Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/15 – Kat Stickler Addresses A Question She’s Been Getting, Makensy & Chelsie Have Their Exit Interviews, LIB’s Stephen Goes Off On A Troll, & An Impression That Needs To Stop

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. Good show for you today. We’re going to talk about Kat Stickler taking to Instagram yesterday to give a message. In regards to, I don’t know if it was necessarily surrounding the breakup, but it addressed something that a lot of people came after her for a little update on big brother and the exit interviews from mostly Mackenzie and Chelsea love is blind.

Steven of the Steven and Monica fame goes after a troll who comes for him. Totally uncalled for, for the person to come after him. And he just went off on them. And then something about Saturday night live this past weekend, that is one of my current pet peeves right now in the comedy world. And I’ll explain what that is.

And we’ll get to all that momentarily. I’m going to start off with big brother here in that the first thing I want to address is. A lot of you emailed me after yesterday’s podcast where I was talking about the fact that Mackenzie and Chelsea had this little promise to each other and they must have said it numerous times.

I read it on the feeds. I even saw clips of them saying that we want to be the first all woman duo in the finals. You know, I’ve only been watching since season 21 and there hasn’t been an all woman final in since season 21, but a lot of you came at me. Not, not in a bad way. You just came to me yesterday and said, Steve, I don’t know what they’ve been talking about because there’s been quite a few all women finals in big brother.

There just hasn’t been one in the last half of big brother. The last one we had was season 13. So there was an all woman final in big brother three. Season four, season six, season 11 and season 13. But then there hasn’t been one. So I thought that’s Chelsea and Mackenzie were saying it’s never happened before.

Maybe the wording they use when it hasn’t happened in a while. I don’t know. I thought they said it had never happened before. And they said it numerous times and maybe they just weren’t as diehard of fans as they claim to be, but it’s happened five times before. It just hasn’t happened in 13 seasons. So thank you for pointing that out to me.

Season 13 with Rachel Riley winning over, I’m assuming you pronounce her name, Portia, Porsche, Portia. See, I don’t even know that was the last all woman final. The other thing I want to talk about in regards to big brother is Mackenzie and cam and Chelsea all doing numerous media yesterday, former podcast guests from a couple of weeks ago, Sharon Tharp.

She was last week’s guest. Wasn’t she? Yeah. Last week’s guest, Sharon Tharp had all three of them. I listened to the clips that she posted and just scrolling through Tick Tock. Honestly, I swear like every third video is someone clowning Mackenzie for taking Chelsea to the finals. And essentially Mackenzie is saying, look, I did what I did.

I love the game that I play. I wouldn’t change a thing. We talked about taking each other to the finals. I wasn’t going to go back on my word. I’m loyal. And if it costs me the 750, 000, so be it. So I totally understand why she took Chelsea to the end, but you can also say in the same breath, two things can be true.

She absolutely stood by her word in taking Chelsea to the end. And the other thing that’s true is it was a dumb move if she wanted to win the game because she would have beaten cam and She said in all of her interviews yesterday before they had to give their Final speeches and answer questions from the jury.

She thought she had a possibility to get four jury votes. She thought she had Quinn and Angela’s, and she said she thought she had them because they told her during the game, they would vote for her. And then she thought she could get. Rubina’s and she thought she could get Leah’s. Those were the four that she thought she can get.

Clearly she read the room wrong, but she also said in her interviews yesterday, once I heard the questions that the jury was asking, I realized, Oh, they didn’t see my game the way I see it. And I’m not winning. She goes, I still thought I’d get a couple or one or two. I think she said, but she was certainly surprised that she got shut out seven.

Nothing. And then on Chelsea’s side, she said she knew she was going to win. The second, I think it was Quinn who asked about, I think it was Quinn’s question where he said, a lot of people have said that McKenzie’s decisions this year were influenced by you. And she said, once I heard that, I knew that they saw my game.

And I knew that they saw that I had a very big hand in McKenzie taking Leah out. And so once I knew that they saw that I knew they would appreciate my gameplay. And I figured at that point I was winning. The funny thing is McKenzie is on the flip side saying. I made the decision for myself. Nobody influenced my decisions.

I did it for myself. This helped my game. The problem is nobody believes her. And that’s basically why she ended up losing. But all, they all seem to be on, on good terms. But she, Mackenzie did say in her interviews that once she heard Chelsea’s answers and the way Chelsea kind of came after her in her answers, she’s like, oh wow, okay.

I think she might have been manipulating me and I don’t know if she would have taken me if she would have won the last HOH. But, things all seem to be good. You follow any of them on social media. They were all posting from the after party last night, and I don’t know if any hookups happened or whatnot.

Tucker is calling Rubina his girlfriend for sure. He said they’re absolutely together. They’re going to make it work. Okay. Tucker ended up winning. 76, 000 on the season 50 for AFP and another 26 that he won during the game. Would there be the AI instigator? He won 20, 000 and then I guess he won another 6, 000 at some point during the game So he actually won 1, 000 more than the second place finisher did overall But you know, I have no problem with McKenzie playing the game the way she did But I also can say if she really wanted to win big brother And she wanted to be declared the season 26 winner and win 750, 000.

