You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in a good episode for you on this Friday, we’re going to talk a little bit about the men tell all just to give you an update of what I don’t know. We’ve got a rumor about dance with the stars and a bachelor contestant.
I’m going to talk a little bit about the big brother live eviction last night. Not a good week for Quinn to say the least got a Katie Holmes story. The story itself really isn’t that important, but just reflecting on Katie Holmes after hearing this story, kind of crazy. And then that Matthew Perry story from yesterday is absolutely insane.
And we’ll talk about that as well. We’ll get to all that momentarily So I wanted to start out with this actually I didn’t bring this up In the open a few seconds ago But when I was listening back on my podcast yesterday with Molly I Want to tell you guys what I’m doing technically with it So now, you know, the Thursday podcast is on YouTube and you On Apple podcasts or Spotify.
Well, what I’m doing is I’m just recording it on YouTube and then what I do is I download the video, but you can just strip out the audio. So I’m just taking the audio from that and then recording an open and a close behind it. I’m sure you, you know. Can tell that because when you watch the YouTube video, it just starts with me interviewing the person.
However, I did notice the sound sounds a little bit different when I’m taking just the YouTube audio. I sound a lot louder and I almost sound like I’m peaking where it’s like going too loud because when I record the daily roundup in my sports daily, I’m doing it into the microphone, but it’s going into a recorder with YouTube.
I’m using, I guess their sound. So I’m trying to see here, I guess, basically what I’m saying is when I record next week’s YouTube episode, who with whoever it is, I don’t know who it’s going to be yet. I’m also going to record it on my recorder. Basically it was just saving me a step. Cause I was like, Oh, I don’t even have to use my recorder for this.
I will just take the sound straight from the YouTube. I don’t like the way it sounds. You probably maybe aren’t able to tell, maybe you can, but it definitely sounds different than my daily roundup to me, at least. So what I’m going to do now is I’m going to. Still do my YouTube show and record it that way.
But at the same time, simultaneously, I’m still going to record it. Like I would before I did video just straight into my recorder and get my sound that way. Really is no change to you guys. I think maybe you will recognize it. Go listen to yesterday’s daily roundup and then go listen to my interview with Molly.
It’s definitely a different sound to it for sure. And maybe it’s just me that can hear that, but I notice it and I realize, Oh, wait, I don’t have to use YouTube sound. I can still record it into my recorder because there’s nothing that when I’m recording with whoever, like with Molly on Wednesday, that says I can’t plug in my recorder and we still record it that way.
Real quick on the Mentel All. As I’m recording this on Thursday night, it’s not even completed filming yet on the West coast. So clearly I’m not going to have anything listening to this in this podcast. You’re not going to get anything here because I don’t heard anything yet. I don’t even know when I’m going to hear stuff.
The tell all shows are a crapshoot. Really? Sometimes I hear about it the next day and sometimes I don’t hear about it at all. And then sometimes I hear rumblings of things that happen. I can pretty much guarantee you, Jeremy will be up in the hot seat. Sam will 1000 percent be up in the hot seat will definitely get grant in an interview with Jesse Palmer.
He’ll be up there. And then obviously Jen will come out and probably the most interesting thing that will come out of the men tell all is how does Sam react to Jen? You know how I feel and you know what I think he should say. Paraphrasing just. You know, I watched it back. I felt that wasn’t me. I was distracted on the show.
I took things like I shouldn’t have. I let my emotions get the best of me and sorry for any heartache I caused you. Sorry. I couldn’t express myself. Apologize. If I made your journey that much more difficult, wish you all the best in the future. Now, I already know that he’s called her a fraud from when he got back home and he was pissed off that she chose Devin over him.
So it’s kind of hard to believe that, but either way, if I’m Sam, very few people are aware of that. Obviously the people that listen to this podcast and listen to me and have listened to me for the last six weeks. Are aware that Sam and his family trashed the show and took some shots at Jen. We had the evidence from his brother in law who deleted his comment.
But what I’m saying is it’s still the minority of the fan base of the people that watch every Monday night. So Sam just needs to come correct, say some variation of those things. And once this episode airs about a week later, nobody will care about Sam McKinney anymore, and he can fall back into oblivion, which is what he should want to do if he does any sort of apology with Jen at the men tell all.
You can’t then just go back online and do Q and a’s and in your answers, clearly throw some shade her way, because then nobody’s going to believe a word that you said on the men tell all. You basically need to wipe your hands from the franchise. Once this episode airs. Or else you’re going to be the one that’s going to be a hypocritical fraud.
Just think about that. So report out of ducks Moy yesterday, that would be do more to people who want to call it what it is, is that Joey is going to be on dancing with the stars. Now it’s not farfetched to think that somebody from the bachelor franchise is going to be on dance with the stars. Dancing with the stars always seems to have somebody from the franchise on.
I don’t know what the consecutive number of seasons we’ve had a bachelor or bachelorette contestant on, but overall, there’s probably been what? 10, 12 seasons that have had some sort of bachelor contestant on from Nick Biel to Sean Lowe to Chris souls, to Melissa Rycroft, to Trista Sutter, to charity, to Caitlin.
To Hannah Brown. I don’t know how many of that is that I just named. There’s probably seven or eight. So maybe it’s more close to 10. It’s it’s not farfetched to think that somebody from the show is going to be on it and they are reporting and they’re blind items that that Joey’s going to be on it. I have no idea.
I don’t have any spoilers for dance with the stars. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t, but I certainly think someone from the franchise will be. A lot of people thought it was going to be Gary, but once his marriage failed after three months, I think he became less desirable. If he was still with Teresa, I would say yes, but the fact that Joey is still with Kelsey and he’s the most recent bachelor.
No, wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’d be fine with that, but we just don’t know. I don’t think we’re getting a cast release until they usually do it. What two weeks before? Maybe we’ll get it the week of Labor Day, Labor Day, Monday, the second, maybe we’ll get it on the third. So that’s almost basically. Two weeks to our, excuse me, Monday, the second.
So Tuesday, the third. That’s exactly two weeks before the show starts. I could see it being announced then, but we also know that stuff gets leaked out and we usually know. If not the full cast, most of the cast before it’s made official, usually on GMA. So partners and stuff like that, people will speculate, but there’s going to be pictures that get out.
It happens every season. So, I think especially with Joey’s Instagram page, it’s not like he’s going to be posting from rehearsals and stuff like that, but it’s going to get out. There’s no, there’s no doubt about it. Oh yeah. By the way, Gabby Wendy, it’s another one that I forgot about. That was on dancing with the stars.
And remember that got out because she was what she was seen walking out of rehearsal studio, but she had that giant mask on and people were like, who is it? And they were able to spot that it was Gabby because she was wearing the same sweatshirt and hooded sweatshirt that Eric Schwer, her fiance at that time, used to wear all the time.
And he obviously had given it to her and she was wearing it after practice one day. So I’m guessing we’ll find out who it is before GMA makes their announcement. This obviously is brought to you by this podcast, it’s brought to you by way, which gives me a chance to talk about my luscious hair. I’m going to say luscious every time because I like it.
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