You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A good Wednesday show for you. We are going to discuss last night’s Men Tell All, some observations I had from it, what we saw in the episode from Hawaii before the Rose Ceremony in regards to Devin talking to Jen.
Kind of changes up what happens at the final rose ceremony a little bit. Then we’re going to talk about what happened at the men tell all Aaron being there. What I thought of Sam M’s performance grant as the bachelor. I have a prediction. It’s a prediction, but I guarantee you 1000 percent it’s going to happen.
Also in the world of reality TV, Brittany Cartwright has filed for divorce from Jax Taylor, something I did not think she was going to do good for her. There is absolute chaos happening in Big Brother. I’m going to give you my thoughts. Tomorrow’s podcast, weekly podcast, is going to be with Tommy Bracco from Season 21 of Big Brother.
And we’re going to discuss it. And him and I are pretty much on the same page based on what I’ve seen him post on social media in regards to Tucker. He’s got some really interesting thoughts on it as a former player. He made Top 5, right? Anyway, I’m going to record with Tommy today, but can’t wait to talk to him about this season of Big Brother.
And maybe if there’s time on the back end, I’ll get to the Tori Spelling, Brian Austin Green podcast that they did earlier this week. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So the Mentel Law, I don’t want to say was a giant letdown, but per usual it over, over promised and underperformed. I know the whole thing, and I’ve been talking about it all season was let’s just get me to the men tell all to find out about this Sam and Jen stuff and see what he says and see if he shows remorse and see if he does.
What I told him he should do. I’ll get to that in a second, because there’s other things I do want to talk about, you know, one of the things that the tell all episode that I talk about every season is, are we going to get double handed waves when the men are introduced or the women are introduced?
Usually it’s more of a woman thing to do with the double handed wave. Honestly, last night I wasn’t even paying attention. I don’t know if any guys did it or not. And. It’s kind of falling by the wayside for me. I just wasn’t really paying attention to any double handed waves. If anybody did it, congratulations to them.
One thing I did notice during the introductions of the guys though, is. I don’t think this has ever happened in men tell all history or woman tell all history. I there’s no way it’s happened. And if I’m wrong, I will do 500 pushups. I don’t know. Just the first thing that came to my head. I can’t do 500 pushups, not in a row.
During the course of a day. Sure. But here’s, here’s what I’m, I gotta say about this and it’s just weird. It’s not anything major, but when they see. Contestants on stage, whether it’s the women tell all or the men tell when they seat them on stage It’s basically done by order of elimination The guys in the back row the women in the back row are always people that went home episodes one two three and then as it loops back around to the front row as they basically go in snake order when they introduce the men and the women then you get your longer lasting men Longer lasting women in the front row.
The fact that they stuck Jeremy in the back row, I guarantee you no person who finished in the final four of a bachelor season or a bachelorette season has ever had to sit in the back row of a tell all until last night with Jeremy. Now I’m glad they didn’t ignore Jeremy because the things that Jeremy did say were pretty much right on the button, but I’ve never seen a final four finalist.
A person who made the final four get back row status at a tell all. I never happened. There’s no way that’s ever happened before. I don’t even think bachelor data has the info on this one. I don’t even think we’ll ever get an answer to this, but I’m telling you, there’s no way. Just off the top of my head.
Every single time they do a tell all the people on the top row or people that left early, why they start Jeremy back there. No idea. Now I understand he wasn’t a focal point of the season, even though he did make final four. We didn’t really get to know him until Seattle, which was episode six, but I’m glad they, even though they stuck him in the back row, I’m glad they actually let him talk because like I said, he did have some very good things to say.
Then they showed us the rest of the episode on the cliffhanger from last night, Devin going to Jen’s room and basically just saying he needed more and he had opened up and all this, and then Jen tells him basically you silly goose. I’m in love with you. I was just like, Oh, okay. Well, okay. Now my prediction from yesterday that the final rose ceremony, when she’s telling Devin at the final rose ceremony, I can’t have you proposed to me.
