Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 9/30 – Where We’re At In Grant’s Season, Golden Bachelorette, Big Brother Repeat?, The Challenge, Anna Delvey Doubles Down, KCav Is Single

Let’s talk a little big brother. If you don’t want to know what has happened since. H O H was crowned. Don’t listen. Fast forward, mute, giving you a countdown in three, two, one. All right. McKenzie continues to be the most dominant comp player left in the game. As she wins head of household.

She puts up chemo and Rubina. If you do not know what happened, the power of veto challenge was BB comics. McKenzie finished in five minutes and everyone else timed out. So she won the power of veto. So you’re like, well, last week before Chelsea won on the double eviction night, last week, McKenzie won head of household and power of veto and decided to change and put Leah up sending Leah home.

You’re like, she just put up chemo and Rubina. She can’t possibly change that up. Could she now power of veto ceremony is today. You would think she’s going to leave chemo and Rubina up, but now Chelsea is getting into her ear. I think Kimo and Rubina are also kind of planting the seed that Cam doesn’t have your back, Mackenzie, and he will come after you, and he will put you up if you, if he wins head of household.

So now the seed has been planted that Cam might be coming after her. I don’t know. I don’t know where her head is at. I know that some of the things that I read on, I think BB Daily updates on Twitter, Said she’s contemplating it and she’s really thinking about it, but we’ll know on tomorrow’s podcast because today is Power veto ceremony.

We’ll know if she changes if she doesn’t and leaves chemo and Rubina up I don’t know who’s going home, but it leaves a pretty Solid, I mean you would think McKenzie Chelsea and And cam are going to be your final three. Let’s just say she leaves noms the way they are and chemo or Rubina go home. And let’s just say, I’m just skipping ahead to the end here.

Let’s just say we have a final two of McKenzie and Chelsea. Which I think might be tough to get, because I think each of them know the other one could beat them. I think each of them wants the other one out, now that we’re down to four. I think they know that, Mackenzie knows if I’m sitting next to Chelsea, she could get votes, and Chelsea knows if I’m sitting next to Mackenzie, she could get votes.

And honestly, thinking about it in my head, and maybe I’m just not putting enough critical thought into this. I don’t know who would win between Mackenzie and Chelsea, because I think you can make cases for both of them. I mean, Chelsea was literally the factor behind getting Leah out. It was a smart game move on her part.

It was everyone saying it was the worst decision and the worst HOH run ever when Mackenzie had that and changed her noms and put Leah up and got her out. But that was all Chelsea’s doing. Chelsea literally controlled someone else’s HOH. That is huge for her resume. But then you look at Mackenzie. And she’s been dominant.

I can also make a prediction right now, right now, this is 1000 percent going to happen. Whatever happens to Mackenzie on this show, she is 1 billion percent going to be on a future season of the challenge without a doubt, not to mention, she will be in a relationship with somebody from that show within days of getting into the challenge house, mark my word.

So. She, I could see her winning this, but it all depends because I don’t know who’s winning future HOHs. If Chelsea wins the next HOH, I got to believe she’s going after McKenzie because she knows McKenzie is the biggest threat in the house. Cam’s not a threat to Chelsea. Everybody on the jury is going to say, Cam, you just rode Chelsea’s coattails or hell cam, you rode McKenzie’s coattails.

I don’t think chemo has a leg to stand on in the finals. I don’t think Rubina gets a vote. This is literally whoever lasts between McKenzie and Chelsea is going to win this thing. That is just my guess. So I just, I cannot even see anyone else getting a vote. If McKenzie is in the finals against chemo, Rubina or cam.

I think she wins unanimously. If Chelsea is in the finals against chemo, Rubina or cam, Chelsea wins unanimously. I think the only way we don’t get a unanimous vote is if it’s McKenzie and Chelsea, and I think that’ll be a very, very impressive final two. And honestly, I would need to do a little deeper thinking in terms of who I think I would vote for in that situation, because honestly, I don’t know.

I finally got caught up on the challenge two weeks ago. The episode did not record. And for whatever reason, maybe someone can help me out here. I’ve been, I’ve been on paramount plus I’ve been on mtv. com is the era season, not on streaming anywhere. I couldn’t find it. And that was the episode where we had the Laurel and Cara Maria blow up.

I don’t even know what caused it. I’ve seen everybody talk about it on Instagram reels. I’ve seen the other contestants on podcasts talk about it yet. I still haven’t seen. Yeah. What caused the fight who was involved? I have no idea not to mention. I didn’t even see So I’ve only seen clips of the fight of Laurel going off on Cara Maria.

So, and I tried to go back and look at, I watched this past week’s episode, last Wednesday’s episode. I did watch that this weekend. And the one thing that I appreciate about the challenge is they let their contestants go on podcasts literally right after the episode ends, not give away future stuff, but they’re allowed to talk about production.

They’re allowed to go there and say, Hey, this is what you didn’t see. I mean, Bachelor and Bachelorette. Yeah, you might have some pissed off contestants that say that, but they immediately get contacted by production and say, you better shut up. Don’t say anything. You’re not allowed to talk about this.

Challenge contestants go on social media all the time. They talk about hookups that you didn’t see. They talk about conversations that you didn’t see. They talk about what happened in the challenge that you didn’t see. The whole thing with Horacio and Derek from two weeks ago, that whole, when I was watching it in real time, I’m like, what the hell happened here?

