Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/2 – Correction On Yesterday’s Pod, Latest From Grant’s Filming In Madrid, Spain, All The Shows I’m Missing Tonight, & Two Deaths From One Of My All-Time Favorite Movies

? You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. Steve podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday show for you. I’m going to go over a couple of things from yesterday. What I recorded yesterday. We’ve got the update that I did on my live stream last night.

You’re gonna hear it again for those that didn’t catch the live stream or didn’t look at my tweet or My Instagram stories from last night regarding grant and the final women that are left right now in Madrid I’m gonna tell you kind of what’s going on tonight and how much stuff I’m going to miss and Then a couple notable deaths in the last three weeks from one of my favorite movies of all time And we might get to some dance with the stars stuff as well.

And we will get to all that momentarily. So I wanted to start off with this and it was in regards to yesterday’s podcast in the beginning during my open couple of you brought this to my attention where. I’ll just say it right off the bat. I misspoke when I was talking about Verizon. I was aware because sometimes when I record my podcast, like I know what I say, but I can’t recite back to you.

Every word that comes out of my mouth. Basically, I misspoke when I said I couldn’t make a call for six hours or whatever it was, six, seven hours. And I couldn’t make a call or receive calls. What I was talking about was the fact that my family members have Verizon. I have mint mobile. Cause you heard later on in the podcast when I was talking about mint mobile and saying like, Hey.

The reason I don’t have Verizon anymore, or I’m glad I don’t have Verizon anymore because of what Mint Mobile was able to provide me. I didn’t have to deal with that yesterday, but I, I, again, I totally misspoke in the beginning and I totally forgot. I didn’t even realize that I had said that. So I did want to clarify that because I literally got seven emails on it.

Some of them were like really mad. Like, why are you lying to us? I misspoke simple as that. And. Yeah, but certainly people who do have Verizon that must have sucked not be able to make phone calls. I know some of my family members suffered from that the other day, but. Yeah, I just wanted to make that clear because I had no idea I even said that until you brought it to my attention, which happens a lot.

There are a lot of things that I say on this podcast that I don’t realize that I say, or I misspeak. I misspeak quite a bit on this podcast, and I’ll say a name wrong or I’ll mix up two people. Happens all the time, , but when you record 11 podcasts a week and you don’t. I guess, quote unquote proofread your podcast.

Like I don’t record it, listen to the whole thing and then post it’s just recorded, uploaded, and spit out there for everyone to listen to. So that’s the way it works just to give you a heads up, but I just want to make that clear. The other thing I did yesterday is I recorded podcast number four 11 which is coming tomorrow.

The weekly podcast with Taryn Armstrong from Rob has a podcast and it’s all about big brother. And yes, my janky world t shirt arrived. Of course I was going to wear it for my first big brother guest that I had on post arrival of my janky world t shirt. And you will see that when the podcasts, when the podcast launches.

Tomorrow morning at 9 15 a. m. Eastern time on my YouTube channel. And it should be in your podcast feed right around that time as well. But great conversation with Taryn, you know, cause Taryn is very much more dialed in than I am. I have read a lot of, of the daily updates on Twitter. So I see conversations that have been had by people all season long, but.

And I’ve seen clips that people post on there, but he’s much more in the weeds of it. He talks about it daily and very interesting to hear his perspective. There are a couple of things that we differ on, which is good because a couple of things that he said were points that I didn’t really think of, because while I watch big brother three times a week, and I do read the stuff that comes across on my, for you page and my timeline on Twitter and on tech talk.

It’s just. I don’t know. I don’t have the pulse of the big brother community of what they think about certain things. And I guess it’s par for the course. Nothing is universally loved and nothing is universally hated, but I usually see things on Twitter that it’s like, Oh my gosh, I love the gameplay this year.

It is old school, big brother. And then some things I read, or this is the worst final five in the history of the show. So it’s like, well, it’s kind of extreme. Isn’t it? I don’t. I know I’ve only been watching since season 21, but this doesn’t seem like the worst final five they’ve ever had, because I think two of the five are very, very capable winners and two of the final five, which I think have done really well for themselves.

