Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

The “Bachelorette” Jenn – Hometown Dates, TV Schedule for the Rest of the Season, Pregnancies Galore in Bachelor Nation, & Your Daily Roundup 8/20 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

Some things to discuss in regards to big brother. So if you don’t want to know what’s been happening on big brother, you might want to mute or fast forward.

I have some notes here about big brother. One thing I didn’t get to yesterday was look, the house flipped when to core T core and chemo decided to go and flip on the Pentagon, right? Now I understand that they were close with Robina and that’s why they flipped. And Cedric has said that in all of his exit interviews.

That he understands it. He wishes they wouldn’t have flipped, but he understood because he knew T CORE and chemo were very close to Robina. So he couldn’t see them voting for her. However, when they were making their decision to do this, T CORE and chemo. Basically just said, we want to shake up the game.

So I don’t know if that was a good strategy. Did you do it just to do something different and shake up the game? Or did you do it because strategically it puts you in a better place? I guess they are claiming that it helped their game to keep Rubina over Cedric. Does it really? I mean, shit. Does any of the season matter the way it’s going?

Considering Tucker is dominating everything in their minds. I guess they think they have a chance. I have T CORE and Chemo done anything in any of the challenges? Like it seems like not only are they not competitive and challenges, they’re one of the first few out every time too, when they have to compete.

It’s just this season has nobody that is competing really well outside of Tucker.

The other thing, and I saw this a lot on Twitter on Sunday night when the episode was airing, which was the wall challenge, and I don’t have all the numbers in front of me. But I’ve seen some wall challenge winners that lasted three, three and a half hours up there. It seems like most wall challenges lasted at least an hour.

And I think Tucker won in 35 minutes. Once again, proving my point of not only is Tucker beating everybody in challenges, none of these people are really competing against him. They’re not even giving him much of a challenge. And you saw it. You think Quinn could have stayed up? I mean, Quinn dropped because he couldn’t hang up there any longer.

Tucker told him after and maybe he was exaggerating a little bit or bragging like he always does but I Believe Tucker when he says I could have stayed up there another 45 minutes. I believe him good. He’s in good shape I just know but and people were commenting past contestants. Who was it? It was I saw somebody I think was from BB 21.

It was Jessica Jessica Milagros from BB 21 said I was up there 30 minutes and I was one of the first ones to drop and I was up there 30 minutes. Tucker won and he was up there 35 and other people chimed in as well, but that one stuck out to me because she was one of the first ones to drop and said she lasted like 25 or 30 minutes.

And I don’t know the exact number with Tucker, but it was less than 40. I believe so. That’s what I mean. It’s like. We don’t have a lot of good competitors this season. And no, I understand that big brother is not all about challenges. If it was Jackson one season 21, because he dominated challenges, but I just, I’m just having a hard time with how much better Tucker is than everybody else.

And I just. If it’s anything that’s remotely timed or physical, he’s going to win. Now, if you do, Hey, look at the screen and what’s wrong with this picture. I feel like something like that, anybody can win. You don’t have to have some sort of special ability to win that. You know, the second HOH that Angela one was, Hey, look at this picture.

What’s wrong with one of these three pictures. And you gotta, you know, hit your buzzer the quickest. Tucker didn’t win that because I feel like something like that is pretty evenly, you can’t get any sort of advantage, but when they do the BBs cartoon characters at the end where they’re holding on to that thing as it flies by and you have to, the BB, oh, BB comics, Tucker’s going to win that by probably 10 minutes.

There’s nobody else as good at this thing. It’s just It’s frustrating. If you don’t know, spoiler’s coming, Tucker won Power Veto, we know this, yesterday was the Power Veto ceremony, and Tucker ends up taking Quinn down, and he replaces Quinn with Chelsea. Now, I haven’t read the exact meaning behind this, other than, the day before, On Sunday, I was reading Tucker saying, once again, I just want to screw things up on this show.

I’m going to blow the lid on this thing. And I don’t know if he did say it in his speech or not, but his whole thing on Sunday night was going into the power veto ceremony. He wanted to blow up the Pentagon Alliance and he wanted to blow up the, the, the nine person Alliance. That name is escaping me right now.

Totally forgetting what they call themselves, but the Pentagon, obviously the five person Alliance, he wanted to basically out them. And. But here’s a guy, literally for two weeks in a row, that has called out Quinn, has called him names, has basically finger pointed him, eviction ceremonies, and then here he is taking him off the block.

And he’s probably doing it because I think Tucker knows he’s got this game won. He doesn’t care. He’s not scared of anybody. He knows nobody can beat him in any sort of challenge. That’s got to be why he’s taking Quinn off the block. I don’t think it’s because he really dislikes Chelsea as much as Quinn.

But, here’s a guy who has shit talked Quinn for two straight weeks, and then he takes him and he saves him? I don’t know why he’s saving him, I haven’t read that far, I’m sure there’s a reason that he gave, but To me, it’s just him having fun, and him just wanting to do something, and kind of blow up the game.

And just do something different, get people talking. Because, he was your enemy. He’s the guy that you wanted to get out, because he put you up two weeks in a row. I I don’t get it. And now Quinn was very happy that obviously Tucker took him off the block and he’s told him if I win HOH I’m not putting you up.

Which is just, what are these people doing? Everyone’s talking about how this is a great season with a lot of drama. I think it sucks for the last three weeks. Nothing’s happening. I mean, stuff is happening, obviously Tucker’s winning and causing chaos, but if you look at it, like widescreen, wide picture.

Big picture nothing’s really happening because nobody’s making any sort of move That’s actually advancing them in this game and giving them any sort of resume Tucker’s resume is so far and away Ten times better than whoever’s in second place. I couldn’t even tell you who has the second best resume The crazy thing is it might be Angela just because she has two a two H’s I don’t know, but does it matter who has the second best resume when Tucker’s resume is so much better than everyone else’s I don’t get it Quinn saying he wouldn’t put Tucker up is just ludicrous, and I understand he’s saying that because Tucker saved his ass this week, and he replaced him with Chelsea, so now it’s Chelsea and Cam and Brooklyn competing in the BBAI arena.

Brooklyn is his target. He wants Brooklyn out. He thinks Brooklyn’s a snake. He’s called her a snake on the live feeds numerous times. I don’t know. I must have missed that. And the final thing I want to say about Big Brother is didn’t Julie at the beginning of the season say she’s going to be more involved this season than any previous season she’s ever hosted, which is all of them again.

What am I missing here? What has Julie been involved in outside of the Thursday of live eviction show? She doesn’t even make the announcements of what the challenges are anymore. That’s done by Ainsley. So maybe, maybe, maybe Julie Chen is turning into the Jesse Palmer slash Chris Harrison of Big Brother where they just talk about the most dramatic season ever.

And Julie says, before the season, you’re going to see me involved more so than any other season. And I’m just like, not at all, Julie. You literally have done the same thing this season that you’ve done the done the previous 25. What am I missing? Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it.

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See ya

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