Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” Production Interference, Rachel Recchia Addresses the Blake Moynes Rumors, & Your Daily Roundup 8/21 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

So, you know, I’ve been talking a lot about it ends with us, the movie that opened, what was the last weekend or two weekends ago, whatever it was with Blake Lively, Justin Baldoni, Brandon Skliener, and Jenny Slate, a Samanaj based on the Colleen Hoover book from 2016.

And it’s just obviously a very big pop culture movie, but it’s starting to take on a life of its own on the internet because so many rumors about onset friction, creative differences between Blake, who was an executive producer on the movie and Justin Baldoni who directed the movie. And nobody’s from the movie has said anything.

Everyone’s just reading into Things that are being said on the red carpet. The fact that Brandon and Blake and Colleen do not follow Justin on Instagram. For the first time, somebody spoke out. Somebody in this cast spoke out yesterday about all the off screen rumors that are happening. And it was Brandon Sleaner who played Atlas Corrigan in the movie.

And he took to his Instagram and he put up a post and said this, I wanted to take a minute and address all this stuff swirling online, Colleen and the women of this cast stand for hope, perseverance and the, and for women choosing a better life for themselves, vilifying the women who put so much of their heart and soul into making this film because they believe strongly in its message seems counterproductive and detracts from what this film is about.

It is in fact, the opposite of the point, what may or may not have happened behind the scenes does not, and hopefully should not detract from what our intentions were in making this film. It’s been disheartening to see the amount of negativity being projected online. Someone very close to me has been struggling with a relationship that has mirrored Lily’s closely.

I feel a responsibility to bring this to life and help spread that message further. Prior to my involvement in this film, she had not heard of the book. It was only then that she had read it. She credits Colleen’s book. And subsequently this film. Trust me when I tell you there isn’t a single person involved in the making of this film that was not aware of the responsibility we had in making this.

A responsibility to all women who have experienced generational trauma, domestic abuse, or struggle with looking in the mirror and loving who they see. This movie is a harsh reality check for the men who need to get their shit together and take responsibility for themselves and their actions. This film was meant to inspire.

It is meant to validate and recognize. It’s meant to instill hope. It’s meant to build courage and help people feel less alone. Ultimately, it’s meant to spread love and awareness. It is not meant to, once again, make the women, the bad guy, let’s move beyond that together. All I ask is that before you spread hate on the internet, ask yourself who it’s helping.

Ask yourself if your opinions are based in any fact, or if you simply want to be a part of something. Let’s be a part of something better together, a part of a new story being written for women and all people everywhere. Lead with love and please be kind. Brandon, which is the message that needed to be put out by somebody in this franchise, because to let it stew for two weeks, it’s all going to do all the speculation.

And like I said, my thing was I was bringing to light what the speculation was, but it’s not like I have any insight. You can talk about creative differences all you want between Blake and Justin. But I’ve heard interviews where they said the movie that they ultimately wanted to make was the movie that ended up getting made.

So. I got to believe on most movies. There’s somebody butting heads at some point during the movie. Yes. Blake said that Ryan wrote the rooftop scene. Okay. Blake, but Justin is the director to sit here and say, Oh, he got bulldozed by Blake and her team, or Justin was a jerk on set. I don’t know any of that stuff and neither do any of you.

So it was kind of pointless to say, yes, you know, that happened because eight years ago in an interview, Blake was rude to somebody. You don’t know anything. And nobody does. Now, you can judge those interviews that Blake did in the past that people are bringing up separately from what happened on this movie.

As much as I love Blake Lively, I’m very well aware she’s also an A list celebrity. There isn’t an A list celebrity out there who hasn’t had a bad day or has been a jerk in an interview or said something off putting in an interview. I mean, it happens all the time, especially when you’re on a press junket where the actor or the actress are sitting in a room and it’s literally reporter after reporter after reporter over the course of one or two hours, literally coming in and getting five minutes with them.

We have no idea. It’s not excusing what Blake said when she talked about the woman’s little baby bump after the woman commented and congratulated her on her little baby bump. I just don’t know where that came from. I Not making excuses, but I know how those press junkets go. Could have just been an off color comment that she just didn’t think of.

I’m sure we have since come to find out that that reporter could cannot conceive children. So I’m sure if Blake knew the reporter that was congratulating her on her baby bump, if Blake knew that this reporter could not conceive a child, My guess is she wouldn’t have made that comment, but to now say that Blake Lively is the biggest bitch in Hollywood and she needs to be canceled is so ridiculous.

And it seems like just a pile on at this point. I don’t really understand it. And again, you can sit here and say, Oh, well, it’s because you think she’s hot and you’re biased. No, it’s not that I just enjoyed the movie. And I thought everybody in the movie was excellent. Justin Baldoni was excellent. Blake Lively was excellent.