It was a horrible move to take Chelsea to the finals. I understand why she did, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t a bad move because it was. So yesterday we talked a little bit about Jason Tardik and Kat Stickler breaking up. She had posted an Instagram story that was like a minute long. Jason came back with just an Instagram post.

We read that yesterday. Well, Kat came back today because people were coming at her about introducing her daughter MK to Jason and she wanted to take to her Instagram and share this for those that didn’t see it. It is in her feed, so it’ll always be there unless she. Deletes it at some point. I don’t think she would if she put it in her feed, but it’s possible.

But she wanted to put this out there for everyone to hear. And I figured I would play it for everyone here. Steve, maybe turn on your sound. Hang on. Hang on everybody. Hang on everybody. It’s a minute 45. Okay, hold on. Here we go.

In light of current events, it has come to my attention that some of you are concerned with the fact that I introduced MK to the man I was dating.

And that relationship is now no more. So I thought, you know what? Let’s have a chat about it. Because I think it’s important. I think it needs to be discussed. Did my former boyfriend spend time with my daughter? Yes. Has my daughter met my male friends? Yes. Has my daughter met the husbands of my girlfriends?

Also yes. Three things. She’s always with me when these males are introduced in her life, and they are always introduced as mommy’s friends. She doesn’t call anyone dad. She has a dad. That is never a point of confusion for her. And I promise you guys, she is okay. And also, let’s be real, internet dating timeline is very different from real life dating timeline.

I was in a relationship where we were heading down a street. serious route until we weren’t, and that’s okay. I just hope that MK knows I am looking to find the right partner for the both of us, because we are a package deal. And I know I don’t always make the right decisions, but I learn from my mistakes.

And every decision that I do make, it’s because it’s what I think is best for my daughter and I. Also, I’m 29 years old. I know. First thing you guys are going to say, Kat, how in the heck are you 29? You youthful angel. That’s not what this is about. Also, no one’s ever said that, but I know. Some people think that.

A big part for someone who dates me is that they have to come into my world. And I know that’s not easy. And I can’t leave Florida. I can’t. If someone comes to visit me, I can’t just shove MK in the cupboard. Doesn’t matter what you guys say, it’s just not right! Imagine if we all listened to the judgments that other people had about our lives, and based our life decisions on those judgments.

I never want to live in fear of not doing what’s right for me, because of what other people are going to think. And I do understand that the majority of you guys are looking out for us, and I love that. Just be patient with me, because this is a lot. I know my child. I know that every single decision I make is with her best interest at the forefront of my mind, and I can live with that.

So that’s all.

So, I mean, I think that Kat the last couple of days from her Instagram story two days ago, and then that post yesterday,

she is, what’s the word? It’s, it’s giving off a little bit of testy. It’s giving off a little bit of defensive. I’m sure she’s heartbroken. I’m sure she’s sad. It’s just not coming across in either video she’s posted. And. It’s about, you know, even in the video announcing the breakup, I, I, you know, I didn’t think I was going to have to do this, but here it is.

Like it doesn’t sound like somebody who’s thrilled with the position that she’s in. And then just in that video, can’t say Jason’s name, called him man. I was dating, called him former boyfriend. I don’t, I don’t, I, you know, to each their own, she’s allowed to say whatever she wants. I just find that interesting.

Why wouldn’t you just say Jason? Why don’t you just say, yeah, the guy, Jason, that I was just dating, yeah, him. And then she, you know, the only thing she said about that, their, their relationship in that video I just played was we were on a serious route until we weren’t. Now people can read into that however they want.

I’m not going to read into it. I don’t really know what it means, but like I said, just, this is very new. It was just announced two days ago. Give it some time. More stuff will start coming out. I’m sure. Whether it be Jason on his podcast, whether it be cat on Instagram stories that she does, tic talks that she does, I don’t think that it’s going to be like, oh my gosh, did you see that shot?

Jason took it cat. Or did you see what she said about Jason? I don’t think it’s going to be anything serious like that. I do think it was, you know, somewhat amicable, but. Any breakup, especially between two popular social media figures, there will be comments that one of them, if not, both of them will make that will be shade towards the other person.

I don’t know what the shade will be. Maybe it’ll be just light shade. Maybe it’ll be medium shade. Maybe it’ll be a little more deeper cutting shade. I don’t know. It’s coming. There’s no way these two are ever going to never talk about the other person ever again, because they are two fairly famous people.

She’s way more famous than Jason, you know, Bachelor Nation didn’t know who she was. Tick tock world didn’t know who Jason was when they first got together. So she has a much bigger following than Jason. Last time I checked, she was over what? 10 million on tick tock. So I’m just saying, I know how these things work with these couples.

And even though they say respect our privacy at this time, it’s tough. And we wish the best for each other. Eventually someone is going to say something. If not both of them, just be patient. This podcast is brought to you by mint mobile. I love a great deal as much as the next person. And when mint mobile came to me and said, you could get wireless for 15 bucks a month with a three month purchase.

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