Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/14 – Grant Filming Hometowns, Jason Tartick & Kat Stickler Announce Their Breakup, & Big Brother Finale Thoughts – Makensy’s Decision, Tucker The Insufferable, AFP, Angela, & Jankie Lives!

One of the other things I put on my social media this past weekend was the fact that Kat Stickler was the first to go to her Instagram story and did a video about a minute long saying that because she’s been through two hurricanes and she was currently out in California, she didn’t feel it was appropriate during going through those hurricanes to talk about her personal life.

But now things had settled down and she felt it was right. She said, basically what. All of us had been thinking, which something was up between her and Jason. They just weren’t posting with each other anymore. And she said, you know, as you all suspected, yes, Jason and I have ended things, it was amicable and she wishes nothing but the best for him.

And then Jason released a statement that said, I’m sad to share that Kat and I are no longer together. It’s fair to say that I love hard with all my heart and fall fast. Sometimes in life that works out and other times it doesn’t. This time it didn’t cat has brought me so much happiness and light. She brought out parts of me that I never knew existed.

I will forever be grateful for her. And of course, sweet MK, this chapter closes amicably and another opens. I’ll be rooting for her happiness. And I’m also rooting for mine. So I don’t know any details about this relationship, but. It’s a tale as old as time. We say it time and time again, especially when it comes to people and couples in the bachelor nation franchise.

If you start out your relationship posting pictures and videos all the time, just know the second that it stops, it’s always inevitably followed by a breakup. I can’t remember one time where there was a couple in Bachelor Nation who posted pictures and Instagram stories and photos and videos and all that stuff and then stopped.

Yet stayed together for months, maybe even years after that. It’s just inevitable. Not to mention Kat Stickler and Jason Tardik are two very, very social media conscious people. And to see. It and again, wasn’t a surprise. Everybody was assuming it had happened because of the lack of social media posts that they were doing after they were posting all the time together and making videos all the time together.

And I don’t, like I said, I know nothing about their relationship and I have no idea who ended it with who judging by Jason’s statement. My guess is, and this is just a complete guess, judging by Jason’s statement, him saying, I love hard with all my heart and fall fast. Sometimes it works out. Other times it doesn’t this time.

It didn’t. To me, makes me think that she probably ended it with him. But I don’t know anything other than that. The thing that I wanted to say, though, is, and maybe this goes to Jason saying he falls hard and fast, but they were very, very, once they went public, they were very, very heavy in the social media together.

Like, it was non stop videos, it was always posting together, them talking about this love that they had found for each other. And, and I’m just reading Jason’s statement and he’s just like, yeah, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t, this time it didn’t. It’s like, dude, she was posting a video of her daughter meeting you at the airport and running into your arms with flowers.

That was like two months ago. Like, and now it’s just like, yeah, sometimes things work out and sometimes it doesn’t like, I don’t know. I don’t know what happened, but, and maybe it was just too much too soon. Maybe it was that maybe it was just, they thought that this was just such a great fit and that it all of a sudden wasn’t.

But. To come from where they came from and to post as much as they did. And not only just the quantity of what they posted, but also the quality, like I said, to post a video with her daughter, meeting you at the airport and running into your arms, and then two months later, it’s just like, yeah, sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t.

It just seemed to almost diminish it. So that’s just my thoughts on it. I don’t know anything about their relationship. I have no ill will towards either of them. This relationship breakup is not going to affect my mood in any way, shape or form. People break up all the time just because there are on social media and they’re popular on social media.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to mourn the loss of their relationship. It sucks, but relationships. Breakups suck. They suck when they have to be in public as well. So I feel for both of them. I also know that she didn’t want to talk about it on Instagram story. That’s all Jason released. Just like any relationship that is between two public people.

At some point, we are going to hear things, whether it’s Jason talking about it on his podcast. Remember when Jason and Caitlin broke up, they were so devastated. They wanted their own privacy. And then literally both of them had podcasts and both of them obviously went into some things and shade was thrown and stuff like that.

