heightened environment. He, he and his family have not handled it well. Now they were very vocal for there for about a week. And then they have basically been shut down because I’m assuming the show told him, look, man, you can’t be saying this.

You can’t be talking about things that did not air. And clearly anything that your family is saying. You told them when you got home, which is pretty much a violation of your contract. So just pipe down everybody and

goes into the, to the mental tonight. And like, I don’t know, doesn’t come off super defensive.

I think that’s when you ultimately look bad when you just go in and you’re like, you know what? I screwed up. I didn’t handle it well. Then you ingratiate yourself a little bit more. So I don’t know. We’ll see. We were supposed to be there tonight and we couldn’t go. Yeah,

it’s one of these. It’s exactly what he needs to do.

I just, even seeing two seconds after the episode ended, he filmed a video that I released on his Instagram.

Okay. I didn’t see it. Was he apologetic?

I wouldn’t call it apologetic, but he was just like, thank you for all those who’ve supported me. Even though he’s been getting crucified online, he only addressed the people that have been fans and he said it wasn’t, it was a very tough environment.

I learned a lot. But he didn’t, again, he didn’t throw any sort of really apology towards Jen, or I think what he should do at the, at the tell all taping and just paraphrasing here, but just throw out the phrases of emotions got the best of me, heightened environment. I watched it back and I realized that’s not me.

You know, I, I apologize for the way I came across watching myself back. I see it now, how it could be off putting to the audience. And I hope, I hope this journal, I hope I didn’t ruin your journey, Jen. And I hope


go better. No hard feelings, just something like that. Something tells me though,

give them and get over it and move on.

Yeah. I just, something tells me though, he’s not going to do that. He’s going to stay defensive. I don’t know. He was so adamant about, I mean, for the first couple of weeks before it looks like production stepped in and told him like, you can’t. Just so adamant about it’s the edit and you’re not seeing the full context.

It’s like, look, I get it. I’m very well aware. And there were, there were plenty of scenes early on in the season where I could tell it was a voiceover and they were even using stuff that he had said. So I just started focusing on the stuff where. We saw him in an ITM, we see his face and we see his mouth move.

And there were plenty of instances where he said things. You’re just like, no, I can call you out for that. Because

I mean, and I can say being in that room, that whole date there was no funny editing done at all. Like it, honestly, there was so much more that you guys didn’t see anything. So

how, how long was the talk with Jen that you guys

got in on the two of probably sat there for.

30 minutes, maybe 30, 45 minutes

and we got five

probably two minutes that you guys, it was just

Jen firing questions at him and

him both cards with questions to ask each other. And so they were trying to go through the cards, but his answers would go on for so long that they’re like, Molly, stop him, stop him, like move on to the next question.

So we try.

I don’t even think we ever saw Sam ask her a question. Obviously that’s the part that was edited out. It was all, it was all Jen’s questions to him, right?

Yeah. Yeah. But I did see, and like, this is where Jason and I got in an argument on Ben’s podcast the other day. I saw her. Light bulb go off. I literally saw it in her face.

I saw her face drop where she realizes, like, this guy is not giving me what I want.

Do you remember what question it was or what answer he had said

while he’s going and going and going and going? And she’s asking, but tell me why, like, what specifically do you like about me? You know? And he couldn’t articulate it.

And he couldn’t do it later on that night during the group date after party. It’s, it was just very, very difficult for him.

Like I never watched the bachelorette. I. I mean, I haven’t watched the show in 10 years, but like, I never watched the Bachelorette. I think there’s like maybe Jillian season I watched.

And I always think like, Oh, cause it’s so boring. There’s not a lot of drama. This season has been crazy.

Yeah, no, it’s, it’s been, it’s, it’s been interesting. And obviously Sam has been the focal point that everybody has. A comment about every single week because it’s always something that he is saying his him repeating the phrase I I keep the main thing the main thing and you know, devin I don’t know your your name’s not even in my mouth yet.

That’s all we hear him talking about all season It’s just, it’s a bit much has, has Riley, has she been watching this season up till that day? Oh yeah,

she’s all in. She, she is just loving the season. Her favorite from day one has been Grant. She is obsessed with him. She came home the other night after the announcement.

