Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 9/27 – Kaitlyn & Jason On The Red Carpet Is Not A Story, My IPhone 16 Arrived, Cheryl Burke on Anna Delvey, Big Brother’s Double Eviction Episode, & A Possible OC Revival?

Did you hear what Cheryl Burke had to say about Anna Delvey?

So Cheryl after the show on her podcast said of what Anna Delvey said when she was asked What are you gonna take away from this experience and she said nothing and Cheryl said look it leaves a bad taste in my mouth I was already slowly giving her another chance because she definitely showcased a little bit more of her personality as I said a few hours Ago, I think she must be upset and again now her walls thicker than ever And she also chimed in like, look, however, with this show, it’s forgiving only if you give it 100%.

I’ve always said that if you don’t give 100 percent vulnerability, you’re only going to get from the show what you give. Right. And look, Anna didn’t seem to care much about the show, give much to the show. And I don’t think that she cares that she’s gone, which is why I don’t think that she should be asked back for the finale.

Why would she? Nobody wants to see her again. She probably doesn’t want to be there. I’m guessing Ezra probably doesn’t care to have her back. I know that as has been super positive about her and said, she’s been a great partner, but what I mean, come on, it just got eliminated from the show. What’s he going to say?

Like, Oh, thank God. Couldn’t stand her because we’ve heard in years past. Years removed from competition. People talk a little negatively about their dance partners. You know, I just, she did nothing. And I, and it was just such a backfire on the show because you know, the show cast her for, Ooh, it’s going to get people talking.

People are going to be discussing her the next morning. It’s like, great. She lasted two episodes. She didn’t connect with the audience at all because she had the opportunity. Cause we’ve seen it in the past. People have come on this show and gotten their redemption arc. But when you come on the show and you don’t smile, you don’t look like you’re having fun.

You’re talking about how hard it’s been for you and how awful the people have been to you. You’re just never going to win anybody over. So I didn’t really understand why she took that route. And frankly, I’m glad she’s gone. And I’m glad that Cheryl sees it as well. Last night, big brother, there was a double eviction.

I. Was starting to hear that there was no way Leah could save herself. And really, I just didn’t think there was any way Mackenzie was going to be able to convince Chelsea and cam, uh, to keep Leah or at least vote for Angela, make it two, two. So Mackenzie could be the deciding vote. And Leah was the first, if I’m not mistaken, that’s the first.

Unanimous vote all season. Right. And then she’s gone for votes to zero. They immediately start the power of veto competition. Well, after commercial break and we, you know, we know that Chelsea won, she puts up chemo and Angela chemo ends up winning power. Veto clearly uses it on himself. And Chelsea has to put somebody else up.

She calls her being in the room. It’s like, look, Angela’s gone. Just go up there and you’re upon, you’re not getting eliminated. And then by a vote of three to nothing, Angela went home. Thank God. But did you realize how close Angela was to winning head of household? Like Chelsea was up five to three. She had a two point lead with only two questions left.

So she would’ve got question six, right? No matter what anyone else did, it was already going to be over, but she misses questions six and seven. Angela gets question six and seven. So they both finished with five points. It goes to a tiebreaker. And basically the question was in how many minutes. Was janky alive from the time you first saw him to the time he was murdered on national television.

How many minutes was he there and Here here’s the thing about and we’ve seen this before where it has to go to a tiebreaker and it’s always minutes but they say Closest without going over but unless you both go over we’ll take the closest number. Well, this one was so bizarre because Chelsea put down a little over 1, 000 minutes And Angela put 15, 500 and the answer was like 10, 000 plus.

It’s like Chelsea wasn’t even close, but because she went under by 9, 000 vote, 9, 000 minutes, because she didn’t go over that lets her win maybe. And I saw somebody on Twitter last night. I think it was a former contestant, but I can’t remember who it was say, can we get rid of this whole. During tiebreakers without going over nonsense because Angela should have, not that I wanted her to, she came a hell of a lot closer than Chelsea did.

This isn’t the price is right with Bob Barker and the last person on the showcase showdown offers 1 because they think everyone else went over. Come on, let’s just be whoever gets closest, right? It just, it just seemed, I, I’m, I’m glad Chelsea won, and I’m, cause I’m glad Angela’s home, finally, going home.

