Reality Steve

Golden Bachelorette Spoilers

“Bachelorette” Jenn – Overnight Date Thoughts, Your “Golden Bachelorette” Final 4 Breakdown, the Last on the Kaitlyn/Tayshia Drama, & Your Daily Roundup 8/27 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

One thing that I found most interesting about overnights this season is that we actually got to see some of the downtime between the guys and Jesse. What’s ironic is Chris Harrison LOVES playing golf. And it was well known anytime they traveled, he’d bring his sticks with him and played during the 99.9% of the episode he didn’t have to do anything work related. Yet in all those seasons, we never saw him having a 1-on-1 talk while playing golf with any of the guys. We got Jesse in a golfing scene TWICE in one episode last night. First playing with Devin and the other time with Marcus. Devin was actually on the course. Marcus was on the driving range. Whether or not that had any importance to it, I have no idea. But still comical. Maybe Jonathon got to play too but it wasn’t shown, I’m not sure. But considering this episode pretty much revolved around Devin and Marcus, and we all know who she sends home this episode, I’ll guess that Jonathon was relegated to his room playing solitaire. Just a hunch.

Three vastly different overnight dates for sure if you ask me. Devin was up first and the guy basically can’t stop telling Jenn he loves her. I lost track of how many times he said it just hoping to get some morsel, some nook, some cranny, anything from Jenn in return to make it seem like what he’s saying is being reciprocated. Nope. That wasn’t happening with Jenn. He’d say it and the best she could do in return was say that she could see a future together. You might say, “Well she didn’t want to give it away if she tells him back,” but she had no problem telling Marcus she loved him when that guy couldn’t even say it to her. A part of me thinks a lot of this is producer induced and just setting up the ending of the season. Look, we know she doesn’t send Devin home after he goes to her room to start the episode. I’m assuming it’s more along the lines of she realizes she’s losing him if she doesn’t open up. And the more that storyline was shoved down our throats last night, the more I think that scene of her at the final rose ceremony saying, “I can’t let you propose to me…” is followed by “…until I tell you I love you.” Just seems to fit with what narrative they’ve sold all season. Because we know she’s saying that to Devin based on the picture I had for you of Devin on final rose ceremony day in his white jacket. And they wouldn’t give away the season in the first 2 minutes as that scene was the opening scene in episode 1. Just like Joey’s season, they want you to think she leaves alone. She doesn’t. And she certainly didn’t end up with Marcus.

Jonathon’s overnight date kinda went like his 1-on-1 date went earlier this season in New Zealand, and his hometown date – these two seem like close buddies. Certainly isn’t a knock on Jonathon, but they couldn’t have given off my “you’re my pal” vibes if they tried. I just never really took them serious as a long term couple watching them on any date all season. I mean, it certainly seems like Jenn likes more guys that are flawed and give off more of a chase to her and Jonathon doesn’t really fit that. He’s almost too nice and apparently that’s not enough of a challenge to Jenn. She’s literally got a guy telling her every 14 seconds he loves her like Devin and her responses to him are constantly about self-sabotaging, is he for real, no guy has ever been that way with her, then she’s got Marcus who has the emotional vulnerability of a shoe who can’t tell her anything she wants to hear, yet she says she loves him. Make it make sense. Please. I’ll wait.

Marcus is the real head scratcher here. Not necessarily that he can’t open up. We get his past has molded who he is today and I understand it’s hard for him to just immediately declare love to someone he jumped out of a plane and walked a yellow brick road with. This process isn’t for everyone and if you remember my conversation with Dr. Diane Strachowski last week, she basically said that this is a show that isn’t made for a guy like Marcuss. Producers love it, but for him overall? Yeah, he’s not ready to be in a serious relationship, let alone engaged. And, well, that’s kinda the point of this show. Unfortunately, it’s what you gotta do big boy if you want to win the game. In terms of game play, Devin is playing chess this season and I can’t even say Marcus is playing checkers. He’s still stuck on Go Fish or something. This setting is just not for him. I can’t imagine Paradise being much better, but no doubt if he wants to do it, he’ll be there next. Fo sho’.

The thing with Devin, and I’ve said it all season long, is I question whether he was there to win a show or win Jenn over. And after last night, I feel like I keep getting more and more confirmation that he seemingly was there to “win.” Did he fall for Jenn? Sure. I’m not saying he doesn’t like her. But again, I don’t believe anyone when they say “I love you” on this show. You love the IDEA of that person and what a future could entail, but you possibly couldn’t be in love with someone that you’ve barely spent any time with who’s also dating other people. So that always rings hollow to me. Whether or not the final couple can be in love and start a future begins after filming ends. Anyway, Devin’s repeated “I wanna be the ONE, and I just feel like ONE OF…” is giving off major “I just want to win vibes.” Remember, this is a guy who’s been on a podcast recently saying he knew nothing about the show going in. Never watched it, had no history to pull from, etc. I’m not asking him to be a historian about the show. I’m just saying when a guy comes on this show having no clue how it works, and he’s dropping “I Love You’s” at hometowns and numerous times after that? It just screams to me he was telling Jenn what he thinks she wanted to hear so he could win. We’ll see how long any of this lasts post show, but my vibes on Devin all season seemed to be confirmed, at least to me, last night. He was more interested about being the winner of this show to feel validated moreso than his love for Jenn.

Don’t forget tonight we have the conclusion of what went down in Hawaii. They’ll pick up from when Devin arrives at Jenn’s room, then go to the rose ceremony where she’ll eliminated Jonathon. Then straight into the Men Tell All where, based on the clips, Jenn seems to lay into Sam, which I’m sure he and his family will all take in stride, apologize to Jenn for how he came across this season, and will slink off into the sunset without a word to say. Probably throw some more pics up on their IG of him playing with children, dogs, and re-posting photos of him running into fans on the street who say what a great guy he was. Also, we’ll get our first interview with Grant as the new Bachelor – at least promoted from the show as he’s already appeared on Nick’s podcast.


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