Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

The “Bachelorette” Jenn – Hometown Dates, TV Schedule for the Rest of the Season, Pregnancies Galore in Bachelor Nation, & Your Daily Roundup 8/20 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC


The meeting point for Jeremy’s date was so bizarre I gotta say it may have been the worst location we’ve ever seen. Usually they meet in the middle of a park, or in downtown, or with a scene view behind them. Nooooo, not for Jeremy’s date. It was so remote and so wooded and ugly, Jenn even referenced if he was gonna murder her there, and the chyron on the screen even said “not Crystal Lake,” which was the fictional lake where Friday the 13th was shot at. And frankly, it looked even scarier than that. You’re thinking, “Well maybe they didn’t just want to be seen by the public and be spoiled,” yet, there they were after they met going grocery shopping with people all around the store. So that couldn’t have been it. Just one of the uglier places I’ve ever seen two people meet up for a hometown. Not saying CT is ugly. Just saying whoever chose that spot might’ve been high that day.

The one thing that drove me nuts about Jeremy’s hometown was something I feel we hear once a season, if not more, from a contestant. And that’s the line of, “I only want to get engaged once. I only want to be married once,” and someone is usually saying that because they’re worried about opening up. I’m sorry, these contestants need to drop that line for two reasons. 1) Because it’s unrealistic when it comes to this show, and 2) it’s because it’s not all that deep of a thing to say. I mean, isn’t that just accepted? Does anyone go into their first engagement/marriage thinking they don’t want it to work out and hope they can do it again? I’m just being realistic here. When 50% of all marriages end in divorce, saying “I only want be engaged/married one time” runs pretty hollow. Especially on this show. There have been 49 seasons. How many engagements have we had? And how many of them ended up broken? Over 75-80% of them? So yeah, lets drop that whole idea of saying that on this show. Doesn’t hold much weight.


I really only have one thing to say about Jonathon’s date. And that is we know he was struggling about opening up, especially with the L word. That’s a big deal to him. He clearly struggles with getting that close to a woman after what happened with his ex. Totally understandable. But for Jonathon to have this giant struggle, then take Jenn outside on the bench (amazing how every family on this show has a bench for the two to sit on), and as he’s blushing, Jenn is coaxing him to say it, Jonathon comes up with this proclamation, “Jenn, I’m falling for you.” Wait, are you serious? That’s honestly the equivalent of holding someone’s hand on a date in relation to this show. I’m sorry, but saying that to the lead when you’re down to the final 4 is about the bare minimum you can do. I understand he doesn’t open up to women, but that was just a funny proclamation to make. Didn’t even say, “I could see myself falling in love with you” or “I am falling in love with you.” It was just, “I’m falling for you.” Like…okkkkk? That’s it? When Devin is telling Jenn he loves her, Jonathan (and Marcus’ coming up), sounded like a big nothingburger.


Really the only thing about Marcus’ date that stuck out to me was Jenn saying at the end of the date, “This is a family I can see myself being a part of and want to be a part of.” Which was kind of a weird thing for me to hear from her since there was only one person from Marcus’ actual family there, and that was his sister. He had an Army Ranger buddy, and some couple that were close friends, but not family. So I’m sure his adopted parents had a reason for not being there, I’m not questioning that. But Marcus doesn’t live anywhere near Tacoma, Washington. He lives in North Carolina. So outside of his sister, if she were to end up with Marcus, how many of the people in that “family” she described would she see on a regular basis. Was just a weird comment to make. And oh yeah, Marcus also struggles with opening up and literally parroted what Jonathon said with his “I’m falling for you.” Like, couldn’t even change a word in the sentence. Same exact thing. Good thing this show is over in 2 weeks because even if you didn’t know the spoiler, there is zero suspense left really.

Your transcript of the Daily Roundup 8/20 starts on page 4…

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