Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/23 – Grant’s Location In The Dominican Republic, How You Can Be A Part Of Tomorrow’s Weekly Podcast, DWTS Last Night, Lala Talks Britney’s Hookup During Her Separation From Jax, & Brianna Chickenfry & Zach Bryan Breakup

Lala Kent said on her podcast yesterday that Jax Taylor asked her if she knew about Britney’s hookup with, what’s this guy’s name, Julian Sensley? See, because I’ve only watched the end of season 10, after Scandal broke, And then all of season 11 off the top of my head. I couldn’t tell you who Julian sensely is.

I read in the story who he is and he’s got a past. He’s even got a past with Lala. Lala started seeing him briefly after her divorce from Randall. Julian apparently is in that friend group. And during yesterday’s podcast or Monday’s podcast, Lala claimed that Brittany and Julian began seeing each other during her separation with Jax.

And then Jax reached out to Lala, asked and asked her about it. And she said, I didn’t know about it. Hope you’re okay. And then she kind of said in a hushed voice, you kind of deserved it. So. She didn’t give a timeline on Brittany and Julian’s alleged romance. She did say they met when Lala introduced him to Brittany roughly about three years ago.

And she said, started bringing him around the group would bring him on double dates, group dates. So that’s how Jackson, Brittany know him. It was like Jax, Janet, Jason. And then Julian would go, they would hang out and have guys nights and Julian would FaceTime me. And it was just a nice distraction. So that was her interaction with him.

But then she talked about it. And remember Jax’s June 5th post where he said, you may want to ask Brittany who she’s been sleeping with the past four months. Well, Lala confirmed she was talking, he was talking about Julian Sensely now. I don’t know what Julian Sensely does, I don’t even know what this guy looks like, but it sounds like they’re, it was just a hookup, I don’t think she’s still with him, or dating, or still together, maybe they’re hooking up still, I don’t know, but Lala kind of, for the first time, put some, I guess, evidence behind this, and she’s just like, yeah, no, it was a thing.

So I don’t know if they’re still together or what that’s the latest now a couple that I know a lot of you are into Or were into was Zach Brian and Brianna chicken fry from barstool. I don’t listen to anything really from barstool It’s just not my thing But I’m aware of who Brianna chicken fry is and side note during my fan appreciation party this year in Las Vegas the night before my party Which was Friday afternoon.

Yeah, it was Friday when Dave and Courtney and Stephanie and Jackie from she’s all batch came to the Mandalay cabana that we had. I was there obviously with my niece and Daisy sister, Adeline. Apparently Adeline’s a big fan of Brianna chicken fry and noticed that Brianna chicken fries cabana was two to two cabanas down from us.

And so Adeline and and my niece ended up taking a picture with Brianna chicken fry as she was walking by. And I was like, well, that’s so random. Why is she here? It’s because Zach Brian was playing that night, I believe at MGM, either park MGM or MGM grand. So. That was my was the first time I’d ever seen a Brianna chicken fry in person anyway.

So Zach, Brian takes to his Instagram story yesterday and post this addressing something Brianna and me. That’s not the correct English, is it? Maybe it is. I don’t know. I always get mixed up on that. Brianna and me have broken up with each other, and I respect and love her with every ounce of my heart.

She, whoops, she has loved me unconditionally for a very long time, and for that I’ll always thank her. I have had an incredibly hard year personally, and struggled through some pretty severe things. I thought it would be beneficial for us, For both of us to go our different ways, I am not perfect and never will be.

Please respect Brianna’s privacy and space in this. And if you have it in your heart, mine too, with everything I am to let, with everything I am and to anyone I let down, I am sorry. I try my best in everything. I failed people that love me and mostly myself. Brianna then posts on her Instagram story. Hey guys, I’m feeling really blindsided right now.

Going to hop off social media for a while and attempt to heal privately. When I’m ready, I’ll be back and ready to talk. I love you guys so much. Thank you for all your kind words. Remember you are loved and everything’s always going to be okay. Well, her hopping off social media lasted about two hours.

She put out a three and a half minute video on her YouTube page on her bathroom floor, saying she’s been crying for the last five days. She said blindsided because even though she knew they had broken up the day before, she didn’t know that he was going to post anything about it. So soon, she basically said, why, how can you give so much to somebody?

And then they just completely discard you. And basically just Instagram story. I failed people that love me and mostly myself. And if you go back to earlier, when he said she has loved me unconditionally for a very long time, and that I’ll always thank her, always thank her. It’s clear as day that this guy had major screw ups during the relationship and she continued to stay with him.

Would we be shocked if a. Very famous musician was cheating on his girlfriend. Absolutely not. Nobody should be. It probably is him saying I failed people that love me and mostly myself. I’m sure this is cheating allegations. I think even Brianna mentioned in her YouTube post that it was only three and a half minutes long that she has been getting a ton of emails and been reached out to by people.

So kind of the way it works in the social media world, especially with famous people. The second a breakup happens, women are probably reaching out to Brianna now and telling her, Oh yeah, no. I know someone who hooked up with Zach or I hooked up with Zach. I’m so sorry. Whatever. I’m sure we’ll get more details.

She’s got a podcast, a very popular podcast that we’ll get more details on for sure. And just listening and not listening to, but just reading his Instagram posts. I don’t think it’s. This seems to be all him and sounds like she was constantly forgiving him for whatever his transgressions were probably cheating.

And apparently this guy just based on stuff that I read yesterday, he’s kind of always been this way. And it’s just like, okay. Look, I hate to pigeonhole certain professions, but, and I know a lot of you want to believe in your heroes and the people that you love in the music industry, and this is more on the male side for sure, but male athletes and male musicians, for the most part, I’d say 98 percent of them cheat as they do.

I don’t know how else to explain it. I can’t sit here and break down and give you charts on how I got to 98%. I’m just saying pretty much all of them do because they literally have women in every city they go to. They were probably hooking up with these women before they settled down with somebody. So. I mean, Chris Rock said it best, a man is as only as faithful as his options.

And unfortunately, musicians and athletes have options wherever they go. So not to mention the whole conversation about, look, there are some women who are married to athletes who understand what they’re marrying into, but they don’t care, they are there for the lifestyle. And it’s almost like, look, you do your thing.

I’ll do mine. I’ll raise the family. Just don’t embarrass me and don’t get caught. If you don’t think that that happens in athlete relationships, again, I don’t know what to tell you because it does. I’ve witnessed it. I’ve heard conversations about it. Back in my sports days, it happens. And that was, you know, back in my sports days, that was long before social media.

Now it’s so much easier to get in contact with people. So it’s unfortunate. This sucks, but musicians same way. I mean, anybody that has probably dated a musician has probably been through it. You know. You know, I, I, breakups suck, public breakups suck, we know this, but yeah, I’m sure this is all on Zach, and she’s heartbroken, and you know, you can sit here and argue maybe she shouldn’t have been so forgiving, if she had found stuff out earlier about him, but you obviously want to think the best in your partner, it looks like she And this is how he does her wrong.

Sucks for her, but I don’t think it’ll be a problem for her to move on and find somebody better who treats her better than apparently Zach Brian did. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download.

Remember email me at Steve at reality, steve. com or hit me up. At Instagram and reality, Steve, or on Twitter at reality, Steve, send me a DM there any question, any query, any comment that you have, that’ll be answered in tomorrow’s podcast number four 14. So thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it.

And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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