I’m like, I should have recorded it. She lost her mind. She’s like, I have to go on the show. I love Grant.

Well, that was the next thing I wanted to get to. So we covered enough about Sam. So there are obviously four other guys on the date. How long was your interaction with the other four guys?

I mean, we filmed from 11 AM until 7 PM, eight hours. So we, we did a lot of stuff. We got answers out of every guy. We played little games. We had listeners call in and ask questions there. I mean. They cut all of that out to focus on the same stuff. So that was the,

that was the thing that had gotten released on, I think their website, bachelor nation. com is first off.

They asked the group date for the day before the wicked date. Hey, come out and join us. And then for that date, they said, we’ll need people for quote unquote, a radio show or call an aspect. And so, yeah, it was known that that date was going to be radio show, but obviously it never got, you know, you


were in the studio, no pictures ever got out, but yeah, I was wondering, wait a second, I thought they took calls for this, but so they did.


an error. It’s, I mean, it’s a tricky date cause you know, most of the time when they do group dates and you’re having to like do something, it’s all in jest, right? You’re performing, you’re doing a comedy show, you’re dancing, you’re singing, whatever. This was a date where they truly had to answer real questions about their real feelings with their peers in the room.

It’s awkward. It’s awkward. For everyone and everyone’s trying to say the better answer, you know? So I felt for those guys, that’s not a fun situation to be in, but they all handled it very, very, very well. Minus Sam.

Yeah. Well, what is, did you get alone time with each of the other four or was it all in a group setting?

All in the group setting

that for sam, okay So what were your thoughts on the other four men and then we’ll save grant for last obviously We know he’s the next bachelor now and just your thoughts on him, but you know go through between What was it devon spencer and jonathan

devon spencer jonathan?

Yeah, so spencer He, he was just as he is on the show. He’s like quiet and polished and put together. I don’t have anything negative to say about him. Like he just, I think probably the, the reason maybe he got sent home is just, he’s just quiet and reserved, you know? And maybe he didn’t like give enough energy towards her.

Cause she is a spitfire, right? Yeah, that’s so much energy. Jonathan was far and away the most genuine from our perspective. Jason and I both walked away loving him. He just did a really good job of. Speaking to Jen, not to us and his answers felt real and not like contrived to make himself look better than the other guys in the room.

He also was really good about like we had time afterwards off camera, just, you know, real quick to say nice to meet you. And he was good about asking us questions, you know, and that just shows his character. He’s a good guy.


Devin. Yeah. We just, he’s like, he is on the show. He’s just, he’s loud. He likes to be the center of attention.

He, at one point I did look at him while we were filming and I’m like, you’re a pretty smooth talker, buddy, but I think that’s just how he is.

Yeah, no, I think he said it in his intro video in the first episode. Like I’m loud. I like to be the life of the party. Like he has made it known. It’s not like he, he popped up and all of a sudden did this.

And you’re like, he’s performing now. There is a part of me that is wondering because of the battle with Sam all season. They obviously didn’t like each other. They certainly did not get along. Devin has thrown shade at Sam all season on Instagram. Like he’s keeping it up. My thing is that I’m curious if this guy was out.

To be the winner. And it was an ego thing to win the bachelor or he’s truly, I’m not saying he doesn’t like Jen at all. And it just, I want to win the whole thing, but you know, how deep is it? With their relationship. I mean, he told her all the right things. And when they had their one on one date, he was very open and honest about it, but it’s like, yeah, because he was in this competition with Sam all season.

And Sam is saying, I don’t understand how Jen can like this guy. And also like me. You just wonder is, did the competition part get to him and is he performing? You know, you just don’t know.

I think probably more so for guys, the company, there’s no way to avoid the competition thing, right? Guys are naturally super competitive.

So I think that’s probably always a factor for every guy. It’s how they act on that. So I think you bring up a great question. Is Devin super into her or not? I, it seems like he is, I think, you know, time only tells with this kind of stuff. So, yeah, yeah. Cause

he did like, you know, we all know that the real relationship starts once the camera stopped, because then you actually get to know the person and he’s not.

Having to be the center of attention on a group date or a one on one date and the cameras aren’t on him and he doesn’t gain anything by saying the right things or being the center of attention when there’s no show anymore. So it’s just like, okay, that’s when you get to know him. So we’ll be, you know, it’ll be interesting.

