
Daily Roundup 10/8 – Grant’s Season, Chelsie & Makensy Talk Strategy On Big Brother, & My Initial Thoughts On “Love Is Blind” First 6 Episodes

Let’s get to love is blind. If you have not watched the first six episodes. Just know I’m probably going to spend the next 10 to 15 minutes talking about it. You know, my thoughts yesterday on love is blind. The pod episodes bore me to tears and I just feel like, but I understand they have to show us three, four episodes of it because then we’re going to see people that.

Are constantly saying I love you to each other. They were like, how, based on what we barely saw any of their conversations. Now, I felt that they did spend more time on certain couples than they did on others, because. Some couples we weren’t even introduced to until until episode two. Steven and Monica were definitely two that I didn’t even see.

I mean, you saw them, but we never saw them talking to each other until episode two. But it’s funny, just the overall view of these first six episodes, it just seems like, well, until the end of episode six, we saw the first crack in the armor for Tim and Alex. But it was weird because they never showed us this fight that they had, this argument where he literally seemed to walk out on her.

All we saw was Steven and Monica talking about it when they went back to the room and Monica noticed something was off between Tim and Alex. And I’m sitting there going, it seemed like everybody at that mixer, when the couples first met towards the middle to end of the last half of episode six, every single one of them got along great outside of maybe Nick and Hannah, because Hannah’s got that list of things that she, you know, questions about Nick.

We didn’t see anything with Tim and Alex to make you think. Now, if you go back to the pods. I think Tim and Alex of the six couples that got engaged, I think Tim and Alex were showed the least, I did not time it. I did not do a bachelor data screen time thing on this, on this couple. I just feel like I knew them the least.

And. Maybe that’s why, maybe that’s why they didn’t spend a lot of time with them. But we also know that they do continue on. We know this doesn’t end because we saw in the previews for the next, I think, six episodes, or maybe there’s only four left. I don’t know how many they do. Maybe it’s two episodes this week, two episodes next week, and then one in one.

I’m not sure, but we do know that they make it out of Mexico and move to DC. We do know that because we see a future episode of. I believe her talking to her family and Tim being there, or maybe he never meets them. Maybe they moved to DC and before family has met, they, they call it off, but they’re obviously the couple that’s in the most trouble right now.

I noticed it and I couldn’t even pinpoint it. I did not read spoilers. I did. I had no idea who any of these people were when I sat down and binged all six episodes yesterday, I didn’t read anything. I had seen headlines. And I mentioned those yesterday, like, Oh, there’s a, there’s a white guy who’s got African heritage in him.

I didn’t even know who that was until obviously I watched the episode yesterday, Steven, and then a guy who makes a lot of money. They’re questioning how much money he actually has. And that was Leo who I’ll get to because he was. But when they all met at the party, remember, I’ve only seen one season of Love is Blind.

I only saw last season. But this season, at least so far, up until the Tim and Alex blow up at the end, I was like, This can’t be going as well as they’re making it seem right. They’re setting the audience up for meltdowns to happen and people to start questioning their partner. Right? Because every single one of these couples is all over each other and kissing and hugging and having sex outside of one couple, like, is it always like this?

It doesn’t, the drama start at that cocktail party. I remember last year, it kind of started there, right? With Jimmy. And Chelsea, right? Didn’t it kind of start there because she was drinking so much and she was just kind of being loud and then she went back to the room and she questioned. Him and his loyalty to her.

I think it started at that party. Maybe they, maybe they just kind of lay the groundwork, but Tim and Alex was the only one we saw with any issues. Everyone else, Garrett and Taylor, Tyler and Angela, Steven and Monica Ramsey and, and Ramsey’s and Marissa. I was just like, good God, do these people have any problems?

So that’s what I mean. Nick and Hannah, they kind of showed a little, a little crack there, but nothing. Two major just seems like she has some insecurities, which anybody that goes on the show has to have some insecurities about someone they barely know. But I want to go back to the pod episodes real quick.

As I said, I’ve only seen one season that was last season. And man, I know a lot of you look forward to the reveal. Like I want to see how it is when they first see each other and after they’ve already proposed through a wall, but now they’re seeing each other for the first time, God, those are so cringey.

They are so cringey because every single conversation goes the same way. All they keep saying to the other person is, wow, I can’t believe this. Wow. Can you believe we’re here? Oh my God, you’re so beautiful. Oh my God. And they just, and it’s just, and I understand it. It’s gotta be awkward to be engaged to somebody that you’re seeing for the first time.

I totally understand it, but none of these people can think of anything to say when they actually see this person for the first time, because. Every single time they say, let’s go sit on the couch and then they sit there and look at each other and they’re just like, Oh my God, I can’t believe this. I, I, your voice smacking your face and so cringy.

Oh, I almost had to fast forward some of those scenes and I actually did. You know, once it got started and they were just sitting there looking at each other and the other thing, the other classic thing that they all do is when they can’t think of anything to say, they just kiss happens a lot on the bachelor and bachelorette too.

