You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality, Steve podcast. I’m your host reality, Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday. Good show for you today. A lot of stuff to go over. Yesterday was a big day in my personal life. We have not a whole hell of a lot to update you from the men tell all, but it did happen on last Thursday.
We have. Three count them three pregnancy announcements in bachelor nation that all happened over the weekend. We’ll talk about those. Rachel Rekia, get some heat from the trolls. We’ll read you what the trolls said to her. It’s embarrassing. I feel bad for her and it’s just awful continuing on. And then we will talk about big brother because this season is either really good.
We’re really boring and I’ll tell you why we’ll get to all that momentarily. So let’s start out with this. If you saw my Instagram and Twitter post yesterday, yesterday was my gotcha day, my dog, Luca, I can’t possibly ever forget the day I adopted her because it was eight, 18, 18. How could I ever forget that anniversary?
But. Yesterday it was gotcha day six years. I’ve had her when I adopted her, the paperwork said she was between three and four, so she’s anywhere between 10 and 11 years old now. I don’t even want to think about her being 10 or 11 years old because she was found in the backyard in a dirt farm in Oklahoma and she was picked up.
She had a sister. And the sister did not make it too many complications and they, they had Luca up on the website where I was going to. Adopt. And then they had her sister’s picture up on it and said, we’re waiting to get her test results and all this. Once she’s cleared, we will put her on the site. And there was a chance I was going to get both, but once I met Luca and I talked to them and they said, basically her sister, I can’t remember the name of her sister might’ve been Luna.
They said, she’s not going to be able to be put up to be adopted. She’s got too many health complications. And then I found out she passed maybe a month after I adopted Luca. So unfortunately that didn’t happen, but obviously I’ve had Luca for six years as of yesterday. And they, you know, they don’t know how old she really is.
She could be 11 or she could be 10. Hell, they could be off by two years. I mean, she could be nine for all I know, but that’s what the paperwork said. She was between three and four years old when they got her and I’ve had her six years now. And as I put on my Instagram story, I really sometimes want to know what she thinks.
I want to know what she thinks of me. I want to know what she thinks of her daily routine, what goes through her head sometimes, why she does some of the things that she does. You know, it’s weird. And I’ve had Luca for six years, as you know, up until about a month ago, Luca slept in my bed every single night.
And it was the same routine. She came up on the bed and I would lift the covers up and she’d go right underneath them and sleep down by my feet. At some point during the night, she would crawl up towards the bed and literally sleep like a human, like side by side next to me, like my back would touch her back.
And then about a month ago, she just started sleeping. In her little doggie bed on the floor in my room. She’s maybe come up on the bed once or twice since then, but not at night. And it’s not because she can’t get up the ramp. Her legs work fine. I don’t know. I mean, the thing is, I always thought that doggie bed was comfortable.
I don’t know why she didn’t ever go in it before. Like she avoided it like the plague. I had that doggie bed sitting on the ground for five years and 11 months, and she never went in at once and laid down in it once she would just come up on the bed at night. And all of a sudden a month ago, she just goes in that thing and sleeps in there every single night.
She has not been in the bed with me for over a month. It’s really weird, but love her to death. So glad that yesterday was my gotcha day and six years with her. I have nothing to report in regards to the men tell all, unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything and. We don’t even know when it’s airing tonight.
We have hometowns and Jeremy will get eliminated on tonight’s hometowns. And then I don’t know if they’re airing it next Monday or what they’re doing or for having Tuesday episodes. I don’t know. I have no idea what’s happening. I haven’t seen any sort of schedule that has been at least confirmed of what we have.
My guess is next week is probably overnights and then they’re going to air the men tell all on Tuesday. The 20. That would be the 27th. So overnights would air on the 26th Tuesday. They would throw the men tell all, I just don’t think they’re giving the men tell all that its own week this year, but that could be.
That could be just me. Just guessing. I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything. Obviously once I do, I will let you know. We had three pregnancies announced in bachelor nation this weekend. Now it’s all bachelor alumni who are not with anybody from bachelor nation, but they are names that you all know. First one, Ben Higgins, he announced he is pregnant with his wife, Jessica Clark.
So congratulations to them. I’m sure Ben will talk about it this week on the almost famous podcast. Is pregnant with her husband, Carl. This is their second child. And obviously, you know, a history between Jenna and I I sent her a text congratulating her on her pregnancy. And, you know, I know people are aware of the past between Jenna and I, but.