Man, it’s just weird to look at it, when Chelsea wasn’t even close, Angela was closer, but she loses because she went over. Especially on numbers like that. You know, count up how many, basically, basically you had to answer how many minutes are in a week and it’s like, okay, well, there’s 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, so 60 times 24 and whatever that number is multiplied by seven, right?

Yeah. 10, 080. Is what, uh, 60 times 24 times seven, 60 times 24. And then you multiply that by seven is 10, 080. And I think that was the answer. It might’ve been off by a few minutes here and there, but basically seven days. Cause we knew that Jenky was there for seven days and I don’t know where Chelsea came up with 1000.

And I think Chelsea put 1050 or 1080. She might’ve just forgot a zero because I think she thought, Oh, I got this. Angela coming up with 15 5, I have no idea. But, because of their answers, you’re just like, Why does Chelsea lose? Or why does Chelsea win, when she wasn’t even close? Just because someone else went over?

Seems really, really weird. But, what wasn’t weird, well, it actually was weird, was Angela’s talk with Julie. Her sitting there in that chair, once again, all fired up saying, I would have won this thing. I freaking would have won it. I freaking this. I freaking that. I freaking love that you’re going to the jury house.

That’s what I love. I’m sorry. It’s it’s there are some people out there that are just so anti Angela and some people absolutely love her. They think she’s iconic. They think she should be invited back for reindeer games. If they do that this year, they think she should, she should be invited back for a future all star season.

I’m like, no, I don’t want to see her anymore. It’s so over the top. It’s almost seems like she’s acting. And yes, I’m really, really aware of her game show appearances in the past, but I’m just saying, I just. She did nothing for me this whole game other than annoy me. So I don’t know, maybe I’m the one that’s way off.

Maybe she’s way more liked by others. And I guess we’ll find out at AFP. If she wins AFP, I’ll fully admit I was dead wrong about her. I mean, I still have my opinion that I don’t care for her. I didn’t like her on my TV. I thought she was an annoying contestant, but I’ll admit that I was in the minority if Angela wins AFP for sure.

And finally, did you hear about the possible OC revival? Adam Brody, who played Seth Cohen on the OC, did an interview with Vanity Fair that was published yesterday. And he was asked, um, about a possible reboot. He said, I think it’s perfectly valid to take anything people like and say, is there any life left in this?

Would anyone care to see more with the band like to get back together? He said, anything’s certainly possible. But then he said, if there was a reason, like an inspired idea, this was back in 2023. Yes. Other than that, probably not. And by inspired idea, I mean, lots and lots of money. So this is something where as much as I would love to see an OC reboot, I would only like it under two conditions.

Number one, everybody from the original cast comes back. If somebody says I don’t want in, forget it. And number two, I don’t even know if I need another reason. I’d probably watch it. Do I think it would taint the original? No, I don’t think it would taint it, but I’m also like such a big OC fan to where I would watch it regardless, but I need everyone.

I need Seth Ryan. Oh, Marissa’s dead. Taylor Townsend. I Sandy Cohen. I I’m forgetting their character names. I know Melinda Clark, who did she play? See, I’m totally blanking, but Sandy and his wife, what was her name? I’ve seen the whole thing of OC, I think three or four times all the way through all six seasons.

Was it six or five? See, I already forgot, but I’d watch it for sure. But I really need everybody back. And I just, I don’t see them all agreeing to come back and shoot this show with the same people 20 years later, because part of the appeal of the OC was it was in that early two thousands when Beverly Hills, 90210 was popular and all this stuff, or, or it was, it came out after obviously Beverly Hills, 90210, you know, it’s.

People love seeing the, you know, the rich affluent kids, but we’ve seen so many shows like that since showing that now, 20 years later, I just don’t know if it has the appeal that it would. Yes. I’d still watch it. I just don’t know how good the show could be in that situation. Anyway, thank you all for listening.

Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Don’t forget sports daily coming up in an hour from now. I have my picks for this weekend in college and pro football. Everybody have a great, great weekend and I will.

Talk to you on Monday.

See ya! My good people say to me, sign up. Be like a real man and you’re supposed to get right up. It seems to rain, but it’s just a dream. This is what I’m supposed to do. And it’s good to see you.

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