Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

The “Bachelorette” Jenn – Hometown Dates, TV Schedule for the Rest of the Season, Pregnancies Galore in Bachelor Nation, & Your Daily Roundup 8/20 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC


You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality see podcast. I am reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. We are going to recap last night’s hometown date episode. I’ve got a thought of each guy’s hometown date. We’ve also got an update on the television schedule for the rest of the season, for the most part.

Then I’ve got some big brother stuff to go over some spoilers. I didn’t go over yesterday. If you aren’t following on the live feeds and you don’t want to know, then I’ll give you a heads up to tune out at that point. And maybe some dancing with the stars. Talk as Transcribed Some things have come out.

We’re going to find out who our first contestant on Dance with the Stars is this week sometime on GMA. And we’ll get to all that momentarily. So I wanted to start with the television schedule. Yesterday, because it was a week out, I was able before the show started, I was like, wait a second, I could probably see what’s on next Monday night on my guide on my DVR.

And I did. And I saw that the overnight date episode is going to air next Monday. And then the men tell all is going to air next Tuesday, which makes sense. And we saw that at the end of the episode that Monday overnight dates, Tuesday men tell all now. We’ve seen this in the past where the Monday night episode is the overnights and Tuesday nights as men tell all doesn’t necessarily mean Monday night is going to end with a rose ceremony where she sends Jonathan home.

It might bleed into Tuesday’s episode. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. And the first 15 or 20 minutes of Tuesday’s episode is actually the ending of what happens in Hawaii and the overnight dates, and then they go straight into the men tell all from there. But Jonathan, that means was at the men tell all, and obviously so is Jeremy and your final two, which you’ve known since May 31st is Marcus and Devin and she is with Devin.

Nothing has changed. So what this means for the following week, I think is interesting because that’s not on your DVR just yet and they haven’t announced it, but considering the following Monday is Labor Day and we know that the finale of this show is a live audience. And, you know, going in and out of the studio and having all that, there is no way that Jen’s finale is going to air on Monday, the second, it hasn’t been officially announced by the show and it certainly isn’t on my DVR just yet, but I can pretty much guarantee you Jen’s finale is going to be on Tuesday, September 3rd.

So get that ready, which is really weird because all season. Everybody watches on Monday nights, and then the final episode is going to air on Tuesday nights, which means even though it’s people are going to want to tune into the finale, it’s definitely going to rate lower than probably some of the other episodes of the season, and it’s definitely going to be probably one of the lowest rated finales they’ve ever had, because when you just put it on a different night, and I understand it makes sense.

I wouldn’t put it on. I wouldn’t put Jen’s finale on Labor Day night either. It just so happened. That’s the way the schedule worked and it couldn’t be the, they couldn’t push it back a week and take a week off because Monday the ninth is the first Monday night football game of the season and that’s on both ESPN and ABC.

So they had to end the show on either September 2nd or September 3rd and doing it on September 2nd on Labor Day made no sense whatsoever. So understandable that it’s going to air on Monday night. Or excuse me, Tuesday night, the third, even though it hasn’t been announced yet. So let’s get to last night’s episode.

I’ve got some thoughts on each guy’s hometown date, something that stuck out to me the most on each guy’s hometown date. So it’s not like a total breakdown of, because honestly, And I don’t know if it’s just been in recent seasons. Remember every season on hometown dates, there used to be one hometown date that was just totally out of left field.

It was just either a weird family or they did something weird, or it was just bizarre. They haven’t done that for a while. It just seems like all these families are normal and they actually are spending time and. And basically not trying to make fun of the families. Cause let’s face it, when they used to have one of the four hometown dates be totally off the wall, that’s all anybody would talk about.

And they would essentially make fun of that person’s family and. They’ve kind of gone away from that because all four families last night, totally normal, although Marcus’s people at his date, that wasn’t his family. He had one family member there, his sister, then it was a couple that he knew that helped him, one of his army ranger buddies, like that wasn’t even, and that’s the point I’m going to get to with Marcus’s date, but starting off with Devin.

Something struck me last night when Devin told her he was the only one of the four guys that told her I love you. He didn’t say I’m falling for you. He didn’t say I’m falling in love with you. He didn’t say I can see myself falling in love with you. He said, Jen, I love you. Only got to do it. The other thing that it reminded me of was remember in the season preview, where we see Jen on final rose ceremony day, standing there talking to Devin, because I had that picture of Devin in Hawaii with a tan or white jacket at the altar, or I had a picture of him in a tan jacket.

And then obviously she is telling somebody at the altar. I can’t have you propose to me. Well, after I heard Devin say that last night and Jen not reciprocate. Now, I think. When she says that to Devin at the final alter, and she says, I can’t have you propose to me, I think, and this is just a guess, I don’t know for sure, because I don’t know this thing that, that happens at the end, other than she’s with Devin, is, I think she probably tells him, my guess is, I can’t have you propose to me until I tell you that I love you, like, that’s how silly I think it’s going to be, that part, but I could be wrong.

I don’t know. That’s just a guess on my part. If I find anything out about what happens at the end, but when he said that to her last night and the only one of four guys, and then we see the previews for next week where Jonathan’s having trouble getting there and Marcus is having trouble getting there with her.

Even Devin is sitting there with her saying, I don’t know, or whatever, look, he’s already told her he loves her. He’s the only guy that has said it of her final four. And now that she let go of Jeremy final three, it’s just

so there’s something else that comes up. And let’s move on to Jeremy’s hometown date. And he said this, and I feel like we get somebody saying this, if not multiple people saying this every season, and it drives me up a fucking wall. And it’s when somebody on this show says, I only want to get engaged once.

