Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 8/16 – Men Tell All Taping Yesterday, Rumor Of Joey On DWTS, Big Brother Eviction And Quinn’s Awful Week, Katie Holmes, & Matthew Perry’s Death

All right. Let’s talk about big brother from last night, the live eviction show. On yesterday’s podcast, you remember me saying, well, if Cedric doesn’t win, he’s part of the collective and certainly he’s probably the guy that’s the most safe going into tomorrow night’s vote. And I said, but I have not watched or kept up with the live feeds in the last 24 to 48 hours.

And of course, what I missed was chemo into core feeling that they are at the bottom of the collective and not feeling part of the Pentagon. We’re just like, you know what, let’s shake up the game. And that’s exactly what they did. The reason Cedric got voted out last night is because chemo into court decided to flip.

And now everybody’s scrambling. And I do want to say at the time that I am recording this as well, not only have I, has the mental all taping in LA ended, but I believe as I’m recording this, the head of household, the wall competition is going on as we speak. And sometimes I think the The shortest amount of time the wall comp has ever lasted is like 55 or 56 minutes.

And the longest they went was like three and a half hours. So I was hoping to spoil and tell you, by the way, so and so won the head of household and won the wall comp, but it’s not going to happen unless the wall comp ends in the next 10 minutes, which I don’t think it’s going to. Regardless, I’m probably not even going to watch it.

I might tune in to see how many are left, but if there’s like I tune in and there’s Over half the contestants still up on the wall. I’m going to be like, yeah, I’m out with that said, not a good week for Quinn to say the least. This guy basically was the head of household. No, Angela was the official head of household, but Quinn had all the power and Quinn had a target of Tucker.

Couldn’t get him out because he won power of veto Rubina. His second target couldn’t get her out because chemo and to core flipped. And he loses one of his allies. So probably one of the worst weeks you can have as a head of household. And now Quinn is basically at the mercy of if Tucker wins HOH. And I believe Angela is allowed to compete in the wall comp.

She’s allowed to compete for the second week in a row. So technically she could win if Robina wins HOH. Quinn’s going up and probably Brooklyn as well. So they’re all scrambling right now. And Brooklyn went to Robina and said, look, I was told to vote for you because you were the, you were the vote. Nobody told me that chemo and decor decided to flip.

So Robina’s side eyeing Brooklyn right now. And it looks like the power in the house has flipped to Tucker, Angela, Robina, Takor, Kimo, and I believe Leah, right? And maybe even Joseph? I still don’t really know. Like what’s, I mean, the collective had nine people in it. They only lost one of their own. They could technically still run the game, but it seems like there’s too many fractures in that.

I have no idea. The five points Alliance, the collective, the Pentagon. I just, I’m so all over the map with who’s in what, who’s in what Alliance now, and is it fractured enough to where they can still move forward? I have no idea. I’m getting so confused. The one thing we did learn last night. Of what AI instigator is.

So what the AI instigator is, is for the next week, America’s going to be able to vote and they get to vote on one player. That’s going to hold the AI instigator power. And basically that person will be able to spread rumors via the house guest avatar that they pick. So let’s say we all vote and I’m not voting, but.

The vote goes to Tucker. Then Tucker is gonna be allowed to take anybody’s avatar. Let’s just say he takes Brooklyn’s and then they pick, he will pick the avatar he wants to use and he will, and that person will speak about unfounded rumors in the house. Again, I need to see this play out before I make a determination of whether I like this or not.

It seems like they just want to be messy to be messy. I don’t really quite understand what the point of this one is, obviously the name of it instigator, they want to instigate chaos, but it’s almost better. They don’t even need to this season because there’s been enough switching and Alliance changing in the first 31 days.

I saw a statistic on Twitter. And I wish I would have screenshot it, but I didn’t, but it’s something along the lines of there have been more non unanimous votes this season in the first 31 days than there were in all of last season’s 100 days, non unanimous votes. So I guess that’s the good thing. These people are certainly playing the game.

Remember last year, my complaint was basically for the first six or seven eliminations and evictions. It was a house vote every time. It’s like, okay, it was pretty much always 11, nothing, 10, nothing, maybe a nine, one, and it wasn’t ever close. Not that we’ve had a close one so far, but last night was six, three.

I don’t think there’s been an, a unanimous vote this season. So I thought that was an interesting statistic. These people are actually playing this year. The problem is now it looks like Tucker might be in the majority Alliance. And if he is, he is going to skate to the end. And if Tucker is sitting there, I don’t care who he’s sitting against.

If Tucker’s sitting there at the end, he’s going to win. I don’t even care if he’s sitting there against, I don’t, I don’t even know. Nobody else has shown. Social games. There are some good people in there.

