It was pretty much what I expected. The men tell all not a whole lot of griping or sniping back and forth between the men, the two biggest ones that stuck out. I mean, the only time, the only person people really had a problem with was Sam M yeah, they kind of clown Sam at all. Sam N a little bit, but. He was self deprecating in his answers, you know, bringing the jersey that said Jen’s boyfriend and making jokes about well I mean when I do find my second girlfriend, you know, he’s at least having fun with it Let’s talk about the Sam M stuff.
Was it great? No, was it terrible? No, it was just I wasn’t overly impressed by him, but I wasn’t like, oh that was a terrible performance. He made it worse for himself No, he still has a little word salad up there. I don’t think he’s the worst person in the world Everything that Jen said to him is exactly what I’ve been saying for the last month.
I was like, Oh my gosh, has Jen been listening to my podcast? This is literally what I’ve said about him. I’m glad that she brought up the family and the social media, even though he didn’t really address it. You know, when he, when Jesse brought him up on stage for the hot seat, I was disappointed that it wasn’t brought up like, Hey, You’ve taken to social media.
Your family has taken to social media. Jesse never brought that up. I thought that was pretty weak, but I’m glad that Jen did. Did Sam address it and say, you know what? I’m sorry for that. No. So that’s where he lost me. If I’m not mistaken, he never apologized to Jen once. I think he apologized for how he came across.
At times, but again, even Jen said, look, I hope you’re sincere when you’re telling me this stuff, but I don’t know. Are you just telling me what you think America wants to hear? And, you know, for me, I already know how this guy felt when he got back, he’s trying to save face and there’s just not a lot there.
I, again, I, He could have done worse, but he also could have done better. It was just a very average performance by him. I wish they would have spent a little more time on the things that him and his family said. I’m glad that she called him out for saying, you blame producers, you blame edit. And he never really addressed that.
Why didn’t he say, you know what? I should not have blamed producers. I should not have blamed edit. I wish he would have said that. Everything else was just like, you know, I have, I can look at this and I can learn from it and I wish I would have handled myself better. So he did say some things that I said in my, you know, little speech a couple of weeks ago that he should do.
It just wasn’t all that convincing to me. And. Like I said, once this episode airs and the finale airs next Tuesday, and then we’re on to golden bachelorette in two weeks, Sam McKinney will be yesterday’s news and he should not talk about this show anymore. He should not throw shade on the internet anymore at anybody.
None of his family members should go on now that the show is over and nobody’s going to be talking about them anymore. They should not chime in because any saving grace that some people might have given to Sam after last night. Maybe some people think he did great. The second he throws shade or the second, any of his family members go online and say anything, if they do, it completely negates anything that was good that came out of last night, because that’s how they truly feel his comment about the dull eyes.
I’m actually siding with Sam on this. I could, I actually believe that. I, that actually makes sense to me because we all know that in that. Scene where he was being put in the car. So much of it was voiceover work and so much of it could have easily been. Yeah. When she walked in the room, I saw that she was dull and they just cut out the eyes part.
Totally believable. It’s, it’s such a minor thing anyway. I don’t think he was calling Jen dull. I honestly do believe that. And I’m, I’m just not going to sit here and, you know, fight it back and forth. I’m, I’m siding with Sam on that one. I, I actually believe the dull eyes part. And I get the, I get the context in which he said the word dull, just like she was always vibrant.
She was always kind of bubbly. She came in the room that day and her eyes were dull. I kind of knew that, Oh, this isn’t good. Totally understand that. But again, I don’t know. Could have been better, could have been worse. I didn’t think he was terrible, but I also didn’t think he was great. And I also really wished he would have specifically addressed the social media of him and his family and apologized for doing that.
And he never really did. And I think that’s where he missed the mark on his performance. I said in the open I had a prediction in regards to Grant. And Grant went up there, did a good job, you know, first interview that bachelor nation has seen on TV. Obviously he went on Nick’s podcast, but. We’re talking about within the franchise, how many people have seen grant talk about being the bachelor.
That was our first introduction, quote unquote, to grant last night. And I have a prediction just because of Jesse saying, ever since we announced you, we’ve had 10, 000 submissions. I cannot tell you how many times this franchise has thrown the word 10, 000 applications around when they’ve talked about a bachelor that they’ve announced.
