Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/1 – Update on Grant’s Season Filming Overseas, DWTS No-Show Tonight But Will Be Taping, Verizon Goes Kaput Yesterday, & Frankie Valli Responds To Criticism

I think it was last week where I brought up the stories about Frankie Valley, who is old school singer been around for years and there were videos going around on Tik TOK and Instagram of him currently doing quote unquote concerts, but yet he just gets up there on stage.

Lip syncs and they’re literally playing his songs straight from the soundtrack of Greece and straight from the soundtrack of his albums from 50 years ago. And I’m just like, and everyone online is like concerned, people are calling it elder abuse. They’re saying, why are they forcing this guy to do this?

Well, He finally released a statement about it because it started making the rounds. If you Googled Frankie Valley last week, you saw all the major outlets reporting, there’s concern over him of what’s going on. How is he not, why is he agreeing to do this? Is he even aware that he’s doing this? Because when you watch the videos, it’s very sad.

He looks like he’s comatose. He’s barely, you know, I say he’s lip syncing. He’s barely moving his lips. Not to mention he’s not even keeping up with the song. So. You’re just like, what is going on here? What is, what is happening? And Frankie Valley finally responded. He said, I know there’s been a lot of stuff on the internet about me lately.

So I wanted to clear the air. I am blessed to be 90 years old and still be doing what I love to do. And as long as I’m able and audiences want to come see me, I’m going to be out there performing as I always do. I absolutely love what I do. And I know we put on a great show because our fans are still coming out in force and the show still rocks.

Okay. And then he said. How do we do the show? The four seasons sound was always about layering vocals and instruments. We use our 60 years of experience. So we sound like the records I sing. I have singers who sing great arrangements, everything. I get a chuckle from the comments, wondering if someone is forcing me to go on stage.

Nobody has ever made me do anything. I don’t want to do. I plan to be doing shows as long as I can delivering that great four season sound like that line in jersey boys I’m, like that bunny on tv that just keeps going and going and going chasing the music. Okay Frankie, I get that you enjoy performing but for you to get up there and give a statement that says As long as the audiences want to come see me and i’m able to go out there performing as I always do We put on a great show and fans are still coming out in force.

The show still rocks You I don’t know if everybody that’s going to your shows is aware you’re not singing whatsoever and you’re barely moving your lips or your body until they show up for the show. So they might be purchasing tickets saying, wow, 90 years old, Frankie Valli performing. And then they get there and they’re like, what the hell is this?

I could have just turned this on in my car because that’s what we’re hearing. And then for him to say, The Four Seasons sound was always about layering vocals and instruments. I sing, I have singers who sing, great arrangements, everything. Not by the videos that I’ve seen you’re not singing Frankie. It’s literally this.

It’s this song that’s playing in the background. This exact song, these exact lyrics. You know? This is straight from Greece. I saw my problems and I see the light. We got a loving thing. We gotta feed it right. Jesus, I should be performing for the Four Seasons. Frankie, you need a replacement? I’m your guy. I mean, Greece is the word.

They think our love is just a growing pain. Why don’t they understand? It’s just a crying shame. Oh my gosh, look at me hit those notes. Anyway, this is what I mean. Like, honestly, what I just did there as awful as it was guarantee is better than anything that you’re seeing. If you’re purchasing a ticket to go watch Frankie Valley.

Okay. Just, just know that I killed it. That was frankly, it was excellent. Okay. Maybe not, but you get what I’m saying? I sang more. In those four verses, then Frankie sings during one of his shows. And if you watch the videos on Tik TOK, that’s the exact song that plays when he gets on stage, they just hit, it’s just like, Hey, someone upload this.

And so did someone upload, you know, their, their prep for the show is probably, Hey, we got everything loaded into the into the computer system here, getting ready to go out over the speakers. Let’s go grease first. All right, let’s kick it off with grease. Hit play. And then he walks out there and barely moves his lips.

So Frankie, you can, you can give all the statement that you want about it. I am buying it. And I’d be very, very careful about saying nobody has ever made me do anything I didn’t want to do. We’re very well aware, Frankie, I think all you need to do is Google Frankie Valley, April Kirkwood, former golden bachelor contestant.

