Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

The “Bachelorette” Jenn – Hometown Dates, TV Schedule for the Rest of the Season, Pregnancies Galore in Bachelor Nation, & Your Daily Roundup 8/20 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

Is there something in the water in Bachelor Nation? My gosh, have we ever had a weekend where 3 different people from the franchise announced a pregnancy? The three that did are all married to people outside the franchise, but still. If you missed it on my podcast yesterday, Ben Higgins and his wife Jessica are pregnant with their first child. Jenna Cooper and her husband Karl are welcoming their second child next year. And Madi Prewett and husband TSwizzle, or whatever he calls himself now, are also pregnant. Can’t say I’ve ever remembered a weekend where that’s happened before. Granted, these people were all from different time periods on the show, with Ben being the furthest back, then Jenna (who was on Arie’s season), then Madi (who was on Pilot Pete’s god awful mess of a season). A lot of babies coming in Bachelor Nation, yet, Rachel Recchia gets torn to shreds on her looks because she lost weight due to a kidney infection. Awful hearing what people wrote on her caption. Always people that have some bible verse in their profile, are mothers, or both. And lets be real, it’s from people who would never say it to her face if they met her in public. It’s sad.

There was no livestream this past Sunday night due to me getting busy with some unexpected errands but I’m back this Sunday and then in 2 weeks, it’s going to move to Friday nights most likely. There’ll be some weeks where it changes, but starting on September 13th, I would expect it to be on most Friday nights.

Don’t forget your “Reader Emails” tomorrow so get your questions/queries/comments in now by emailing me at, hitting me up on IG or Twitter DM’s. We’ve got quite a bit of things happening lately, so surely you have some questions. Yes, I have questions. And stop calling me Shirley.

Speaking of questions, I’m going to do my livestream on Gambling 101 on this week. I’ll know tomorrow or the next day when I’m going to do it. It’ll either be on Friday night or during my Sunday night live, but I’m looking for people who want to join and ask questions live. Anyone can join and no question is too dumb to ask. I will go as slow as I can and explain as best I can the basics of sports gambling. This isn’t anything regarding fantasy football because that’s just picking players. I’m talking about placing a bet either online or at a casino, what it entails, what it means, what’s a parlay, what’s an over/under, what’s a money line, etc. I will try to cover all the basics, but I also want to interact with you since then I’ll know if I’m explaining it correctly and if something needs to be repeated.

Well, at the end of the episode last night we got our answer as to how things will play out next week. Actually went on my guide before the episode and saw what was set for next week and then they confirmed it, but next Monday’s episode will be overnight dates, then Tuesday they will air the Men Tell All. Which means, with the following Monday being Labor Day, there’s zero chance they’re airing the finale on a holiday. So even though they haven’t announced it yet, expect Jenn’s finale to be Tuesday, September 3rd. I’d be stunned if there was any programming on Labor Day night, especially when we know the finale has a live ATFR attached to it.

My hometown date thoughts begins on Page 2…

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