I, I, I just, I just don’t know. I mean, it’s hard. It’s hard to say

now. You shouldn’t about it. Jason and I just like. I feel so, I don’t know, like nervous and scared for leads these days because is that factor of like, is someone just coming on to get famous or gain Instagram followers? We never had to deal with that.

Yeah. You did.

There’s always other intentions of people these days. And how do you figure that out?

That’s the problem. And it’s the one that people ask me all the time. What would I change about the show? Because it’s pretty much the same thing every season, just with a different cast. We have one on one dates.

We have group dates. We have roses. It’s the same thing. I think there should be an episode. And Alon, who used to be a producer on this show, went off and did other shows when he did F boy Island. It was kind of the same thing. You have three leads and they’re dating, but one of the episodes was the women got to look at the guy’s Instagram pages.

And then. For the date that day, got to ask them about stuff that they saw. I think the show needs to embrace social media more within the filming of the show. Now, granted, it would be a complete ripoff if they did it now, because Alon already took it to another show, but I don’t know if they get away with that, but I think the lead should be able to.

Doing kind of something like that. Like, Hey, earlier today, I was able to scour all your Instagram pages and I just had some questions and I want to ask you that. Like, I think that could, but I just, I don’t think the bachelor can do it, but it’s one change I would make. Yeah. And we, and we know, I mean, everybody has spoken about what a great mind Alon had.

I was, he. They’re with for your season or no,

he didn’t work on our season, but afterwards he came on the show and we saw him at a million things.

Yeah. So, okay. And then the final guy that you saw that you got to spend the time with was, was grant again. He just seems like. He seems like such a good dude.

Like I, I, it was nothing to say bad about him.

No, he’s, he’s, he’s articulate, he’s successful. He’s sweet. I mean, he’s got everything. I love, I love it. I love it.

Yeah, he’s, I think, and you know, granted, I think the biggest complaint people had about him being the bachelor is just the way it was announced all of a sudden it dropped after.

I’m doing it so early and just like randomly throwing it up online. It was weird, but

yeah, we, you know, it’s no, it was no Kimmel. It’s no GMA. It’s no, after the final rows, let’s bring them out so people can cheer. It was just, it breaks online and here’s our bachelor. It’s like, okay, it’s different. They’ve never done it this way, but it also gives them You know, according to Robert Mills, the reason they did it was because they want women to apply now knowing who the bachelor is, because that’s always been another thing about the show that I’ve always found totally bizarre is that when women are going through the application process, they don’t know who the bachelor is and they’re not told who it is.

So they’re like, so now it’s like, okay, I know I’m applying for grant. You’re late in the process, but they don’t start filming for another five weeks. Usually. Mid to end of September. So we’re five weeks out. They can have some women apply and they know they’re applying.

It’ll get people, girls there who are excited about him.

Yeah, for sure. And what was the, Oh, the thing I wanted to ask you about the radio date. When you had the radio date on your season, was that the one, and I think they, they showed us a clip. Was that the one where Jason was asked, who’s the best kisser? And he said, you.

Yeah, . I was on that date with Jillian and


Who else was on that date? Do you remember? Yes.

I think it was Jillian and Stephanie. I think

it was only three.

Oh God, now I, yeah, I think so because Melissa had a one-on-one date and Naomi had a one-on-one date, so I think it was just me, Jillian, and Stephanie.

Because that episode Seattle was the episode before hometowns.

Okay. So then, and we know there’s four people at hometown. So five would make sense. Do you remember what, do you remember some of the other questions? Did he ever answer anything else where you were the answer where he said, Molly was the answer. Do you remember any of the questions?

Just the

best kisser one.

Probably never let him live that down either.


that’s funny. Yeah. And I, yeah, cause I remember, and I was just like, yeah, that’s right. That happened on Jason season. And here they are with the same guy. So you filmed in, you filmed in oh wait, right. And it aired in oh nine. So this was 16 years ago.

I know Riley saw that clip.

She’s like, why do you look like that? I’m like, well, I was quite a bit younger.

