Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 9/17 – Devin’s Criminal History Exposed, The Nerve To Hide This From Everyone, His Hate Speech Against A Member Of The LGBTQ Community, & Fallout From Lawyers

It’s very disheartening to see how bad the producers did Jen in on the, after the final rose and then come to find out this about the guy.

And then one of the other major issues I had was exactly what Devin was doing over the weekend. You saw what he posted. I put that in the video last night as well about he posted a picture of himself saying, Oh, it’s going to be an R and R weekend. And then under it, he said, everybody done. Basically like taunting people.

Like, are you done talking about me? You guys done go do something else. Losers. Whatever. Everybody done. And then he posted a Instagram story of a video of Conor McGregor, UFC fighter. I’m sure you’ve heard of him and I want to play this video for you. It didn’t play during, it didn’t play last night, but I’ll play it for you right now.

He posted this on his Instagram story. Sunday night. I’ve

spent a lot of time Joe slaying everybody in the company backstage. I’m starting to point job. Everybody, I ridiculed everyone on the roster. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, I’d like to take this chance to apologize.

So that’s Conor McGregor after a fight. It was probably eight to 10 years ago. This video has been floating around forever. People use it as a meme all the time to basically say, I don’t care what you think. Basically Conor McGregor said, I’m apologizing to nobody and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.

That’s what he said in the video. That’s what was beeped out. And Devin reposted that on Sunday night. So that’s, again, one of my major issues with all of this. It’s like this guy has the nerve knowing he has this in his background. Obviously he never thought anybody would find this. He knew the show wasn’t going to release it, but now that it’s out there and yet he’s taunting people over the weekend, you done everybody done talking about me.

I can do whatever I want. I apologize to nobody just makes him. I mean, from the, from the homophobic slurs that he sent in 2017 to this gay man, and I don’t care if it was seven years ago, it wasn’t acceptable now. And it wasn’t accepted in 2017 to personally DM a gay man and say that to him to look, maybe Devin went through the whole show and obviously he knew it wasn’t getting out, but maybe once the show ends filming.

Maybe you fill Jen in. Maybe you feel like, okay, I got it by the producers. I, I was able to skate by them and they don’t know about this. But Jen, you need to know this because this could come up later on in our relationship. You know why he didn’t tell Jen about this? Because he was never going to fucking be with her like I’ve told you for the last two weeks.

That’s why he didn’t tell her. He didn’t care about her. As much as he claims he does, he’s a liar. And now he’s being called out on the carpet for it. And look, I have no idea how Devin’s going to respond. My guess is he’s going to take to Instagram at some point and have to address this. Now what I’ll say for this about Devin is his only response to this video should be apologetic.

Now, to me, it’s just words and I won’t believe a word of it, but if he tries to fight this and he tries to say, this is old news and he tried. Man, you are digging yourself even a deeper hole, your reaction to this, Devin, I’m telling you what to say publicly, your reaction to this should be, something has been released from my past, I never should have done that, I learned my lesson at the time.

I’m a better man now, and I’m going to continue to be a better man going forward. Something along those lines should be your response to this, but this guy has too much of an ego. He did not tell anybody. He kept it under wraps for three months since he got done filming May 16th. He still didn’t tell anybody about it.

He never told Jen about it. Do you honestly think this guy is going to come out and apologize? And even if he does, do you believe a word of it? Sorry, falls on deaf ears. Now you’re only apologizing basically because you got exposed. I don’t think anybody can disagree with that. It’s just sickening what this guy does.

He’s a scum of the earth. This guy for what he did for what he did to his ex back at LSU for what he did to Jen post show for what he did to Jen by not saying anything to Jen since this all, since he got off the show, the show did not know about a restraining order, but they should have, they should have found a way they need to vet their contestants better.

And this guy ended up being your winner. Holy crap. It’s just disgusting. The whole thing is disgusting. I’m glad I was able to finally get the paperwork to call this guy out on the carpet. And I’m telling you, I don’t know how he’s going to respond, but if you’re any of Devin’s buddies from the show, you can sit here and say all you want.

Hey, he treated me great. I’m sorry. Now you might want to distance yourself from him. This guy is nuclear and this guy is unhinged. And just because he did it seven years ago, even if he went through counseling and even if he thinks he’s better shit, just reading some of the text messages that came across that he shared and knowing what he did to Jen love bombing her, read some of the reports that his ex said he was love bombing her too.

Clearly this guy is not stable enough to be in a relationship and these court documents prove it. The guy broke into an ex girlfriend’s house because she had broken up with him, and he was upset, she wasn’t home, and he ransacked her apartment so he could steal a necklace he gave her during their relationship, flattened her tires, and also burned the restraining order in her driveway.