I only want to get married once. How many people have said that in this franchise history, this is the 49th season and how many people got engaged on this show and never got married. I mean, we only have what? Seven, eight, maybe nine marriages in this whole franchise. So 40 of them for the most part, I mean, maybe not, you know what I mean?

When you sit there and say like, well, I only want to be engaged once and I only will get married once this, I take this very seriously. It’s like, yeah, we know. I’m guessing most people don’t go into any marriage saying, yeah, I’ll get married, but I have no problem getting divorced. I won’t mind getting divorced and getting engaged again.

Of course, everybody just wants to get engaged and married once, but in this day and age, and especially if you’re doing it on this show, it’s just an unrealistic thought to have. I’m just, it’s not reality. And I feel like somebody says that every season and it’s trying to make them seem like, wow, they’re taking the process so seriously.

It’s like. No, you’re not. Because if you were taking the process so seriously, you wouldn’t give in to production and you wouldn’t propose at the end because you barely know this person. But every single season we get somebody. You know, I only want to be engaged once, I only want to be married once, and this is a real important Yeah, we get it.

I think that’s how everybody feels going into marriage. I don’t think anyone goes into their first marriage saying, I want to be married four times or three times or two times. Of course you go into it thinking that’s the only time you’re ever going to be engaged and married. But shit happens. It happens.

Things happen, and especially if it’s from this show, since you’re getting engaged to somebody that you barely know. Hey, Jeremy said it when he was sitting there with Jen and his family. I’m like, oh God, let me write this down. As for Jonathan, I mean, we already had Jeremy on the episode talking about how it was difficult to open up and all that, and Jonathan, same thing.

Takes love seriously, and it’s a big word for him, and he doesn’t use it, he doesn’t throw it around all that often. So he’s sitting there with Jen before she’s about to leave. And he makes this big proclamation and he already says to her, I’m falling for you. He didn’t even say, I’m falling in love with you.

He didn’t even say, I can see myself falling in love with you. Jonathan says, Jen Tran, I’m falling for you. And as I tweeted out, it’s like, honestly. That’s the equivalent of not even getting to first base. That’s the equivalent of handholding on a date. When it comes to the show, telling somebody you’re falling for them, well, shit, you’re down to the final four.

I would hope the least thing you could tell somebody is I’m falling for you. Like that is and he just made it this big proclamation like she was saying she was sitting there on the bench with him She’s like and and and he’s you know, he’s blushing a little bit. He’s smiling. He’s like Jen Tran I am falling for you.

I’m like, oh my gosh, what an absolute letdown for her She had a guy already tell her the only one of the four tell her I love you Again, Devin didn’t say, I’m falling in love with you. He didn’t say, I can see myself falling in love with you. He said, I love you, Jen. And none of these guys can even bring themselves to drop the L word with her.

Very, very bizarre. Not saying that Devin is Mr. Sincere because he said it, because my whole thing with Devin is I still don’t know if I believe him as obviously he likes Jen, but my whole thing with him is. Is he being a smooth talker that he is, is he saying things that he knows Jen wants to hear?

And he’s saying things that he knows can get him a victory and to win this thing. Is he out to win a competition or is he out for Jen? That’s the one thing that I’ve always been questioning with Devin. And really, we’re not going to get an answer even on final rose ceremony day, even when they’re sitting there on the couch at, after the final rose, we won’t know.

Until three, six, nine, 12 months pass. And we see if they last as a couple. And then with Marcus, the thing that stuck out to me about his hometown date was something that Jen said, he said, and she said, this is a family. I can see myself being a part of and want to be a part of, I’m like, But there was only one member from his family that was there.

He doesn’t even live in Washington. He lives in North Carolina, but they filmed his hometown in Tacoma because his parents didn’t even come. His adopted parents weren’t even part of the date. Like I said, in the open, it was his sister. It was a couple that took him in after he got back from the army and one of his army Ranger buddies.

It’s like, so how can she say, this is a family I can see myself. And maybe she was saying it metaphorically. I don’t know. But I find it hard to believe. I mean, look, she’s not with Marcus, but what I’m saying is now that we know that she never even met his parents during his hometown date, we knew that for a while.

Cause I posted this back when I found out his hometown was in Tacoma, I said his parents weren’t on the date, but now that she knows this, it just seems weird that Marcus would ever propose to a woman who didn’t even meet his adoptive parents. You know, and again, Marcus, at the end of the day, big proclamation, he said the same exact thing as Jonathan.

I am falling for you. Great, great. Here we are down to final four and you just told me you’re falling for me. Okay. And can we go a little bit deeper than that, Jonathan and Marcus, because on this show that means absolutely nothing. You might as well just tell her your hair looks pretty. You have nice eyes.

You have a pretty smile. Just, I mean, that’s about the equivalent of it. You’re at hometowns, dude. You need to step it up and maybe you don’t want to tell somebody that you’re in love with them or falling in, but you got to at least say you can see yourself getting there to say I’m falling for you and not even throw out the L word.

I would think was the biggest red flag for Jen and probably why she’s with Devin. She had two guys that were literally at overnight dates and they still hadn’t told her, still haven’t said anything about the L word. I get it, Jen. I hear you. This podcast is brought to you by Ouai. Everybody’s got a type and Ouai is yours.

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