But yeah, it is. I just think that I, people seem to be like, I can’t wait till they reveal and see each other. And yeah, there’s a part of me that’s like, is one of them going to think the other one’s completely ugly or lying about their looks or something like that? Like we had with Jimmy and Chelsea last year.

Yeah. I think that was her name, Chelsea, right? That didn’t seem to happen to any of the couples this year outside of Brittany who I can’t say that Leo, based on what Brittany told us, that Leo was going to be her type. I just never saw it. I think she was more into the fact that she heard he had a lot of money.

That was my impression and the fact that they didn’t even make it to Mexico and producers just said yeah You guys are done or we’re not bringing you to Mexico and then they go to Miami for a weekend And we’ve realized they broke up three weeks later. It’s like yeah, I just I never saw that couple Especially when Leo was literally pining over Hannah almost getting mad at her for choosing to be with Nick over him And then he’s calling her out.

And then the next day he’s like, yeah, he’s your guy. I’m in love with Brittany. You’re in love with Nick. Totally get it. I re I respect you. And I respect this breakup. And she’s just like, last night you were literally telling me we need to be together and I’m your soulmate. Leo was kind of all over the map.

Like I said, a few minutes ago, he’s a hot mess. He was so, I couldn’t believe he was saying that. Like. Dude, you know, the show is being filmed, right? You know, that we can look back and we just saw you the day before getting mad at Hannah for pretty much committing to Nick before having a final conversation with you, and then 24 hours later, you’re like, yeah, we’re all good.

Nick is your guy. Brittany is my woman. And she was like, okay. Whatever. I no surprise whatsoever that Leo and Brittany didn’t make it. Ramses and Marissa could be one of the most solid couples there right now. However, Marissa said something in the pods that was very, very disturbing. She said, Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler.

And this is when she was talking to Bowdoin and Bowdoin said, Will Ferrell. And she’s like, and she said, look, there’s no, this isn’t a, there is a right or wrong answer to this. And he said, well, Farrell, and she’s just like, no, are you serious? She’s like, well, Farrell is not funny. And then she said, I don’t like dumb humor.

I’m like, what do you think Adam Sandler’s humor is? It is literally dumbed down childish humor. Now I’m not saying he’s not funny. I find a lot of his movies funny, but don’t tell me it’s highbrow humor that he’s getting across. Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison. That’s not dumb humor. Are you kidding me? It was like, I was, I was so confused by her.

So I already, she already has a, a one red flag in my eyes, but I just, I couldn’t, I couldn’t believe that was her argument. Will Ferrell isn’t funny because I don’t like dumb humor. I will take Adam Sandler. All right. Well, maybe that’s why she ended up choosing a Ramsey’s over Bowdoin because Ramsey’s liked will Hugh, Will Ferrell.

I don’t know. I, again, With the pod episodes, just all these couples saying everything that the other person wants to hear. And the whole, it’s very much a me too phase of the relationship. Oh, I love climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Me too. And they never climbed in their life. You know, you’re just saying stuff.

So the other person will like you. I just, it’s, it’s cringy. The pod episodes are so cringy and then the reveals are probably even cringier to me because I Watch all six Actually seven, because Leo and Brittany got to meet each other as they were engaged and they were the cringiest because you could tell Brittany did not want to be with him.

He was like all over her calling her the hottest girl he’s ever met and the hottest girl he’s ever been with. And she’s so hot this, and it was just obvious he was just into her looks and she was not into him at all. I guess that there was one reveal where one of them didn’t really match up physically.

And admitted it, which was Hannah seeing Nick for the first time, because Nick talked about being a football player in college and playing professionally, quote unquote, where nobody’s been able to pull up any of his XFL career. He briefly played in the USFL and he was a punter at William and Mary, which is an FCS school.

Like, come on, dude. He did kind of sell himself as more of an athlete. Guy jock guy and you know, Hannah said it when she saw him. She’s like, yeah, he kind of wasn’t really all that truthful I don’t know the exact words that she said but it was there in the episode during a confessional After she had met him in the reveal, but once they got to Mexico They seemed fine in terms of she was over his kind of stretching the truth about his looks or whatever But then they kind of had that whole issue with him riding the ducks, which again, I, I was on his side on that particular issue.

It seemed like she made a mountain out of a molehill. Like he wasn’t flirting with that other woman. He ran a woman comes up to him and says, let’s race. They raced five yards and she was also probably 30 years older than him, maybe 20, 30 years older than him. And they rode on a duck and she was just so bothered by that and I was, I couldn’t understand it.

It kind of reminded me of Chelsea and Jimmy from last year. Where she seemed to get mad at him for the smallest things, and I felt the same way with Hannah. And then we find out at the dinner party, when Nick is talking to the other guys, he’s like, Yeah, she has a list of eight things that she is questioning about me.