I think Tucker has been so dominant and if he gets to the end, he’s probably going to win another three or four comps at some point during this show. Hey, but that’s the, that’s the way we’re headed right now. If it’s flipped and these people decide we want to keep Tucker around, he’s going to get to the end.

Saw a story on people. com and it was just about the fact that if you’re The title of the story was Katie Holmes shares rare update about 18 year old daughter Suri, and the story just said that Katie Holmes is about to be an empty nester because Suri is off to college. Remember last week, or maybe it was early this week.

I think it was the end of last week where I said, I can’t believe Clay Aiken’s son is 15 cause he was on celebrity family feud. Yeah, that was last week. I was like, it seems like three weeks ago he was on the cover of Peel magazine with a baby in his hand. His son is 15. The fact that Suri is 18 and going off to college right now makes me even more insane, but I guess I have to accept it.

But it brings me to the point of. That is still one of the most bizarre Hollywood marriages we’ve ever seen. And not because of the two people involved in it. I’m just talking about the fact that they are that popular and Suri has absolutely no idea. Zero relationship with Tom Cruise. Have you ever heard Tom Cruise and he has no relationship with her?

I think because Katie keeps her away from him because of the whole Scientology thing, Katie Holmes never does many interviews. And if she does, she’s never talked about her relationship with her daughter for the most part. She’s got a relationship. I’m not saying she doesn’t have one with her. It’s just, she definitely protects Suri, but Suri, I’ve never heard the woman speak before, and.

Anytime Tom Cruise is interviewed, he’s only promoting movies. I’m pretty sure his PR team says you’re not allowed to ask him about his religion or about his family.

Tom Cruise is literally one of the worst humans in Hollywood. Do you hear that? I said, S U R Y S U R. I, I said the name and S I R I. Caught it on my phone and wanted to know what I wanted to talk about. So Need to be careful around my phone when I say S U R I but the whole thing about Tom Cruise is I can separate the two because His Mission Impossible movies and him as an actor He’s had some absolute banger movies and he’s one of the greatest action stars of all time But I also can separate the fact that he’s not a good human being And anybody that’s dug into what he’s done and his role in Scientology would know this.

Just not a good guy. And the fact that he doesn’t have any sort of relationship with his daughter. When was the last time you saw a picture of Tom Cruise with Suri? Oh. Is the phone gonna act up again? But yeah. And you just don’t see anything with Katie Holmes either. I’ve seen plenty of pictures of Katie and her daughter walking around New York city.

They always get those New York posts, page six, stuff like that. She never ever talks and does interviews talking about her family life. And finally, just a sad story all around when the Matthew Perry, when the death happened, we were just like, wow, it looks like he just fell back into it. And we thought he was fine.

And he had been sober for X amount of months. And all of a sudden, you know, he’s found dead. And we’re just like, that is, I thought he was doing better. And everyone just assumed he fell off the wagon. Then we come to find out yesterday, his own assistant admitted to injecting him with multiple doses of ketamine.

To the point where it killed him and four other people were arrested. His in living assistant, Kenneth Iwamasa pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to to distribute ketamine causing death in the investigation of Matthew Perry’s passing. And then Jasveen Sangha, a 41 year old who authorities called the ketamine queen.

Is facing one count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine, one count of maintaining a drug involved premises, one count of possession with intent to distribute meta methamphetamine, one count of possession with intent to distribute ketamine, and five counts of distribution of ketamine per the Department of Justice.

Now this story just sucks all around. I, I mean, this is murder. Why was his in living assistant trying to kill him? Maybe we’ll never know. Maybe this guy’s just going to be locked away forever. But man, that’s an awful, awful story. And we actually have an answer because I think we were all kind of scratching our heads because we thought he had gotten better and we didn’t want to believe that he had a relapse or fell off the wagon.

And we got our answer yesterday that he didn’t, but this is even worse. I mean, this is basically murder. This guy knew what he was doing. Injecting more dosage of ketamine into Matthew Perry than he should have been. It’s like, what did he gain out of this? Man, this just sucks. Anyway, thank you all for listening.

I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. So please go back and hit play. If you miss a day, go back and hit play sports daily. We’ll be coming up in an hour from now. I hope everybody has a great weekend.

We’re back Monday, once again, kicking this thing off. Don’t forget Sunday night. Livestream. I don’t know who’s going to be on it, if anybody, but livestream, taking your questions, talking about the bachelor bachelorette, maybe I’ll have some mental all info by then, but appreciate you all listening and participating on Sunday nights, any donations that have been made.

I really appreciate those as well. So thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you on Sunday night and then Monday back here. For the daily route.

See you

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