To know that, yeah, you pretty much do whatever it is you want to do at whatever age it was at just a disturbing story. And look, I don’t mean to come down on Frankie Valley, but it’s, it’s all right. There, it was written in a book. It was covered very, I mean, unless you’re just going to call April Kirkwood a liar.

She put it this way. If she was lying, she would have a giant lawsuit thrown at her for what she wrote in that book. But Frankie don’t say nobody has ever made me do anything I didn’t want to do. Please doesn’t look good for you, buddy. And finally, just wanted to end with this, the big brother. Now today, I’m going to record with Taron Armstrong, who is from Rob has a podcast and he is Probably the utmost authority when it comes to covering big brother I know a lot of big brother contestants have podcasts, but he is not a former contestant He probably has the most popular podcast of any non Former contestant and we’re gonna talk about it today We’re down to the final five as you saw on Sunday night McKenzie one ho h Spoiler alert, 3, 2, 1.

Mackenzie also won Power of Veto for BB Comics. She finished it in five minutes and everyone else timed out. And there was some struggle there, based on what I was reading about the live feeds, that people were trying to convince her To put cam up because cam, if he wins next week is going to put her up.

Well, however, it may be, she was talked into not using the power of veto. So for the first time, all season, somebody that won power of veto does not use it. Chemo and Robina are your nominations and chemo and Robina will be, one of them will be evicted on Thursday night. And it looks like it’s going to be chemo.

Now, when you look at it, I said yesterday, look, I don’t see anybody else. Possibly winning this thing outside of MJ and Chelsea. And I felt like one of them is going to go after the other one, because they both know if MJ is sitting next to chemo, Rubina or cam, she wins. If Chelsea is sitting next to chemo, Rubina or cam, she wins.

If Chelsea and McKenzie, MJ are the final two, I don’t know where it’s going, but then I was reading online that it’s like the reason why they want to get chemo out tonight is because they think he’s already got three votes. If he gets to the final two, he’s got T Cores, he’s got Rubina’s and he’s got Angela’s and you need four.

So if somebody flips chemo would win and look, I get the T Core, Rubina and Angela probably would vote for, for for chemo. Yeah, T Core, Rubina, and Angela probably would vote for Kimo, but I’m sorry. I, I just, I don’t like that type of voting. I get that he’s their friend. And they don’t want to go against him.

What game has chemo played this season to deserve three votes in the finals, if he were to get there, I’m very well aware that those are his three best friends. I just, I wouldn’t be down with that voting at all. I think that’s Bush league to vote for him because he’s your friend. If he was sitting next to McKenzie or Chelsea.

I’m sorry. They should win seven. Nothing. It’s that simple. He’s done. I don’t want to say he’s done nothing because he, I believe he has two power of vetoes, right? He, I don’t think he ever won HOH, but I believe he has two power of vetoes, maybe only one, but I thought he won one way earlier. He won one recently.

I know that I thought he won one way earlier in the season, but either way, I still only think this is a McKenzie or Chelsea’s to win. Then what I was reading yesterday. Okay. After McKenzie decided not to use the power of veto, they are basically praying that Rubina does not win HOH next week and Cam, Chelsea, or McKenzie win it because they’ve basically said, we didn’t come all this way to not be the final three and MJ and, and I keep calling her MJ.

McKenzie, MJ, whatever you want to call her. McKenzie and Chelsea were talking and Chelsea is basically telling McKenzie, unless Kelsey, unless Chelsea is lying straight to McKenzie’s face, she is saying, girl, I want to go to the finals with you. It’s us two in the end. So she said that to her yesterday.

It’s on the live feeds. So she could be lying. Who knows? Maybe she’s trying to butter up McKenzie, but. She told her that yesterday that she wants to be in the finals with her. And if those two are your final two, McKenzie has been the better comp player, but I think Chelsea has been the better game player.

So that all comes down to the jury. What’s going, what’s the jury going to reward more anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports Daily coming up in an hour from now.

If you wanna check that out. Some notable deaths in the world of sports yesterday, and we’re gonna talk about that plus so many other things to get to. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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