Obviously I’m speaking of McKenzie and Chelsea. Chelsea probably has the better gameplay. Kenzie has been a comp beast. McKenzie has been the compies. So, you know, I guess that’s just the nature of Twitter. Everybody has to express how much they hate something. It’s kind of the way Twitter works. It works off negativity that, and read it, you know, that’s basically the way those people function is they just have to let everybody know what they’re thinking and they have to make sure it’s a negative remark and I just, it gets old after a while, but I did want to Tell you, Taryn Armstrong coming tomorrow.

Really, really good conversation. As we break down final five, all the different possible combinations, who we think should win, who he thinks has a chance, a lot of good stuff. So that’s coming tomorrow. And yes, the janky world t shirt does make an appearance. Yesterday at 6 30 Eastern time. I went live on my YouTube channel because again, this is something kind of like the Devon stuff.

Kind of like the. Other things that I’ve done on live streams where I needed to show things, my, my sports betting one, sometimes you just have to do things visually. Now it’s still going to be out there visually forever because it’s on my highlights on my Instagram story under grant spoilers, and it’s on my Twitter feed, but yesterday I was just like, you know what?

Cause I had talked all week about, yeah, this week I’m going to reveal who was on the group dates and the first week of the season, the 10 women that were in the basketball game, the seven women that were on the R and B date, and who got the first one on one of the season, the 18 women that made it into after the first night, but then when I realized.

I was able to identify all 10 women that are in Madrid right now. I was like, well, it kind of makes the first or episode two dates and those first two group dates irrelevant. Cause if I would have released those, you would have been like, yeah, but you know, the 10 that are still remaining. So why don’t we care about the people that were on the first dates of the season?

So I was just like, yeah, might as well. Once I got those videos yesterday, I was like, yeah, that kind of trumps episode two, because now we’re in episode four and I have all your details. So yesterday I put it out there. I showed one picture and two videos. And when the first picture came to me, it was only of nine women sitting at a table.

And I didn’t know if that was just a nine person group date, which it very well could have been in episode four. Cause then you’re like, okay, it’s a group date with nine women. There was a one on one and then either another one on one or a two on one in Madrid, so that means 11 or 12 are left in episode four, which would make sense.

Well, come to find out once I got video sent to me after the fact, there’s only 10 women left on the show. This season in episode four, that means grant is going to have a shorter season, probably going to go from 10 to eight in Madrid, episode five, wherever they go next, we’ll probably go from eight to six and episode six, wherever they go after that, we’ll go from six down to four and then you’ll start hometown dates.

It’s only about if that’s the way it does go. We’re looking at hometown dates starting around October 21st. And as I said on the live stream last night, I’ll always remember this. And this is pretty much accurate when it comes to hometown dates during bachelor season. There’s always a hometown date.

Usually the last one is right around Halloween. And I remember Courtney Robertson’s hometown date. She had the last one on Ben Flanig season was on Halloween. Right now we’re looking at hometown date number four, right around October 21st. So while it’s probably going to be one episode shorter than a regular season, regular season usually has 11 episodes.

This one looks like it’ll have 10. It’s only 10 days ahead of schedule. So it looks like we’re going to get the final rose ceremony first week in November, instead of mid November. So I don’t think it’s a giant deal, but the 10 women that we have left on the season are Zoe, Juliana, Carolina, Dina, Parisa, Rose, Natalie, Serafina, Alexi, and Lydia.

And hey, if your name ends in a, you have a six and 10 shot of winning the season. And if it doesn’t, you have a four and 10 shot of winning the season. When I got the videos, I clearly saw 10 women. So that’s where I was like, okay, now I know this wasn’t a group date yesterday or excuse me on Monday when I got the videos and the picture.