Is there anything else more you need to know about this guy? When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. Isn’t that the phrase? Devonstrator has shown us who he is. And, any sort of response by him, Better be apologetic, even though I ain’t buying a word of it because I know he’s only apologizing because he got caught, but it’s all he can do.

If he tries to fight this he tries to go on somebody’s podcast to explain himself. Well, that will, my, you don’t know what my ex did to me. No, I, what I do know is that you had a restraining order put out against you and you continue to harass your ex girlfriend because you were upset about a breakup.

Sad. This guy’s sad. The franchise is in a whole mess of trouble for not vetting another contestant well enough. One of their contestants, the contestant that won the season, Had a restraining order against him back seven years ago when he was an adult. He was 21 years old He had a restraining order taken out against him and he violated it on numerous occasions And there was an affidavit for the warrant for his arrest because of his actions Did he end up getting arrested?

No, he ended up paying like a hundred dollar fine, 251 in court fees. He had to take 30 hours of community service at LSU. He had to be gainfully employed and he had to leave her alone. That was his punishment. Just pathetic. This guy’s pathetic. And I don’t know how he’s going to respond to this, but I’m just glad it’s out there.

Feel sorry for Jen. I’m sorry about the timing. With dance with the stars starting tonight. I’m sure Jen is gonna be bombarded with this I just found out about it Friday into Saturday Friday. I found out more someone else came to me with this Situation like yeah. No, that’s true about the restraining order I was like really is there any way to get the documents and I got them on Saturday.

That’s what I mean So the good thing is mainstream media will be covering this And I know that they’re going to reach out to Warner brothers for a quote, for some sort of reaction to this. The problem is I already know, and you know, we know what their answer is going to be. It’s not, I can tell you what it’s not going to be.

It’s not going to be, yeah, we knew about this. We just kept it under wraps. They’re clearly going to say, we had no idea. This is news to us. We’re ashamed. Devin will no longer be part of this franchise in any way, shape or form, which should be the first thing they probably should say. But we know how this is going to go and it’s just the whole thing is really really sad All right a couple things that I want to get to Because this is already long enough.

I do want to just direct you to my youtube page go watch the video It looks it is all in there. This is not like Oh Steve. Leave it alone. It was seven years ago No, this isn’t. Oh, he was mean to somebody. Oh, he cheated on somebody in college. This is criminal activity Go watch the video. It’s the best thing you can do.

And it’s not like, Oh, I’m going to make a lot of money. If you go watch my video, it’s nothing like that. There’s also a great Dave Neal impression that I do during the video in the beginning and the end. I thought it was at least Dave’s my boy. So I thought I’d throw that in there. Couple of things in regards to grant season grants, women were released yesterday on the bachelor Facebook page.

I have 27 of them were released. I have found 22 of them. They’re on my Instagram feed. They’re on my Twitter feed. You can go check those out. I’ll probably find the next five before noon today, and then I’ll have all of them listed. And we did find out yesterday that you can attend a public date of debt of grants on Friday and Saturday in Los Angeles.

I put the links out to that on my Instagram story and on my Twitter account. If you’re in the L. A. area. Go fill out that link. Maybe you can be part of the date on Friday and Saturday. We do know that there’s always one day off between limo entrance night. They take the day off and then they start dates.

So that means that the first date is going to be Friday since that’s the public date and Saturday is a public date. So that means Thursday is the off day, which means Filming at the latest filming looks like it’s starting Wednesday, which makes sense because they always release the contestants about two to three days before filming begins.

So that is something you can be a part of if you’re in the LA area, but just know now we know now that grant season starts filming on Wednesday, golden bachelorette starts airing on Wednesday, a bachelor data. It has a video on this cast. This is the oldest cast they’ve ever cast before in terms of average age.

Now it doesn’t, it’s not by a lot, it’s like by a half a year, I think 27. 9 is the average age of these women. So yeah, you’ve got a couple of 23 and 25 year olds in there. There’s only six women over 30. It’s not like they just loaded it up, but it just seems like there’s a lot of women between 27 and 30 and that’s why your average age is 27.

9. So that’ll be on bachelor data. You can go check her out there on her site. So anyway. A lot to get to, we got so much to get to tomorrow, but like I said, go check out the YouTube video. That’ll have everything you need. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. Thank you all for watching the video last night, participating anybody who donated.

I appreciate that as well. Again. Thank you all. all for participating and listening. I really appreciate it. And remember you got to hit play, follow me on Apple podcasts, rate and review, but you got to hit play. That’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily is up in an hour from now. Go check that out.

Thank you all for listening. Have a great day, everyone, except for Devin Strader. And I’ll talk to you


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