Like it’s such a bullshit line. There’s I, I’m not saying. No new submissions came in, but I’m guaranteeing it isn’t 10, 000 because they’ve said that numerous times in the past. I remember back in the day, going all the way back to season four, they said the same exact thing for Bob Guinea. And we announced you, Bob, Oh my gosh, we got over 10, 000 submissions.
Trust me. They said it. Most of you listening right now probably weren’t even born when Bob was the bachelor, but trust me, they said it. So when they just throw out a number like that, it’s just like, okay, you’re just basically saying we’ve had a lot of submissions. But my prediction is this, whether it’s outside, whether it’s on limo entrances or whether it’s in the cocktail party on the first night, or maybe someone on a one on one date when Grant season starts filming in September.
Like it always does there will be one woman, if not multiple women that make a reference to the fact that when you were announced as the bachelorette and I saw a bachelorette when you were announced as the bachelor and I saw you up on stage and Jesse was talking about all the applications. I knew I had to send in my application.
I just felt I had to be here and there. They will lay that on him. I. Guarantee that’s going to be some woman’s story. If not multiple women’s story, you can bank on it because this is what the show does. They like playing on narratives and that’s going to be a perfect one for one of the women to say that she saw him and she knew she had to apply once she knew it was him.
Because usually as the guys kind of mentioned last night, we didn’t know anything about who the bachelorette was. We didn’t know if it was gonna be Maria or Daisy and for Sam to sit up there and say, none of you guys. If you’re telling the truth, none of you guys, every one of you guys thought it was going to be Maria or Daisy.
And it’s just like, why is he bringing this up again? That was probably one of his lower points last night. Again, he didn’t need to bring that up and answer for other men, you know, it just didn’t make a lot of sense for him to do that, but you know, Sam sometimes seems to march by the beat of his own drum, but okay, we’re done talking about Sam, I think unless he’s on paradise next season.
Which I’ve already given you my thoughts on that unless he’s on paradise next season or unless he starts dating someone in bachelor nation and keeps himself in the news or post something on social media or one of his family members post something on social media. There’s no reason to talk about this guy anymore.
We are done with him. We are moving on a couple notes to get to in other reality TV world news. Brittany Cartwright filed for divorce with Jax Taylor was announced yesterday. Irreconcilable differences. They are still filming the Valley season two. We’re probably going to get, this is probably going to be the main storyline of the Valley season two.
And I’m happy for her. You know, I am not, you know, this, I’m not a diehard go back in the day with Jackson Brittany. I know they were on Vanderpump rules, but I didn’t start watching it until season 10 when Scandal Ball broke out. So. I’ve seen clips of the past. I’m very well aware about their toxic relationship, but I’m not some sort of diehard Stan of them.
All I know is everything that I’ve seen and heard of Jax Taylor, the way he treated her. Hell, the way I saw her treat him, saw him treat her on season one of the Valley. It’s just like I was hoping that this separation wasn’t just for storyline purposes on the Valley. And come season two, he was going to go to therapy and he was going to promise her all these things and she was going to take him back and they were going to be right back in the same cycle they were in.
I think it took balls to do what she did. And I think it’s a, the right move for her. I just, again. I hope it’s real. Let’s let it play out. I hope this is real. I hope she sticks with it. And I hope they definitely get divorced. She needs to separate from him, not just in separation and marriage, but just separate herself from him.
I understand they will always be tied together because of Cruz, their son. She doesn’t need to be married to him based on everything that I’ve seen, everything that I’ve read, everything that I’ve heard, and I hope that, you Jax gets better and realizes that you can’t. Treat women that way, especially someone that is your wife.
Someone that you’re in love with. I just, I hope the guy gets better, but people have been saying his behavior has been off the rails for years. So what makes me think he’s going to get better? You can’t blame it on, well, he’s in his mid twenties and he’s just doing what mid twenties guys do. No. Getting up there in age.
He even said it on the on the Valley. Like, Hey, I’m older now. I don’t, I don’t, I can’t party like I used to. Well, you’re also older and now you’re more mature. Supposedly you have a child quit acting like you’re back in your twenties. And it just doesn’t seem like to be it’s registering with him. Maybe this trip to the mental health facility.
Where he checked himself into rehab recently. Maybe that’s going to help, but right when he got out is when seemingly Brittany has filed for divorce. So I, apparently it’s not gotten any better. She told him specifically, these are things I need to happen for us to stay together, and then she files for divorce yesterday.
