Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/15 – Kat Stickler Addresses A Question She’s Been Getting, Makensy & Chelsie Have Their Exit Interviews, LIB’s Stephen Goes Off On A Troll, & An Impression That Needs To Stop

On love is blind, by the way, game of roses is going to be on the weekly podcast this week, episode number, what is it?

412, 413. And it’s going to be with Chad and Lizzie. And it’s going to be all love is blind talk. Maybe we’ll talk some bachelor on the backend and maybe even talk about, you know, Jen season or golden bachelorette, but this is going to be mostly focused on love is blind. It’s going to come out Thursday. We know the, So, third to last episode and penultimate episode are being released on Wednesday.

So we’re going to watch those on Wednesday and then record. So we want to have everybody up to date on Thursday. And I definitely want to get into some love and blind love is blind talk because we haven’t talked. I haven’t talked about it with anybody else. I’ve just talked about it. As a solo mission here on my podcast, but I wanted to talk to Chad and Lizzie about it.

And yesterday Steven took to Instagram because a troll came at him for no reason whatsoever, other than just being a troll. And I mean, listen to what this person said. This was just a picture of. His dog Clementine and somebody wrote underneath that picture, someone call animal control because God knows what this pervert does to satisfy his own selfish needs again.

But what? Honestly, seriously, I would love to do a deep dive on people who write that on someone else’s page. What would give you the impression that this guy has sex with his dog? He clearly doesn’t. Hate him for cheating on Monica. Hate him for lying about cheating on Monica. Question him being drunk at a sleep test.

Fine. But don’t insinuate that the guy has sex with animals because you don’t like him. People on the internet have the biggest balls in the world hiding behind screen names. I don’t know who this person was that did it, but I don’t know. But Stephen has having none of it. He said don’t you dare come after my fucking dog I will destroy you and then he wrote PSA anyone that owns a pet regardless of how you feel about me as a make believe individual should be absolutely disgusted by this level of Degeneracy and hatred.

This is a generally this is a personal attack that he Literally sought out. He wanted to address, he said, if you want to see genuine hostility about a subject or individual, then I will show you hostility when it comes to my dog. All of you should really take a second to see how over the line each and every one of you on my comment sections are acting as grown adults.

You want to vilify me for your own entertainment is one thing since you clearly can’t wait being a can’t wait before getting the whole story, but please, for the love of God, don’t be an actually low life form, Cretan. He said, if they dare ever attack my child and think you will get away with it, he will go to war for his dog.

Don’t you ever in your right fucking mind go so far as to insinuate I am fucking my own dog again. I hope you never experience anything of the same, and I hope you sincerely thrive in everything you do. Remember you might be loved, but it will not be by me or Clementine. Now have a good day. Again, the only problem that I have with that is, I don’t know if that person has deleted the comment, but in the story that I read.

The name of that person is blurred out. So. Maybe if I go to his page, I can see who wrote it. Yeah, maybe I will hang on a second. Oh no, I went to his page and it’s right there. He keep, he left her Instagram name out there. Good. I’m glad he did. Emily strong. E M I L E E underscore strong. And you can say like, Steve, you’re just inviting hate on her.

No, I’m sorry. When you say something so out of line and accuse something excuse somebody of something so heinous just because you don’t like them. You deserve everything that comes back at you outside of, you know, death threats. But if people want to, you know, blow up your Instagram and say, what are you doing, shut your Instagram down.

By all means, I am all for it. In fact, let me pull up Emily underscore strong. Let me see if she’s already deleted her Instagram.

No, she just went private. Oh, she says not Emily. Yeah, I don’t know, but she’s private. I’m sure she was public when she wrote that. And now see, that’s the good thing. The whole point of calling people out and showing their Instagram names is not for people to send them death threats. It’s just for people to bombard them with so many messages that they do go public or they do go from maybe public to private, or they just decide, wow.

I crossed the line there. Now everybody’s coming after me. I’m just going to shut down my Instagram. That’s the whole point. We need to get people like that off of Instagram. I don’t want death threats to those people. I don’t want vitriolic hate messages, but I have no problem posting someone’s Instagram account who comes at someone else with disgusting allegations, allegations like that based on absolutely nothing brought up out of thin air.

And just get a bunch of people harassing them in a way of they’re getting so many messages, they don’t know what to deal with it. Not like nasty harassing messages, just messages like, what are you thinking, shut your Instagram down, you’re an idiot for saying that. I mean something just basic, it does, just no death threats, nothing like that.