And you can kind of read between the lines. Somebody’s going to say something about this relationship and it might, it doesn’t have to be salacious. I have no idea. It probably wasn’t. It probably was amicable. They both said it was amicable. So if they come out and throw shade at the other one, then the amical part that they just both released this weekend is a lie.

So we’ll see. There’s nothing really to add to the breakup because we have no idea what happened behind closed doors between them. All I’m saying is these are two very, very public people that I’m sure there is going to be something said by either of them, if not both of them at some point. Where somebody is going to read into it or somebody might be like, Oh, maybe that’s the reason why they broke up or whatever, but yeah, I don’t know any details, so I just, when I saw Jason’s statement where it was just like, yeah, sometimes relationships work out and sometimes they don’t.

It’s just like, okay, but then why were you just like all over? And she’s posting about how the first time you met, she was getting on a plane and then someone told her to get off the plane and go see the guy that she had just met. And it’s just like, and then three months later, it’s like, Oh yeah, it’s over.

You know, it’s just, I mean, not three months, but you know, this relationship wasn’t more than what, six months old. So again, there’s no reason to sit here and mourn them. It’s not like this was a couple that was together for four or five years and everybody thought they were getting married. It’s like, it was a six month relationship.

It’s like, come on, maybe a little bit more. It was this year, right? I think it was, I’m almost positive it was this year. I think March or April or something like that. So whatever the case, it sucks. I just, those are my opinions on what, what Jason wrote. It just seemed to diminish a lot of the stuff that we saw on social media to just, you know, Minimize it to sometimes it works out.

Sometimes it doesn’t this time. It didn’t. Oh, well, like what you guys were posting, like you were soulmates. And then all of a sudden, three months later, it’s like, Oh, well, okay. That’s what I, but it also just goes to show, like, you just cannot put any stock into anything, any couple posts on social media, just never do it.

I never do it. I just don’t, there’s no reason to, you’re never going to get anywhere with it. And finally, let’s talk big brother finale, Chelsea over McKenzie in the finals by a wipeout seven to nothing. Now we can sit here and debate all day long. What was McKenzie thinking? Taking Chelsea to the finals.

But if you want to believe what she said, and you want to believe what she’s been saying on the live feeds for week, she wanted a. All woman, a final two. It never happened before, which I guess I didn’t really, I didn’t really know. I didn’t really 25 seasons. They’ve never had two women sitting at the end.

That’s kind of embarrassing. If that’s what she wanted to do and she wanted to go up against a good competitor, I understand that people are just like, what are you thinking? If you would have taken cam, you absolutely would have won. Yeah, she would have, but that’s her decision. She knew she had a ability to lose.

If she took Chelsea to the finals, she did. She controlled her own destiny because she won that round three. And how crazy was that round three? They had the same answers for all six, the first six questions. They guessed the same answer, A, B, or C. And then on the seventh one, Mackenzie got it right. Chelsea got it wrong.

And once again, isn’t round three, you know me, I’ve only watched in season 21, but as far back as I can remember that round three challenge, or maybe one of those final three challenges is always an A, B, or C multiple choice. And it’s always, Hey, here are. Two true statements and one false statement. Which one is the false statement?

Isn’t that always the round three challenge at the end? And I’m watching that back and I’m just like, I have no freaking clue. Again, watched every episode. I couldn’t answer that, especially in five seconds. You could have given me five minutes. Anything that I got right would be a complete guess. Like, Oh, I only was put up on the block or I was on the block before I won.

H O H. And it’s just like, huh? What, who, where, what, why? I never could have done that in a million years. They would have beaten me, but I feel like that is the final challenge in every single big brother season, at least that I’ve seen where it is always two true statements and one false statement. And it’s about your content, your jury members time on the show and what it consisted of and of, and.

I just, it seems so hard. Now, this is just me who just watches the show and doesn’t do live feeds and doesn’t talk about it every day. Maybe if I’m living in the house and that’s all I can think of, but you even heard Chelsea and McKenzie last night saying, I have no clue. This is just a guess yet there.

