Reality Steve


Podcast #410 – Interview with Rachel Juarez from TV’s “Hot Bench”

You know, last week, somebody sent me after I had a bit, the biggest question I had after the Survivor premiere was these tribe names, Gada and Lovo or Luvu or whatever.

I was like, haven’t we had these at least three or four times before? And someone sent me a list and I can’t find the email now, but basically there have been different variations of all three of the tribe names this season, which I’m already blanking on other than Gada because I remember they won last night, but Lavo.

Is that one of them this year? The red team is Lavo. There’s been a, they sent me and for all three names this year, there literally have been names very, very similar, literally off by one letter. So, and with survivor in the beginning of the season, when you start with 18 people and now we’re down to 16 after two eliminations in the first two weeks, you just look at it and for me, I’m just not good at remembering their names.

And I literally just watched it about. 90 minutes ago, but there’s so many people there. I can’t really remember who’s on what tribe. I can remember more faces than names on the tribes. The blue team lost. I know that TK went home on a blind side because they were able to flip Gabe. It was the women. And Gabe were the four, the three women and Gabe were the four that voted for TK.

He thought he had all the guys in his back pocket and he thought that Tiana was going to vote with them and it was flipped. So I kind of, again, I know it sounds like whatever after the fact, but I kind of saw it coming the way TK was so confident and then the way they showed him on the beach, annoying some of the other women, cause he wouldn’t stop talking.

Usually they don’t show that for somebody that is going to stick around, at least for that episode. So survivor another good episode last night. Anytime there’s an early season blindside, it’s always a good thing. Now, big brother last night, we saw what we had known had played out over the last few days that Mackenzie wins HOH.

She puts up Angela and chemo Mackenzie wins power of veto. And you’re like, Oh, maybe for the first time this year, nobody’s using The power of veto. And why would she? It was her H. O. H. and she had the power to just keep it the way it was. Chemo and Rubina. Leah went to Robina and talked about how she thinks Chelsea wants her out.

So now she wants to target Chelsea. Robina went to McKenzie with that information. And then that set in motion Chelsea’s plan because Chelsea wants Leah out. She is the number one proponent of getting Leah out of this game because Leah has never been on the block. Well, until last night, and she thinks she’s playing a really good game and wants her out.

And so. She was happy that she didn’t have the blood on her hands. It was Robina that went to McKenzie and said, Hey, Leah told me this last night. She’s after Chelsea. So Chelsea just used her power of persuasion and got McKenzie to switch on Leah. And yet in last night’s episode, they’re showing Mackenzie and Leah being, you know, love you girl.

And Leah’s just like, you know, please let me know or anything like this. And you could just tell Mackenzie was struggling with it. Obviously she was crying when she renamed her and she said it wasn’t personal, strictly game move. And now from what I’ve read in the last 24 hours, because again, this happened on Monday, by the time we get to the live eviction tonight and the double eviction tonight.

It’ll be four days since she renommed Leah. I know Leo was pissed right in the beginning and, but apparently they have made up and I guess the biggest thing is somehow convincing Chelsea and cam to vote for Angela tonight, because. Chemo and Rubina are definitely voting for Leah to evict her. If McKenzie can somehow force a two, two vote, then she’s the deciding vote and she can get rid of Angela.

I thought I read some stuff where yes, Leah was pissed at McKenzie and then McKenzie confronted her and it was just like, yeah, but you’re going after Chelsea and then somehow Leah talked her way out of it. And I guess they’re cool now, but they might be cool, but I don’t know if that means that Leah’s not going home tonight.

Because chemo and Rubina are absolutely getting rid of her. It’s just a matter of cam and Chelsea and can’t. And Chelsea’s been wanting Leah gone for the last two weeks. So it certainly looks like Leah’s going home tonight, at least in one of the evictions, because tonight we’re going to get the Leah, the person evicted between Leah and Angela, then they’re going to play a head of household competition.

Then they’re going to play Power of Veto. Then they’re going to have a Power of Veto ceremony. And then they’re going to have another eviction ceremony. That’s all happening tonight, and it’s only a one hour episode tonight. Last night was 90 minutes, so they’re cramming everything into a one hour episode tonight.

We are going to get it right from the get go. Probably start with the eviction ceremony. Cause they got to do those four other things in an hour. So I’m looking forward to it. I think if you were asking me right now, who do I think is going to win this game? I honestly think there’s only two people that deserve to win this game.

That are left, assuming Leah goes home tonight and that’s Chelsea or McKenzie. I can’t give you any sort of resume for cam. I can’t give you any sort of resume for chemo. I can’t give you, like I said, Leah gone. I can’t give you any sort of resume for Angela. Yes. I know some people will say she’s won two HOHs, but I don’t think if Angela is sitting there at the end, she gets one vote outside of Leah’s.

So she’s not going to win this game. Robina, I can’t really see it, honestly. So there, I mean, that’s who’s left. I think Chelsea and McKenzie of the people left that played the best game and probably Chelsea, if Chelsea gets to the end, I think she’s winning against anybody. And I think it could be because of this move.

The fact that she was able to convince an HOH who put up her own nominations. Hey, you might want to rethink that and change your nomination. And she did because of yes, what we’re being a told McKenzie, but emphasized and drilled into her head by Chelsea. I think Chelsea’s going to win, but then again, what if Angela wins the next HOH?

She’s putting Chelsea up. I believe, I don’t think she’s going after chemo and Rubina, but. If chemo and Rubino win next HOH, she’s putting, they’re putting Chelsea up. So you just never know, cause you have no idea who’s going to win the next competition. The only one we don’t know that’s winning the next competition is McKenzie because she’s the current and reigning HOH.

So it looks like Leah is, unless Ainsley’s got something up her sleeve, Leah or Angela’s going home first tonight. Then they’re going to have an HOH, then they’re going to have a power veto, then they’re going to have a power veto ceremony, and then they’re going to have another eviction at the end of the episode.

So, we’ve got a lot to get to tonight. Jam packed episode. The first hour, or the hour of Big Brother going up against basically the first hour of Thursday Night Football, but Cowboys should beat the Giants tonight, right? Right. Hell if I know. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it.

Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. Remember, it’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now, 9 15 AM Eastern time. It should be in your podcast feed episode number four 10 with Rachel Juarez, one of the judges from hot bench, and it’ll be on YouTube, my YouTube channel at 9 15 AM.

That’s when it goes live. So check that out. Either. Audio version in your podcast feed on Spotify or Apple podcasts, or if you can go to my YouTube channel, if you haven’t subscribed already, please subscribe, like the post chime in. If you go there right at nine 15, you can enjoy the live chat with other people that are happy to be watching at that time.

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