How did, how did Horacio not win? But then they explained it and they actually said production sat both of them down and showed them the raw footage. Basically, Aracio didn’t pay attention to the rules of the show. It had nothing to do with, were your pegs in the wall? It was just, you had to get 40 pegs across.

And his thinking was, well, there’s a wall here with holes in it. And I have to put these pegs in it. Clearly, I thought you had to have all 40 pegs in the holes. And he goes, actually, you didn’t. It just said you had to get all 40 across. And Derek had all 40 across before Horacio did. So, that was the explanation.

He did lose. While it is a stupid rule, you would think, why do we have 40 pegs in a wall if we don’t even have to have them in there to win the competition? But, that’s neither here nor there. Ju By the rule, Horacio lost to Derek. Is it a stupid rule? Yes, I think so. So Anna Delvey was on Tori Spelling’s miss spelling podcast that came out over the weekend, they were the first two that were eliminated on dance with the stars and yeah, she basically doubled down on everything.

Tori asked her why she made the comment that she did and she said because that was the truth You guys told me what I’m supposed to do. I tried to do it and then I still was rejected and I’m taking away nothing This is what I’m taking away from it because your advice was worthless The advice did not pay off for me, even though I tried to follow it and this is how I felt I know people were trying to interpret my answer in different ways, but no not really I really did not take away much from this experience.

I think I had to be on the defensive, especially after all the backlash that I received being cast on the show, even though the producers tried to defend me. And I think everyone on the cast was generally very nice to me, but in the end. I don’t know. She felt the result was a little bit unbelievable. She said, I felt like they were building me up.

It’s like, Oh, well only if you smile more, only if you do like X, Y, Z, it’s going to be so much better for you. And it felt like they put so much effort trying to get me on the show. Like make me feel comfortable just to eliminate me this early. This woman is so delusional. She still doesn’t seem to have any remorse for what she did.

She doesn’t understand the magnitude of what she did, how she affected other people and how the public was going to react to that. I’m sure the show told her you can get a redemption arc by coming on the show. But when you come on the show and you never smile, and it doesn’t even seem like you’re enjoying yourself, that’s half the battle on this show.

Honestly, if you don’t know by now in season 33, that this is not about your dancing skills and it is about your presentation, your charisma, how you come across on camera, if you don’t understand that by now, you’re never going to understand this show. And she clearly doesn’t understand the show in the least bit at all.

She doesn’t understand it because she’s still saying stuff like this. So, like I said, good riddance. You would think she would have showed a little more humility going on Tori’s podcast and saying, you know what? Maybe I should have leaned into this process more. I understand there’s going to be haters out there, but I should have just swept them aside, concentrated, wanted to do good for my partner, smiled, enjoyed the process, but I couldn’t.

And I understand that she’s getting hate, but if she went into this thinking that she wasn’t going to get hate again, she’s just delusional. The whole thing is just. I hope they don’t invite her back for the finale. There’s no need to, she doesn’t want to be there. She’s doubling down. She had a chance to show a little bit of humility on Tori’s podcast and she basically made it worse for herself.

So nobody cares to see her anymore. And I hope she disappears. And finally, man, if Kristen Cavallari can’t find love with someone 14 years, her elder or her, is that right? Is that the right phrase? I always mix that up. 14 years her junior. Oh, I think that’s it. 14 years or junior. Anyway, Kristen Cavallari and Mark Estes broke up.

It happened over the weekend. I guess it got out because she went on call her daddy’s a live show. She was doing a live appearance and it got out, but she says it’s not going to be on our podcast until this week. Either today or tomorrow, but her and Mark Estes, one of the Montana boys broke up and you’re just like, yeah, we could have told you this was going to happen.

The second you announced you were with a 23 year old hot boy. Because look for me, Kristen Cavallari is a catch. She’s successful. She’s got a very popular brand. I didn’t look at it as anything more as somebody that just wanted to have a little fun. I don’t think she ever took this guy seriously. I think she was trying to convince herself she was, and she was trying to convince her audience, having him on the podcast, talking about their sex life, constantly saying how the age didn’t matter.

You lasted seven months with this guy. Like we all know that this was never anything that serious. She needs to be with somebody more mature, more successful. I mean, he was a 23 year old guy that lip sync songs on Tik TOK. I’m sorry. I don’t care how much your kids enjoyed his company. I’m not saying he’s not, it wasn’t great around your kids.

I’m just saying longterm, it was never going to work between those two. I heard some of the interview he did with her. And I’m just like, these two are just two very good looking people that want to have sex with each other. That’s all I looked at it as I’d never saw any sort of longterm future here. And.

I’m not, you know, jumping up and down and, and so glad that they’re broken up. It doesn’t matter if Kristen Cavallari and Mark Estes lasted seven months or lasted seven years. It wasn’t going to affect my life in any way, but I’m just saying it’s not surprising. I don’t think anybody should be surprised that these two broke up because I felt like the whole relationship, she was trying to convince not only us, but also she was trying to convince herself.

That this was actually legit and I just never bought it and they lasted seven months. So there you go. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Please hit play. Once it pops up in your feed, the sports daily was posted in.

It’s going to be posted in an hour. So check that out as I go over this past weekend’s games and major league baseball playoffs starting tomorrow. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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