Brandon’s cleaner. Excellent. I just really enjoyed the movie. I really enjoyed its message and it’s getting lost in everybody dissecting every single thing that said in a press junket, as many things as you can point to where it said, Oh, Blake promoted the movie this way. And Justin promoted it like he should be promoting it.

I’ve seen interviews where Blake is literally saying what the movie is about and isn’t putting it out there as some chick flick rom com go take your girlfriends. So. So when people point out maybe one time where she did say something off color, it’s just like there’s plenty of times where she absolutely promoted the movie like it should have been that one interview where the guy asked her, what if a woman in your situation or Lily situation from the movie came up to you and asked, you know, what should she do?

And Blake made an off color comment about, well, should I give her my phone location? Should I, should we swap numbers? And it’s like, yeah, that was 15 seconds of her answer, but what isn’t being played is the one minute of clip. I watched it. It went from a minute and 15 of that clip to two minutes and 15 seconds of that clip.

One minute of the clip, then going into the character of Lily and how empowering of a woman she was for what she was dealing with. But they only want to show you the 15 seconds where Blake is making a joke. Again, she’s also got both feet up on a couch. We don’t know what number reporter that was in a string of probably two hours worth of doing press for the movie.

This is what I mean. It’s just getting carried away. And I hate to see that happen because I really enjoyed the movie and I think people should go out and see it. And I’ve got no ties to the movie. I’m not doing any collab with the movie. I didn’t even know about this thing until two weeks ago. Honestly, you know, I had heard the name Colleen Hoover.

I knew nothing about it ends with us. Going into the movie, the only thing I knew is it was about domestic violence and I knew nothing else. I did not know there was a high school sweetheart named Atlas. I did not know if she ends up leaving rile during the movie or in the book. I had no idea about any of it, but I sat and watched the movie.

I was like, wow, that was really powerful. Great movie, great acting. Justin did a great job directing. Like I don’t. I don’t, I’m not mad at either of them. I’m not, everyone’s got to choose a team or you team Justin or team Blake. I’m team. It ends with us. Just enjoyed it. And I thought it was really good. And I thought it was a very, very powerful message.

And you heard Brandon in his Instagram posts literally say, I have a friend who’s in a situation just like Lily’s. She had never even heard of the book. She read it, saw her movie and she feels like it saved her life. Like, so why are we talking about interviews that happened eight years ago? Or how Blake may have been sitting in an interview and just playing a 10 second clip of something and not playing the full minute where she talks about her character.

It’s just getting nauseating. So I wish people would just get off that moving on. Apparently we’re supposed to find out the first contestant that is signed on or will be announced for dancing with the stars. It might be coming today because on Monday night, I think it was during a commercial for bachelorette.

They said coming up this week on GMA, we will hear the announcement of our first dancing with the stars contestant. Well, today’s Wednesday, so we don’t get it today. We’ve only got two days left. I, again, I haven’t heard anything. I have no idea about dancing with the stars contestants, but we do know stuff starts leaking and I’m sure stuff is going to get out.

Over the next couple of weeks. It starts on Tuesday, the 17th. Right? Yeah. So we’re still basically a month out, but I guarantee you by the time the full announcement of the cast is made, which is usually about two weeks before the premiere. We usually know eight to 10 of the 14 person cast. Sometimes they do 16 people, but we’ll know eight to 10 of them, but we get our first one this week apparently, and it’s going to be announced on GMA and in sad Hollywood breakup news, JLo and Ben Affleck couldn’t make it.

She filed for divorce. This should come as a surprise to nobody. If you’ve read any of the headlines over the last, I don’t know, six months, they basically didn’t spend any time together. She was constantly seen without him. He was constantly seen without her. We knew this was coming. This shouldn’t be a surprise to a lot of people.

Again, I know nothing about their relationship other than what I read online and you know, that’s being leaked by. Each side’s PR team. So I’m not going to sit here and comment on it. I don’t know anything other than we do know that Ben Affleck is got a pretty big gambling problem and I don’t know how severe his drinking problem is, if it’s still a thing or what.

Got to believe that played a role. Got to believe that JLo being on tour played a role as well. But you know, I know people wanted Bennifer to last, if I’m not mistaken, Bennifer was the first combining of names that I remember in like pop culture, when that became a thing to combine the first names of the two people dating in Hollywood.

Remember he went on SNL and he was like, He had a box of t shirts and one of them said Bennifer and he was thinking of all these different hybrids of people he could date in Hollywood This was actually was after he had broken up with JLo and he even said like I can’t believe People took this as a big thing.

Bennifer. It’s like it’s not hard. It’s Ben and Jennifer Why do we have to combine the names? Totally agree Ben. Anyway They’re getting divorced. Thank you for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but I’m serious when I say this, you got to hit play and you got to do it within a week span.

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So again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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