Oh my God. That’s funny. But yeah, I mean, I’m trying to think of all the time, like, Do you remember off the top of your head the times that you have been invited back to the show? What else have you guys done? I know you’ve done things, but what, what have you done?

We, well, we came back on Jillian’s season. Actually, this is funny. I, in my head the other day was trying to think like, how much money have we made from being on TV? And I, I know it’s a dumb exercise, but I was just curious. And I mean, cause we, back then you got paid for so many appearances, you know,

and, and

So I kind of was going through it.

Like we were back on Jillian season for the mental. We went and talked on the, after the final rose with Emily Maynard and whatever her dude’s name was, Brad

Jeff. Oh, Brad season or Emily season.

Brad season.

Yeah. When he chose Emily,

we went to paradise, the first season of paradise.

Oh my God. I don’t even remember that.

Yeah, it was me, Catherine, Sean, Dez, and Chris, the very first paradise season.

Did Jason go?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. So three couples or something. And then we went on Ari’s season, obviously when he did his little switcheroo.

Oh yeah.

Obviously that made sense to bring you back for that.

Did you

ever do any date stuff?

Like within the season?

This was the first date we’ve ever hosted.

Okay. Yeah. I, I knew you guys had been back a lot and I was just like, well, which ones have they been in all

the weddings?

That’s right. You were at Gary and you were at Gary and Teresa’s wedding, right? Okay.

I was so hesitant, Steve. I was like, cause we hadn’t done anything in so long and I’ve really removed myself from this world.

I stopped doing interviews. I started saying no to interviews right after COVID I was just over it. And then, you know, Jason’s like, this might be fun. And some of our friends are going to be there like. There’s the spotlight’s not on us. We can just kind of stay in the back and I ended up having a good time.

And so luckily because of that, I was more willing to say yes to going on the state. Had, had we not done the wedding? I don’t know if I would’ve said yes. I just don’t like the attention. I don’t know.

What was the last thing you did before the wedding? Was it years ago?

Yeah. The last bachelor thing we did was Oh gosh.

It was Ari’s season.

Yeah. And that was what? 2017, 2018, something like that.

He did during COVID. We did an interview with Andy Cohen. He did some show cause there was nothing, no new TV. He did a show of like. The history of reality TV. So we did a big interview with him and I just didn’t like how it went.

And I just felt icky and was just like, I’m sick of answering these questions. Like Melissa’s good. We’re good. Everyone’s moved on. Like, why are we rehashing this over and over and over again? And so I just was, I looked at Jason and I’m like, I’m done. I’m not doing this anymore.

Yeah. Yeah. And it’s just like.

It sucks because this happened in 2009, you know, the whole switcheroo thing. It’s like here we are in 2024, but the problem is it was such a seminal moment in the franchise. It was easily, it was front page of the tabloids as literally Jason at the time. And he’s had many bachelors since that have passed him up, but at the time like most hated man in America for what happened, it was just, it was awful.

And I guilty as charged, you know, contributed to that for some of my reporting back in the day. But it was just, just the idea of how can you do this? And then Melissa became America’s sweetheart. Yeah. So it’s like, yeah, I, it’s like, why do we have to relive this? If it was one or two years later? Sure.

But in 2024, you have to talk about Jason’s decision to change his mind. It’s like, look, we’ve been married. Are you coming up on 10 years or 10

years? Almost.

Oh, that’s right. Because you got married later on that year. Oh, that’s right.

It’s 10. Yeah. You

got married later on that year. So, 15 years you’ve been married.

You’ve got a chil you’ve got a child. Melissa’s been married for a long time. She’s got, I think, two. You know, it’s like

I know.

There’s no I think people want to stick like some sort of wedge in there. And it’s like, No, it’s not like Melissa and I, you know, you and Melissa talk and keep in touch, but it doesn’t mean you don’t like each other.

It just means like, we’ll just go on a different paths.

Yeah, it’s silly, but this, I will say like this filming experience was actually great. We had a ton of fun. We loved being a part of it. So I think, I mean, we pick and choose, obviously they asked us to come to the mental all. They asked AFR. It didn’t fit in our life and we weren’t going to rearrange our life to be there.

So it works for our life. We will go and we will do it. But. You know, TV isn’t our number one goal.

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