So it doesn’t look like he’s changed at all, unfortunately. And finally the chaos in the big brother house. Oh my gosh. So we’re going to talk about it. On tomorrow’s podcast with Tommy, I’m recording it today, but we are going to include, since we’re recording it during the day, we haven’t seen tonight’s two hour episode, which is going to be just a lot because I’ve got my fantasy football draft tonight.
I’ve got a two hour episode of this definitely not going to get to claim to fame tonight, but two hours of big brother, probably not going to get to the challenge tonight either. So we will talk big brother and. After the chaos, if you don’t want to know what happened and you want to find out tonight on the episode, I’ll give you three seconds, three, two, one.
Stop the podcast, whatever you need to do. We are going to talk about spoilers right now, which is cam. Wait, cam ended up winning power of veto, right? Yeah. Cam ends up winning power of veto. He takes himself off the block and he puts up Angela. Well, apparently the reason he did that was because Angela started going around the house and telling everybody that she no longer.
Wanted to work with Tucker or she was out to get Tucker and then Tucker went to her and gave her a tongue lashing and said I’m the only one that was here for you I was willing to take you to the end and you go around you, you know, you turn your back on me Well the fact that Tucker didn’t win power of veto and now he’s going to be in the BBA arena with Angela and MJ on Monday right after the power of veto ceremony Tucker was basically saying, I’m done.
I don’t want to be here anymore. I want to see my dog. I want to see my family. I’m not even going to try in the arena. I hope one of you wins. He was talking to Angela and MJ. I hope one of you wins and basically vote me out. I’m not going to try. I don’t want to be here anymore, which at the time he said that and I was reading it online.
I didn’t, I saw some of the clips, but as a reading it online, I was like, okay, I understand the mental state that he’s in. Yeah. The ceremony just happened. He’s upset that Leah wasn’t put on the block and one of his allies was, I get it. But this guy ego is through the roof. The guy is too stuck on himself.
There is absolutely zero chance. That Tucker is going to go out of this game, a quitter. There’s no way as hard as he has played the game and talked about being iconic and I’m great and I win all these comps. There is no way that he is going to throw the BBA arena. So someone else can win and everyone can just vote him out.
And everyone will basically, as viewers say, he was eliminated because he essentially quit. There’s no way he was going to do that. I didn’t care what I was listening to on Monday night after the power of veto ceremony. And what do you know? He’s already back in foot in 24 hours or 48 hours. He’s already flipped.
And he has said, I’m going to win BBA arena and I’m staying. It’s just like, okay, I knew that. It’s just like, again, another reason, just this guy is way too impulsive. And I don’t buy pretty much anything he’s saying in the house. Hell, one of his reasonings for wanting to go home was I don’t need the money.
I own an apartment in New York city. Like he’s saying that in the house, it’s just like, this guy’s got such a high opinion of himself. He has no humility whatsoever. I knew he was not going to throw the AI arena. So Angela or MJ could beat him. Are you kidding me? No way. Guy’s got way too much pride and he’s way too egotistical to do that.
And I just can’t see him leaving this game and sitting there with Julie and just saying like, yeah, I just wanted to leave. I just want it out. Please. Guy who won six out of eight competitions is just going to be like, yeah, I don’t want to be here anymore. Not a chance. It’ll be interesting tomorrow. Do I think he can beat Angela and MJ in an AI arena?
Of course I do. I don’t even have to see the game. I know he’s probably going to win and he’s probably going to win in a landslide. If he doesn’t, then I will be questioning. Wait, what the hell? Yeah. It seems like all the AI arenas just off the top of my head have been timed games where you have to do something first before anybody else.
They haven’t been trivia related. I don’t think I just don’t see him losing. And now I have not been paying attention in the last Tommy this today. Assuming Tucker does win AI Arena, who are they after? For a while there. I thought it was Angela, but then I started hearing rumblings. They do want to get MJ out.
I don’t know. We’ll find out. When I talked to Tommy today and that runs on Thursday, cause I’m sure he’s caught up with it, but yeah, just absolute chaos going on in the house. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate in review, but you gotta hit play.
You miss a day. Go back and hit play. I’d really appreciate it. Sports daily coming up in an hour from now. Your reader emails plus my thoughts on the men tell all coming up on reality, steve. com in two hours from now. So check that out. Website again. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.
It’s a dream. It’s a dream. This
is what I’m supposed to do.