They were giving the same answers for this first six questions. So, Mackenzie taking Chelsea, did that cost her 750, 000? Yes, it did. Because if she takes Cam, she wins. She probably wins 7 0. Maybe 6 1? I don’t know. Maybe Chelsea would have voted for Cam. Because she would have been mad that Mackenzie voted her out when they said they wanted an all female alliance.

I guess, or all an all woman final two. That’s fine. McKenzie would have won if she decided to turn on Chelsea and take cam. But I understand her decision, you know, she’ll be fine. You know why? Cause she’s going to be on the challenge. She’s going to have, I think she’s going to have seasons and seasons and seasons upcoming on the challenge.

So she’ll be able to make money on that. She’ll be able to make money on Instagram. She’ll be fine. Yeah, it would have been nice to have 750, 000 and be the winner of BB26, but it is what it is. I’m not mad at her. It did cost her and she absolutely would have won if she took him, but Whatever the live show last night.

I mean, I’ve said it all season and I’ll continue to say it. I don’t get it with Tucker. He was just as insufferable last night as he was in all the episodes that he was on the show this season. Why can that guy not act like a normal human being? Why can’t he talk normal? Why can’t he cut it out with the caricature faces?

Why can’t he talk? I, what is his deal? He is so insufferable. And yet I know I’m in the minority because you all love them and you voted him America’s favorite player. And gave him 50, 000 and let his ego explode even more. I’m sorry. I will never, ever, ever be Team Tucker. Not that I hate the guy. I just, I don’t care for him.

I don’t understand what he’s doing. I don’t understand why he has to act like that and talk like that and be a complete, Let’s leave it at that. I just say, I just, I just have a problem with people not being real. And he just seems so fake and so over the top. And so dig me, look at me. I’m going to make myself the center of attention for everything.

Hell, even when Julie was talking to the other people that weren’t part of the jury, Tucker’s making faces, he’s still talking, even though his mic was kind of off, it’s just, dude, just sit there and answer the questions like a normal human. I don’t get it. And Angela, my gosh, can’t she not be so overtly rude?

Look. I’m not a huge fan of Matt either. That way this guy is trying to milk being 16th place on the season 26. I mean, this guy’s social media activity since the show ended. It’s like every time I’m scrolling my Tik TOK feed, this guy’s popping up in a video. And it’s like, dude, you finished 16th. You were the first person voted out.

You lasted 10 days on this show. Enough already. He’s, you know, he said like, Angela, I heard you talking that may, will he hug me on the finale? Like, no, I didn’t. God, Angela. Can she like, does she have a nice bone in her body? Apparently not. My gosh. Anyway, this season ended with, I mean, what better way for the season to end them than for them to sing the janky song, you know, because the fact that janky came back to life and Ainsley was put away for good, that just warmed my heart.

I’m so glad they did that. I’m so glad that we ended the song on a, ended the season on a high note with them singing J a N. K I E Janky, janky, you love me. That’s the only one I know. I don’t know the other lines I would if I heard it. I’d be able to sing along with it. But yeah, I just I don’t I’m so glad we got rid of Ainsley and somehow janky came back from the dead and Ainsley is now Six feet under.

Thank you, CBS. Thank you for ending the season that way. Now we get to see all the exit interviews by people that were eliminated last night. We get to see them all hanging out at Todrick’s house. We’ll see who hooks up with who. We’ll see them being very thirsty on Instagram for the next couple weeks.

And then they’ll be forgotten until one of them or a couple of them appear on the challenge. So, we will be following them for sure. And I’m gonna, I’ll let you know if anything major comes of it. At this point, we just We don’t know. We’ll, we’ll see how it plays out, but expect a ton of photos and videos of them all hanging out in LA and after parties and Todrick’s house and all stuff like that, because that’s definitely coming.

Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming up in an hour from now. If you want to check that out again, we’ll be back tomorrow with yet another daily roundup of Thank you very much for listening, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

See ya.

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