Everything is pretty much been cleared up and I, she has no ill will towards me. I certainly don’t have any ill will towards her and I feel I could text her. Maybe I’ll ask her to come on the pod again this week. Talk about her pregnancy. I don’t know. Maybe in, maybe not this week, but coming up, I’d like to have her on the pot again.
Congratulations to her. And then the third one, Maddie Pruitt and T Swizzle or whatever the hell he calls himself, they have a baby coming. Oh yeah. Congrats to them. So moving on, we’ve got Rachel Rekia was added a charity event this weekend. Blake Moynes was there. Everybody thinks they’re dating. I, I have not heard that they are, but if they were dating, they would, I think, make it known.
I mean, Blake was there with other women too, and taking pictures with other women. So I don’t think that they are an item, but the important thing that Rachel posted this weekend was the fact that she’s got some serious haters out there. And I want to say haters, they’re trolls. There are people that are commenting on her looks and she posted them.
I really wish again, I understand that. Sometimes these people think it’s stooping low to post the screen names of the people that send them awful messages, but this sucks what she had written to her, and she put these all on an Instagram story, but I think that she needs to post these people’s names. I say that about everybody.
If you’re gonna post negative tweets or negative messages you get from Toxic Bachelor Nation, expose who they are. It doesn’t make you petty. They’re the ones that need to be exposed. You’re not doing anything wrong. She didn’t do it. She just posted the comments. Some of them are, she definitely has had work done on her face.
Someone else said, I always liked that she was gorgeous, but more normal with healthy curves. She doesn’t look healthy here anymore. Another one said you went too far. It’s given facelift lost. You, you lost your spark. Wow. What a change. Why you were so pretty before. Other one said, I often wonder when a woman has so much plastic surgery and eventually has babies that look neither, like neither, like neither parent, how they might feel.
I understand the breast reduction, but she’s changed her whole face. If you scroll back and look at older pics and the other one said, I must not be happy. Must not be happy inside to have to do so much work to look so different. Too bad. To which Rachel responded, Just to address this, I’ve been extremely sick since May.
I was in the hospital for a bad kidney infection that spread into my back muscles. I was on antibiotics through a PICC line for over a month. The antibiotics made me so tired and nauseous which led to the weight loss everyone has been commenting on. I am aware I look sick because I was sick. Please be mindful.
Love you all. So again, toxic bachelor nation at it again, commenting on how thin Rachel looks. I think she looks great. Like, I just don’t understand the need to take that to her and send her that message or put it in a caption. Why? Look, you can jump down my throat all I want, because I used to comment on people’s looks all the time in this franchise.
I haven’t done it for about four years. So unless it’s to say somebody looks great. That used to be my whole thing. That used to be what reality Steve was about from literally 2002 till 2019. 2020. All I did was comment about people’s looks. I realized not smart, and it’s not who I want to be, so I can sit here and tell I’m blue in the face and tell you not to do it.
But clearly people are doing it. I just wish Rachel would’ve exposed these people. Because then other people including her fans would have went to those Instagram accounts and probably lit them up and at least force those people to maybe rethink about saying something or maybe just they would have gotten so many nasty messages towards them and it’s not and Rachel isn’t inciting or recommending you bully those people but she she Anybody knows if you put somebody else’s Instagram page and their Instagram handle out there, your fan base will send them messages.
And maybe that’s what it needs to get the point across because clearly these people felt no shame whatsoever into sending Rachel a message, a woman who was sick with a kidney infection. And even if she wasn’t, she looks great now. I don’t think she looks sickly. It does look like she lost weight. I didn’t know why she lost weight.
She could have just been working out better. She could have been eating better. She could have been on a Zempik. I didn’t know. All I know is she clearly did look like she lost weight in the pictures that I’ve seen. And it was because she was sick. So don’t comment either way, unless it’s positive. So. I don’t understand why those people do it.
I just really wish when Bachelor Nation people call people out for the messages that they get and the hate that they get and the trolling that they get, they would include those people’s screen names because if they are quote unquote brave enough to message these people either personally or write.
Messages in their captions, insulting them. They need to be called out for it. And the only way they can get called out for it is if we see the name behind it. This podcast is brought to you by way way. Everybody’s got a type and way is yours. Their shampoo and conditioner are made to deliver. What’s just right for your hair type with way you’ll get hydration that won’t weigh you down plus extra benefits that your specific strands need.
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