I said, was going to be followed by a dot, dot, dot, until I tell you, I love you. Well, it’s not going to be that now. Cause she’s already told him she loves him. So she now has told Marcus and Devin. She loved, she loves them. And I think now they showed it again last night when they showed the preview for next week’s episode and all season long, when they have shown the last episode and hints from what happens in the final episode, we’re seeing the same thing, how many times have they shown Jen at the final altar saying, I can’t have you propose to me.
We just all know that that’s not what happens because they’re making it seem like Jen leaves single and that’s just not what happens. I know they say, Oh, it’s unprecedented and never seen this before. Well, it’s not that she walks away single because Jen shaft walked away single as the bachelorette.
She’s the only other one. Every other bachelorette has been, has gotten engaged to, so I don’t know what it is. Maybe I’ll find out in the next five days. Maybe I won’t. But what I do know is what they showed in the very first two minutes of the season. Of Jen on the altar saying, I can’t have you propose to me is not.
Yep. That’s it. And then we’re going to see it continue right after that. And the person walks away, she puts the final rose down and she’s done. Obviously that’s not it. It’s some sort of twist. Now I thought it was going to be followed by a dot, dot, dot. I won’t, I can’t have you propose to me until I tell you, I love you.
We now know that she’s told both Marcus and Devin, her final two men that she loves them. Okay. So it’s not that, but I think it is going to be something that is the opposite of what she just said. I don’t know what, I know a lot of people think it’s her proposing to Devin and she’s the one that does proposing.
I don’t know. I mean, I guess it’s possible. I have no idea if I knew what it was, I’d tell you, but I have no idea. I don’t really have any guesses as to what it is. I don’t know. I just know, or I think it is going to be opposite of what she just said, because I know she left the island with Devin. I guess just fill in the blank of what, what it could possibly be.
But I, I honestly don’t have any guesses. The interesting thing about the exit with Jonathan to me was, you know, she walks him, they sit on a bench benches are just very important on this show. Bachelor and bachelorette. There’s always a bench there for everyone to sit on. And Jonathan said, you know, the night before he was sitting there and he finally got the clarity he needed, but obviously it was too late.
He was sorry. And he’s sitting there and talking to Jen. And then we hear. The car that’s taking him away just rev up its engine not in a loud way Not like a street race car the car you hear was turned on and then he’s like it was almost like oh That’s my cue. I guess I gotta leave now And I just it’s it was funny to me because I don’t think we’ve ever heard that before Usually the car is I think usually just already running and the two people are talking and when they’re done talking they get up and The lead sends them away, but it was just funny to me because it literally stuck out because as they’re sitting there and I think at the time the engine started, I don’t think either person was talking.
So it was just so obvious. And it was almost like, Hey buddy, hurry up. We’re on a time crunch here. I don’t know if that was the case, but that was the one thing I noticed about her exit with Jonathan is they’re sitting there, it was all quiet. And then all of a sudden we hear the engine start up and within five seconds, it was like their conversation was over and it didn’t sound like it was over before I heard that engine.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed that. It might’ve just been me. I’m weird like that. So those were the main things that I noticed from the episode in Hawaii. And they show us next week. You know, the finale is on Tuesday because Monday night is labor day. They’re not going to show the finale on a holiday.
So the finale is next week, Tuesday night. I’m assuming it’s another three hour show, two hours of what happened back in Hawaii, interspersed with what’s going on back in the live studio. Once people are, you know, Marcus is eliminated. I’m sure he’ll be sitting there on the couch. Jesse, you’ll talk to him.
They’ll bring Jen out. The two of them will talk and then bring out Devin, all that stuff. We’ve seen this a thousand times. We know how the final. Episode goes, it’s usually a three hour show with two hours of footage from Hawaii, and then a one hour after the final rose, but in recent seasons, they’ve kind of mixed it together to where in and out of commercial breaks, you got Jesse in the studio talking to the audience, interviewing alumni, all that stuff.
We’re probably going to have that as well. We’re probably going to have Joan on stage at some point. They’re going to introduce her as our golden bachelorette because her season will start two weeks after that episode airs or, you know, Two weeks in one day after it airs. So I fully expect that. We already got our interview with Grant last night, but I do want to talk about some men tell all stuff right now.