Not necessarily that she doesn’t like about me, the things that she’s questioning. And we’re running down this list. And it’s like, okay, these two are in trouble. If she’s already got that list, she’s the youngest one on the show. I think she was 20. What was it? She did. They said she was 23 or 25 when they filmed, because this was filmed like last summer, right?

I haven’t, I haven’t gone and looked at anything because I don’t want to know who is possibly still together. I’m sure there are spoilers out there of who’s still together and who isn’t. The only thing I saw was an updated picture of Garrett who is with Taylor and he looks completely different. He has like long hair past his ears now and not the buzz cut that he did on the show.

Hell, I’m sure most of these people look different. This was filmed literally a year ago, right? Or was it filmed earlier this sprint? Was it filmed like February and March of this year? Or was it filmed last summer? I don’t know. I know they filmed two a year, the next season that we get, which is probably coming in March is going to be Denver.

And I know that was already filmed. So I’m not sure the filming schedule for the show, but Garrett looks completely different. If you’re asking me most attractive to me. I think Taylor is gorgeous. I think she’s the most she’s the most attractive woman on the show. And I’d put Monica second.

That’s just me, but that’s just personal preference. I think those two are the most attractive on the show. Guys, I’m, I’m not really digging whatever it is that’s coming out of the back of Ramsey’s head. I’m surprised it hasn’t been brought up. I’m surprised it hasn’t been talked about. Like, is it a braid?

What’s it for? Does it symbolize something? Just seems like those went out of style years ago. I have not seen that on a guy in God knows how long, but the couples do seem solid so far. But then when they showed the pre, cause I was like for six episodes outside of the Nick and Hannah. List of things that she’s questioning.

And then the Tim and Alex fight we got at the end of the episode six. I’m like, okay, let’s see what we got in the previews coming up. And then they showed at least every single couple, at least once kind of questioning each other and kind of questioning we, we saw what was it? Bowden because Ramsey’s.

Marissa chose Ramses over Bowdoin, but we see Marissa talking to Bowdoin and I’m sure that there was someone else in there too from the pods that goes to that. They do, they do another mixer where they bring in some of the people that didn’t get picked and, you know, kind of plant the seed for stuff.

But at some point during the preview for the rest of the season, they showed every single couple having an issue. Now, some of that is probably editing because it’s probably something that they eventually got over, but they wanted to show some cracks in the armor for every couple, which they should.

There’s no way all these couples just get along swimmingly and there’s no problems whatsoever. It just does. That’s not realistic. I enjoyed the first six episodes, more so episodes five and six, because like I said, the pod episodes drive me nuts. I just, I cannot, it was just so much talking and so much just writing notes down and saying all this stuff and giving gifts to somebody you’ve never seen.

And I guess that getting engaged to somebody that you’ve never physically seen is just really, really weird to me. And look, I understand married at first sight is even more bizarre because at least on this show, you are talking to somebody for hours and hours and hours. I think the pod episodes are filmed over 10 days.

At least you’ve spoken to the person. You have a good idea of who they are, just not physically married at first sight. And then all you’re doing is getting engaged to them, which is kind of a by product of what the show wants you to do. It’s no different than the bachelor and bachelorette getting engaged after eight weeks.

It’s like, you’re only getting engaged because the show wants you to, it doesn’t really mean anything. I understand it kind of goes on your record that you got engaged or whatever, and you can, you’ll tell people you did, but I just, it’s a product of the show. Okay. That’s what it is. These people normally wouldn’t get engaged if this was the way they had to meet people in real life.

So that part happens, they get engaged, but it’s just all the pomp and circumstance around it is just a little too much for me and those conversations when they meet for the first time, all go the same exact way. It’s, it’s kind of funny. I’ll talk about this a little bit more tomorrow. Cause I’m, I’m sure I didn’t get to, I want to kind of break down every couple and just give my thoughts.

I give you a lot of my thoughts. I think Garrett and Taylor and Tyler and Angela are probably. The two most solid right now Steven and Monica, I’m having questions about Tim and Alex clearly have problems. Nick and Hannah have problems. And then I thought Ramsey’s and Marissa, I’d probably put them top three.

So Garrett and Tyler Garrett and Taylor, Tyler and Angela and Ramsey’s and Marissa to me, three most solid couples, but you know, for all I know, they’re over six and none of these people get married. I have no idea. I don’t want to know spoilers. I’m sure they’re out there. I’m interested in the next, I think they dropped two episodes tomorrow.

And I’ll try, I’m not going to be able to watch them on Wednesday nights, but I’m going to try it. I’m not going to wait a week to watch them since now I only got two to watch. Probably watch them on Thursday night or maybe Friday. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts.

Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download tomorrow. Like I said, I’m going to reveal who was on the group dates. The first two group dates of the season for Grant, what they did, who won the MVP of the basketball game, who won the R and B group date, and who got the first one on one of the season that’s coming tomorrow on this podcast.

And I’ll put it on my Instagram stories and save it to my highlights under Grant spoilers. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you


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