The point being to get someone like that to go from public to private, or to just get off Instagram, that would be the reason why you would call somebody out like that and post their Instagram handle, because why should they be allowed to say something like that? So disgusting to Steven, no matter how much you dislike this guy, you don’t accuse him of having sex with his dog.

Like what kind of person are you to do that? So yes, you deserve what’s coming back your way. It’s only fair. And if you don’t agree with me, I’m sorry. That’s the way I feel. Anybody who takes a shot like that. If someone just says, Stephen, I don’t like your hair. Stephen, you’re ugly. No. Does that person need to be called out for that?

I mean, maybe you can make a comment. Like, why do you have to say that about somebody on Instagram? This was an accusation of sex with an animal. It’s like, come on. So they deserve to be called out for that. And their Instagram handle being posted. If they have the balls enough to write that behind their Instagram handle, by all means, they have the right to have people come at them and just say, get off the internet.

And finally, this has become a very big pet peeve of mine. You know how much I love comedy, especially stand up, went to show a couple of weeks ago to see my friend Jen Sturger who’d opened up for Anna Akana. And. And neither of them did this. So I just want to make that clear, but it was just talking about standup in general and something that I’m seeing a lot in standup and look, when you deal with people who do impressions in comedy, there are obviously, it’s not only one person’s allowed to do an impression of somebody, but when you do impressions, we know in the comedy world, some impressions are just better than others.

Some people do way better impressions. So I get it. It’s a thing. However, there’s one impression going around right now that is just irking me so bad because everybody’s doing it the same way and there isn’t a leader in the clubhouse that does it better than everybody, anybody else. And that’s Jennifer Coolidge.

It’s like everybody does the same thing. It’s almost like a female version of Owen Wilson. Wow. It’s like they all do the same impression. SNL did it this weekend. Ariana Grande hosted Chloe. Feynman did it. She was sitting there looking in the mirror as she was doing her makeup. I get ready with me. As doing an impression of her.

I was like, okay, it’s the same impression I’ve seen everybody do of Jennifer Coolidge. But then on the other side of the mirror was Ariana Grande looking back at her and she was doing Jennifer Coolidge. And it’s like, okay, when you’re both doing it and you’re both doing almost the exact same thing, it’s just, can we stop with the Jennifer Coolidge impressions?

Unless somebody actually wants to do it really well, they’re all doing the same thing. There are people out there obviously that do Trump. There are people out there that do Biden. There, there are some people out there that do Kamala like. Some are better than others. I think James Austin Johnson, who does Trump on SNL, I think he’s excellent.

I think it’s the best Trump I’ve ever seen. I think the woman on Tik TOK, and I don’t even know her name does Kamala better than Maya Rudolph does. But the woman on Tik TOK has to be hired on SNL to be able to do Kamala on SNL. And she’s just a Tik TOK er. So. Maya Rudolph is fine, but she’s not trying to nail the Kamala impression.

James Austin Johnson nails Trump better than anybody. The only guy that’s close to him really for me is Shane Gillis. Shane Gillis does Trump really well too, but I’ve heard better impressions of Kamala than Maya Rudolph, but Maya Rudolph is a legend on SNL. So I have no problem with them, with her, her doing it.

Biden. They have Dana Carvey doing Biden now, and you know, I, I’m fine with it. It’s not the best Biden. He does hit some of the mannerisms. It’s just more about playing a senile character is what he’s doing. It’s just, everything is so over, it’s like so overly exaggerated. And the reason why James Austin Johnson’s Trump.

Is so good is because you can’t really over exaggerate when it comes to Trump, but it’s just the way he is. So James Onsett Johnson really, really nails it. I’ve him and Shane Gillis probably do it best and impressions like in the comedy world are tough because if there’s somebody that does it the best, anybody who does it, it’s almost like, okay, but that’s not as good as so and so who does it.

And, you know, but. I’m sick of the Jennifer Coolidge impressions. Because I don’t feel anybody does it well because they all do the same exact thing. And it’s just,

you know, can we get, so let’s just put an end. That’s no more Jennifer Coolidge impressions, please. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily up in an hour from now, check that out as well.

Again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And remember, well, this isn’t the sports daily. What am I talking about? Remember? Sports is the greatest reality show. Sports will always be the greatest reality show. What is my line at the end of the sports daily? Sports will always be the greatest reality show.

Invent. I can’t even remember. I just recorded it an hour ago. I’m losing it. All right, time to get outta here. Thank you for all for listening. I appreciate it and I will talk to you tomorrow.

See you.


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