Yeah. Yesterday was a group date because we know that he took Dina on a one on one date, and this is very similar to what happened to Joey in Maribel’s Marbella Spain on last season of the bachelor where the 12 women were sitting at a table, remember I had pictures of that. I identified them. And then Joey pulled up in a moped and took Kelsey away and got her one on one.

Well, Dina was at this. And at the time I got this picture, I was just assuming, Oh, nine person group date. And then I got the videos like, Oh, 10 person group date. Well, that wasn’t the case because we know Dina ended up getting a one on one on Monday. So when we know when they go to another country, it’s one on one group date, one on one or possible two on one.

So yesterday was a group date. It was either with seven or eight, depending on if there’s a one on one today, or if it’s a two on one today with 10 people left, my guess is they’re not doing a two on one. But I don’t know. So probably going to be one on one with Dina eight person group date yesterday, one on one today with one of these 10 women.

Now, the two videos that I posted, one of them was about 15 seconds long and it was just the women walking up to the restaurant, which is the Arabelle restaurant in Plaza Mayor in downtown Madrid. And then there was about a 55 second video where. Grant walks up to the women, they all stand up at the table and he goes around the table and gives all 10 of them a hug.

And, you know, I understand people are going to try and dissect that and look at who he paid more attention to or who he lingered on a hug with or whatever. Look, I don’t know anything about this season other than. Here are the 10 women that are left. I don’t know who a front runner is. I do know a couple of things that happened on the early group dates, but I don’t know who got group date roses.

Cause I only saw the day portion or I only know the details of the day portion, the basketball game and the R and B date. I know who got MVP of the basketball game and I know who won quote unquote the R and B date, but that doesn’t mean they’re a front runner. One of them might not even be there anymore.

So. That’s what I mean. It’s just, it’s very hard to dissect. I wouldn’t read too much into it, but at least you got to see your first look at who’s left and who the women are this season and what they dress like, what they walk like, I don’t know. It’s really all you can look at from those videos. But the main thing was you now know the final 10 and the fact that, Hey, You know, I didn’t say that yesterday, even though I knew yesterday I said, Grant season is going to be shorter, but I never said why.

And then when I showed the picture and the videos yesterday, it was because there’s only 10 women left because we haven’t had 10 women left in episode four and God knows how long it just, I mean, I’m talking probably since the early days, it just is very, very, he went from 18 in episode two to start episode two to 10 starting episode four, which means.

It was probably four and four probably got rid of four or four were eliminated during at some point during episode two and four were eliminated sometime during episode three could have been five and three. We don’t know. I don’t know enough about what happened in those episodes. What I do know, though, is I do know who got the first one on one of the season just based off process of elimination.

One of these 10 girls was not on the basketball date and was not on the R and B date. And I’ll be telling you about that. Once I get. Possibly any more information on it, but I know clearly who it was and I have heard rumblings about first impression rose But I don’t know who it is for sure yet. Got to get that confirmed.

But yeah, I was able to share that with you It’s on my Twitter feed if you want to see the videos there’s two videos like I said 15 seconds and about 55 seconds and then there’s a still picture of Nine of them sitting at the table. There’s about one two, three Four whose faces you can see clearly, two whose people you get profile views of, or three who you get profile views of.

One whose back is right to us. And then one’s not even in the picture, but we know that ended up being Rose because when you watch the video, you see Rose clearly as part of the 10. She just didn’t make the picture of the person who took it and sent it to me. So there you go on your update from grant season.

And I did not get any information yesterday. Nothing about the group date was sent to me. No idea what they did or how many were on it, but. If we do find something out today, if the one on one, if they are seen today somewhere in Spain, in Madrid, and it is sent to me, then we’re going to know who was on the group date because we know the 10 women and we know Dina already had one, one on one, so we’ll know who the group date participants were.

If I’m able to find out who was on today’s one on one date. All right. This podcast is brought to you by way. Everybody’s got a type. And whey is your type. The shampoo and conditioner are made to deliver what’s just right for your hair type. With whey, you’ll get hydration that won’t weigh you down. Plus extra benefits that your specific strands need.

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